Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Jan 1901, p. 4

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I THE NEWMAR ERA 4 9Q rfv On the Head fuve in the head kidneys ircole of the on SvsxptrtU is the to use a purify blood messes for doing this end miity the whole body Sick Headache- wUkskkhcedechcs I took my been cored tiff by end soon it me A women Wirt McAfee LEGAL ThosJ RobePfcson Barrister Public Ac OmaJdln Street to Lota on good security T Sinister Notary Money si lowest Rats 0no Division Court Building Newmar ket Ontario Lennox Barristers Con re era Ac South of Peat flee Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora Newmarket on Saturdays and Court Day for J Bom A Banker and Ontario Bank Aurora rands to as p S to loan no Bloc Mala St Barrister Reformer Block Money to Load DENTAL- A I Post Office Block opposite the Church Satisfaction Guaranteed ton DENTIST Buooeaaor to Dr Opposite Drug Store Two new Townships surveyed in New Ontario during the post year They are at the west end of Lake and have been named and Bertram respectively City papers announce thai Major A Henderson for twenty years a teacher in Whitby Collegiate Insti tute lias appointed to a Clerk ship in the Provincial Bureau of In dustries in succession to Mr Johnson who lias resigned on account of advancing years It will be a source of satisfaction to the Provincial Treasurer to report to the Legislature that the- Provincial revenues will show an excess of re ceipts over expenditures for the of probably Nothing having a balance on the right side of the lodger British Columbia is tak ing a leaf out of Ontarios manner of deaing with unfortunate children Mr MPP for Van couver fl written to the Provincial Secretary of Ontario asking for in formation regarding our laws for childsaving He proposes to have similar legislation for Pacific Prov ince Free sample copy of the Canadian leading North authority on fruits and flowers sent free during the current month to any applicant addressing Grimsby Oat Word comes from the Ontario lament buildings that the Government has decided to open Tor settlement the Huge and part of in addition to the lands we announced on a previous occasion These townships are situate the District about miles west of North ay alone the route of the Canadian Pacific Railway It is said many squatters are already on some portions of these lands WHAT WOULD THEY GIVE- It seems a waste of time to warn people against- neglecting and but what would victims of consumption and give if their disease were only in its begin ning if it were only a cough or a cold Deadly begin with colds that could certainly be cured by Dr Ceases Syrup of Linseed and Tur pentine the great prescription which not merely relieves but thoroughly cures cough and coM together fed by for Farmers Now on Trial in at Stfnpyeide I It is understood the Dominion Government will give special attention to directing immigration into New Ontario- during the year rather than the Territories There were forty applications one day last week for land in the new district This boom for New Ontario together with the usual necessary work pre vious to meeting of the Provincial As sembly is making things bitty about the Crown Lands Department INSURANCE J A Agent for Fire and Life Annraure Itm Money to interest at Current Hate A Low Farm and Isolate- Town Property Shop Uommc4 for Co of sold Farm atUoded to Street The Ottawa Citizen is the Con servative organ at the Capitol but it is patriotic enough to strongly recom mend Sir Wilfrid and Hon Writ Mulock as Canadas representa tives to Australia It says With Sir Wilfrid and Hon Mr Mulock our representatives at the inaugural ceremony of the Australian Common wealth Canadians would have occa sion to and even we wicked Tories couldnt complain the Mail think of this talk The Globe of Saturday last ob serves Star points out that there were only rejected ballots in constituencies in the re cent election as compared with in the election of when the in hands of the Conservative Government The differ ence is too great to be accidental and the very large number of rejected bal lots in 1896 bears out the view that there was a concerted attempt made at that time to defeat the will of the people The Royal Election Commission it is said will shortly resume its sittings In this connection it is announced that the Liberals will be represented by Win and the Conserva tives by Wallace A B Q was compelled thru press of work to decline to look after the Liberal interests Messrs and will hold a conference to arrange the subject matter for the commission The only matter that ha been received by Registrar Falcon- bridge yet is the South Ontario case flwaiie Done promptly neatly and In I am also with a Car tage and Writer Orders can bo I til at Hardware Store oral Mr J Qroea head or Street Newmarket Bolton Painter PaperRanger and House Deooravor Corner Church Street Ml lard Lane and MARRIAGE LICENSES A recent cablegram states that Queen Victoria has approved of the proposal to institute a new order of knighthood to reward officers- who have served in South Africa The order will probably be called the Star of Africa At the reception given to Col Otter in Toronto lastweek the GovernorGeneral Lord more hinted distinguished would be conferred upon Col Otter in the near future Possibly this deco ration of Star of Africa may have been in llio Governors mind on the above occasion v Jackson- of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Bra Office Newmarket Private 1 Paper at private OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Already the Conservative press are respecting the result of the next census and the probable out come under guiding hand of Prem ier Ross as to a possible redistribu tion One Tory paper says When the returns of the decennial census arc complete the Rosa Government will It is said make a general of seats giving North Ontario representatives at the expense of dis tricts in which has de clined- This redistribution Conserva tives say will amount to a gerryman der anil rob J P Whitney of half a dozen seats The Tories know what a gerrymander means It is a tender thing with them Our Toronto Letter Father anil sot were opposed in a suit before Judge Morgan last Friday in the Count Court James Good year sought to recover from his father Robert Goodyear who lives near on a loan and for wages The son worked all one summer fr his and thru the winter He claimed wages for the summer labor and his board for the winter This latter Ins sought to make him pay for and in addition for the use of a horse The father also asked unstated dam ages for injuries to the engine The loan was admitted His Honor gave judgement to the son for A county man in the person of Vanzant having secured the posi tion of Governor of the Jail it is now thought a city man will get the York County Court Clerkship made vacant by the death of the late A M Ross It appears that Mr Richardson p for East York was looking for it but the altered has turn ed the tide towards Mr Win Roaf QlC and J Knox As the lat ter is not looking for municipal hon ors this year Some people- surmise he has the inside track A pair of Mack Alaskan eagles have been secured by Aid Lamb for dale Park The birds were brought down from the Yukon by a Mr While of Winnipeg Rev Dr Carman General Superin tendent of the Methodist Church in Canada has sent an open letter to the Premier of Ontario in which he cuses University matters with much force and also takes strong exception to the appropriation of public funds for denominational institutions A very sudden and unexpected death occurred here last Thursday night Misd Mary Houlahan an lady oh her way to the Union Station accompanied by a couple of ladies when she suddenly collapsed at the corner of King Bay streets She was carried to the Emergency Hospit al where it was found lhat death ensued from heart failure The young woman was on her way to Nebraska to visit her father Some in October last Mrs Mu geeMurray of Victor Street in this city wrote to Ixird Roberts asking him if possible to obtain some trace of her son who before the war broke out kept a general store at IMnny in southern part of the Transvaal Lately she received a let ter in reply in Lord Roberts have just received a telegram informing me is still at gold fields with his wife and family He adds that Wm was permitted to return home by the Boers on June lUih letter has mother Col Otter is a western Ontario old boy having been born at Clinton and educated at the colt loses in driver he ceases to be practical use in that mans hands and it will be a long time before any one can gain his confidence again t The refuse of cabbage soft heads and leaves make a good winter food for the fowls and will be relislied by The Abbot champion trotter of the World was on the auction block last week and sold for going to a New York man who will have him trained with a view to lowering his record of Where cattle are affected with Bloat caused by over feeding and gas in stomach a block put in the animals mouth in such a way as to hold it open will bring relief in a few min utes Another remedy that has proved successful is to pour cold water on the creatures back time of the year is at hand when farmers will permit their fowls to subsist on a whole grain ration This will result in enlarged liver and bowel disorders It is better to pro vide a partial ration of something else and so prevent disease instead of having to cure it later The sale of a car of lambs in the Chicago yards on Thursday for per makes tilings look decidedly encouraging for feeders of these wool ly mortgage lifters Shippers and buyers who have been watching the Chicago sheep market for the last three months claim that it never as good as it is at present- So far as can be and especially when the fowls are rather closely con fined the nest should be in a separate place from the feeding and roosting places and should be rather dark The hens prefer a dark place to lay and there is much less liability of the hens getting into the habit of eggs if they can have such a place and the other fowls will not be so liable to disturb either the laying or setting hens One of the main causes of poultry failing to pay during the winter is the keeping of too a number ol useless fowls roosters not needed or pullets too young- Only such fowls as are actually needed for breeding or which will give a good return in the way of eggs should be kepi thru the winter if the best is to be real ized applies to all classes of fowls unless it be geese kept largely for their feathers White better health can be obtained among the poultry if they have an op portunity to range about and take ex ercise daily it is of no advantage to allow them to run about when the weather is excessively wet or stormy Better keep them in their quarters feed and water them there If necessary to keep close two of three days scatter some litter over the floor the poultry house and among this put some grain and let them exercise it There should be some convenient way of providing water daily to the fowls during the winter They should not be compelled to go without Wa ter nor they be allowed to drink from standing pools about- yard or feed lots The drinking of impure water is a very of disease among poultry at any sea son and a vessel should be provided in which water can be supplied at A man named has devised a system of pasturing sheep by electric- ity and- experiments arc being made with it at Ihe Agricultural Station of Michigan recent years nearly every town of any aze has been provided with an electric generating plant and frequent ly the wires are strung along country roads from town to town facts led Mr to attempt the use of- electricity the farm For sheep feeding devised a curious pen some fifteen feet- square built of wire and mounted on broad flat wheels This the rest came on i r OLD SALE AT THE ERA OFFICE Excellent lamp wicks may be made out of mens soft hats by cutting them into strips the width required letting them soak a of hours and drying them box of genuine Laxative mm Canadian Commissioner has recently to Ottawa from Paris where he was engaged at the Exposition gives glowing accounts what the people think of Canada Speaking of Ontarios fruit display he says that 90 barrels of apples which were ordered from Kington brought a barrel and the apples retailed regularly at cents apiece The freight on this shipment was but SI per barrel from Canada to Havre a distance of 3000 miles as against per barrel from Havre to Paris a distance of miles This Mr argues shows how far Canadian transportation facilities ex celthose of France He also pointed out that oranges from nfesslna in THOUSANDS SENT INTO Every year number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked With coughs are urged to go to another climate But this is cost ly and not always sure Dont be an exile when Kings Now cry for Consumption will cure you at home it is the most infallible med- cine for Coughs Colds and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth The first dose brings relief Astounding cures result from persistent use Trial free at W Lehmans Drug Store Price cents and Every bottle guaranteed least twice daily taking care to have it fresh and not too near the freezing point The corner on eggs in Chicago and the high price of the product every where suggests the profit of the poultry business and people thus en gaged are reaping a rich harvest We believe that no business requiring equal capital is so remunerative and none is easier nor more pleasant Good poultry always marketable at a good figure and there is a demand for eggs at a price that well repays hen for her trouble Since the reign of incubators hens have an easier existence anyhow All they need to do is lay the eggs which they invariably do with any complaint If eggs are a fabulous price as at pres ent the proprietor of poultry farm is in clover If the price hap pens to be taw conveets them into chickens and still hand some profit Is forthcoming or snow day or night flood or drought the poultry raiser is and he can enjoy the of his family and his li brary while Ihe bens and Incubators do the work pen is designed to run in any pastwre even though it be hilly Wires con nect it with a small motor stationed at one side of the pasture this in turn being connected with Ihe electric wires from which power is derived A turn of a button and the pen slow ly creeps across the Held That is the essence of the Invention Two lambs and part of the lime an old ewe have been pastured in the pen durmg the summer at the station at Lansing The field is planted with rucerene growing thick and pen is so arranged that it crawls the full length of the pasture in one month travelling about two feet an hour at the end to this it is switched around and back again As it moves the sheep eat every bit of the fodder eagerly cropping next the forward side of the pen as it runs over new ground A bit of canvass duck is hung over one corner of the pen so that the sheep may be well sheltered and curious as it may seem they have become so accustomed to the moving of the pen that when they lie down to sleep they snuggle up close to the FORWARD END OK THE PEN so that they may lie as long as pos sible without being disturbed by the rear end of the pen as it creeps to ward them When the pen has passed the that has been cropped by the sheep- grows up again and by the time the pen has made its monthly circuit the pasture is again in good condition The advantages of electrical pen are thai the are kept from run ning over halfeating and trampling down a large amount of pasture and it keeps the sheep so that they take on flesh rapidly Hut it has its disadvantages the sheep must have water carried to them daily and the electricity is somewhat expensive Still the experiment thus far has showed striking results One wonders what the inventor will do next Already he has produced a me chanism by means of which the farmer on arising in the morning may push a I ton at his bedside and feed ail his horses there being an electrical connection with the barn so that when the button is pushed a cer tain quantity of oats is let doWi into each feeding box Another man pretends to have in vented a method of killing weeds by electricity and there are also devices for operating ploughs by electricity this latter invention being only a modification of the steam ploughing system tried in the West With his house lighted with electricity an elec tric railroad running past his a connection with the near est town to say nothing of the connec tion with his barn the strictly modern farmer may if he choose farm largely by electricity This suggests the humorous view of the farmer of the next century sitting calmly in his parlor dressed in his Sunday clothes smoking a cigar and conducting his planting feeding his pigs and kill ing his chickens by the simple process of pushing buttons ttapxeunt of general disaster might be seen at the Grand Trvnk tracks at the entrance to High Park At a most alarming accident had hap pened An engine was standing on its head in the ditch and badly dam aged four cars were in another- ditch many yards a caboose was up and enough corn to feed a hundred swine was scattered over the track and two lines of track were blocked up A heavy freight train was climbing the grade for Toronto at am The load was too heavy and a division was made four cars being left on the grade on to Union Station A light was follow ing too close behind and before flagman could go back it smashed in to the four standing cars The men had ample time to jump before the smash The engine topplod over to south side completely covering the track and swirling the caboose in to the almost far enough to stop the Electric Line Tho engine is badly The caboose caught fire at once NEW GOODS HAVE ARRIVED which are Bettor than Ever an Ever The sugar beet has brought many a merry in Michigan during past three years Bay Sugar Beet l Making fluocuilully our win peculiar v OW ft ttnem Pi f It year look lat for price m The PAGE WIRE CO Walk en villi tried every thing for it havent you And we presume you about discouraged Now what do you think of our idea of the medicine bringing it right 16 the diseased won mum Many who have suffered the When you inhale VapoCresolene acute i misery of itching or bleeding breathing becomes easy the piles for years In spite of medicines wheezing ceases and you drop to and operations wont believe that Dr For croup and whooping Chases Ointment is an actual cure ph its a quick cure There has never yet been a person to doubt the of this great VpoCtioUw by which lift- after using one box It acts m1d Keep Pane The farmer that is engaged In mak ing butter and who desires to make the best should on the reasons that have tended to mnke creamery butler a loader on the It must not be forgotten that one of the la that butter made in creamery is put in a room by itself and isolated- from all objectionable odors till it is sent to market This is one thing that should receive the par ticular attention of every farmer Wo have seen milk set to cream and butter churned In cellars where all kinds of vegetables were kept Farm ers Review The patterns and quality that we carry give a better selection of Woollens than any other Tailor in York County The fabrics of finest wool that can be had for the money Compare our with others and you will see that we are still leading the trade of the Town in work manship quality and price The range of Overcoatings and Trouserings include the newest patterns on tho Market Everything Guaranteed With Croup Croup la the terror of every and the cause or frequent among small children Dr Syrup of Linseed brings prompt relief to the mothe loud ring ing- cough makes breathing easy prevents suffocation It Is mothers favorite remedy for coughs cold croup bronchitis whooping cough asthma Mrs Bond Macdonald street says Having tried your medicine my faith Is ver high in Its powers of curing cough and croup My Utile girl has been subject to the croup for a long time and I found nothing to cure It Until I gave Dr Chases Syrup of Linseed Tur pentine I cannot speak too highly of It 25 cents a bottle alt dealers or Ed- Bates i Co Toronto J Steohouse BBo of MO St Toronto Diseases of Women Diseases of Nose and Throat Piles may be consulted every Saturday at th House 1JtlII wsltfnjr room upstairs NEWMARKET Horticultural Society Or Chases of Unseed and f ij London retail merchants condemn schemes Knox Church Tavistock is now free of dobt Public notice hereby given that the An uual Meeting of Society will be lathe Council Newmarket on Wednesday January At the of A pm for the reception and Adoption of the Annual Reports Election of Officers order JACKSON iwt9 Secretary A CARD v We tho undersigned do hereby agree to refund the on a bot tle of Greenes Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold We also guarantee a lottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded J the right Waterlog I pared iMibI for the CV r message from la says that 51 school children were skat ing on the river near Foster la when the ice gave way and were drown- IT GIRDLES THE GLOBE The fame of Arnica Salve a the best in the world extends round earth Its the one perfect healer of Cuts Corns Burns Bruises Sores Scalds Boils Ulcers Felons Aches and all Skin Only Infallible Pile Cure cents a box at Lehmans Drug Store London Dec One of the most serious fires which have occurred in the east of London during the last ten years broke out today at the India Docks Five sheds filled with goods including a thousand bales of hemp quantities of jute were consumed BLOW TO ATOMS The old idea that the body some times needs a powerful drastic purga tive pill has been exploded for Dr Kings New Life which are per fectly harmless gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter cleanse the system and absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache Only 25 cents at Lehmans Drug Store Some one remarks that there is a good deal of resemblance between the way the wear their leaves and the style In which young women dress their hair of Ice the miner Telephone No A I A AY the the underfgne on Or about yearold to property pay charges and it wsy JAS Keawic PO r To Cure a Cold in One Day Take- Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money If it falls to cure K Groves signature Is on each box Is Nine fishing boats have been stranded near Dunkirk and three of them will prove total wrecks Their crown were seen clinging to the rig ging hut the majority of them were beyond reach of the rockets A life boat rescued many of the but ten A Certain Method for cramps Any bj Klller medicine has sustained reputation forever CO years Avoid there bat one Perry Da via 2Ae and Vienna Dec 28 The town of in has been wiped out by firei houses were burned and- made homeless per- J i I sons lost their lives Mrs Dr Rose of Bond Head bleeding or superior advantage which Canada en- piles Ask your neighbors about I Recommended joya lit dealer baa It ill tree upon yosi a a V York commended and sold by kelson is to have a new even- nan druggist Newmarket paper to one a a nlfhirue lenc t It during more than four years All Druggists Shipcxitfecks in Japan Victoria BC Dec loss of life has been occasioned by ship- wrecks in japan One of lost was the Japanese training shin Tsukfshima in which officers J cadets and sailors perished The lost training ship had been long overdue and three warships had been searching or her without avail when from caine shore and showed that she had- foundered a typhoon in Bay going down after striking the rocks But one body came shore On being exhumed having been buried as that of a shipwrecked sailor it was found to be that of Capt commander of the lost vessel of ficers and cadets sailors stok ers and cooks and cabin were drowned The steamship foundered after striking a rock and of her crew of but one rescued The barque was wrecked Province and to men perished The Mara was dismasted and Her crew of escaped after being four days in open boats without f To prove to Ton Jr I every form of manufacturer hare guaranteed it le- In tho dally bom think It Von can It and roar raonov back If not curct Wc a box ft all dealers or Chases Ointment Notice to Creditors I la hereby in on or the I6td day of January IP atatcmentof tholr claims and of any that 1Mb January ra- f the parties entitled to those claims or which and will not be for or any to any have not Hied their claim by mid dale WIlJJJIFlKrr Admin Newmarket Newmarket

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