Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 28, 1900, p. 7

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f L IMF DEC ONTARIO BANK NEWMARKET- BRANCH A General Banking TRANSACTED nterest Allowed on Deposits At BATES DRAFTS ISSUED at ft and Draft and aW to C Simpson Main St Sundries and of Culture and of and all Instruments NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones or Cell Before Ordering- Elsewhere Allan KNOWLES Wholesale Retail PROVISION Two doors North Store Main St A Supply Twice a Week of Bacon Haras The beat Mildest Cored Meats on the Market today A trial will con vince Also Floor Boiled Corn Meal Batter Potatoes Pickles Canned Corn Peas Pickled Feet Bologna Ham Tongue Honey o Orders filled on ihv shortcut notice Weeks Itoesl OH IK oci On tie return home from tbe city on Saturday evening of Miss Mamie Mil lard hex class of young men in the Methodist Sabbath School called at The and presented her with a beautiful mantle Clock as a token of their appreciation and esteem- A very pleasant evening was spent and wellwishes exchanged for a merry Christmas Farm There was not a very last Saturday but quite a crowd of people in Town and our merchants re port a good business day- New laid eggs were still in demand cents per butter sold from to 20 per ft dressed turkeys to dressed geese to dressed ducks to per pair and dressed chick ens from to 60c per pair Beef and pork the same as last week County Council Any person qualified to vote at the election of members of council of a local municipality are qualified to vote for County Councillors Each voter is entitled to two votes and he may at his option give both of his votes to one candidate in which case he shall place two crosses within the division of the ballot wherein is the name of such candidate A voter shall vote in municipality in which be resides and in polling subdivi sion in which he resides if entitled to vote If a man property in two or more County Council Districts he can vote in each District but not in two polling divisions of the same District He votes in the polling subdivision in which he resides in the latter case ORDER A more opportune time to se lect your Jewelry could hardly be availed than the pre sent as every day we are lay ing aside Selections made by our Silver Novelties a beautiful line from to Fine Ebony Goods Fountain Pens c See our goods before buying elsewhere Trie Deal- The Toronto Star of an nounces that the Metropolitan Railway will hereafter be run a branch of City system It says At a meeting of Board of Di rectors of Toronto Street Railway Company held this morning the deal was finally closed by the Metro politan Street Railway becomes ab sorbed into the Toronto Street Rail way Companys system The negotia tions for the purchase have in progress for some time until arrange ments satisfactory to both sides have been reached The Metropolitan will he run as a subsidiary line as part of a general scheme of city and suburban railways- It is understood notntt important changes will be made in he running of the Metropolitan so as to suit the new conditions Atkinson Co An w cA JOLt Wit- Ifl Methodist The rain last Sunday morning just at church time caused a sim attend ance the t pastor gave an object sermon to the children present which was duly appreciated On Sunday evening the church was well filled and the song service passed off delightfully The choir did their parts well arid gave quite a selection of choice music Watch night- service will tic held on Monday night of next week commenc ing at oclock As it is the last watchnight service of the century a Very large attendance is anticipated Sunday afternoon being Re view Service the Sunday School schol ars will repeat the Christina music given at the entertainment fast Friday night and also the symbolic exercise together with a short object sermon by pastor The public arc cordial ly invited Service commences at p m Following are tte oQiqers elected for the Christian Sunday School for next year Mr Mr Low Assb SecMr Bert Willis Lib Ml Asst Lib Mr Willis Mr Fletcher Miss E The Christian Sunday School schol ars will be given tea in the school room this evening Jlockcy- Friday representatives of hockey teams in the Northern District met at Barrie and arranged a schedule for next month as follows Jan at Newmarket Jan at Jan Newmarket at Jan at Jan at Jan IS Newmarket at Jan at Jan at Newmarket Jan at Jan at Jan 28 at Jan at Newmarket Mr Geo Simpson and Br re presented Newmarket at the above High School The Spring Term will commence on Thursday Jan 3rd The old time table will be used and a full days work will be done the first day as well as on each succeeding day Par ents are respectfully urged to see that their chidren turn out on the first day if at all possible Last year the school was open days One pupil was present every day and eight others were at school days or more This is the good- resolution season and we think it would be a good idea all our pu pils to see how many days they be at school year When we are doing a thing there is nothing like do ing it well The Industrial Home Commissioners meet tomorrow to wind up the ac counts for the year- Municipal nominations take place next Monday The Century begins next Tues day The A elects officers this evening The Presbyterian tea on Wed nesday of last wee was The R T of concert is he the of January The patients of Dr of Toronto who has been making regular visitetotheFofsylh House Newmar ket should make a note of the fact that lie will not be here tomorrow You will soon be writing We are fast the end of the century Watch night services should bo made particularly attractive this year Bqth in Same Building On the boundary line between Ver mont Province in Canada in used as a for both countries- It is an old stone building built about 75 years ago and is located at Plain a town that is United States on one side of the street and Canada on the other The postoffice is an exhibh of the goodwill of the people the section The father is the- post master for Quebec and the daughter is postmistress for Vermont The post in front of the building is the bound ary line It was moved at one time by one of the citizens to get a road into his place that would be in Cana da and cost the two Governments a great outlay to establish the exact- line again The cellar under the which was originally a gen eral store connected the two coun tries Whiskey was known to be put down in one country and come out theother The offices were put in the same building to accommodate the farmers who did not wish to get out of their wagons at two points FOR Pot Syne Ladies of Canada Should old acquaintance be for got The answer comes mechanical ly from every Britisher Nor new acquaintance be forgot Remem ber that on the bloody fields of South Africa your brave soldier boys were on the firing line flanked by loyal British subjects from Ceylon and India In the midst of danger lasting friend ships were formed and you ladies of Canada have it in your power to ce ment these bonds The green teas of Ceylon and India appeal to you from sentiment By using them you not only aid your brother hut you get absolutely the best tea Those of you who drink green Japan teas have a revelation in store you make change Blue Ribbon and Monsoon packets may be had from your grocer Colonist OUR WTEAS are giving good sat isfaction A Good cent Black Tea is worth trying I ID You dont mind paying a rrtL good price for one pound of if you can get the Strength and Flavor to suit your taste We have a demand for a Good cent Coffee Our Pure Mocha and Java Coffee cents per pound Our Toronto better Cedar Rails Posts FOB SALE No Hair Cod a Pine Orchard 4 In the COUNTY OF YORK Wi hereof of will VHUrriA IbuTowa- of of to lyo Hot- I of ON My wVyltM or M iky lit III- it of it A tor runt if cantata entitled Christinas given in the Methodist church last Friday- evening proved a great The church was vell filled and the program was carried out with much satisfaction The choruses the school were well rendered and were ably supported a splendid or chestra under- the leadership of Mr Trios Mr A- who had charge of the musical part of the program deserves credit the way the program was- rendered Those who had charge of the also deserve mention Tie twenty girls in Starlight and Sunbeams were trained fayTMfsv The- in Crown Jewels were trained by A field and the three girls and twelve boys in Star Cross and Crown were- trained- by Mlta Annie McDonald while the eight little girls in lie beautiful song map exercise Gleams from tlie Holy wore prepared by Miss Mabel Cane boy larU fio welfwere Instructed Mr while Mr looked af ter the bachelors and maidens This number on the program proved exceed ingly interesting a number of the young Its being dressed In habili ments of- ordinary wear years ago The recitations by Mabel and Morgan well given The appearance Santa Claim children- and they all went home happy on tho pro- Saturday was a busy day at the station Passenger traffic was so heavy that on some of the Hues trains had to be brought into requisi tion to accommodate the travelling public The genial Gerry has secur ed the position of Governor of the City Jail It is the richest plum he has struck Mrs Gaby of Richmond Hilt whose husband fell into an excavation last month and lost his Life is suing the city for damages And now the Social istLabor Party have a for the Mayoralty In tire person of p The Kilties Band arrived home on Saturday after their long tour in the Western States Their reception at the Hall Concert in evening was enthusiastic Mr Cooper a retred real es tate agent on Friday tripped and fell on St fracturing his skullon the curb He died a few minutes after Shortly before eight oclock on Fri day morning last- fire broke out in of Matthew mould ings picture frames etc the cause tag the upsottlrig of Engineer lantern in the basement There were 65 men in the building at the being on the second floor Some of tttesc latter Jumped from the window into the street and were all more or less seriously injured Tie to property is at Fifteen persons were or less during the lire from storey wiiZwb of theLaw Society of the Ontario have Invested at in a flag pole and flag for pole white and gold tinted and feei has Ikiii placed In just over the main doorway The flagJs nearly long On Saturday the judge had a private century dinner in Registrar wrigjfts private Hon A Blair has accepted an Invitation to be the guest of the To ronto Young Club at annual banquet next The Parliament buildings were on Saturday afternoon pTore Canadians A despatch from the Colonial Secre tary states the Imperial Govern ment will accept under the conditions laid down any number of Canadians who offer For service in the South African Mounted Police commanded by Col Baden-Powell- If one thousand Canadians can be enrolled in the ten as captains and fif teen commissions as lieutenants will be given to officers of Canadian militia to serve under BadenPowell The Brit ish Government will furnish transpor tation and rations to South Africa and the men will be remunerated at rate of shillings per day from the day they and at the Cape Offi cers will receive he pay of re spective ranks Canadians of joining the South Africa Police must be single men in sound bodily health and able shoot and ride The period of ser vice is five years The British Government has formed the very highest opinion of the fightr ing qualities of the men of Do minion The Royal Canadians fought and worked side by side with the pick ed regiment- of the British army while the Dragoons Mounted Rifles and Artillery have shown their quali ties on many a hard fought field More especially has the war demon strated to the Home Government that Canada can furnish irregular cavalry better adapted for work under the pe culiar conditions existing in South Africa than those procurable elsewhere in the DAV CO MAIN NEWMARKET African Johannesburg Dee Own French on Wednesday last attacked a force numbering with live guns They are believed to have been the burghers who defeated the British at a few days ago The engagement took place miles northwest of Krugersdorp More than forty of the Boers were killed and the remainder were routed The British lost wounded Pretoria Dec Gen Clements operating in combination with Gen French has cleared Boers out of the range The fighting was continued from Dec to Dec Before Gen Frenchs arrival Few Cle ments was hotly engaged near the Boers holding a line of kop jes with five guns and a pompom Under cover of an effective from J and the Eighth Batteries and a gun the British forces advanced and after 4 hours fighting took the whole position with casualties in cluding killed The Boers lost killed Several of them were buried by the British This Week 50 Ladies Black Skirts Lined and Velvet Only 125 each Boys and Youths Overcoats at 125 and 150 yards inch Shaker for cents per yard regular o I Big Fire Hanover Dee The Fur niture Factory the largest furniture factory in the Dominion of has gone up En smoke At clock this evening it was discovered that the Furniture Factory was on fire and in a few minutes of smoke and flames of Are rut in every direction The fact covered about two acres of Sand and not a wall left About ten million of in the yard and the sawmill Were saved of the Are Is Unknown Amount of lows insurance not at present Mr Daniel Kiiertiicj of the Arm and Mr Knyehcl Wic- and Treasurer were In Toronto The fire spread to adjoining Milting and following phces com pletely Factory the Company and undertaking establish ment Companys flour and feed hardware Graff gfds ftoiris photograph piWery and carriage works Hour and feed The total loss Is thought to trillion dollars MrHepler one of partners was very badly burned and It is feared several lives arc lost as men were seen going Into the burning building and have not been seen since One boy had a leg broken CHASES OK CATARRH CURE to lb TO Mrs I of rnoud street Toronto says My nerves were so and she was so weak and debiltatcd that she had to give up work and wae almost a victim of nervous prostration Dr Chases Nerve Food proved an ex cellent remedy in restoring her to health and strength After having used four boxes she is at work again healthy and happy a box at air dealers TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Pickering Dec An- J drew a young farmer who lives south of Pickering gcit his arm caught and while working at some OX to a He was taken to the homo of his mother in village where his arm was am putated near tire shoulder Clubbing Rates Owing to increase in the price of SAYS UK WAS TORTUUICD I suffered such pain iMiu coins I to ymvwm All hour woman arc win the of January jlalcaietUoftUcIrotBlmaaaOof tint hold by thorn la further that could hardly walk writes to increase in the price Hillsborough Ills newspaper and also government Arnica of anM of newspaper postage the mpMely bavin gram vas in keeping the and were not again opened til The proceeds more than nesdaj- of this week The paid the expenses vhivh veiy the grati friiii extra holiday 1 are raising their prices for clubs We have made arrangements to supply papers for as follows and Weekly Globe including the beautiful picture of The Canadians at the Battle of Era and Weekly Mail Empire I SO Era and Toronto Daily Star Era and Farming World Kra and Montreal Era and Montreal Star of free to new I entitled Acts like magic on Sprains of wbloh notice cute sores bun bolls ulcers Perfect heater of skin who piles Cure guaranteed by Lehman druggist Admin tot I market defective chimney caused a lire at St Catharines on Christina morning Pour young children of Mr Black of Montreal have died of scarlet fever in the last few days and the fifth Is not expected to recover Hamiltons drug and fancy store the Canadian Express and Tel egraph offices Smiths jewellery store a furniture store and the Mansion Ho tel at were destroyed by fire John of Pittsburg aged years crushed to death by a bin falling upon him FJrc started by the explosion of a lamp caused the destruction of Mr Harris store and dwelling at vllle The loss is WOOD WANTED To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets AH druggists refund tlie money if it fails to cure K W Groves signature is each box Seated tenders will be resolved by up to Deo supply with Green Ail wood ihorrtt lccokto bo by 1Mb of March by Montr lb In Jn wns Piles Calgary was- visited by a very de structive Arc early Christmas morning several of the finest business blocks of the town falling a prey to the flames Loss Kidney Search Light Have PVt backache Do you feel Do iitSSl your feel heavy you la ami every form of loins i Have you a All soid by plicated J Newmarket Farm for Sale of Free from rubbloh and la plenty of hard And wft water- of wheat All air fl Buy tlint mock of tit In sliiylfirhL fttck In nil In llHphAtiHEiirinf the for hike out or of ho ttLiEcj

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