I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY DEC put bbwbtkh BRIGHTER WITH ISSUE all FRIDAY DITORIfllt JIOTES made another clean sweep in Prince E4wurd Island Si Liberals and elected to the Loo- banquet to Hon Clifford Siffcon to Hon Clifford Minister of he Interior at Toronto on Tuesday evening last was of much in point character and more than realized sanguis expectations of tijose baring the demonstration in Leaders of the Domin ion and Provincial be ad from several were present to do honor to man who won so a victoiy of last and record as an Adminis trator of toe teriot him as an official of tie confideoOfi and regard to of re posed on that occasion We have not room for too speeches delivered on the occasion but all the city dailies next day agreed that it was a distinguished ottering and that was a great suc cess We clip following from the Globes introductory observations to its report of the speeches was a proud moment for Mr surrounded as he whs by the Premiers of Dominion and of the Promos of Ontario with half a score of Cabinet Ministers Dominion anil J Provincial and with a bodyguard of a score of stalwart Liberals from the faroff of Brandon who had travelled to Toronto for the express purpose of conveying lie Liberals of Ontario the greeting of the people of Mr constituency and testify by presence pride and confidence with which whom he has resided so long and who know him best- regard the Minister of the Interior There was not a por tion of the lrovince of Ontario which was not represented around the well- laden tables The was contasjoiK AH realized that the oc casion was a memorable one and one that will long live in the recollection of everyone who took part The Decorations decorations were on a most elaborate The maple leaf and the Union Jack were the predominant features in the body of the hall The was entirely covered with red white and blue bunting a gigantic Union Jack it ton tables were arranged in the form of a Jack and were adorned a profusion of chrysanthemums including many of the new the Timothy All of toe flowers were furnished by Wilier of who everything at the New York Chrysanthemum Show TV galleries and pillars were festooned with roil while blue with and large maple leaves Kach pillar bore a shield with of a Province imposed on a Union Jack The central fea ture of too platform was a large of the guest of the evening Above the- stage directly over the Chairmans head was a large the upon an maple leaf wreathed In Union Jacks The stage was decorat ed with white tapestries front be ing draped in red The guest table was covered while the overhanging cloth was deck ed with ferns In te centre of the table was placed an immense buffalo bead The menu card was probably the roovt artistic and significant ever seen in Toronto It was lithographed In artistic colors and an excellent por trait of Mr was supported by a typical miner and a typical cow boy each an appropriate scene too distance Above the were laurel leaves and beneath it the Inscription Liberal banquet to the Hon Clifford at the Pavilion Toronto Tuesday Dec Beneath this was most artistic fig ure representing Ontario resting on a sheaf of wheat thrown across the neck of a buffalo surrounded by wheat- It is announced that toe Dominion Parliament will meet for the of on of February next The is not expected to be a very lenity one A special despatch from Ottawa states that tbero is no foundation for the statement that Sir Wilfrid Laurier is going to for the meeting of the first Parliament the new On the authority of members of the Government too statement that Col Otter will bo for his ser vices in Sooth Africa is It is pointed on that the aim voted to Mid- was for services rendered the Dominion According to Game Warden estimate and taking into account the number of carcases handled by the railway companies the number of deer this season was that of lost year The estimate is placed at for and for It being Quebecs turn to have the next Speaker of tie Commons a de spatch to the Globe suggests toe name of Mr who occupied the position of Deputy Speaker in last Parliament as the coming man Dr of Bast Huron will pro bably be trie new Deputy Speaker the Senate the of Senator of Halifax and Senator Kerr of have been mentioned A plebiscite will be taken at ap proaching elections in To ronto on the question of the Legislature to divide the City into Wards for election instead of six It is not sug gested to lessen the number of to Us elected but simply means that the voters will ballot for half of the council in each of the districts instead of six elections An Ottawa despatch to lite Toronto dailies respecting crop in Australia states that Canadian Agent in Au stralia reports that there is a poor outlook for good crops in New South Wales owing to the drought Some of the wheat was cut for hay and if rain did there would not bo enough for bread far less for ox porting Victoria and South Au stralia bettor The- Toronto Star stales that Premier Ross his of holding a shortly with the members of the Good Association to tiie of the leaders of the move ment for road reform as to the best manner of utilising Government as sistance which was outlined during last session of the legislature At Oof POINTS Mrs of is vis iting bee sister Mrs Hiss returned after visiting with her sister Mrs was visiting in the city a couple of days this week Mr Simpson attended the funeral of his brother in Rune last Friday His Worship Mayor Cone attended the Banquet in Toronto on Tuesday evening Mrs- Gardner attended the funeral of hex at last Friday Mm Henry of is visiting her daughter Mrs at Mr Rahrucr of La Grange Ohio was in Town last He mar ried Miss Nugent of ibis Town wine years ago Mrs Kennedy wife of the late Wra Kennedy was taken dangerously ill last Saturday evening but is im proving Mr Jackson left for yesterday morning to visit relatives for a few days and to in Fat Stock Fair Mr returned home on Monday evening after working for Mr of Gibson for the past eight months Mrs L leopard has been sick in bed for two weeks and two of the were taken down with scarlet fever on Mr Street is poorly He has been in bed two weeks His son from Ktayner came down to see him this week Miss Brown graduate of Rochester City Hospital who hits been successful in her attendance upon Mrs P Armitage returned home yesterday Rev John Locke of late of Bradford has received and ac cepted invitation to the Methodist church in as successor to Rev Hums Referring to the opening of the new Trinity church at Rradford the says The services were all intoned throughout Miss Perkins of Newmarket presided at new We notice by the list published in the Toronto papers that Mr K of haven has passed his final examination at College of Physicians and of Ontario Congratulations Witness Miss fill has gone to Newmarket to reside and will make her home Willi Mr and Mrs J On leaving she wis presented with a beautiful Secretary by her Methodist friends In Miss Driftill Newmarket people will have a citizen whose life abounds good works A Giants Cave Kingston Oat Dec Mining discovered a giants cave near Aden Its walla are honey combed rows of excavations or graves largo and Ismail of sufficient size to admit a human body Many of excavations contain human of groat size It is thought that treasures rriay found in the fode to Death A melancholy accident happened in the township of Brunei last by which a Home boy named Leon ard IV I Jail lost his life The deceas ed was playing with a companion sleigh ridmg down a steep bank in close proximity to the ricr and losing control of the sleigh was precipitated into the water An alarm was at given but a dili gent search was made body was not recovered until half an hour had elapsed when life was found to be extinct It isnt long until the holiday sea son and the early shopper will save t and money and get a better se lection than the one who waits until the last few days preceding the great holiday particularly new bud too holiday shopper who be gins now will be lolling in an easy chair when less fortunate acquaint ances are rushing frantically hither and thither seeking something will do Newmarkets Leading Store NOW ir We have a Tremendous Display of Useful Things for Christmas Gifts and Prices to please you We enumerate a few FURS FOR GIFTS Ladies best quality Jackets at j- Handsome Caperenes at 890 and See our Electric Seal and Sable Caperenes at Sable Robes very special at Ladies Black or Grey Imitation Gauntlets THE LEADING and Undertaking House Has made ft special cut prices on Furniture for a few before tak ing stock For Cash llih Diners tier sett up Sideboard with Bevel Mirror up Extension up Bedroom up Lounges up Parlor Suite 15 up AH proportion Fur Coats upto Mens Fur Caps at Special Prices 1 00 that Premier declared his in tention of year for ten years on condition that at least as much shoiiid be for same Mails Flaneur makes this ap peal to Conservative of Ontario I our municipal elections will bo run on parly lines We doll know better what we are after and we stand intend to vote for Oonservalive candidates all the and ask my reader to do the same We shall nave heller men come out party will be on metal of No in affairs ia a hollow cry It has not been fairly acted up to by either par ly- Let cease shamming and play fair us Conservative iKree to vote only for Conservatives and let fellows do what they like Id this to be the new Tory policy If so the Ontario Government must see to the County Council elec tions act which now an elec tor to cast two votes for one candi date is repealed The strongest poli tical party In any one Division- wilt then be to elect two straight partyf representatives What for the will have to be sauce Bodies on Death Ship San Francisco Dec trans port Hancock arrived yesterday from Manila by of Nagasaki with a gruesome cargo It consisted of the bodies of about fifteen hundred sailors and soldiers either died in battle or fiflxcumbed to the ravages of dis ease in the Ovarii and Honolulu is toe largest number of bodies brought home since the outbreak of war The will likely remain In quarantine for a days be conveyed to Pre- aidto and placed in the buildings there pending interment or shipment to somes of the relatives was by the fall an old at Vhili were for the gander Possibly Flaneur did not perceive th full effect of advice- but If play party game In matters muni cipal Liberals will follow suit just as sure day and night come and go School No Whitchurch Walter Reynolds Reynolds Taylor Geo III Emma Kennedy Arthur Kennedy IAnnie Miles Pitt ClaraStephens Atkinson Ft Jr Hazel Trent lstOccll Pitt Clara Kentucky man arrest- for Ha little daughter rdnowloflVrs the erlme whlrh the insurance on the with a hot appear jIks from Jinallpox Oof Toronto tetter A deputation of interested in Ontario Mines in terviewed the Hon Commissioner of Crown Lands this week and tried to pull the leg of the Government for towards Advertising Ontario Mining lands They got the usual answer of consideration The to lion Mr was all that was predicated of It most brilliant event of the kind Toronto has Mr gave a luncheon at on in honor of Kir Wilfrid Hon Mr Clifford Hon Fielding together with a number of personal friends Winnipeg Mrs Geo A Cox wife of Senator Cox entertained the wives of several Dominion Ministers on Tuesday at luncheon accompanied their baiMis to city to be present at the in the evening Skating on Don this week Somehow the Grits and Tories do- not count alike An Ottawa despatch to the Mall says The Senate will stand Liberals and Conserve lives after Parliament and all filled The there will Only be about half that number A SPECIALTY calls attended Residence II St John Millard m 30 Houses Suiollouied Christiana Dec Ill Another serious landslide has occurred in Heligoland Thirty houses been engulfed and a considerable part of the Island has been for three days under water Thus far It been Impossible re lief and losses have not yet been determined j o Wheat Alexaitdcr Man Dec 11 Tho elevator was burned to the this morning at six oclock The cause was unknown It contained bushels of wheal which was Insured to Ha market value Tlie was Insured for The books were saved The young men have col lected towards paying off the debt on General Hospital Ottawa Dec new law un der which persons of origin entering Canada vith certain staled exemptions pay a pnJilavyf JIK of as into on January 1st The THOMSON In Town on the of Nov to Mr and Mrs George A Thompson a son CALLOWAY At Aurora on the tost wife of Mr A Cal loway of a daughter Aurora on the wife of Mr night operator at the sta tion of twins CLAKKSOKCOCKERILLAt the Methodist Parsonage Newmarket by Rev McCulloch on Dec Mr Ward eldest son of Mr Thomas of King to Miss Florence May youngest daughter of Mr of Newmarket TAYLOR MANNING At the resi dence of the brides parents Huron Street Newmarket by Rev Geo McCulloch on Dec Mr Jacob Taylor to Miss Clara Man ning daughter of Mr John Man- rilng all of Newmarket Tomb MAUIUV At J Street West Toronto on Tuesday Dec relict of and mother of Mrs Cane of Newmarket in her year Interred in Newmarket yesterday SIMPSON At the Royal- Victoria Hospital December Thomas brother of Mr George Simpson years COOMBS Maple on Wednesday Dec Mrs John Coombs aged years days Interred at Friday Inst SMART- At on Tuesday Dec Violet P daughter of Henry and Emily Smart aged years and months FOUNTAIN In Tp near on Dec John Foun tain aged years at Speci LINENS FOR GIFTS Half- Bleached Table Linen inches wide special 72inch Very Fine Half- Bleached Linen Damask special Beautiful Full- Bleached Linens from to 90 able Napkins per dozen from 75 to 3 See the Towels we sell special this week at each GIFTS FOR GENTLEMEN Mens Fine Lined Kid Gloves special at Mens Fine Mocha Gloves regular 1 special at 1 Tremendous range of the very Newest Ties Fancy Braces per pair to Fine White Dress Shirts value at 75 Mens Fine Hose Mens Silk Handkerchiefs Mens Neck Scarfs Mens Fine Underwear NEW CLOTHING FOR CHRISTMAS This is the Most Complete Clothing Store in Newmarket Goods are always equal and sometimes better than custom made Our Fine Beaver Overcoats for Men at 10 are a wonder just as good as your tailor would ask 17 for We offer this week a Splendid Beaver Overcoat at 790 is a winner for style and quality All sizes Mens Heavy Frieze Ulsters at We want to clear about 75 Double Breasted Suits before Christmas Take them away at t prices like these Doubled Breasted Suits at Double Breasted Suits at Doubled Breasted Suits at 50 Double Breasted Suits A Dont forget the Christmas Market Tuesday the of December Get here as early as you can and shop before the Market opens if possible Crowds will he here We will be ready a big staff to serve you H MADDOCK I STARRS GROCERY Ha Ha Ha Wo will make you smile you look down this list and see what wo are doing We are after trade and are bound to it Compare our prices T with other advertisements in this paper S J rftbfortlu Currants per lb per and Raisins per lb packet seeded table cluster 20 table clusters in ft Lemon and Orange Peel per cooking per lb lbs for Table Figs per lb 4 Dates per lb Filbert nuts per lb 14 Walnuts per lb 14 Almonds per lb and Exbracto and Vanilla per bottle and Shredded per lb S3 Per Can 8c TOMATOES Nice Sweet Oranges per and barrels Mixed Candy for Christinas You can buy cheaper from us than any house in the trade See our Fancy BonDons and Choco lates in Boxes and Baskets Wo lead the trade Bo sure you get our prices before buying elsewhere Remember we are here to do business HURRAH FOR SANTA GLAUS He expects to be with us in person again the busy days about Christmas Saturday or Christmas Goods Sale Dolls Toys Toilet Cases Albums China Games Etc J CHRISTMAS NUMBERS Toronto Globe Saturday Night Graphic Per Annual London Illustrated News Order early for they will not last Sunday School Library Books Gift Books- Board Picture Books all sizesCalenders Xmas Cards and Booklets Boys and Girts Own Annuals Leisure Hour Sunday at Home Chatter British Workman Guilds Own Magazine Band of Hope etc Notes for Poaket op Desk Size for BOLL CABS CARTS WAGONS AND WHEELBARROWS DOLL CHAIR CARS AND CRAPLKS CENTRAL To renew your subscriptions for your daily and weekly Papers and Maga zines Farm or Household Journals Consult for prices Whether locator foreign we can run them at publishers rates W STARR will mm