Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 28, 1900, p. 8

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T t i- i 1 THE NEWMARKET- iKAv FRIDAY DEC V C Manufacturer of all kinds of Also ft large slock Tombs nd promptly attended to 1CftKTOftST XT ALBERT JOHN MOORE GRAIN MERCHANT 4 Warm Goods for Cold Weather MANAGER market price paid for all Ji Potatoes and Dressed Hog 1 ROWLAND GRADUATE OF Ontario Veterinary College AlBERT ST OFFICE Next North of Lloyds Drag Store Sale acre part of lot con East Gvllllm- Wooo East Of Holland Landing being part of lit ice Must be sold quick DAVIDSON Mi- Albert Apply to FURNITURE PRESENTATION Miss and Miss Nixon were each recipients of handsome Christinas boxes at hands of their respective pupils on the last day of school FOUND A Yak robe in Albert on Thurs day Dec Owner can have Fame for this notice at by paying this office NEW YEARS CONCERT An entertainment under the auspices of the Presbyterian Sunday School will he held in the town hall on New Years night In addition to choruses etc the children Mr and Mrs Firth and Mr Graham of Toronto and Miss Gordon Valentine will sing solos and duetts This array of tal ent should ensure a crowded house You can save money by your Farniture at the pit Bitot A LARGER STOCK THAN EVER OF Bedroom and Iarlor Extension an3 Parlor Tables Couches nd Fancy Chairs We are for Pillow Sham celebrated id ere Carpet Stretcher and Tacker Picture Framing a Specially Goods delivered free of charge when ordered in quantity ALLAN BRIEFLETS Mr A Jones has disposed of his lesidence in this village to Mr Dark section foreman on the The Christmas entertainment of the Methodist Sunday School was well at tended and passed of successfully A Hag drill by sixteen girls was well performed and was the principal fea ture Skating and hockey on pond was the principal amusement of our citi zens on Christmas day Mr Thompson of Holt had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse on Mr Thompson had re cently refused for the animal Geo Sons H I H OF Collar Check Horse Blanketing Bed Blanketing Sheetings Cloths Flannels Yams etc FINE SELECTION Tweeds Frieze Milton Grey Cheviots SCHOOL CONCERT A most successful entertainment was given in Thursday features the on evening last The leading were a fancy drill by the pu pils under the direction of teacher The list of prize winners Miss Wesley and a number of recita tions by pupils of the school which were rendered with a correctness of expression that showed careful and in telligent training on the part their teacher Mr Blake Hewitt of New market delighted the audience with his character singing and was repeat edly encored There was not a weak number on the program Too much praise cannot be given Miss Wesley for the excellent manner in which the BALDWIN BREEZE The public school entertainment at Egypt- on Friday eve was pronounc ed a grand success A special feature of the performance was the Lake juven iles as delineators of negro characters Musical talent from Sutton kindly gave their aid A real live Santa was there distributing boxes The proceeds will be used to purchase a school bell Another spe cial feature not on the program was the disorderly conduct of some hood lums outside who were full of wlus- and the old Nick Real genuine Indian Summer on Sunday It was almost too late for the century Did old the editor it would be a green It does look like it now but I hope it will not make a fat churchyard Leastways not with my holies I am not a proBoer but- I must ad mit that I admire the clever general ship of DeWet He seems to be the superior of any British Officers With a hundred thousand British troops at his hack he could lick the world At Keene a country village near Rev Father Andrews Pres byterian minister celebrates his jubilee on Jan ltth He has been pastor of the congregation for fifty years All the big guns of Presbyterians will as sist Though so old in the service yet the Rev Gentleman still preaches as vigorous and scholarly discourses as our esteemed friend Rev Jos and you all know hes remarkably clever Knots are troublesome things for a mechanic A little not left out- made me say that dancing would be allowed in our hall whereas it will not be allowed at reading we notice eon they VIRGINIA Mr John M is Agent for the A very pleasing event took place at Era at Suttoo and is author- the residence of Mr John Yates to receive subscriptions col- on the of Dec when accounts etc Orders for all his only daughter Emily was united kinds of printing promptly attend- in the holy bonds of matrimony to to James of Rev A- P Brace performing the ceremony Miss Smalley is quite ill with The bride looked simply charming She was dressed in cream serge trim- Mr and Mrs Johnston purpose with cream satin and lace The O Mens Fur Coats Ladies furLined Capes and Storm Collars Felt Boots and Slippers New Currants and Raisins at old prices H D ALBERT Market was interesting Amongst the prize winners many residents of Pig St EG Especially in pigs do eel The pupils of Gum Swamp School had a pleasant afternoon of songs recitations and dialogues on Friday af ternoon and also presented Miss with a memento of their respect for her Though elections are over yet daily spending in the city Mrs Geo Burrows sr is having a kitchen and woodshed added to the dwelling house she recently purchased Mr Allen Anderson is about invest ing in a fruit farm in Southern Cali fornia The League is holding in teresting and profitable meetings Mr fireman on the train has moved to Toronto to reside The annual school meeting is held today Wednesday inst The Methodist congregation will hold their annual Hot Dinner on New Years day and are making strong ef forts to furnish a rich treat to all who come to share it Mr and Mrs Vrooman left last Fri day to visit their daughter Lena at Detroit Mich the Ladies Aid of Knox church held a of fancy work also tea was served Gross receipts Mr Arthur Cuttle of is spending here with parents Mr Henry who has been at for some time returned home last Friday Mr James teacher is home for the holidays Mr Amos Kay went to the city last Saturday to see his brother who is under treatment in the hospital lie returned on Monday and reports his brother is doing as well as can be ex pected It is reported that the Rev Mr an evangelist speaking at To ronto alluded to the Press frater nity- as a lot of whiskey soaks If that statement was made without qualification it maybe regarded as too sweeping because there are noble ex ceptions but in the main it is was Miss Sarah sister of the groom who looked very pretty in a dress of cream cashmere trimmed with satin and jet Mr John of Vachell assisted Mr The ceremony over as many as could be accommodated sat down at the first table which was laden with an abundance of good things to which they did ample jus tice The brides suit was of castor brown with hat to match About four oclock Mr and Mrs left amid showers of rice and good wishes for Brock The wedding presents were many useful and ornamental showing the esteem in which the young couple arc held by their many friends fc t am Good children had been trained The school was tastefully decorated with weekly as Keep hup- and patriotic pic- evergreens flags and patriotic Although the building was filled to its utmost capacity the best of order was maintained throughout way on hand to from It Albert I DRUG STORE Tot ate Balm of Cough Syrup a Condition Ponder for for temper our IMPROVED Condition Powder We carry a full line of Patent Medi cines among them Remedies Prescriptions and Family Receipts receive attention day or night W LLOYD Means a change of Fall to Winter Clothes PERSONAL Messrs Alex Percy and Norman Jennings Moorehead J Misses Ada and Alma Hayes and Miss Teresa Blizzard Toronto are in town to spend the Christmas holidays with their friends Mr Ed Jones has returned to town after spending a few days with his brother Mr A Jones Toronto Or Mrs- and Miss Velma of Toronto arc spending Christmas week with Mrs father Mr James Hopkins Holt Mr French of Pickering College is spending his vacation at the home of his father Mr J French Miss Kathleen Wesley has been reen gaged as teacher of the Holt school She has been giving excellent satisfac tion Miss Nixon teacher of the Junior Department of our school left on Friday morning to spend her vacation at her home in Arthur Mr A J Hughes of Sharon was in Town on Friday Messrs and John were home over Sunday Mr Win Maxwell of Almonte is in Town renewing old acquaintances Mr Park of Abingdon is a guest- at the home of Mr 1 Shields Mr Master of Collegiate In is enjoying a few days vi at Mr Hub ert Rowlands Mr Geo Honey of the Dental Col lege Chicago is speeding holidays with his parents In town He on Wednesday morning to vfrft Ins broth er in Montreal Miss Marion Armstrong of Toronto is her cousin Rosamond Mr John Paisley and daughter Mrs M Terry spent Christmas at Mr Hy- at Mr and Mrs Stiver and family of spent Christmas at her fa thers Mr Jennings not sap are Call and See Oat and Ovepeoatings pit to the Best Iff Keller Alberts Leading Tailor- CKDAH VAMKY Miss Evelyn is home on a weeks visit Mr Reynolds has taken a trip to see his sister in Mr and Mrs J also Mr and Mrs- spent Christ mas at their mothers in Oxbridge Miss Lucy Case who has been away for a few days visit has returned home Skating was much enjoyed by the young people on Christmas day The snooting match that vaa held here on Monday last was very Dont trust a dog never wage tall or a roan who never smites harp but one string and is not very musical Of course some folks are simple enough to get mad when read ing opposition journals if they rub the hair the wrong way I dont I hist call em dashed idiots and read on James sold his grey mare for a handsome figure and received an of for her colt coming two this summer The selfstyled wiseacres arc pre dicting an open winter I think they will get nicely fooled Hilly Crawford a Baldwin old boy has been elected to Montana State Legislature Mr Owl was At Home on Sun day last but nobody else was there Dogs arc worrying the life out of the in this section Id be pleased to see such animals stretch A man keeps and pays taxes on two worthless curs though he pre tends to be too poor to pay his honest debts Mrs Crittenden had a great surprise here last Monday Her broth er James of Mich after an ab sence of eighteen years came in announced Though they did cry and up like two heads in Toronto yet it was a fill meeting Mr and Mre Win Crittenden spending holidays in a family reunion at Mrs moth ers Glory glory glory the days arc now getting longer I have been informed that some folks bring light butter lb rolls to market also fowls- dressed with crops well stuJTed with grain Beware theres a law agin it You talk about your pretty Why pshaw Heros where you get cm There was one at market here last week Oh my she was hand some The far famed Lily the Misses j fades into positive ugliness beside her Her bright smile haunts The mean thing be wont tell us who she was the will say Chief Anderson appears to be a eighty useful official He seems to always bo at the right spot at the time different from the usual policeman Miss Ada MclJeHan of is Die new appointment at school The Owl Mr Harry Wight also Miss Addle Wight are visiting relatives at Milton Miss Amelia Soules of Buffalo was visiting her father a few days this week Mr J and wife of froy were visiting in Town a few days last- week Mr John Cranley of is spending the holidays with his par ents Mr Hill has been under the weather for a few days but we are pleased to hear he is improving Miss Bertie was on the sick list last week but she is around again now Our visitors this week were Mrs of Toronto at Mrs Bonds Mr Fred Pearson of Toronto at Dr Pearsons Mr John Wright of St at Mr Geo Wrights Mr Ross Milne of Toronto at Mr A J Milnes Miss of Dunbar ton Look into the here for vou will find the whiskey business Wednes- most attractively advertised You to attend Normal School will find much spate devoted to fJTnists have decided to have only one sonic flattery of distillery and Stoves Roasting Pans Carving Setts Vegetable Scoops Scoop Shovels all at ALBERT The Misses Henrietta and Minnie West spent Xmas at home Mr Brown of Toronto visiting friends here Mr F Kitching who spent Xmas at home left for the city on Wednesday Preparations arc being made to brick the Methodist church and the foundation is now being built Mr J A Rogers shipped a car of brick to this week Miss May Brock of Newmarket was visiting friends here last week Nominations next Monday Dont forget to come out and nominate your man The Ball on eve was well at tended and everyone had a pleasant time Home Work We the serviced of a number of per sons and families to do for home whole or spare We furnish Auto matic Knitting Machines ee sharehold ers and pay for work its sent in Distance no hindrance can easily earn wave at once A Jibe Peoples Knitting Syndicate Can Limited Toronto establishments and their products Newspaper men who sell their such ignoble purposes are in a moral sense as much soaks as those who wallow in the ditch and are Hows This One for any of cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure M J ft CO Props Toledo We the have known J Cheney for the lb ye him perfectly In buslncea transac tion and financially to carry out any Mitral ton 3adu by their Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal directly upon blood and mucous faccitfif the per bottle Fatally are beat verily a hundred fold the more respon sible and guilty of the two Men must be measured by the influence wield and whether that influence is for the good or ill of that com- At the nomination hist Monday of candidates for the County Council from this District four names were put in nomination viz Messrs J HI Johnston McClellau and J War riner Judging from the number present it was evident that considerable interest was taken with respect to the course pursued by our representatives Various county mat ters were discussed with considerable animation prominent among which was the grant of extra to the Warden Mr Johnston tried to be little the wisdom of the Era be cause it stated that every member of Council that voted for the increase should get his walking ticket It ap pears it lias been a customary practice with the Council every jear to add more or less to the Wardens salary for what it is termed extra Work Now a salary of is a nice little sum and it would be interesting to the ratepayers to know how many days of faithful work of ten hours arc done for It during the year Are his labors so abundant arduous and unremitting that if he does a single stroke of work outside the common routine he must needs receive extra pay for it have observed that some find time to attend the theatre and other sights and make their sessions one two or three hours a day but there is no shortening of the days pay They can afford happenings in the city They plan once a year to have a grand excursion or a sumptuous entertainment and in vite their friends ad libitum to par take of their generous liberality Do they sacrifice themselves in this fancy not They can their own pay and it can be so ordered to meet these and have a good margin to spare Some men be come social giants and extremely liber al hearted when the dont have to foot the bill Mr McKay has far recover ed from his Illness as to lie able to appear on the streets Mr Anson of Toronto is homo to spend with parents Miss Fountain of Toronto Is also here with parents for the holi days There was a pleasant gathering of friends at the home of Mr Joseph Kny on Christmas day to meet with Mr James and wife of Mich The English church and Manor bells were rung at oclock Christ mas eve Service was held in the Roman Ca tholic church at half past six oclock morning teacher now Lodge AOUW elected the following officers for year W Kavanagh Foreman Seymour Overseer J Guide A Hose P J Tate I W Wrigjit Med Ex P Pearson and Graham Hep J C Financier A Waite Recorder A Mackenzie Receiver Fogg The Carnival on Tuesday night last was a complete success The ice was not the very best but every one seem ed to enjoy themselves The cos- turnes were limited but very good The list of prize winners is ay fol lows Gents- Costume W A rep Santa Claus Ladys Costume Miss Pearson rep Old Maid Boys Costume rep Henry Girls rep Marie Antionette Comic Costume S Morton Clown Open Race Peter Flanagan 2nd Frank Pearson Why dont Some of the Rink printing go to the Era Judgo rep HOLLAND LANDING On Monday evening Christ church Sunday School will hold their Tree and Entertainment in the school house A good program has been arranged consisting of songs choruses readings etc which will conclude with a pre sented by some characters In con clusion Mr Santa will distribute the presents to the children Every one welcome The following spent at their respective- homes here Misses and Messrs M and and A Chapman Stanley Miss Miss Ester Evans Miss Ida Miss Lily Gil bert and several others Mr and Mrs Luck and Mr Cook were the guests of Mr Luck over Mr Fisher and Miss Maud Goodwin were the guests of Mr J Goodwin Mr Mollby of Clinton spent with sister Mrs J of the Royal Mr of Toronto visiting at Mr Mr MbQlnity of spent Xmas with friends here Mr John of at Mr M Mr and Mrs John Moore spent with their son In Newmarket Mr J Dunning of was the guest of Mr Chapman on Miss of Toronto and Mr John Gunn of Owen Sound are home on holidays SHARON Christmas the last of this Century has again come arid gone leaving its hallowed imprint on the mind of the whole world bringing joy and gladness to so many hearts The one day when all differences are for while forgotten and goodwill reigns su premethe passing of gifts from one to the other in remembrance of the gifts presented by the wise men of the East to the infant Redeemer It may truly be called the day which brings mankind to a conunon level so well described in an old A man might then behold At Christmas in each hall Good fires to curb the cold And meat for great and small The neighbors were kindly bidden And all had welcome true The poor from the gates were not chidden When this old cup was new Service was held in the English church during the afternoon the Rec tor Mr delivering a most eloquent sermon on the Mission of Christ to the World and the great mercies extended to us by His final sacrifice Mr and Mrs Richard Way ling spent the day in Toronto Mr Abb Will- son and family went to Col Way ling and family were at Mr Woods Mrs A J Hughes entertained her mother while Mrs Hughes visited friends in the city Mrs L Will son son and daugh ter of Toronto were the guests of her sister Mrs Miss Thorpe of is home for the holidays and with her mother spent the day at Mrs on 2nd Street Our sick people arc we are pleased to announce rapidly recovering and as there has been no further spread of tho disease it Is undoubtedly stamped out another Issue of the Era reaches Its readers Captain James Wayling will be on his way to Eng land We arc all sorry to lose him as ho has always been a most exemp lary young man and a general with all who had the pleasure of knowing htm His many friends Join in whining him a pleasant and pros perous career in his profession A Lib OF Presents AT- ROWLANDS OUr Christ is now complete Id Fancy Dry Goods Fancy Glassware and Fancy Groceries Confectionery including and Oranges Lemons Etc Etc Fifty tons of candy have been sent to tho soldiers in the Philippine Is lands by the Commissary Department of the army during the last months and large amounts to soldiers in Cuba and Puerto Rico mount Albert Calves Lost Strayed from lot 3rd con Kaat on or about 1st of lftflt SPRING HEIFER Slight color and dark red lwvdiug to their recovery will to rewarded ELIJAH Two For Bale PO FOB Two Mitch alto two Horned Apply to DR Albert TRY OUR OWN Emulsion of Cod WITH WILD CHERRY BARK excellent remedy for Coughs Colds AND LUNG Wo properly fit and guarantee Forrests Pharmacy MOUNT ALBERT Striked froza the the September a pile old If the anicoal a ib date the bolder will bo according- to taw

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