Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 28, 1900, p. 10

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1 st i THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY DEC i960 Constipation Headache Biliousness Heartburn Indigestion Dizziness Indicate ft or order The best medicine to liver find cure all Ills la found In Hoods Sold by dealers 1 Dont Miss It A to price of Photos for the remainder of Cabinets for Half Cabinets 125 Sunbeams 75 A I best work can be produced or refund the Alio a assortment of date Frames at City Prices Call and them if the flab WORTHY TO BECOME LEMON On Monday last Jos I win from the of time to the bound less ocean of eternity Deceased was in the year of Ins age a lifelong resident of this locality The funeral took place to the cemetery here on Wednesday and was largely at tended Mr- Hill who left here years ago and went to Manitoba is here on business and visiting friends Mr has returned home from Manitoba where he has been since last winter coming from market last Thursday a Anderson in turning into ditch with sleigh and had his collar bone broken Johnson and wife and family of Michigan visited his sister Mrs P Steel Mrs and Mrs of York and Adam Irwin and wife of Forest attended the funeral of their father T T GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND Newmarket Out ALWAYS KEEP OK filler I HO KIND OF OR ACHE OR EX7ERXAI THAT Wilt HOT RE OUT IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME PERRY DAVIS SON John Profit lias moved into his new residence 2 The ladies held their last- missionary meeting at the house of Mrs Win The market fair was quite a great competition for the prizes Mr Smith of Toronto preached a missionary sermon on Sunday after noon last after which some was subscribed toward the fund- Mr William superintendent of the Sabbath School is arranging for their hot supper which takes place in the school room Monday Jan and free social for the children on Wednes day following Everybody feels very sad over the severe accident that happened to Frank Weir feast week and all hope he may pull through Mr and Mrs Weir are constantly at his bed side in the hospital Toronto Frank was liked by young and old a better hearted boy never Jived Journal Skating on on the Roland River is of One day- last week the High School Mr- Victor Graham spilled some acid a getting on his foot and burning He is now home the injured member On Thursday evening Mrs Garrett sr white moving about in the twilight fell head foremost down stairs and broke her collar bona She was also badly bruised on the left side of her body and face Of ne cessity she is confined to her bed for several days but is improving as rapidly as could be expected every thing It is marvelous that the result of the fall was not more serious- Wihuss KENDALLS III SPAVIN Mr completed the in stallation of acetylene gas in Messrs Hastings and stores on Mon day There was no service in the Presby terian on Sunday evening owing to the electric light plant being shut down The Christmas Market here this year has proved a great success The num ber of entries was very large and as a consequence compel very keen At the regular meeting of the League on Monday evening last Mr Russell resigned the Pres idency of the League and Mr York was elected to him Miss White resigned the secretaryship and Mr Ivan Peregrine was elected in her place On Monday Messrs J Sons who have the contract of supplying the Dominion Post Office Department with newspapers and parcel street box es for cities shipped the first box on Saturday These boxes were only re cently adopted by the Department and Messrs Sons have secured the contract to manufacture them for tins Dominion The boxes stand four feet high and are about two feet square They are so arrange J that it is ininos- to abstract anvliiii from the except by those whose duly it is to collect the parcels A social was held in the Presbyter ian church on Wednesday evening when a purse of money was presented to Miss Hawthorne The fire bell rang ward four on Tuesday evening and there was a rapid rush for the reels were moved on the run for the east end where it was found fire had done considerable damage to Harry poultry house and smother ed about 100 chick- One brooder and were ruined also a set of harness The was extinguish before the brigade got there and it is supposed to have originated at the brooder At a largely meeting of Lodge evening last the following officers were elected for the ensuing year E Foreman Clark Overseer Scott Recorder Hand Financier Jno Urciuhart Treas A I Watchman Baker Forsyth Rep to Grand Lodge Bro Alternate Brown Rev Hairier and Mrs er visited at last week to tend the wedding of his son Whit field to Miss Lick of The ceremony was performed by Mr The bride and groom are a few days at the residence of Mr at this place The Anniversary Services of the Methodist Church will be held on the last Sunday of this year and century when J Hunter of Toronto of the ablest vines of the Methodist Church in Canada will preach both morning and evening On the evening of New Year Day Dr Hunter will deliver his popular and instructive lecture on The Ideal Man Lodge mot on Saturday evening nd elected the following officers for the ensuing year Joseph Ballard Foreman Duncan Bell Edwin Recorder Scott Financier Albert Ballard Guide Jerome Campbell Inside Harvey Snider Outside Sentinel Cherry Grand Lodge Thos Scott Alternate Albert Ballard There was a good at the Pie Social held under the auspices of the of Temperance- All spent a very enjoyable evening A large crowd attended the League Sunday evening The topic was given by Louisa and also a paper by Louie Hannah There will be a grand in the Music Hall here on the evening of Friday Dec The committee of the Union Sabbath School have charge of the program and nothing is being left undone to make it a success program will consist of music recitations dialogues drills- and choruses It Is not only who over the mirror the Anxious women watching the wast ing of stand before the mirror and note the in creatine etched by pain about the mouth and a of women wrecked body in position hereon tabe cross hare by the of Doctor Pierces Fa- Pre scription been entirely aha watched with the progress of the cure marked reddening cheeks- and rounding Womans general health depends largely upon local health of the organs- dis- tinctlrely feminine Irregular periods in followed after marriage by debilitating drains and the common con- of motherhood inflammation Si V- l LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT We have just received a Car of BEST BBITISH COLUMBIA The old forms LufttM It vlthont It dots not IUti giivr- r for tAJiooequjLL roar for nl Ike look or J CO the Reel Thing They had just st married and were starting on their honeymoon The bride bad got the man she loved and she didnt care who saw her put her bead on his shoulder had got a farm along with his wife and if he wanted to squeeze her hand hard or feed her with sXvcets whose business was if A little old man sat opposite the couple and he looked at them so often that the young hus band finally explained Weve just got married I it all the time chuckled the other And we cant help it you know No you cant Ill be Mowed if you can I presume it all seems very silly to ait old man like you Dots it Does it cackled the old fellow Well I can tell you it does not then Ive been there three times over ami now Im on my way to marry a fourth Silly Why children its paradise boiled down London f ulceration and displaced oralis ruin the general health These conditions are en tirely removed by Favorite Prescription the body blossoms in a new beauty and mind is entirely freed from de spondency Favorite Prescription is not a stimulant containing no alcohol or whisky In October birth to a baby atid the treatment I received at the of he midwife left me with female weakness writes Mrs Cordelia of Boyd Co I had health lo of for three year I had another baby which was the third child My health began to fait and I had miscarriages I myself completely worn put I had 90 many pains and aches my life a burden to me lo all the family for I nerv ous and cross and could not sleep Just after my lastjiscaniaRe in I was taken with a Kverc pain Tell side- Had four doctors come to see me but at hut found I was slowly dying The doctors said I had liver lung and uterine trouble I was In bed for months when I get up I looked a corpse walking about I commenced to take Dr Golden Med ical Discovery Favorite Prescript ion and Pel- Jets and ever since I have well woman At ray monthly period mow have no My cheeks are red and my face is white before it was as yellow as Three Years RED CEDAR I G Every Slungle of which is Perfect Gall and see them Wc also have a assortment of Pine Shingles PRICES BIGHT The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET turning of the first sod the Lindsay j Railway which is to ducks and Feasts It is only natural that the latest novelty in feasts should come from America and it opens up a new Held for the ingenious in that direction It was at Mrs Fishs har vesthome ball at Newport Rhode Is land held a few weeks ago that the novel idea was introduced for the invited guests were to pretend that they were peasants and each of them was to bring some present to the hostess from his or her farm The result was quite diverting for the well peasants appeared with even with of Success During the above period I have sold engines several Sep arators I have had no lawsuits or disputes of any kind and fur as I know my customers are well satisfied I yet several Good SecondHand Portable Engines for sain the Cornell Abel White and I supply a full refitted rig at giving years time No cheap sold where it will interfere with my regular customers Trial given and customers satisfied for settlement fl THOMPSON DUNLOP with the took place at Wednesday THlMDABDiFE ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity Accumulated Funds about Annual Bonuses Already Declared 29200 Claims Paid year Polices were issued for STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to over Four teen Millions of Pity and BONUS YEAR 1900 now and secure a share of the profits GEO HUNT District Inspector a Agent Jo WAWy fcnxCM 10 Out Writ oil wm mucin Presentation School Section No It Of King held an entertainment last Fri day afternoon which was largely at tended and very interesting At the close of the program the teacher Mr was presented with the following printed address to which he made a suitable reply Dear Teacher We meet today in concert to spend a pleasant time together on tote the eve your departure from our School We can scarcely enumerate the many reasons why we feel to regret your departure Your ever kind disposi tion toward us has inspired us with the principles of love and obedience There is no doubt but that In our youthful merriment Ave have many times perplexed you and sincerely hope you may our youthful im perfections today and the silver cords that have bound our hearts to- for the past two years as teacher and pupils may be drawn out over a long period of years and well- spent lives And now dear Teacher with our best wishes for a bright and prosper ous future to you ve would ask you to accept as a slight token of our es teem this Finger Ring and Links trusting that at least in the dim mys tic future they may recall to mind the many pleasant and profitable hours we have spent together in our school and likewise in our respective homes now in conclusion we wish you a merry merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year Signed on behalf of School Section No King Township FRANK HARRY ROGERS FRED WILSON Dated 1000 0 EXPERIENCE The most beautiful thing in the world is the baBy all dimples and joy The most pitiful thing is that same baby thin and in pain And the mother does not know that a little fat makes all the differ- Dimples and joy have gone and left hollows and fear the fat that was comfort and color and curveall but and lovcisgone The little one gets no fat from her food There is some thing wrongjitis cither her food or foodmill She has had no fat for weeks on what she had stored that plump little body of hers and that is gone She is starving forfat it is death be quick Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the fat she can take it will save her The genuine picture on it no other If you not tried it eoa for free cample lute will Toronto BO and ail suckingpigs and when some of lliese animals got loose they added a J tile unexpected excitement to the A banquet costing 70000 is also sufficiently rare even in these lays of great things as to be considered a novelty more especially when only a very limited number gather round the festive hoard a few months ago however such a feast took place in New York when the Mayor and forty friends were the guests of the Presi dent of the Municipal Council The room in the hotel was fitted up in a most elaborate manner arid the table was laid under a vineclad bower Fountains played birds sang and swans soiled gaily on the artificial lakes while the guests reclining on golden seats plucked the overhanging nuts peaches and grapes The plate and some of the other articles were of gold but naturally with such a hill to pay something out of the ordinary would be required millionaires banquet was on a lavish scale This was the farewell bachelor dinner given to Mr William K jr prior to his marri age and was served in the conserva- were two miniature ponds in the of an hotel in New York There of the table and realism was in sured by the presence of living ducks and goldfish An electric matic fountain played surrounded- by pyramids of roses while table had a border of daisies and violets Vines covered the walls and music was supplied by canaries and the Hun garian band Altogether the repast was of a most elaborate description From the millionaire to the ragga therer is a long but oven the latter individual indulges in a banquet occasionally Such a feast was held a few months ago at the Hotel Ton- tinental Berlin and it was well at tended by all grades of profes sion The containing straw berries for dessert were made in shape of the employed by the ragdealers in collecting their wares probably under notice and at the end of the feast humbler mem bers of the calling were presented with medals ana savingsbank books Another novel festival was that last year when a thousand blind men and women were entertained to tea at Peoples palace Of course such an array required a large number of guides and some oddities were wit nessed in that direction ROBBER Carriage Tire A new carriage tiro that make riding on all a pleasure economical too for it away with the vibration that shakes and breaks A between the robber tire and the flange prevents the creeping and catting which other tires are to the exhibit at the big fairs Bend at once for Free Tire Catalogue giving prices of all THE Tire Company LIMITED ST TORONTO UOTSEAL Farmers have come to the conclu sion that hereafter they will erect storehouses for the purpose of Liking care of their apples cabbages and other products of the farm For years they have been heavy losers by not having store room when the market is a little oil or none at has been the case this season- They propose to get highest price and will hold their product and make the profits The hen has another grievance Science has again invaded her domain and now offers a product made from cows milk which is claimed to be a substitute for eggs for baking pur poses One ltd of the casino is said to be equal to six dozen eggs How ever until an artificial broiler has been invented the hen need not be wholly discouraged We are asked if a farmer can to pay five per cent for money with which to build a good barn where the hay has to be stacked out of doors and stock sheltered in old straw shed Yes he can The saving on fodder alcme will go a good way to ward paying the interest charge on a barn and when the various other uses to which such a barn can be pub are taken into account no bet ter investment on the farm can be made A hired man wants to know if bis boss has tho right to make 1dm work every minute during the rainy days This is a hard question With some men it pays to ease up on the work rainy days unless there should be something very Other men are so close and pinching that they cant bear to see a hired hand have a minute of daylight to himself and will figure every possible way to invent some sort of a job for a rainy afternoon They boat themselves by so doing for a hired man treated in manner can very easily even up things when weather is fine and he is pretty sure to do It Marks Designs Ac sketch and Co mm no on free Oldest tin our opinion Oh ltnti Moan a Co without too Scientific A weekly Joorui of air at New York Breach fi THREE PAPERS IN ONE of and news Eight or practical agri cultural and live stock peace of Interesting fic tion and magazine Weekly Sections Pages 100 Per I Balance of free with sub scription for Era and Mail for Best Gold Fill 160 Beat OPTICAL CO Street Toronttfi PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee returned If fait sketch and of any Invention will our opinion free concerning patentability of Uovr to Obtain a Patent acnt Fatenta through advertised for sale at our Patents taken out us receive special notice writ charge In Tun an and widely circulated Journal consulted Manufacturers and Investors Send for sample copy RE Addtsss VIOTOII J A CO WA8HIHOTON a ODEAS A and uptodate school brlgbt and rooms new and no stairs to in Principal FREE riTttaUvjiiM I i tJulitirilluuiM til aw f will FREE 10000 WORTH OF PRIZES BRIGHT BOYS GIRLS Valuable premiums to Select From Do not will tend ton a roll of Sell lbs lis and ABOOLUTIkY taksUekany ACADEUV CO LAMP LIGHT OF ONTARIO ENQUIRE OF DEALERS FOR IT The QUEEN CITY OIL CO SAMUEL TO RON I J I s

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