Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 28, 1900, p. 5

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I I- i a THE NEWMARKET ERA PEC iqoo 5 Prepared for the Fourth December Text Thou the year With thy and THE OF paths drop fatness First Lesson The excellence of humility beautifully illustrated true hu mility Jesus earnestly taught true humility Jesus abundantly rewards true humil ity- Second Lesson abundance of grace Cod culls and would bless all classes of men jod may accept as final our excuses God may change our cannot into Shall Not Third lesson Home souls are drawn away from God Some souls unconsciously drift from heaven God heartglad when the lost are re stored Fourth Lesson The backsliders regret and repentance An abundance of will not satisfy An abhorrence of sin will not rectify the life Penitential return is the backsliders duty Fifth lesson The responsibility of stewardship We have but a stewardship in life and service We should do all in subordination to the future We shall be judged on our personal faithfulness Sixth Lesson The peril of riches No man can carry his worlds wealth Character alone survives the grave special gospel regains for the lost soul Seventh Lesson The duty of thankfulness livery should call out a giving Every thanksgiving pleases the Sa viour Every thanksgiving discovers a richer fjeligiqus self control lives should ripen into strength and sweetness The prate of is to be our instruc tor The coming of the Lord is to be our inspirations Ninth Lesson The deceit fulness of riches Great riches do not men chris tians Absolute surrender to Jesus is the way of life Separation from Jesus is real failure Tenth Lesson Jesus is the friend of sinners The of Jesus reached the outcast soul The grace of Jesus saved the outcast soul The tenderness of Jesus won lie out cast soul Twelfth Lesson God with us us as a child to save the child ren us in flesh to deliver us from sinful flesh us among to redeem its from our foes Constant Fighting in South Africa -oo- Defeated With OX- Transvaal Dec to bottom of Union bav Louis Botha is reported to be Island on Saturday night The miles from here men and same storm that made her founder swept the whole coast and telegraphic one gun Col column moved from Lfnkap to the cooperating from the south and the Cavalry brigade with three com panies of the Heidelberg garrison from the west The combined came in contact with a commando of about under Gen Hans at between and communication has not yet Iwn es tablished The captain officers and five men of crew of the thousandton steamer were drowned including her managing owner Sam an American who had resided in Vancouver The was trying to make Union bay on her way to coal but- was forced by The enemy were Ok gale to go in the wrong side of the the main body making for the Island lighthouse She could northeast Some however crossed the railway to the south of a rangy of hills which arc now clear of the enemy One Boer was captured Our casualties were nil On the same day a party of raided Myburghs farm three milts to the tost taking 35 head of cattle A small force of all arms was quentfy sent out early on Sunday morning under The enemy some strong to be holding ridge Cap Wiggins tried to work both flanks with the object of enveloping the Boers but was prevented by the fire from two Held guns After two hours desultory fighting the Boers retired Nine wagon loads of furniture and mealies and several horses and cattle were brought in The Boer losses are unknown Our casualties were two slightly wounded Many spectators watched the opera tions from kopjes near the town Lorenzo Marques Dec A quantity of war material including over million rounds of am in ini tios two thousand two Max ims and forty tons of powder arid dynamite besides a considerable of saddlery and equipment all of which was surrendered to the Portu guese authorities when Die remnant of the Boer army crossed the on the British approach to Komatipoorl has been brought to bay to be handed over to the British Consul- General London Dec The livening Standard says that fighting began at dawn today between the British and Boers who were stopped from going south The Boers were surrounded at Orange river and after several hours fighting were defeated with heavy losses Maseru Dec It appears that Be Wets force was twice repulsed before it broke thru the British lines in the neighborhood of In the third attack Wet led in person Willi a few determined men he charg and broke the British lines the rest of the following He was foxed however lo leave in the hands of British a fifteenpounder and fifteen wagons with ammunition and stores Commandant with a commando and two guns tried to get thru nek but was driven back with a loss of forty men A commando which has own endea vouring to capture nek teen Vancouver BC Dec 17 The fa steamer which led the Cape to Alaska this free and five minutes later ran high aiinst the rocks that smash ed her to atoms in a few hours She had the full force of the gale against her as the hurricane blew down the gulf One member of the crew dis played great heroism by swimming with a lifeline and over this of the 34 of the crew found safety It was feet through the breakers York an old mariner was overboard IBs body has since been found The barber was also swept away and neither his body nor hat of Purser White has yet been re covered Second Dunn and Murray were all drowned thru stick ing to the engineroom to the last an able seaman drown ed and his body has been recovered Crosby and an unknown stowaway were likewise There is not enough of the wrocfc left to be rendered visible in the storm All day Sunday the shipwrecked peo ple stayed on the island this morning they were landed by a small steamer Others of the crew will possibly die from exposure The Alpha left Vancouver two weeks ago with a cargo of salt salmon for Japan She had 70p tons aboard and was three days at sea when she began leaking She put back to Victoria and there her chief engineer and all the crew deserted They alleged she was worthy hut it was proven that the engineers opened the seacocks to make a scare The steamer got a new crew was pronounced safe by the Provincial In anil left Victoria on Saturday to resume her voyage to Japan The steamer was years old worth and her cargo was valued at Her insurance was Interesting reading from Che Municipal Statutes The following persons shall be deemed guilty of and shall prery person who directly or indirectly by himself or by any on his behalf gives lends or agrees to give of lend or offers or roney valuable consideration or gives or procures or Jo procure or otters or promises any otRce place or employment to or for any- voter or to or for any person on behalf of any voter or to or for any person in order to induce any voter to vote or to refrain from voting at a municipal or upon a bylaw raising money or creating a debt to be charged upon a municipality or part of a municipality for any purpose whatever or who corruptly does any such act as aforesaid- on account of such voter having voted or having refrained from voting at such election or upon such bylaw person who directly or indirectly by himself or by any other person in his behalf makes any gift loan promise or agreement as to or for any person in order to induce such person to procure or endeavor to procure or defeat the of any person to serve in any municipal council or to procure or defeat the passing of any bylaw as aforesaid or the vote of any voter at a municipal election or at tie voting upon such bylaw Every person who by reason of any such gift loan otter promise procurement or procures or engages promises or endeavors to procure or defeat the return of any person in a municipal election or to procure or defeat the passing of any bylaw as aforesaid or the of any voter at a municipal or at the voting upon such bylaw person who advances or pavs or causes to be paid money to or to the use of any other person with the intent that such money or any part thereof shall be expended in at a municipal election or at any voting upon a bylaw as aforesaid or who knowingly pays or causes to be paid any money to any person in discharge or repayment of any money wholly or in part expended in briber at such election or at the voting upon such bylaw Every voter who before during a municipal election or the voting on such bylaw directly or indirectly by himself or any other person on his behalf receives agrees or contracts for any money gift loan or valu able consideration place or employment for himself or any other for voting or agreeing to vote or refraining or to refrain from voting at election or upon such bylaw Every person who after such election or the voting upon such by law directly or indirectly by himself or any other person on behalf receives any money or valuable consideration on account of any person having voted or refrained from voting or having induced any other person to vole or refrain from voting at such election or upon such bylaw f7 Every person who hires horses teams carriages or other vehicles for the purpose of conveying electors to and from the polls and every person who receives pay for use of any teams carriages or other for the purpose of conveying electors to or from any poll as afore said V s Every person who directly or indirectly by himself or by any other person on his behalf makes use of or threatens lo make use of any force violence or restraint or inflicts or threatens the infliction by himself or or through any other- person of any injury damage harm or loss or in any manner practises intimidation upon or against any person in order to induce or compel such person to vote or refrain from voting at any municipal election or at the voting upon any bylaw or on account of such person having or refrained from voting there at or who by abduction duress or any fraudulent device or con trivance impedes prevents or otherwise interferes with the free exercise of the franchise of a voter or thereby compels induces or prevails upon a Voter either to give or to refrain from giving his vote at any municipal ejection or at the voting upon any bylaw shall be deemed to have com mitted the ollence of undue influence anil shall incur a penalty of and disqualified from voting at any municipal election or upon a for he next succeeding two CO c 247 The actual persona expenses of a candidate his expenses for actual professional services performed and bona fide payments the fair cost of printing and advertising shall be held to be expenses lawfully incurred and the payment thereof shall not be a contravention of this Act V 211 Where upon a motion in the nature of a quo warranto a question is raised as to whether the candidate or any voter has been guilty of any violation of section or this Act affidavit evidence slralj not be used to prove the offence but it shall proved by viva voce evidence taken before any County Court Judge upon an order of reference to for that purpose by a Judge of he High Court in ease the motion isre turnable before a Judge of the High Court or upon an appointment by the County Court Judge in case the motion is returnable before him Council Pursuant to statute Council met on Deo all members present The Treasurer presented a detailed statement of receipts and to together with a statement of assets and liabilities which was or dered to be printed for distribution communication from Aid Lamb re Electric Radial Railways was read but no action taken in matter The Collectors Roll for was received said roll showing for dogs that cannot be collected and for real estate This latter amount was to be relumed to County Treasurer as the law directs John Graham and Richard Giles were refunded their dog tax having satisfied the Council that their dogs were disposed of prior to Court of Revision Rut was refunded taxes on his factory destroyed by fire The Reeve Clerk and Councillor Evans were appointed to make sonic arrangement with the parties who erected the telephone line across the township So that the Corporation would be indemnified in case of any accident that might happen by reason of telephone poles being along the highway The trustees of Virginia Hall were paid for use of for munici pal purposes Councillors Snooks and were ordered to sell the timber sideline between lots and con also any that may be on coil- line A number of accounts sheep claims were ordered paid A bylaw providing for the payment of certain also one appointing polling places and O for Municipal Elections were passed Council adjourned sine die A W Any by calling at our office may have one of our complete for a YEARS on payment of r Save your Receipts Letters in a systematic etc in a systematic manner They may prove of great ser- to you The Specialty Mfg Co Limited STREET TORONTO Factory Ont c 13 CO V Any candidate elected at a municipal who is found guilty by the Judge upon a trial upon amotion in the nature of a quo warran to of any act of bribery or of using undue influence as aforesaid shall forfeit his seat and shall be ineligible as a candidate at any municipal for two years thereafter 12 Any person who is adjudged guilty of any offence within the meaning of section of tins Act shall incur a- penally of and shall be dis qualified from voting at any municipal election or upon a bylaw for the next succeeding two years V c The penalties imposed by he preceding section and by section this Act shall recoverable with full costs of suit by any person who sues for the same in the Division Court having jurisdiction where the offence was committed and any person whom judgment is rendered shall be ineligible either as a candidate or as a municipal voter until the amount which he has been condemned to pay is paid and satisfied c It shall be the duty of the Judge or officer who finds any candidate guilty of a contravention of section 21f or of tills Act or who con demns any person to pay any sum in the Division Court for any offence the meaning of tins Act to report the same forthwith to the clerk of the municipality wherein the offence has committed c a 253 The Clerk of every municipality shall duly enter in a hook to be kept for that purpose the names of all persons within his municipality who have been adjudged guilty of any offence within the meaning of section or of this Act and of which he has Ixvn notified by the Judge who Enormous Sale Many Imitations Dr A Nerve Food come into popularity by leap bounds until now far passing re- tor blood builder As conse quent there have sprung up Imitation relieve by the nerve but which car really curt ar positively harmful and to the system A value your lire and health beware fl worthless imitation nd refuse Alt which are said to just a good Imitator do not dare to reproduce portrait and signature of A TV whtch are found on box of his genuine rented Dr Chases Nerve Food Flowers bloom in the Sandwich Is lands all the year round therefore it is believed that country is more deserving than Japan of the title of rtowery Kingdom THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Fall Suit LADIES Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh R H KENYON Counts tried the case V c 217 Let a man tell you his story every morning and evening said a famous in characterizing the news paper and at the end of a twelve month he will have become your ler What if is brazen faced a chronic liar one who rejoices in iniquity and is utterly reckless in principle who is thus welcomed daily to he home circle Ought nor a newspaper- that is indifferent truth is selfseeking and has no regard for individual rights or for public morals to be treated as you would deal with a scoundrel who seeks admission to to your room and company Let mi unprincipled journal tell its daily story and an inexorable moral law evil Long Rubber Boots Men long boots made in all weights and lengths for different kinds of wear Strong durable pure Soles that wear ns as the uppers- thick keep the foot away from Three thicknesses of rubber two of can vas mid leather insole ho I ween the foot and the ground Thick rubber reinforcement all round where the wear comes See that the heel is branded with the makers name THE CO TORONTO in SAW It often made my heart ache writes Term to bear ray wife until it fceemed her weak and sore lungs would collapse Good she was so far gone that no medicine or earthly help could save her but a friend recom mended Dr Kings New Discovery and use this excellent medi cine saved her life Its guaranteed for Coughs Colds bron chitis Asthma and all Throat Lung diseases and it at Leh mans Drug Store Trial bottles free In Indiana a wife Can recover the money lost her husband at I Any wiUiess shall be hound to attend lnfore the County Court Judge upon being served with the order of County Court Judge direct ing his attendance and upon payment of necessary fees fox his attend ance in the same manner as If he hail been directed by a writ of subpoe na so to attend and he may be punished for contempt and shall liable to all the for such nonattendance in the same manner as If he had been served with a subpoena V 255 No person shall be excused from answering any question put to him in any action or other proceeding any Court or before any Judge or officer touching or concerning any election or bylaw or the conduct of any person thereat or in relation thereto on the ground of any privilege or on the ground the answer to the will tend to criminate such person but no answer given by any person claiming to be excuse on the ground of the privilege or on the ground such will subject to any penalty under this Act shall be used in any proceeding under his Act against such person if the Judge or officer gives to the witness a certificate that he claimed the right to be excused oil either of the grounds aforesaid and made full and true answer to the satisfaction of the Judge or officer c 12 s All proceedings other than an application in the nature of war ranto against any person for any violation of section 240 or of this Act shall be within four weeks after the municipal election at which offence is said to have been committed or within four weeks after the day of the voting upon a bylaw as aforesaid 55 i No pecuniary penalty or imposed by this Act or any other Act of the Legislature of shall bo recoverable for any act of bribery or corrupt practice at an election In case appears that the person charged and another person or other persona were together guilty of the act charged either as giver and receiver of as accomplices or other wise and that the person charged has previously bona prosecuted such other person or persons or any of them for said act but this provi sion shall not apply case the Judge before whom poison claiming the benefit is it clearly appears that the pcr- so charged took the first step towards commission of the offence charged arid that such person was fact the principal offender a you will in due time have spirit for your master In this same connection re minded of an interesting lecture by an old journalist and member of Mr of Win Character said he is as essential for a as it is for a man who is dependent the public for support It is therefore of as importance that an editor should guard the reputation and char acter his newspaper as it Is that an Individual should guard his own reputation and of honesty is best for an individual it is in an accentuated degree the best policy for a newspaper In a peculiar a belonged to tho pub lic being in reality the creation of the public In the lecturers mind the best example of the value of preserv ing character in a is history of the Witness which the speaker regarded as tins most in fluential journal in Canada This he considered was duo to the sound con sistent moral policy that been and- the high ideas always up by the Witness It has invariably been found sound principles arid it had adhered with such pertinac ity to its policy that It has forced the respect of the public and although an ultraProtestant paper published in the Province of Mr Rich ardson ventured the assertion that it was respected by its oppon ents Inasmuch the newspaper Is the historian of the day It is desirable that it should be veracious and a faith ful recorder We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price -rftfS-

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