Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Jan 1901, p. 2

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j THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JAN 1 the w LBT3 OP OBOWB The Pointed all FRIDAY JAN 1901 ll I It is a current report in political Circles that the Ontario Government introduce a measure next session of the Legislature providing for trie encouragement of technical schools in this Province- The first Canadian contingent casu alties axe thus reported by Col- Otter who In to this matter stated that during the war we had kill ed in action died of disease was accidentally killed wounded invalided and we had cases of fever Ontario Government has been advised that smallpox has broken out In- the timber camps north of Marie and is becoming Already five or six cases are reported and quarantined The Government has instructed the Provincial Board of Health to enforce strict precautions against it spreading further The or igin of the disease has been traced to Michigan Globe is beginning the new century in capital style Last Wed nesday it sent out warning voice against the gambling dens of the city pointed out the weakness of existing legislation to punish beepers of gam bling bouses and concluded with the intimation that some the results of the failure of the present law to reach proprietors of these resorts would be given fa future articles Let our lawmakers tale heed and amend the law accordingly By way of maintaining the usual custom at Government House but more especially to signalize the open ing of the century Sir Oliver Mowat who is now in his year- held a reception on New Year day at he was assisted by Hon Ross Premier of Ontario Over three hundred gentlemen shook hands with the Lieut Governor during the after noon Sir Oliver is now the oldest surviving member of the Government of Canada in preconfederation days his first office having been that of Pro vincial Secretary fo Canada West in the ministry of He has also the distinction of having held office longer than any other Premier of the Victorian era that machine and another one tendered for enquiries coixerniRg latter were- not satisfactory- Toe and lo conjunction with electric light for the year from July to July allowing for street lighting and for the new electric debenture which is annual payment there is still a balance to the credit of the account of there was soon little Mr C another candidate for the County Council was thai giv en an opportunity ho address tjbe elec tors and Town on having such an Mayor and Chairman of the Finance Mr J Robertson He thought the affairs of the Town must bo conducted a moot satisfactory manner when this showing and a con stant demand for more light- it Council Warranted in making the increased expenditure in the new ar rangement the present arc lights and dynamo are included In the deal but there will be six long arc lights on Main Street in addition to the incandescent lights on the other streets By this means a better dis tribution of lights will be given than in any other way They will be plac ed- at distances not to exceed feet apart and mostly between and feet The street lights will be placed on three so that in case any thing goes wrong with one- line there will be a part of the town limited Again thanking too electors for unanimous return he them all a Happy New Year and New LtCo Lloyd was then introduced and he endorsed the action of the Town Council both in light system and greater protection against tire but thought that the roads and sidewalks had been neglected He was aware that Main street- did not receive as much attention as it otherwise would as the Council were in expectation of it being torn up to permit the electric railway to go thru the Town but favored a large expenditure in this di rection He promised if elected to guard the interests of Town the point of economy was opposed to in creasing the public debenture debt for a tame and would endeavor to reduce the taxes to mills He bad the time and after giving fifteen years of service he was willing to serve again and asked to be elected Mr T J Robertson being called up on appreciated the friendly manner in which Col Lloyd spoke of the old Council and of their honesty in the furthering of the interests of Town The success of the electric light plant has been such that the gen eral ratepayers have not been called upon to pay the expense of street lighting as the revenue from users of the light has met this expenditure The debenture debt is growing less and tiiis year we wipe off the last on the market and town bail In the last debenture for public im provements amounting to an nually will drop off In the Cane bonus of 440 annually will drop off and in the second High School debenture drops out making a total of annually that will drop off during the next seven years living outside of Newmarket he was a ratepayer of tie Town and had al ways voted in favor of the which had been such a success It is gratifying to all who live in this vicinity to sec the prosperity of New market He had always what he could to advance its interests He was in favor of good roads to trade centres and government aid towards building and maintenance The older parts of the Province he considered was entitled to part of the succession dues and revenue from timber limits to relieve the burden of taxation He contended that he was interested in all portions of the Division in which he was a candidate and at the same time asked for a fair measure of support from the people of Newmarket If elected he promised to do alt in his power to advance the interests of the Division and look after the interests of the County in general Since the nomination the following parties have resigned Messrs Perm Bogart- and Scott- This leaves an election in Newmar ket for Six candidates to elect out of the following eight Messrs Robertson Smith Hughes Richard son and Lehman OTHER NOMINATIONS WHITCHURCH For Reeve- Lemon Baker and A Haines For cillorsW Clark T Skinner Samuel John Win McDonald and Robert Four to elect The latter is the only re presentative in the in this corner of the Township EAST Election fight on See Sharon items HOLLAND LANDING Reeve Wm Lane John Salter Councillors J Goodwin Foster Morton West Bell School Trus tees Chapman Foster Glover A Lennox Foster Wernham BRADFORD Scan- Ion and Council Elliott Green Morris Strong Oldham Reive Thompson Snow Parker and SUTTON Elected by acclamation See Sutton items NORTH Reeve John Stephen Draper John Hamilton and M Silver Councillor Barker Isaac Fen- ton I Gilpin Ira Morton Jonas and James Stiles Nominations NEWMARKET Nomination of candidates for the of fices of Mayor Councillors aid Public School Trustees took place in tbe Town Hall last Monday evening and was not very largely attended The following nominations were made FOR MAYOR Candidate Nominated by HS Cane J Robertson FOR COUNCILLORS Col Lloyd Armltage Lehman Frank Duncan J Roadhouse J Robertson J Robertson J Roadhouse A Smith J Robertson T- J Woodcock Jno Hughes T J Robertson Geo E Hoover Thos Scott J JDolan Albert FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEES J McKay Pretty J Woodcock Stuart Scott T J Woodcock The time for nominations having ex pired on motion the Town Clerk was asked to take the chair and the can didates were invited to speak to the meeting in the order in which they were nominated with the exception of Mayor Cane who was given precedent Mr Cane on coming forward was greeted with applause He thank ed the electors for another expression of their confident having for the fifth year been elected Mayor by acclama tion and having served nineteen years in the Council of Newmarket Being Chairman of the Fire Light Com mittee Mr Cane took occasion to ex plain the duplicating of the electric light plant and other matters in con nection with that department includ ing the enlarging of the dwelling oc cupied by the Engineer Four years ago when Mr Cane advocated the pur- The prospects for reducing the taxes i Draper and Gilpin resigned be considered very favorable He Kin Reeve Lemon and thanked the electors for support in the Council Burns Baternan past he never canvassed anybody and I Heacock Rog- not intend to he had been Mayor for three years and served altogether nineteen years in the Council of New market and if returned he would con tinue to use his judgment to the best interests of the Town Mr John- E Hughes said that he had been three years in the Council and he served to the best of his judg ment and would continue to do so if elected Dr Richardson said that it was his first appearance on the municipal plat form but had no fault to find with the past Council but had been urged to stand by some of his friends who thought that it was time there was some new blood put into the Board So far as he knew there was no Town where we could get electric light at so reasonable a price and so much of it as in Newmarket while he considered we had the very best fire protection m Ontario He thought there was a chance for improvement in connection with the roads If elected he would endeavor to serve the Town to tbe best of his ability Mr T having been elect ed for years in succession to the School Board thought that the people were very much satisfied with the school expenditure or else they took very little interest in the matter He considered that there was no town the size of Newmarket in Canada which has such educational advantages The present Model School was built in 1892 on debentures but it cost over and the balance was raised by the notes of the Trustees who have Messrs Wesley Jackson and R A for the Reeveship and the members for council with Mr John Kay additional Oar Society Golutnn PERSONAL POINTS PLEASANTLY i paid them on gradually by asking an additional Increase of from to for school maintenance Im manency in the staff of teachers in to be desired and we have a magnificent start He complimented the Town on having a Mayor and Council that were undoubtedly superior in business man- chase of the town electric light plant to many towns in the nomin ee prophesied that we would have he considered that wo have the lights in a few years Now there axe if not the superior in our pre- lights installed and the estimated representatives to revenue is nearly double The demand Council of any members in that body for the electric light made it a matter and considered thai It would be an necessity that the Council should in- shame if anybody In Newmarket crease the service which accounts for anybody else the passage of a bylaw to borrow Mr J Woodcock being one of holidays to duplicate the electric light aspirant to the County Council Mr and Mrs Graham of plant and also duplicate pumps A he had been ten years in that Glasgow Nova Scotia who have for better fire protection Under the body and was again a candidate He been visiting at Mr J left arrangeincnta of two always got good from New- on Wednesday for home dynamos two engines and two boil- and looked for It again The I Mr James Moffatt has severed his era the Council to provide for ym being limited he did not wish to connection with all other papers and continuous light and provide against make an address He was deeply in- received the appointment of District emergencies The new dynamo has in the Town and en- Agent for the Toronto Globe been purchased of Use same make of tp have the Model School con- times Mir Edna Mil- previous one has ex- tinned at there a lard daughter of Mr Millard 1 malefaction during the four to extend the Model School formerly of presided at yearn It has been in use It it term from four months to twelve the organ In tie Presbyterian church a torn and cut on oho In last In the absence of Mr Miss Mitchell of Detroit is visiting her parents this week Mrs Marshall spent a few days in Toronto with her niece Mrs Mf Jack who has been in Michigan all summer is back homo Mr Archie Thompson spent Christ mas Sunday in the cily with his brother Mrs spent New Years day with her son Mr Silas of Yonge street The Misses Roberts of Toronto are spending a few days with their friend Miss Greenwood About thirty people from New market attended the ball in Aurora on New Years night Dr Patterson of was in Town last Saturday and gave the Era a friendly call Miss Flo Williams of Toronto is spending Christmas holidays at fathers at J Several Newmarket Masons attend ed the festival of St John at Aharon on Thursday of last week arrived in Town from Rochester last Sunday to take up their residence here Miss Ada entertained a small Juvenile party on Now Years night in honor of Mrs Somerviile and the Misses Ed na and Jessie were in Toronto visit ing relatives during the holidays Mr had a family gathering at his home on Christmas day when seventeen sat down to din ner A valuable gold chain was pre sented to Miss Etta by her pupils at close of school for Mr Beverley Woodcock New Years day in Toronto Mr and Mrs James Gibson spent Years in Mr John County was in Town on Monday Mr Brock of Toronto spent and New Years at his home Mr and Mm A Winans spent New Years with in Toronto A A Ramsay Esq has been friends Hamilton and To ronto Miss Brock of Toronto spent home on Ontario street Mr John Smith of Pickering was in Town this week renewing old ac quaintances Sixteen took dinner at a family gathering a6 the Editors on New Years day Mr of Toronto was the guest of ftlr and Mrs Webb last Sunday Mrs Knight of Falls is visiting her brother Mr Prospect Mr and Mrs J Robertson went to on New Years day to vis- It his mother Mr and Mrs Art Low of Toronto were here for Chrisomas and New Years holidays Misses Emma and Clara of Toronto spent New Years Day with Miss Brock Mrs Snane of Toronto spent New Years holidays with her daughter Mrs Boulton Hewitt The Misses of New Years day with their sis ter Mrs Root Little jr Alderman Smith and wife spent a few days this week at Battle Creek Mich visiting her mother Miss of Toronto is back to Town again to keep house for Mr Stephen Wallace Lydia Street Miss Smith sister of AM Smith is here again but expects to to in a couple of weeks Miss Ella Cody eii teacher in Toronto is spending the holidays at her fathers Mr Cody Mr and Mrs Watson spent- New Years day at where the latter is remaining for three or four weeks Mr Robert Brown son of the late Rev John Brown of Newmarket is spending two or three weeks with friends here Mr Herbert solo in the Highlanders is resting for a few days in Newmar ket before going on the trip down East Mr Knope superintendent of iron department in the Office Specialty Works accompanied by Mr John paid a visit in Rochester last week Mr Knopes family is still in that city The Misses of Toronto were up for New Years holidays Miss Maggie who has been sick with erysipelas is remaining over for a couple of weeks Mr J W is in the field for Councillor in of King and we hope he will be elected He is a fearless exponent of what ho believes to be right and is a man of good ex ecutive ability Mr and Mrs Martin gave a- party to about twenty children and their parents on Now Years evening which was most thoroly enjoyed by the little folks An elaborate Christ mas Tree was prepared and Santa was present lo distribute the many beautiful gifts Mr Hugh a former Newmarket boy and tan of Mr Dun can of lliis got a handsome Christmas Box from the La Crosse Lumber Company of Mo being a chetnie for for tile success he has won manager of their lumber yard at Bowling Green Ohio The Misses of Brace- bridge also Miss Marion of Toronto were the guests of Mrs last week who gave an afternoon Tea on Saturday in honor of her vis itors Her daughter Miss Miss Elsie Ross and Mis Edna assisted in waiting on the guests Miss May Basted of Toron to spent Thursday at home Jew J WHITE GOODS AND REMNANT SALE First of the Century i 1 We have made extensive preparations for this our First White Goods Sale and you can depend upon it we can and will sell White Goods as Cheap and many lines Cheaper than any store in Canada COTTONS yards Heavy Unbleached Cotton mill price Sale price yards Extra Heavy Unbleached Cot ton mill price Sale price 6c 500 yards yardwide Bleached Cotton reg value Sale price 5c Extra Large Size White Counterpanes Sale price 60inch Pure Bleached Table Linen regular price 50c Sale price 60inch Heavy Unbleached Table Linen Sale price 25c Size White Cotton Blankets reg price 120 Saleprice White Cotton Sheets sizes yards price Sale price Flannelette Sheeting feet wide Salfe price 22c yard Big line of Embroideries will arrive and be ready for this sale and the price will be very special LADIES J We have less than 50 Coats left but we dont want them and you can get a nice se lection to choose at half regular prices Every Coat is this years style REMNANTS About two hundred short ends of Dress Goods Prints Linings X Flannels Cottons Shirtings Towellings etcW You can save many a shilling by buying J these remnants FURS MUST GO Fur Coats Caperenes Caps Ruffs etc All at Cut Prices 00 A Good Warm Coats at m Well Lined Coats at Girls Lined Coats at Very Heavy Beaver Coats at Coats reduced to 2 00 4 50 50 OVERCOATS Now is your chance to buy an Overcoat and get the good of it also save a dollar or two on the price Frieze Ulsters that were 6 go at Fine Beaver Overcoats were 6 at 9oat One Swell Tailormade Overcoat that is is always to go this week at Boys Overcoats at Reduced Prices BOOT SHOE CUTS Kings Fine Dongola Kid Button or Lace Shoes at 250 reduced to Very Swell Dongola Kid Boots at 5Q Ladies Wool Lined Rubbers that were pair reduced to Mens 2buckle Felt Boots at 00 Mens Stubproof Rubbers are the best in the world We are sole agents for them Our stock of Childrens Shoes and Rubbers is very complete This Sale affords Big Chances for Saving Money Be sure you profit by it E The MORTON at the home of the brides parents by Rev A P Brace Albert Morton son of Arthur Morton Esq to daughter of William Eq all of North i 1 I The Cradle EMPTOIn Brooklyn on JYi- Dec to Theodore and Evelyn a FLETCHEIWAt Toronto on Wednes day Dec 28th to Mr and Mrs P Fletcher a son SANDERS At Stouflvllle on Jan to Mr and Mrs San- ders a son LAWRENCE In Aurora on Saturday the the wife of Mr Jos A Lawrence a daughter The Tomb ALMOND At Aurora on Friday the Susan Almond wife of Mr Jos Almond King on Tuesday morning Dec Jane daughter of Win aged years months Buried at Kettlcby Thursday Dec Brooklyn on RUSELL- the bourne St Methodist church To- ronto Dec by Rev Allen Clara McDonald daughter of lato McDonald to Russell son of Mr Geo Russell both of Aurora Dec 31 at the residence of the brides fa ther by the Rev A McGilll- vray Mr J Ridd of en Conn to Miss daughter of Mr New market KAYJAGGER At residence of the brides father Wednesday Dec by J Mr Thomas Kay of the township of to Miss Hannah Matilda daughter of Mr Allen of Whitchurch township THE LEADING Furniture and Newmarket Book News Depot THE GREAT IS OVER la every respect wo have exceeded all previous efforts and we are more than pleased with results for the up Our year closes on Jan 1st and as money is much easier to handle than wo purpose offering a few inducements in order to clear out certain lines this week SPECIAL DEL E Have been arranged for a few overplus leisure Hours Band of Hope Cottager and Artisan British Workman Chatter Box and some of the Numbers CALENDARS AND DIARIES FOR 1901 DINGER SETS TEA SETS TOILET SETS FANCY CHINA AND GLASS LAMPS AND TRIMMINGS day Dec infant Ron and Mrs Theodore of Mr IS a fireproof and nUj and cut oil of County oho school in the last Sunday In the of t a A Main North All Undertaking House Has made a spools out in prices on I Furniture for a few days tak- stock For Cash High Back Diners per sett up with Bevel Mirror up Extension Tables 3 up Bedroom Suites 800 up Lounges up Parlor pieces 1600 up All other goods in proportion A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at St John Millard Telephone Grocery Department Note a few Specials we offer This Week Dedicated per lb Pure Ginger per tins Choioe Apricots per lb 3 pound can Peaches Try a package of Flaked Barley Peas or Rice They are lovely If you cannot get suited in Coffee try Boston Luxury it will satisfy Here is what we are going to do for NEW YEARS Mixed Candy cents per cents per pound Choice Mixed Creams per pound Gum Drops cents per pound r Thayer Figs per pound Oranges and doz Sweet Oranges and Raisins per lb Grapes Bananas CENTRAL- TELEPHONE TARR S3 i

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