Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 28, 1900, p. 2

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ERA FRIDAY DEC She GROWS AND WITS FRIDAY DEO NOTE If trie voting machine invented by Or A A- and which will be tested at at the approaching municipal ejections proves to be as satisfactory as anticipated it will be a great boon to the country- Three and allimportant advantages axe claimed for this machine viz ac curacy and speed with no possibility of The machine sects the appearance of a small organ stops on winch are the frames of the respective candidates It Is not possible to press down more than the- legal number of stops in each instance and when he leaves the vot ing place he moves a turnstile which sets the machinery again ready for the next voter Oar Toronto better Some smart set fire to the grass protruding through the ice on the marsh and it spread to the crib work causing damage to tie extent of Toe ladies who attend St church corner St Vincent and St Joseph streets on Monday afternoon spent money and time in beautifully decorating the altar for service with appropriate flowers such as chrysanthemums hyacinths etc but on that night some sacrilegious stripped the place of its beauty It is difficult to estimate tbe enor mous traffic out of this city the ticket agent of the has stated that they took in over The P would not be quite so large as it has not so many branch line within reasonable distance of Toronto It took eight decks in the two offices to handle the tickets Col Otter and the gallant band ac companying him from South Africa arrived here on Christmas forenoon and were accorded a right royal wel come and since then men have been enjoying one continual round of entertainments Conservatives of East York have decided to hold a convention on Friday Jan to nominate a candidate to contest the Riding at the next election for the Legislative Aieetnbly In West York the Con servatives purpose holding a twentieth century at Weston on the evening of the of January The Commons members for East- and West York the city lives in the Ontario Assembly the Local House nominee of the party for West York and others will be among the speakers on the occasion It was reported the beginning of this week that no less than four bicycles were unidentified at County Clerk office Druggist who is charged with the murder of Mrs Margaret Milne has been committed for trial Giving medicine for an improper pur pose it is said resulted in poisoning AH issued his address this week and is now in the race for the Mayoralty On Sunday night while Mr Li trie and family Queen St West were at church a the dining room exploded It started a blaze but the family returned about the time the fire started and it was as they put out Before midnight they te- but about next morning tie fire broke out again and the premises were partially destroyed The fam ily all got out save one son who it is thought went to his mothers mom to see if she was safe and was suf focated The mother jumped from the second storey and had her ankle broken It was a sorry Christmas for toe family Three more pickpockets were arrest ed on Monday night and three pocket- books were found on two of them Ope had loaded revolver in his pock et also Oar Society FOUNT Mr Brooks of was in Town last Miss of Toronto was homo for Mr J and family spent Christmas in Aurora Miss Emma- of Toronto was home for Mr Walter was home for Miss A and friend of Toronto spent in Town Mr and Mrs Trivett also Miss spent in Aurora Mrs Oliver of Toronto is two weeks Miss Oliver Mr Lyman of Toronto spent Christmas his son in Town Mr Smith and wife are spending holidays with their son and Mrs Geo of were home for Christ mas Miss Stella is home from Pickering College for Christmas holi days Miss Leila Ross is home College for Christmas holi days Mr Walter Culverwell and bride of Michigan are in Town calling on rela tives Mr Frank who is now a railway mail rterk was home for Mr Frank son of Mr T is back from the North west Misses Bertha Elite and Perkins are home for holi days Gamble of Hie spent Christinas at his home in Mrs Kitchens brother from Hep- worth near Owen Sound was here on a visit Miss of Mt Albert was the guest of Miss Doyle at the Eagle on Christmas eve Mrs Case of is spending the holidays with her son Mr Henry Case Eagle St Mr Miller of Toronto spent Christmas with his grandmother Mrs Queen St Mr Walter Cain of Lind- Separate School is home fci Christmas holidays Miss Kennedy who keen teach ing school near Kingston is home for Christmas holidays The Misses daughters of exMayor Robertson are spending the holidays in London Miss Gertie Bennett who been teaching school in Musk ok a is home for Christmas holidays Mr and family spent Christmas at where Mr Aylward had a gathering Mr and Mrs Earl and family of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Lome Ave blaster Ralph of Toronto spending bis holidays is with his cousin Douglas Scott Mr A of Toronto University spent Cbrisumas with bis uncle at the Methodist parsonage Mr Ed Lehman teacher at Green River in Pickering Township is spending Christmas holidays at home Ms Eliza Cain of Midland daugh ter of the popular R baggage- master was home for Christmas holi days Miss of Detroit sister of Mrs Is spending Christmas holidays in- Newmarket her former home rMiss of Bradford is as sisting sisterinlaw Mrs J Y to receive yecAerdayand Rev is to give an address at the Anniversary at Hope East this evening Mr Thos assistant at the station Newmarket spent over Christmas at his home in Mr Tim Wesley is home from Varsity for Christmas holidays and his sister Miss Wesley is homo from Mr Robert Christ mas in the city with his sisters on ac count of the- illness of Miss Rev and a male quartette from Newmarket are to as sist at the TeaParty in Wesley clinch Whitchurch on the of Jan Mr and Mrs J of Richmond Hill were Christinas visit ors at Mr Coombs also his fa ther Mr John Coombs of Maple Mr who went to Africa with the First Contingent re turned to Aurora on Christmas day and was given a banquet in the even ing by his friends Mr John Hicks and daughter of Dakota arrived in last Friday and expect to spend two or three months with friends here and in i Mr Thomas Hopkins a form pu pil of Newmarket Model who has been caching in Bay for the past two years is The want of rieact is almost as bad spending Christmas holidays in this as the abuse of ihwn section Mr and Mrs J Green spent Christinas holidays in the City Mr Frank and wife of Toronto spent at his KIOwwieflpeitt Eighteen took Christmas dinner at Mr Ave ing Mr Pratt wife and daughter from Midland and Miss Pratt from Toronto Miss Alice who is school miles from Windsor is home for holidays re turn to the same school with an in crease of salary We had a call en Wednesday from a printer St Quebec who came here specially to see our Mono- line typesetting machine and went away well pleased Messrs of Hamilton W and of Toronto were here on Saturday to attend the funer al of their fattier also Mr Thos McQuillan of Toronto Miss Clellarid of Mr Robert of who attended here last has secured a school miles north of Holt for coming year ana Mrs Robert Manning atr tended a family gathering at the resi dence of Mr Joshua Wilson of Whitchurch on day S5 and were present Mr Richardson who form erly taught school near and has been at present attending Dental College in Toronto is spending holidays in tins vicinity Mr Jack Smith of was in Town last Saturday He was formerly in the employ of the New market Depot We regret to hear that be has been laid up the post month with sickness Mr John Dales of Mich arrived in Town on Thursday of last week and expects to spend about ten days with friends in the vicinity of Kettleby He is a son of the fate J Dales ana it is eleven years since he left Newmarket Among the Newmarket boys up from Toronto for Christmas we notice the following Messrs Jos Belfry Brock ffm Birch Art Wilson Jack Hodge Hodge Hughes I L Kennedy Bert Cane A regular oldfashioned took place at the residence of Mr Richardson on Christmas day and the festivities were kept up till midnight Mr and Mrs Silas Pearson of and Mr Oscar Stephens and family were among the guests who between and Mr Stephens has been away two years on one of newly rail ways up North We are always pleased to note ihc success and advancement of Newmar ket boys During the past week Mr Arthur of the Metropolitan School of Music staff has received the appointment of organist and of Westminster Presbyterian church in Toronto duties to commence the 1st of January This is one of the largest Presbyterian churches in the city and speaks well for his ability Mr Wright of Man writes that business of all kinds is dull on account of- poor crop and low prices and collections very slow This time last year there was half a million bushels of grain marketed there but so far this year only about so you can how would af fect trade The oat crop was almost a total failure Oats arc being here from Alberta and Edmonton where they had a- big crop and are selling at The freight Red Deer to is a bushel so tfeat by the time they are handled here in small quantities they sell at about per bushel for seed There is no No hard wheat in Manitoba this year and the best is only worth but most of it is not worth more than Turkeys sell at per lb geese the same price ducks and chickens at per lb pork from to per and beef from to per cwt with a supply of all kinds Best wishes to all New market friends Another green Christmas but very in this locality principal of Another in China Dec A special from Vancouver BC tie Record says News of the massacre of of the reform forces In and the of their lead- era was received here today in a cable A secretary of the Chinese Reform AseociaWon in America The engagement took place the Province of Besides the terrible massacre it in the complete demoralization of the reform forces Sydney Doc Christ mas day Daniel McDonald white cross ing river near Was drowned His sister her brother the water out to My assistance wiUi she herself met a fiirnilar fate The young man who was years of age was the only of a widowed mother woiian was Mr John was alighting from a train at Kerwood when has coat caught He was thrown under the cars had both legs cut and is not expected to live is the tfon trier Quite a number from here attended the Maccabee Oyster Supper in Kes wick and report a very enjoyable time nere was a large and an abundance of oysters Miss Annie Davidson has returned borne from the Bible Training School Toronto A number of young people are tak ing advantage of the good skating Mr and Mrs J A Irwin and Miss Irwin of Comber are spending their vacation with relatives here A large crowd attended the County Council nomination in Sutton on Mon day Messrs Johnston and were nominated but It is rumored that two of he candidates will resign so it is to give any particulars and Mrs of Mon golia spent Christmas with Mrs Ir win- Prof Moore Veterinary Dentist is doing good business in this locality Mr Warren is visiting rela tives in Little Britain Mr J Rogers of Toronto is spend ing a few days with his son Mr Rogers There are rumors of a wedding this winter not many miles from our burg Mote particulars later Mr Draper spent Christmas under the parental roof There are all sorts of rumors afloat regarding our Municipal Council nom ination From present indication it would seem that would have an oldtime election light Some now are talked of Mr J Davidson of Toronto spent Christmas with his family The Christian Endeavor meeting Sunday evening was well attended al though the night was very dark and the roads had Mr John Bird has returned from an extended visit iu Brechin Sam Bird has gone there for the winter A large number of fowls that have been extra well fed for some weeks past are furnishing wishbones for young people to pull Mr and Mrs Irwin of Browns Cor ners spent holiday at Mr Winchs The roads in this township are in excellent condition for a fall of snow and many are anxious see it Miss Joy of Keswick has been visiting with her grandmother Mrs John The Sutton scandal reported last week caused by the sudden of a woman has been proven by a Coroners Inquest to be nothing of the sort and that death was the result of natural causes Some people are too anxious to circulate untrue rumors Sunday School may have a Christmas Tree and an entertainment but the arrangements are not com plete and date not known At a special meeting of the Trustees School on Saturday night a large number of applications for teacher were considered As the terms of some where not satisfactory it was decided to communicate with them and another meeting for the purpose of deciding The present School Board are a capable lot of of ficers and although appear to have had some difficulty in securing a permanent and teacher are working for the interests of the section and the advancement of the children Mr and Mrs Walker Morton family spent Christmas in vilre There a great deal of talk about the Oyster Supper in Keswick on New Years night The proceeds of the supper are for the Ladies Aid Society but the men of the Society who only allowed to be honorary members have taken it upon themselves to pro vide the entertainment and supper the ladles to have nothing at all to do with the arrangements It is a novel Idea and will be largely patronized Mr Percy Morton of Toronto Uni versity spending a few days at his home here Also Master Guy Morton is home from Newmarket High School are making arrange ments for an entertainment In the near future Newmarkets Leading Store We sincerely wish our thousands of customers and friends YEAR H E MADDOCK DONT NEGLECT to write tor our No If of School In wlilcli to train tor Puraut a Central Business College Toronto employ 11 regular Typewriting Machine And l- 20 rooms la work calami fa fire at demand Winter Term from Jan w time that Mr We give apkudld cour BY WRIli who Deo Wheat per ffT a rt While Wheal per Wheat per ni it The Altar In Newmarket on day by Rev Mr Wack ier rector of the of Eng land Mr Mclvin Cook to Miss Sarah Jane Prior daughter of Mr David Prior all of Newmarket GLOVER At the Methodist parsonage by Rev J J on Dee iith Mr Thos Clover to Miss May A both of North At Brant- ford on the Mr Jno Principal of Newmarket Model School to Miss of Rev Adams PATTERSON fam ily Toronto on Dec by tite Rev George Webber fa ther of the bride assisted by the Rev W and Rev Hawkins Patterson PhD Pa YAtI0SAt the home of brides parents the by Rev A P Charles to Emily daughter of John Yates Esq Egypt on the inst son of A to eldest daugh ter of Donald Cameron all of The Tomb McRABIn on the Duncan aged years In Newmarket on Thursday Dec Henry Pegg in the year of his age Interred at St Johns Cemetery on Saturday morning last JOJrlNSTONAt on Dec Sarah Johnston aged years Funeral at pm today to New market Cemetery IRWIN At on Dec Joseph Irwin year Baker Hill on Dec Mrsl March relict- of the late Wal ter March in her year Burial at hast Friday afternoon East on Dec Mary of aged years Town on of Dec Stanley aged Interred at THE and Newmarket Book News Depot THE GREAT RUSH IS OVER In every reancut we have exceeded all previous and wo more than pleased with results 1 for the up Our year on I at as money is much easier to handle than troods wo purpose offering a few inducements in order to clear out certain lines this week Have been arranged for a few over- plus such as Leisure Hours Band of Hope Cottager and Artisan British Workman Chatter Box and some of AND DIARIES FOR 1901 DINNER SETS TEA SETS TOILET SETS FANCY CHINA AND GLASS LAMPS AND TRIMMINGS 0U per per per Jo flloea per Wool per lb lay per ton Pork per Tore ir per pair- OKI li 3J 125 12V 1 on ton a a a a a a a a a CM run lilr- Grocery Department Note a few Specials we offer This Week per lb Ginger lb Mustard in lb tins Choice Apricots per lb 1 pound can Try a package of Flaked Barley Peas or They are lovely If you cannot get suited in Coffee try Boston Luxury it will satisfy Here is what we are going to do for NEW YEARS Mixed Candy pur pound cents per pound Choice Mixed Creams per pound Gum Drops con pound Layer 124 per pound Valencia Oranges and Oranges and do Layer Raisins lb Bananas CENTRAL fcl IV loyal chiefs have captured Queen mother and the rebel King and hope soon to cap ture the remaining rebel chiefs At a meeting of the Foreign at everything in regard to tho terms of the joint note was agree to including the British modifi cations Undertaking House Has a cut in prfoon on for ft few flftyn For Cash High Back Diners up Sideboard with Bevel Mirror up Extension Tallica up Bedroom up up Parlor up All Roods in proportion A to at Residence 125 John H Millard Now York Dec A telegram from says a body of surrounded a Greek church in Albam and after smashing the win dows set fire to edifice When the worshippers tried to escape they driven back into flames and were burned to death Many of the Christians wounded by stones and knives The West on Dec to Mr and Mrs Jas- A Wood nee Miss Way- ling of Sharon a daughter on Tues day Dec the wife of J Merlons photographer of a son Furniture ONDERfiiiSe North AM will And Prompt Spring Water Ice the exclude right of am now pre pared lo order at the low art for Delivery of Ice dating com In fl summer For Sale lata Moo This in Apply NOTICE Public are hereby ft Note do SI vorof W In I to received value Iherelor Ay Mid

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