Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 7, 1900, p. 8

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3 THE FRIDAY DEC all kinds of A lo a large toe of- tic always on hand attended ran JOHN MOORE MERCHANT ALBHET market price paid for all kinds of Salt always on J FOOT CUT Isaac a young lad of the 1st of Scot cut a severe gash in his while engaged in felling trees one day last week ROWLAND GRADUATE OF THE Ontario Veterinary College Next door North of Lloyds Drug Store For Sole pan tot GO con East 130 eon East of Village of Holland being part of Must tie sold quick DAVIDSON Albert PRODUCE The attendance on Tuesday was ful ly up to the average Prices as fol lows butter to eggs to chickens 30 lo ducks to to turkeys to MANAGER Mrs M of died on Friday last and was buried Sunday The deceased lady was a sisterinlaw of Mr of the Hayes is quite ill BALDWIN Isnt it lovely weather Our good Tommy and Mary Graham gave their special friends a nice little dance one evening last week Theyre immensely fond of Rev delivered an in- exercise In fact Ive stmctive address on Missions in the J heard em say they liked it better than Methodist church on Monday evening anything else in all the world i Death of- Tom Lynx- On Monday wheat to spring wheat Apply to FURNITURE GRAIN Fall to tile white oats mixed oats 31c barley lo small peas to large peas buckwheat to by Mr Shields rye Corrected You tan save money by buying your- Furniture at the THE STATION The following are the shipments for last week cars wood car stock cars Toronto ear wood 1 cars barley 6 ears wheat car peas car oats Port land A STOCK THAN OF Bedroom a Iarlor Parlor Coaches and Fancy Chaira are amenta for Pillow Sham celebrated Carpet Stretcher Picture Framing a Specialty Goods delivered free of charge when ordered quantity ALLAN THEAKER MISSIONARY MEETING The Ladies Missionary Auxiliary in connection with the Methodist church held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Barrett on Monday The usual program was proceeded with and the ladies were en tertained to tea by Mrs Barrett Geo Sons Collar Checks Horse Blanketing Bed Sheetings Cloths Flannels Yarns etc FINE SELECTION OF Tweeds Harden Frieze Milton Beavers Grey on hand to choose from LEO crushed Mr Wilfrid Dyke met with a very serious accident on Thursday last He was going up Mr Harrison Kobes lane in charge of a traction engine and in reaching forward adjust a lever his foot slipped and his thigh was caught in the gearing no bones were broken the flesh was ribly lacerated before the engine was stopped Dr Forest was nastily sum moned and dressed the wound CHRISTMAS IS COMING In a little more two weeks Christmas the last of the century- will come round again It is at this that hearts go out to the ab sent more so than at any other time of the year and he hearts of the ab sent yearn for home and the dear ones far away Homesickness comes then if it comes no other lime and letters and papers from home are more eager ly looked for than usual Many peo ple dislike the task of writing letters and have formed the habit of sending the absent relative the favorite local paper Several subscriptions for that purpose have already been received at this office and no doubt- more will come in shortly The idea a good one Has it- ever occurred to you last Roy and Artie Tomilson and their Yankee cousin were hunting rabbits partridge etc in he swamp They separated in order to cover more territory Master Hoy who is a sturdy brave lad of fifteen armed with an old unreliable lireavtn was trudging merrily along perfectly un aware thai he was the hunted as well as the hunter Hearing a crackling or twigs behind him he turned and In his utter amazement was confronted by lynx not two rods away He fired Snap went the cap This enraged the animal which crouched for a spring He blazed away again ami plugged glaring eves in no time Theyre gradually getting there Mrs Harry Newmarket and Mrs H Mt Alters spent Friday last with Mrs J A Miller An immense market on Monday prices Come come wberes hat poem Walking home with Mary The Owl Special Value in I 5 i and Fine Jackets Mens Ulster OvefepQts Iiadies Boys and Suits Boots Shoes and bens When buying Rubbers see that StubPpoo is stamped on them Wall Papers just in SUTTON Mr John is Agent for the Era at Sutton and is to receive subscriptions accounts etc Orders for all kinds of printing promptly attend ed to H D Mt Alb with lead MOUNT ALBERT PUBLIC SCHOOL Senior Division j The following the result of the Monthly examination for V Class Total WW Kverctt Hayes Class Total Annie Woodruff Addie Hunter Stuart Terry Rosy Shields lift Jessie leeer An son Arnold Frank Rowland Irwin Hunter Case Watts HI Total lieiiiler pepper Then there was a cat circus Pepper especially lead pepper aint beneficial to the eyes and the cat skin ned up tree The other lads at- 1 by Roys yell of triumph hast ened to Ills relief and despatched the beauty It was a Tommy lynx Harry Graham the trapper declared it a wildcat bit Harry aint posted A of Natural His tory showed that Undoubtedly it was a lynx The boys will have it pro perly mounted as a trophy Harry Graham Con of Old Survey was buying furs in our sec tion last week Master Harford Riddel is a genuine lxfic He can ask more ques tions in an hour than an ordinary man can answer in a lifetime If I anybody would send him an armful of Seasonable Injun Tories they would an Tovne Jewell Merle leaning jiL reader Hut advise ward Porter Jr Ill Total 2U0 Ceo Mt Albert I 111 DRUG STORE Far HoiraoMMi te BalmofGilead Cough Syrup a Powder for temper Improved Condition Powder We full line of Patent hem receive attention clay or night W T LLOYD AKD JDRCJOIT BOARD OF TRADE Individually our business men are hustlers but our Board of Trade once a thriving organization seems to be afflicted with dry rot ft is now very seldom heard of and in fact few are aware that is such a thing We like to see a reorganization of that body on a broader basis If fee is too large recfuce it and give the smaller concerns a chance With a large membership comprising all en gaged business it would he repre sentative enough to deal with all mat ters in the interest of our town Sev eral important matters have cropped up during the past year which have been discussed for a rfiort time and then lost sight of At present a great many are talking Christmas Market but unless some action is tak en at it will share the fate of the street sprinkling and street light ing projects Let us start at- the fountain head Establish a re presentative Hoard of Trade an invitation to every man in town to become a member any project in the interests of the com munity can not only lie discussed hut acted upon Sally and Mary Mart are to bo of our Harry Annie Herb Sibley Watts Allan Spalding j J everybody here knows how delighted Leek Teacher Junior Division A Case A A French Mitchell Theater 379 Hogg Watts J be Father Mills sage advice- ad vised one of our matrons to ood care of her sick Husband for if she lost him never get One night recently while peacefully dwelling in land of nod William Arnold was rudely awakened by a If R 2 l what can the matter thm a Steeper 27 his day attire Vm An investigation forty Sn3art to be scattered there and 282 I ayes Rhamer The was a Iis1ai relative of mine Rear V 315 Summer feldt 261 rose Graham 101 Teacher SPECIAL VALUES IN LADIES JACKETS received a of RUBBERS our ith rfloont Albert Mr William a former resident was in town for a few days last week Mr of spent a few days in town calling on old friends Mrs VVrn- of is enjoying a weeks viial with her parents Mr and Mrs Mr of was In town on Friday Miss Carrie Douglas of Holt is en joying a weeks visit with friends in Toronto Mr Davidson made a trip to Toronto on Monday Miss Minnie spending a few Willi friend- in the city Miss Daly of Sutton is vis iting at Mr John Miss Olive Shields returned on Thurs day- after a prolonged visit with friends in Toronto We are always obliged to our read ers for items for this column Mrs J Hamilton of is in town on a visit to her mother Mrs Anson Jones Mr John Carter of Toronto a former man of Mount Albert was in on Saturday and favored us with a very pleasant Mr Car ter carried on a business here over years in what is now the Wilier which was then owned by Carter found many changes and much improvement in our town since he last sav it nearly a score of years ago- For Malt Free Methodist Church building and lot on St Apply to Davidson Ml Albert Have yon paid your taxes Mrs J is on the Mr Watson of Toronto occu pied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday and took charge of the Bible Class in Die Sunday School In the afternoon The Baldwin Market Committee have out for a phonographic and pie ociai Friday Hon J Davis Is to the chair Proceeds In aid of the fund FRANKLIN Carrie Rose Stanley Old ham Garfield Oldham Ada Croue May Cook Ill da Oldham Minnie Toole Roy Jr Ill Lillian Laura Cook Wed Grose Grose Jr Laura Kir- ton Roy Graham Grant Oldham Part Evelyn Win equal Clifford Rose 3rd TabletFrank Kirton Harry fougitnhst Carl 1st tablet Jenny Oldham Howard Toole a Well a Cup Kindness Though Womens like Winter winds May shift and an a that line of Scandal Tea and friends Theyre Constant still for a that An so wi Foreign Teas Japan an a that Ceylon Green Tea loc the best And a Crime daur that For its the tea the lave dearly an a that Ribbon and too And Monsoon an a that localise you see twist you an me Japan the Line they dra at For sync the first are British Teas They them wee an a that I ThougJi some may prate it her teas An flaunt Japan an a say theyll hae their way An drink Ceylon for that I For a an a Japan an a that The teas they loc the Are Grown an a that Sale Reqistep SATURDAY Dec of a house comer of Timothy St and Prospect Ave the effects of Sale at 10 oclock a No reserve Terms Cash Frank Duncan MONDAY Dec Mr Thomas Saw- don of Lot Con Whitchurch will an extensive auction sale of farm stock on the usual terms Sale at sharp Smith auct who hungry for turkey Win had l leave a lantern burning all night to keep the pesky intruder away Father I Jill enjoys the supreme sat isfaction of being his own boss lately The missus is absent on a visiting scoot Go to lied Sam youre sick youve scarlet fever was the admoni tion given our recently Self preservation is the first in stinct of nature is an established fact Old true to natures law sought refuge in foreign climes and thus saved his hide from hanging on the fence City papers announce that our good friend Aid will be a candidate for the Mayoralty We wish him of success May he come out on top of the pile if ho wouldnt reflect more credit on the sit than A Id give my head for a football Mrs Geo Tomilson and her Yankee sister are having an immense visit She seems to be a nice little body like all the other Arnold girls To them time seems to lc flying sixty days an hour Happy Tommy Clarke is delivering War history to his customers in locality It is profusely il lustrated and seems to be The Joker was a casual visitor to last week I would presume from Ids air are a scarce article on his bill of fare pie social Friday eve will be the eveit Of the week in pro- in aid of improvements on town Hon J Davis will preside JVere as handsome a chap as the popular Mount Albert scribe pic ture would also illuminate a space in Kra but under existing circum stances wo refrain from inflicting pain on Kra readers Indian Summer all probability has given up tho and died at its Geo Crittenden our tailor on an important mission May success follow him all his life and never catch up him as said is at Sutton tak ing care of Aunt Grandma loves Baldwin best I believe Sutton a an awful lonesome hole Miss Kgo of was here vis iting Will lost week lost a valuable gold ring recently If returned some startling facts may como a public scandal To Uncle and Aunt Mangle of Union Mr are well Would bo pleaded to sec Bicycle records broken The latest mile in one hour and mile in Thats next to a mile Rev A Crows Sex of Leagues and will preach on Sabbath and evening in the Methodist church The Methodist church in Sutton have decided to hold their anniversary and hoi dinner on New Years Day Mr pra Sherwood has moved from Sutton live with his soninlaw Mr Tibbie in Egypt Settle ment Mr Richard has into Mr P Coles house at South end of the village Mr Kdgar Phillips now occupies the house vacated by Mr Sherwood Miss Vronmaii was a guest at Saint Ball held in the Pavi lion Toronto last Friday night Numerous antismoking chilis are be ing formed in England and elsewhere in honor of the gallant and popular General BadenPowell who is opposed lo the use of tobacco Your corres pondent has conversed with men who were once slrongly addicted to the weed but who were led to see its ab surdity and and summoned sufficient moral courage and determina tion to abandon the uncouth and silly habit and now rejoice in being freed from such slavery Many there are who would gladly be free but who un fortunately allow the craving of the formed appetite to overrule their ter judgment and whose sentiments may he expressed Once I was a freeman but now I am a I my youthful folly I must nurse The weed has sovereign rule and makes me play the fool saps my constitution and my purse If vitiates the homo pollutes the air we breathe And is certainly an unmitigated curse Mr F Trcinayne has laid in a slock of beautiful Christmas goods Mist Montgomery of Toronto the guest of Mrs A Dr and Mrs Mexican left this vicin ity last Monday without giving any intimation as to destination Mrs Geo Tomilson of Baldwin and her sister Mrs- who has been absent for twentyfive years paid Mrs Debbie a visit last Johnston who is a nurse in training at the Sick Childrens Hospital Toronto has recovered from a severe attack of diphtheria Mr McKay we are to say gradually Improving health Goods Stoves Roasting Pans Carving Setts Vegetable Scoops Scoop Shovels Potato Forks all at SUMMERFELDTS ALBERT SHARON The home of Mr Robert of Sharon was the scene of a pretty event last Wednesday when his only daughter Miss became the wife of Mr Thos Hayes of Mount Albert- The bride was gowned in a brown tailormade travelling suit trimmed with cerise satin and pearl trimming She was given away by her father and attended as bridesmaid by her cousin Miss Elizabeth Fair- barn who was dressed in a suit of grey also trimmed with cerise satin and pearl trimming Mr Charles Hayes brother of the groom acted as best man Rev Mr Brown perform ed the ceremony Miss Mercy Barker rendered the wedding march splendidly After the ceremony the guests partook of a dejeuner served at prettily decor ated tables The presents both num erous and costly testify to the esteem in which the young people are heW by their friends and if good wishes are any criterion Mr and Mrs Hayes will be the happiest of couples Mr and Mrs Hayes left on the train for an extended trip before taking up their residence in Mount Albert Teacher Wanted and salary expected JAME BO Teacher Wanted ftobool No Albert PO Teacher Wanted Jw46 3rd of THOeFAIRrtUHN PO Calves Lost is Mr and Mrs I Moore and fam ily arc visiting fit the Niagara dis trict Mr also Miss of were visiting at Mr Wiglits on Sunday Mr Large of Toronto was vis iting at Dr lcarsons on Sunday It Large of Tottennam form erly preached here oil Sunday evening- Mr Win Turner is in Toronto at tending the Assizes Mr J was in Toron to on Tuesday Mr Wight was on the sick last week but wo are pleased to sec him around again Mrs Dr Graham was suddenly call ed to Peterborough last week on ac count of Bine of her father A few from here attended the Fowl Supper he Landing on Monday night and report an excellent time Mr Wight has purchased a now computing scale and is well pleas ed with it UNION A treat is in store for those who at tend the concert Friday evening Dec at school No The splendid program being well prepared In addition to the humorous songs of Mr Blake Hewitt exercises chor uses and dialogues by the scholars and local talent there will also be selec tions by Mils Phillips of Sharon Mr and Mrs Santa Clous are coming and Mr Lennox of Aurora will occupy the choir Last week the scholars of No that they had won four prizes in regular school work at Fair that fs eleven prizes they hove won at the recent Fall Fairs of The names of the successful schol ars are At Newmarket Fair Dike Frank Hopper Barker Hector At Fak Dike At Fair Dike Barker Gibson Quite a large market in our little village Monday and we it will still increase Miss Tilly Stiles is spending a few days in the city this week and the Misses of Toronto spent last week under the parental roof account of the illness of their mother We are pleased to learn that Mrs John who has been very sick is improving We understand Mr Tom llodginshas accepted a situation in the city under the Hon J Davis Mr Tom spent a few days in the city last week Mr Hodglns and lady friend spent Saturday afternoon in Aurora Miss Annie Davidson is taking an other course at the Bible Training School In Toronto Mr Ham Johnson met with a seri ous alt ho rather amusing accident lost Saturday In Newmarket While car rying a valise down the Main Street to the Metropolitan station the handle gave way the valise flew open and several valuable articles were soon scattered in the mud Had it not been for the immediate of some lady friends he would have miss ed I he car- Lucky Ham Sunshine bury on or about the lat of October last SPRING HEIFER CALVES lJ off to will be ELIJAH TRY OUR OWN Emulsion of Cod Oil WITH WILD CHERRY BARK to excellent for Coughs Colds AND LUNG We the leading of fit them A Crows General Sec of Leagues and will preach on Sabbath morning This will bo a rare treat African fieuis London Dec 1 Lord Kitchener cables the War Office a report to that of Saturday In re gard to the fight of den Paget with the commandoes of and In Saturday report Lord Kitchener said that had been dangerously wounded He now that Lloyd was killed and ten officers wounded Thirteen men were killed and flf wounded Gen mounted men are pursuing the Mr McLean of Mark- horn has been appointed mathematical master of the Paris High School been carried at to provide water system and electric lighting plant the people of Mich district thought was chicken- pox proves to be smallpox Churches and schools have been closed Edward a magazine edi tor was abided to death at New York jumped into a bath with out Investigating temperature of the water The wrong had been turned on Forrests Pharmacy MOUNT GO TO- ROWLANDS Points oil natty Glass and Shelf J ROWLAND Xmas is Coming A New Stilt Overcoat or Pair of Pants Call and Our Stock Keller Mt Alberts Leading Tailor-

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