Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 7, 1900, p. 7

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J THE ERA FRIDAY ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL REST General BRANCH A General Backing Bosiness TRANSACTED Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS AT ALL ind Collection and American Draft bong Discounted tended to Simpson S3 Main St Sundaes and Fancy Goods Voice Tuner of and all String Instruments NEWMARKET stttQfcfcoti AH kinds of Pumps kept or cisterns Contract for off Ac Cistern tanks supplied and work done on short notice All new work warrant ed NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head-Stones- Call Before Ordering Allan Wholesale PROVISION STORE Two doors North Furniture Store Main St Newmarket Fresh Supply Twice a Week of Park Co Famous Bacon Hams Lard Ac and Cored Meats the Market today A trial will con Floor Rolled Com Meal Butter Potatoes Pickles Salt Canned Corn Tomatoes Pigs Feet and Honey Soap c fitted on the shortest notice DAVIS SPEECH Continued page HON MR DAVIS I would say to my honorable friend there may be pulp wood on some of it although our ex perience of New Ontario south of country I understand one of the steamers to be used on that new line will be at Montreal in a day or two They will be steel steamers well equipped and of large carrying capa city They propose now to take iron ore to our new smelters at height of land as fax- as is Midland and concerned is tfcat we are getting most these arrangements are being of our pulpw0d op the swampy the Purpose of developing lands so I do not think there is any- New Ontario thing germane to Ok discussion in the J we are told will be question which my honorable friend J steamers carrying the asked The setters then are of these fl today That is some- two classes agricultural and general thng To the agricultural settlers RELIEF FROM PENALTIES certain conditions are attached as set Kill establishes this line these manufac- they carry out the tractor f I proposition as regards settlers they erect a house a size raiIroad and suitable But the House enumerated in the Bill before and country should not lose sight of can come and ask to have this fact that it is not only settling penalty removed the land the Company will get but it is settling land which the Province f stand it Does the honorable gentle man assert that the conditions men tioned in subsections and must cannot dispose of any of that land in fee simple to anybody until ate relieved of all these conditions AH these great enterprises will be completed in three years and then no thing is left but the completion of the settlement part and the building of ibe town halls and they may have all been erected as far as settlement has proceeded and then they may say Cannot we be relieved Queen Victoria Thanked Them m fa RETURN HO XL CAN A KNTHOSIASTICALIA AT WINDSOR settlements in that section of New with before the Company owns and in ten years if this agree ment is carried out we hare every rea son to expect there will be prosperous settlements in that section of New Ontario The Company gets the land wasvW as the settler would get it and not DAVIS I say if the any more than the settler would completed and nothing except tie minerals that may be found which is after the land has been explored and value for the they Will help US to settle our addition to that they must land Cheers with all the railway conditions And what else These large manu factories which axe set out in this Bill are dependent upon and consequent upon the construction of the railway because Mr in his speech at the Board of Trade made it verr cleat that THE RAILWAY IS for the success of his other schemes only provides for the construction of a railway at practically do cost to the people of Ontario but which at the same time to the Province such great advantages in other respects We have had some of them explained we have the pulp mill at the which has done so much already for that section of the country and a population of a few hundreds increased to some thousands and so it will be with other places One honorable member raised the objection that the stations would not be properly locat ed Would he read Section Four of the Bill and see the care which has been taken to protect the public inter ests in this matter MR Lanark What about section HON DAVIS We will come to section later on SubSection Four says The said of the Dominion of Canada and to the special conditions as to rates imposed by the BUI before they can ask to be relieved of the penalty But what is the penalty supposing they fail any of these things It means that the Government have it in their right to forfeit to the Crown every acre of land granted to the Company by the Bill I ask the House and the country if ever there was agreement safe guarded as this agreement is at every point Suppose all these things are completed and they come and ask to have the penalty clause removed then what is the position The Lieuten ant Governor in Council may or may not remit they are not compelled to do it It is open for the Government to say Although the three years have passed by and you have con structed the railway and established these great enterprises unless yotf have placed one thousand settlers per year for ten years we will not relieve you of the penalty It is a question of what is right whether we will re lieve them of some of the penalties under this forfeiture clause The members of this House and the press will make the people so familiar with this Bill that every time it is discuss ed it will add to the strength of the Government and of the members of LABORING MEN PROTECTED Mclaughlin Where is there in this Act any provi sion for the laborer or the subcon tractor to be secured for his pay by the Government Does the Govern ment protect the laborer or sub-con- in any way MR DAVIS That is an other feature I saw to friend that they have to come within I the all the provisions of our Railway Act Ministerial Cheers MR MCLAUGHLIN Giving the grant at the present time you should protect them MR DAVIS They have been protected and in case there should be any doubt and that only shows how strong this Bill is the more you ex amine it the more you see that the people are protected at every point in addition to all the special guards thrown around the construction of the railway and other parties are made to come under the Dominion Railway Act the Act of the Province of Ontario and in addi tion to all these safeguards we have he clause in the Bill which gives spe cial control over the rates for freight and passengers COL Does that an swer as to the subcontractors HON MR DAVIS Certainly they are presided for under the Railway Act London Nov The members or the Royal Canadian regiment who have returned from South Africa were enthusiastically received by the I people The soldiers then proceeded to the castle and re viewed by he Queen in the quadrangle Her Majesty addressing the Canadi ans thanked them- for the immense services they had rendered to lite em pire Tile were then presented individually after which the Queen summoned Armstrong of New Brunswick who had lost a leg during campaign but who joined the march on crutches After soldiers had been shown over the apart ments they were enter tamed lunch eon in the Royal Riding School The Canadians marched past the tunc of Viva La The regiment was afterwards at the special request of I tie Queen The Queens speech to the Canadians was as follows ant very to see you here today and express my warm thanks for the admirable ser vices rendered during the vat by the Canadian troops I wish you a safe and happy return to your homes Railway Company shall when request House who support the Bill The ed by he Commissioner of Crown will not relieve the Corn- Lands place a staiton for the Fall Goods have arrived which are Better than Ever Larger than Ever Cheaper than Ever The patterns and quality that we carry give a better selection of Woollens than any other Tailor in York County The newest fabrics of finest woo that can be had for the money Compare ours with others and you will see that we arc still lea ling the woollen trade of the Town in work manship quality and price The of Overcoating and Trouserings include the newest patterns on the Market Everything Guaranteed i Mclaughlin SOLID GOLD ft we MeK Ml- will What Every Farmer Have Laval Cream itU on the market WILMS Agent Mew market PO H of Whitchurch Before Starting on a Journey Think a Moment and save Time and Money All You Can Do to a man on i tj with htm vjj virit to Weak thy can talk litOi Ill 11 of passengers and freight nearly as may be in centre of each block of land whether allotted or re- served The Hallway Company cannot a station in the centre of their block and refuse to put a station in the centre of our block They are compelled to put in the of cur blocks and if they fail to do hat they are under the penalty of our Bill Not only the location is sub ject to the Crown slating whore a shall be hut it must be as nearly as may be in the centre of each block and subject to the Public Works De partment as to the c and the Company stall the town in the neighborhood so soon as the Governor in Council shall declare the occasion has arisen they shall build a school house and public hall sufficient for the require ments of a population of people at the least and in accordance with plans previously approved of by the Com missioner of Public Works I want to ask House and want to ask the country if there was ever a time when such terms and conditions were impooed as are imposed in this Bill WHITNEY Never HON DAVIS Never and my honorable friend will find out when the country understands it they will say that never have such good terms been made by the Government for the construction of a railway the terms disclosed by this bill Minis terial Cheers They will say if we gel the railway constructed by a simple grant of land we will be do ing well and securing the cheapest railroad the Province had built since Confederation But I want now to two with reference which I believe is a ection in this Bill gives the CONTROL OF PASSENGER AND FREIGHT KATES into the hands of the Governor in Council or the Crown We hear a good deal about having proper super vision of railways that is an impor tant question and just as much as possible there should be placed upon the rates quoted for pas sengers and freight In this bill we have gone further than ever before in the history of the Province The rales for passenger and freight traffic which may be charged by the said Company on the said railway shall be subject to approval by the Gover nor in Council That is a im portant provision and if not compiled with the Company comes under the penalties of the Dill I hope that will be noted that complete control of passenger and freight rates is kept in the hands of the Crown The con struction of manufacturing and the placing upon our of important boat lines will be a great boon to the MR MCLAUGHLIN That has nothing to do with the laboring mans wages HON MR DAVIS The Act pro vides for that In conclusion if there are no more questions to ask what is the policy of gentlemen opposite on this Bill I stated in opening and I want to state in closing that I hope some gentlemen on that side will stand up and say what their policy is cry ing robbery and stealing without pro ducing evidence is not is their policy Are in favor of a railroad at all and if in favor of a railroad are they in- favor of a grant to it We are on the threshold of development such as has never been seen in this country and are we io stand on the threshold and say We will shut the streams of prosperity and development On this side of the House we stand for development for progress We stand for building up 3T into London Dec The victims of arsenic poison In beer now number more than dead and more than ill The area affected is confined within a hundred mile radius from Manchester but the panic among beer drinkers lias spread almost whole country It has been complete ly established that the cause of the poisoning is arsenic in the sulphuric acid used in the manufacture of glu cose sugar which the brewers employ in place of malt and hops making cheap beer The commercial sulphuric acid in this country is made from pyrites almost all of which come from Spain There is always a trace of arsenic in it The offending firm argues that there must have been policy What an undue proportion of the poison in the load from which their supply came As a result of the warning of the authorities hundreds of thousands of gallons of beer have been poured into the sewers of Liverpool and Manehes brewers and retailers of penal until we have suf bona fide guarantees of a stantial character that the minor porL 0ld of the contract will be carried say a word or to section very important That section out I have gone over in a general way the bulk of the Bill and if there are any questions gentlemen would like to ask as to the different clauses I would be glad to have them asked now WHITNEY None of hop gentlemans colleagues nor he himself has said anything about subsection of section HON MR DAVIS I have Just been talking about subSection WHITNEY Then I was think ing about something else HON MIL DAVIS I will refer again to the penalty clause I have said that before any relief could asked they must build the railway they must establish ail these indus trial enterprises they must put on steamship lines and have them in op eration The point I want to make is this that the Crown will not relieve them from any forfeiture in respect to any of these things unless we guaranteed in a substantial way that they will be carried out MR WHITNEY Please mention what those are HON MR DAVIS I as to stations schools MR WHITNEY That is the first they ask to be waived is the next HON MR DAVIS Subsection is the settlement of persons per year and subsection is exporta tion of pine and spruce wood MR That they are to be allowed to export it HON MR DAVIS No Three thousand turkeys were from eaforth in one week When it Hurts To The that hurts the cough that gets In the Is dally getting deeper and deeper Into the bronchia tubes In directly for the lung to become Inflamma tion of the consumption I Such coughs are sometimes referred to as graveyard coughs because they usually- bring their victim to that last resting place Dr Chases Syrup of and Turpentine been known mothers favorite remedy for croup bronchitis coughs colds ft In popularity day and now has by far the vote of uny it loosens the tightness In the cure the and prevents pneumonia consumption other 1ine nil dealers or Co To ronto of A MR You stand for pulp HON MR DAVIS Yes when it can be developed in the interests this country We stand for all that is best and good in the building up of the country We propose to make no agreement and pass no Bill for the development of the country that we cannot defend on the floor of Parlia ment and on every platform of this Province We have such a Hill before the House today From a political standpoint I hope every gentle man opposite will vote against it but if they are looking for the interests of the people would expect everyone to vote for this Hill We want to develop we arc going to do our duty lo the people of the Pro vince and we are able to explain to them both inside and outside the House the general principles upon which we propose to act When this 1111 passes the House and when every enterprise provided for in the Hill is constructed when the steamer line is in operation when all these provisions have been carried out and everything in this Hill Is complied with and the Railway clause is in operation to guard the freight unit passenger rates in the interests of the people of the Province posterity will look hack wonder that any member of this House would vote against a Hill such as this is Loud continued Ministerial cheers THIS IS WHAT THKY SAY Those who take Hoods for scrofula eczema eruptions catarrh rheumatism or dyspepsia say it cures promptly and permanently even after all other preparations fail You may take this medicine with the utmost confidence that it will do you good What it has done for others you have every reason to it will do for you Constipation is cured by Hoods Pills A convict from the Stale peniten tiary was loaned in Columbus Ohio to open a safe the combination of which was tost Paul f West Virginia says the recent disaster at in lives were lost was the result a conspiracy to the foreman of tie mine Tim conspirators mated the force of if he explosion I themselves up DR A W CHASES CATARRH CURE IS tent to the rite Improved ho cleat alt The Baby Sick- I Then probably its a cold Babies catch cold so easily so slowly Not slowly however when you use VapoCresolene Then a single night is all that is necessary for a cure You just put lamp beneath and place near the sleeps he breathes in Cold foosens inflamed Ileal and all trouble ceases Its a perfect specific 1 whoopingcough and croup A outfit Including the Vaporizer ami which a lifetime and a bottle of complete of Crew- Icons testimonials free upon request Vai-o- CiusotKiK Co Pillion Si New York USA Recommended sold Lehman druggist Newmarket Lanark Out Dec pine years had his neck yesterday the accidental discharge of a which was holding was instant BravOB Old time a quarter- Pursers are uittiOK the In whale Dr Pills at cenis a vi arc driving them out at all points they act gently more effectively never pnin and are easy to lake Sick Headache succumbs to one dose Sold by Lehman Newmarket A Russian convict at the Kingston sentenced at Port Ar thur hanged himself in his cell pleasure his visi tu U7 Ill at the iWicuiBtVJwtAiwwJiiLu J warmly A for Help A pain in the back kidneys for help South Ameri can Kidney Cure is the only cure that hasnt a failure written against it in cases of disease diabetes inflammation of the bladder gravel and other kidney ail ment Dont neglect the apparently This powerful liquid prevents and euros Sold lry K Lehman Newmarket by the London Dec The returning of the Royal Canadian Regiment and the composite regiment of the Cavalry were Inspected this afternoon the Prince of Wales at the Albany Sited Many other illustrious personals were pre sent The Canadian were in troduced to the Prime who heartily welcomed them He said it had been great satisfaction him to hear how gallantly they had fought and he mourned with them the loss of so many of their brave comrades The Prime said he rememhued with the pleasure his visit to Canada ion were J O NEW RfllSIflS We bought before the advance in prices We can interest every person The best fruit at a low price New Lemon Range Citron Peels The Best Brands and 25c lb NEW FIGS NEW DATES Baking Figs pound An Hi Fresh Baking Syrup 10c Quart Fresh Davisons Baking per lb tins The quantity we sell speaks for the quality Davisons lavoring Extracts With extra strength will please you 5c and 10c bottle Seeded Raisins Te Headquarters for these ready for immediate use Davisons liQPd We have it very choice Bear in mind we have the most complete stock of Fancy Groceries Make enquiry when ordering your Groceries DAVISON GO Ket THE LE ADM SHARON GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Fail Suit LADIES Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere- arid just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh R H KEN YON The Newmarket Era recognized as the great home paper of the section reads it and this is the host evidence of its value to advertisers who wish to reach tho classes If you want to make your friend at a distance An Present is nothing you can send that would be more appreciated than a copy of the every week menco now Balance of free a AT MT AT SUTTON

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