Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 28, 1900, p. 6

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY DEC She ta Best Advertising Medium York County Bit 10 cent per for Oral Insertion with writ ten instructions Inserted until forbid and once If desired month the for for contract aAvertisetBeaU must in tie by noon on Bate for Executor fart to Found etc will be inserted free for or Society fur nish or when will for a notice rule The Some idea of the excellent that 13 to GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY r MM If Ills CO a re IS I wfr S8 a ft w ft to t5 tC g te a Co to fletxinaQPket TIME TABLE Worth Toronto 7 am ft am am W pm pm pm a CO pm J Should Cream Separa tor Beat on the He market PO conditions by promoting of ideas amongst mem bers and placing at disposal the results of the latest scientific research and practical experiments In with the of farm in dustry may be gained from re port of the Superintendent Farmers Institutes for This volume in addition to giving many details as to the growth and progress of the organi zation contains selections from addresses given at the meetings during the season covering a great variety of subjects in connection with Jive dairying horticulture poe try etc- These papers embody the ex perience of the leading practical farm ers and others engaged in kindred pur suits and the result of tests and ex periments made by professional in structors and scientists on the more advanced lines Among tbe most val uable and interesting are papers by such well known authorities on general agricultural matters as Jobn McMillan Barlow Cumberland Henry Duncan Anderson and John I In the Live Stock Depart ments are papers by Prof John A Craig J S Woodward James A P ana Simpson Dairy matters are discussed by Prof Dean A and Shearer The orchard and garden by Prof J and A- Peart Graham ami Prof Gilbert take up poultry for home foreign markets In Womans Miss Rose Miss Mad- dock Miss A- Mrs Carpenter and others have written some very practical and interesting appreciation of the Farmers In stitutes as a means of material and social improvement is shown by the continued increase of membership which has grown until now there are registered in the Province nearly members There were field during the year which were attended by persons A note worthy feature is the organization of Womens Institutes on practically sim ilar lines to the Farmers Institute Some of the admirable papers contri buted at these meetings on Domestic Science and household economy are report is one of the most elab orate and comprehensive documents of the kind yet issued and Us character affords a pleasing evidence of the ad vanced stage of the farming industry in the Province and the disposition of farmers to keep abreast of the times and avail themselves of the re sources of culture and information now at their disposal da he says must have 200 awards for and horticulture alone beating all countries including the United States while in other being done by the Fanners groups manufactures for the has more th held her own Hits issue of The Canadian ab which forms the fiftyfourth of series is unusually and Is indispensable to office and library in the Dominion Many of- the lists given are not found elsewhere and- in no other can so much about Canada he found in so small a space As a The Almanac is unsurpassed Full lists are given of the Clergy of denominations Societies and In stitutions Schools Colleges and Uni versities Barristers and iri Ontario County and Of ficers Townships Cities Towns and Villages Division Court Clerks Police Magistrates etc etc Astronomical Information Tables and Statistics Tide Tables and general information of all kinds The Historical which has been such an feature for ihQ past few years is con tinued Price in paper rovers pages cents Aetf ly Clark Company Limited To ronto The Abysmal Depths BY A BANKER Written for the Era It is stated that if a large sheet of plate glass were inserted in bot tom of a vessel the floor of the ocean Unfulfilled Predictions Country According to Conservative journals and the now celebrated but trio who campaigned Ontario just previous to the memorable- of Nov the return to power of the MANITOBA NORTH WEST AND BRITISH COLUMBIA would within certain limits of depth Ministry would be the tocsin of J Stenhousc MX Of Toronto in Diseases of Women of How rcry room to inform th to Mr ok sod that I Co Loom J lU to nd be do Work It e Send your to The AttomeGeneral of Manitoba Hon Mr in a recent inter view announced that it was in tention of the Provincial Government to introduce the system of education throughout Manitoba at an early date This step had been de cided upon by the Government after mature as was felt that something must be done to in sure proper education of the large foreign population of the Province The tendency this winter is towards jackets of Bulgarian Continental and Garibaldi effects in the sleeves Sever al illustrations A styles togeth er with full advice about making are contained in January Delineator the wellknown Fafiion magazine A new feature of this magazine ia that Mrs Aria the wellknown drees au thority of London contributes a monthly letter on the Fashions of London Mrs John Van of Paris does the same for that famous center of style The Ttuentieth The souvenir Christmas number of the Fanners Advocate appropriately begin with a study in progress based on the history of the and previous centuries followed by con- from many of the brightest minds on continent like Principal Grant and Hon J re counting the greatest of the past one hundred years and indi cating- the course future success- Jean contributes some beauti ful lines on the Masters Poor and J the inimitable X rays on tte wonderful twentieth century will put the whole country in good humor Another fea ture out of the usual routine is Frank splendid review illustrated with fifteen of Canadians who have added to century literature Old and new types in stock breeding are discussed in an il lustrated article in fact nearly every thing is embellished with beautiful en gravings The best article we have ever read on No Hard Wheat is that by Mr Angus Mack ay I Smith describes the Wonderful Chicago Stock yards and Packing Houses Richard Gibson writes on Kir and his Times Prof John Craig of Cornell University vividly describes the horticultural achievement of the 19th century in America Prof Shaw The Field for century author Western pioneer missionary My First Buffalo Hunt Archibald McNeilage of- Scotland A Century of Horse Breeding Alfred Tlte of Sheep Breeding in the Century Prof Dean A Century of Canadian Dairying Mr S Peer Moose Hunting in Nova Scotia A Bedford Fanning before the way a review given of the lion Of China Canadas Export trade in Fruit by Mr Wool ton a re port of the great Chicago Live Stock Exposition Cant Best a story by Frank It Stockton and as many more excellent features would be read with delight and profit in every farm home The chief Home Department engraving is entitled The End of the Skein a rare and touch ing work of art One cannot be- sur prised at the strong hold the Farmers Advocate has upon people every where Apart from its incomparable strength in regular issues as an agri cultural paper the Christmas number goes to every subscriber without extra charge We congratulate Farmers Advocate on its success- Wilt 4 vr it Instead of an engagement ring lire lower gives his sweetheart a piece of beautiful silk for her wash Among influence that mould and refine the young person of house hold is the entertaining of velcorne Those accustomed to pre sence of visitors usually have pleasing are more at ease and axe more grace ful and tactful who have not this advantage Entertaining vis itors unifies a family all being pledges to the same end the gratification of the gt Ladies Home Journal mmm and num That is what you must do you hare catarrh In the head The way to cure this la to purify blood with Hoods This medi cine soothes and heals the Inflamed vat the delicate tissues and permanently cures catarrh by ex- the the crofuloua Uinta upon which It Be to gfft Hoods The City papers slate that Hon Smith- Curtis of Rowland who Minister of Mines in thie Martin Government is visiting in Toronto To a Globe reporter on last Mr Curtis said In Uie mining out look Is most encouraging Nearly a dozen mines are sliipping and several otiera are being rapidly developed Ontario recent yearn has made great strides in mining but let me tell you that the value of ore output year is about two and a half that of whole of Ontario The Boundary and the sil verlead of are making tills year in ore pro duction The are all be ing enlarged several new smelters are or projected In spite of the large increase in coke ovens at Fern I supply of coke is inade quate for the smelter demand Canada at the Paris ap pear3 to have astonished the European exhibits Hon John Ontarios Minister of Agricul ture on Monday last received a letter from Mr J George Canadian to irW Paris final jury have in additional five grand 25 gold silver and five bronze to Canadian fruit the Canadian Ontario and Quebec of being among the prize winners Cam- Br Ointment la proof the of of of cure by lit No too aggravat ing or loo long standing for It to oothe comfort and cure It curt in from to fi Sold by Lehman The Pope wore his most kinrtly look when he vent Into St Peters to give his benediction to the children Fifteen hoys and girls were gathered there and In childish voices Ail ed the aisles as the left tire church be visible with distinctness And what a spectacle of and exciting interest must that region present Now We pass the wreck of a Spanish galleon the stout Umbers of which after two or three centuries have at length given way and interior of the old ship is exposed to view wedges of gold from Peru or Mexico scattered about skeletons of men grasping cases full of rubies and precious stones here the bony remains of forms locked in a death grip who had perhaps been fighting over the possession of some spoil and here a number of those firearms which bad struck such terror and dismay in the breasts of Peruvian natives who with a vague and strange tradition of Egyp tian civilization and theology thought that or or some other heathen deity had come down with their attendants to slaughter them with and lightning Or now we pass over the rocky lair of some of those mighty denizens of the deep great which seldom or never come to- the surface hideous and uncouth One perhaps is bringing in his capacious as food for his uncanny and villjtincnislooking brood a struggling young whale now in its death throes to be devoured by its repulsive herd Of grisly monstrosi ties while lies half coiled its great projecting blear eyes as large as small footballs watching vici ously for prey which has the tem erity to approach this terrible den of rapacious of the deep But now arrived in less waters we are parsing over more pleasing scenes beautiful forests and nature arrayed gardens decorated with the waving palmlike fronds of varieties of sea plants of many diversified colours and forms large and graceful corals some a brilliant vermilion with branches outspread like the tail of a peacock some a bright goldenorange with exquisitely shaped pendent while others are moulded into all manner of forms and designs elegant vases and lams globular spheres or ornamental cups with anemones and other beautiful and shapely seaflowers while in and out of marine bower of beauty are sportively gambolling many varieties of the finny tribes which play the undulating branches arid dart hither and in search of JJuJLAlasever and anon we to pass over the rent and battered re mains of some gallant ship merchant man gone down laden with the wealth of battleship sunk to the depths while engaged in fray pirate whoso crew disguised in feminine at tire had lured its prey within reach and hoisting the fell black flag disfigured with the wierd of and crossbones had seized unsuspecting craft and rob bed and murdered all on board but at length meets and plunges down to bottom with all its murderous crew and their illgotten gains with many an emigrant ship sunk down into the briny depths with a great throng most newly yoked in wedlock going forth full of hope and glad an ticipation to fight he battle of life hand in hand together on distant lauds but suddenly arrested on the very threshold and cut oil before they had tasted its joys ami its sorrows And down there in the must all those whitened relies hu manity rest until that groat moment ous Day when the sea shall give up her dead And then will they whose mis deeds have ton for by hc shine in glory and Imj welcomed try Groat Judge they who had sunk to watery grave unpar doned will receive the dread sentence of condemnation and to their inmost consternation be then and there car ried oft for everlasting smash in this Canada of ours French domination was sure lo sweep over Dominion loyalty to Britain and Britains Queen would be at a discount and industries every where ruined- Hut the good says Whether there be prophesies they shall foil or whether there be tongues they shall cease and the saying is true A and a half is come and gone since fatal of Nov bub country still survives and an unusual calm prevails flnlnvntion Probably John Carter the inventor of the process of making substitute for rub ber from cottonseed oil died recently at Savannah The process was known only to Mr Carter and unless it is found he eft instructions and directions for the continuance of work it is probable the se cret died with This is a valu able of the wisdom of pat enting all inventions of any commer cial value and not leaving matter a secret Very valuable inventions have been lost to the world owing to a mistaken belief that our patent laws do not give adequate protection The T bridge at St George has been the ceie of another rail way accident says the Gtlt On Wednesday a freight in charge of Conductor and consisting of cars wa coining town grade from the when axle broke Near the station the cars jumped Urn rails and rode on the ties which spread rails and rip ped up sleepers When the bridge train parted live cars were precipitated to of the steep de stroyed being loaded with Umber corn lime and land The spectacle at the bridge was appalling Large and small pieces of wood aid metal were strewn air and at the bottom of the embank men on the southern side three cars were piled in a heap and lo atoms while the contents were scattered broadcast I Tot all of and All hundred black hnldiers of a India on riot at Kingston Jamaica lie re suit many civilians have been seriously wounded and to the hospital tfc r M tor At tor and It oDtitiwL on Perry During her entire reign Queen Vic toria liaa not her crown more than twenty times How Von Tablet Give lrtant Rllof Theyre to carry or you feel coming have proved Ibe only remedy known bat will give relief permanent cureno tedlouj result for all 33 coot by K market But worth a dollar vial the of use Dr Pills They am eure pure and act log The demand for IbSa popular la ret It taxing the to keep up with it Sold by Lehman Newmarket American railroads are iiiak- for excursions to Canada from Various points during the month of December They say that many Canadians settled In the western stales will be of the opportunity to visit their old homes Id rather bo do aid than again the and iwiichlna- of my muocles in by almple neglect of a little These are the forceful and warning wors of a lady who that her cure by South American when everything had failed wa a modern miracle A few doe relief Sold by Lehman Newmarket Constipated Bowels Constipation or Inactivity of probably the cause of fllBtresa and than any organic the bowel are constipated kidney become the torpid an the stom ach and whole coin Interfered The head there la and of vfston In the back aides and limbs the ac cumulation of wind and gas on pains arm the re of the and depresnloj and despondency of can never be cured the of salts and weaken and KidneyLiver not the action of the but and thvm as lo enable them regular perform functions without Hit aid of One pill a 2C a box at alt dealers Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills People filled Hull a Unit hoy was to for 2 for on People apparently well and happy today lomorroware down and in ninetyDin cases out of every hund red heart the The king of heart remedies Cure for tha Heart It within reach of all It relieve In minute and cures moat by Lehman Thomas Len nox a fanner about CO years of Kt residinx In near anil Mm J I Am ok were instantly kilted by the at this morning Just they drove out from their gate train was approaching the railway crossing which was not over a few rods away Mr Lennox whipped his into a lit an attempt lo truss the train but the rig was and all he and killed Lennox wan a well- todo fanner lie leaves a widow and it family of six and two mostly grown tin Mrs James Len nox leaven a husband and a small fam ily of little children It the farmers in the were a little disappointed by the wheat crop this year ttiey have compensa tions of a substantial character In the first the wheat crop was not so scanty as first reports were made in seconid the price is lively to go up and in the third there is a splendid market British Columbia a market constantly more valuable more especially to the farm ers in Territories Mr manager of the lines west of Lake Superior gives details of development in the North- West and British Columbia This has become most marked especially in the Pacific province Men and ma chinery been doubled in the min ing centres there is great activity good wages and abundant consumption of material things which the North west can supply- Mr to il lustrate the advance which has been made in mining development indicated tbe output of several smelters which are now in full blast The Trail smelter turns- out tons of ore per day and requires in the same time tons of coke The Granny smelt er at Grand Forks turns out tons of ore and takes tons of coke Then there arc the smelters at Green wood and at Boundary Falls which ate working in full blast and the ca pacity of which will shortly be doubl ed Indeed they will all shortly increased output Now this grati fying record means a good deal to the people of the It means a first class market for beef bread- stuffs for every in short which a prosperous community requires The market of Manitoba large ly the market of the Territories is British Columbia The miners arc good wages they live hi com fort they spend money freely and the farmers in go in for raising what this market needs The proper use of market was made possible by Crows Nest Pass Railway This has made easy and close and afforded every needed facility for exploiting a market which is rapidly increasing in value And a mining country like British Columbia is of far more value to a railway company than an agricultural country while it lasts Of course mining may peter out while agricul ture remains but while mining lasts there will rat great activity cir culation of money and a high average of comfort which tells upon railway earnings Then there is raising in dustry in the NorthWest which has assumed large proportions according to Mr Last year for in stance head were shipped east of Winnipeg A portion of busi ness went to Montreal but great bulk of the cattle were taken to Eng land and slaughtered upon landing for the English market These averaged a head which would mean a sum close on This industry is only in Its infancy and is capable of great expansion The wheat crop has not commenced to move yet in right earnest hut Mr states the company is well prepared to handle it without delay The farmers are in good circum stances and the whole country is de veloping As for the and Immigrants Mr pre fers the former The are more willing to work they will spread themselves and rustle for a living wherever they caw find it The on the oilier hand have been a good deal They came out under peculiar circumstances 11 was said that they had been perse cuted for conscience sake This gave Uiem an interest for certain people who took Utile manliness re mained out That was why the not all of might have Veen seen sum mer sitting in lite sun instead of work ing At the same time Mr hopeful that will make set tlers in lime They have uses and considerable land cleared while not a few of the men work on railways The law of life is wort and according to Mr Whyte it is a mistaken kindness lo the notion that this law can NEW GOODS HAW which are Better Larger than Ever Cheaper I pall ems carry of than any oilier Tailor in York County J finest had for the est wool that can money Compute with others and you will see that we am si ill leading trade of the Town W quality and Tim of lifts the patterns on the Everything Mclaughlin OLD AT THE ER OFFICE The Long Distance Telephone the cheapen nod in- stantnnenuH means of CONVERSATIONS clearly anil not hurriedly spoken occupy the following time Words quarter 70 Words ialf Minute Words three Minute You iloiit have to wait for an answer Notice to Creditors Id hi witter of Estate PRANK of Kdur lint nil thert- latc or the salt Frank rtny or iri on or the Day December the or flic toll claims ftnflijitemwit of their inatureof any by 111 duty verWod And tin raid Slat of the salt will whit the Assets or the deewaid the parties of which then nave roclvd notice J Solicitor Newmarket thai Whortha Cure The active Irritating painful acid in blood South American Rheumatic Cure Urea the acid potion in cures In to Sold by lAhiuan Newmarket PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our Help ami you are l us a rough aketch or model of your In vention our opinion an lo whether en by We fully Montreal and Washington work and quickly at as the Patents procured Marlon R Ma rlon receive special notice without in over tbrtuoJt the Ion Specialty MARION Export and New Atlantic Offices A The Era a rut- Ideal County Weekly It York Sold Wo you Hi of and immihly to urn tie- riord to ct rtiew To we dlwrlbuted elllfa fnmllntf titled VUtt fl la eorrret inww will intuition Open udlnir lis j M A Li J B10M a that da I DM not In hie fnt a full S Money boat ie All lie- by loin hrunry urn ale Willi your yon riptlontothoHOlaioTlUV lot ho aloXTiil a FREE FREE FREE

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