Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 7, 1900, p. 5

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THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY DEC IS lie International Sunday School Prepared for the Em by EMCB Healed December I olden Text And Jesus answered and said unto him what will thou that I do unto thee The blind man said that might receive my THROBS Verse in Jericho Jesus is a Saviour successful suppliant has to come by the mercyway IS The world has little real sympathy with helpless need si he cry of want arrests the attention of Jesus anxious soul will sweep every hindrance away is a I hi tig to know our real need A with Jesus brings daydawn PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS I The ministry of the child of should Ides world IK It is easier sometimes to silence than to aive There is wisdom in promptly accepting Christs invitations waits for our tmnttensl prayers The nun who can save us deserves our loyal scrvit THS Verse highest form of life is volunteer service for needy souLs The errand of Jesus to seek and to save lost ones The dominion of Jesus is because he saves the The rewards from Jesus arc to help the helpless Verses It Needy souls looked for much from Christ and Christlife man The very presence of Jesus excited great hopes The presence of his desciples called up expectations Jesus wills that we shall fill out his ministry Verses 111 It is an easy thing to hinder men from Christ Christ strongly rebuked thin disposition Christ grieved over llnr inability to assist hint Christ connects the penalties in judgment with Hie spirit Verses Anything that would hinder our coming to Jesus must lie sur rendered Our willingness to must be overcome Our unbelief must east away from us Our very self has to tie forsaken and the cross Verse Jesus exalts our faith in Him and rewards it It is faith that saves from perishing It is faith that puts us in the way of life is faith that makes us victors over the world The Its Adulterations- Our Toronto better A syndicate with a capital of WM is endeavoring to bring about the amalgamation of a number of the bakeries in tin city and the lending of it- are said to be interested in several mills which will supply maleiial for the companys bread product inn The report goes- nil to say thai the syndicate lias al ready options on onethird of he total bakery plants of he city The impending strike of press feed ers has been averted An advance or per- week hits granted ein- living pi inters and the remaining points in dispute to lie to arbitra tion Six horses valued at each were asphyxiated in the stables of the Co last Friday night One of the animals was sick and it is supposed it kicked the top oil gas pipe during the night On the of January the Osgood and Literary Society will hold their annual dinner party Sir has accepted the invita tion of the committee of arrangements and will he present at the spread Several important changes in in the near future is current report at the Union Station It is undersloiid that Sir Wilfrid Hon 1 Hon- Sid ney Fisher and possibly Hon Mr Fielding will be among thus who will attend banquet Mr in this city on the St inst Ticket are being sold- to residents in all parts of the Province It will lie a notable gathering Mr J I Ariuitage formerly of Newmarket keeps a grocery at the corner of Church and Carlton streets One night last week he a and sfiortly after a person named JJrooks was seen walk ing down Street with broom under his arm Those found I Mr property and Magistrate sent down to jail for days steamer St lradii be tween Naples and Marseilles has wrecked and passengers and a part of her crbw have been One of our exchanges Talk about stinginess here is sort of men you find over in an ad joining town One of them will not drink enough water unless it- conies from a well the second forbids the family to write anything but a small as it wastes ink to make large letters another slops his clock at night to save the wear on the machinery and some of them refuse to take a newspaper on the ground that it is a terrible strain on spectacles to read Spokane Wash Ore I Four lives were lost here last night by the cap sizing of a- ferryboat in Spokane river The ferry is about two miles down the river- It was crossing stream with eighteen workmen who had ended their days work in a con struction camp near the North erns new bridge The to the Ikw and it was foftvl under the swift current and the was swamped All the men into water Five swam and the Others climbed on lb boat The waves ran high and wash ed four of to drowned Hon Ross is three ifayjsohl- Sir Wilfrid Tin Northern Hallway have a contract with the hud whereby five of for five years to carry grain between Quebec and the old country A weekly service be inaugurated At Montreal aged ill washing windows on the 2nd of- the Temple building fell ill and light on Felix iron aged of St who was entering the building had only a broken ankle hut Waw removed to the hospital and will probably die fcV Man came here row Ottawa a year ago with his father John Was a cavein liw It that while he with another of Why Scotts of Cod Liver Oil There are others why SCOTTS The good one is SCOTTS Itjs nearly years old it is used by intelligent people all oyer the world and approved by physicians all over- the world When anyone says of tod Liver Oii he means SCOUTS No oilier is famous EMULSION is made in a certain way of certain things it keeps it is always alike it dees what it does The others nobody what they are or do There wouldnt be any but for the goodness of SCOTTS there wouldnt be any Hallways but for the true Power j a foundation for a windmill fell in on iliein kill- Jug young and fatally injuring Powers- i Have you any of eruption Are you ill of Ik and and I Kind betide In no cams curtI I a by w The get mine has this picture emit take no other Jl you have tried it send for free sample its will surprise you JiOWNB Chemists Toronto all druggists In all historic ages and it stands to in- prehistoric times as well have dared the perils of and the desert in the search for three things gold gems and spices Spice and perfumes have always divided with gold and jewels Leaving to the Spaniard the search for the western EI Dorado the more practical Dutchman deroted him self to the accumulation of the to be gathered from the clove cinna mon and nutmeg trees mines treasures are renewed from season to season Those Dutch speedily the enormous value of the They found it growing plenti fully on all of the Archipel ago but as they had especially estab lished their power over the and as tho nut had in stantly a most valuable they resolved to secure the of so profitable an article Dutchman does not think quickly hut once he has made up his mind lie is not he diverted from his aim The Dutch merchant of the sixteenth Mid seventeenth centuries was a soldier and sailor as well as a trader In order to keep nutmeg supply in his own hands he headed armed expeditions to all the adjacent and them made a condition of his treaty Of peace that ail nutmeg trees should be destroyed and no more grown Jan Van a Dutch writer of the seventeenth cen tury records that of forays tin victorious leader compelled the natives first- to chop down all he trees and pile up on the fallen trunks all of the nuts in the possession of the people There were several piles says as large as goodsized and used ladders to the baskets to be emptied atop They werv itable small mountains audi hive seen many a church in Holland of less size those accumulations of mils which were burned to ashes with a most cnlorous smell Inorder to keep the supply down and price up the Dutch owners even destroyed overabundant years portions of the crops on those islands where liny permitted the tree to grow Dutch arms and Dutch greed could not oppose the will in the Molucean Archipelago then is a bird which feeds upon the fresh mate or second envelope of me nutmeg It is called the nutmeg In order to secure which clings firmly to the mil this bird away lifilli iiyl nul to its nest as it is a of long fiiglit may be ad jacent island or even mainland Having stripped oft mace the bird drops the with germ upon the- rich soil where it im mediately sprouts takes root ami in the course of lime a tree At present liiiw he Jianda roup still produces a proportion of the worlds supply thousand pounds are annually exported from lift a large- and Hindustan The United Stales alone has used as many as half a million pounds in a single Is here not a savor of the in the perfume of the thai strange somehow gives our cakes as from oven an atmosphere redolent of the Orient of romance and luxury aye and of the festive seasons of the West wheth er of winter holiday or summer fete Ami When an ancient have your pie rich savory Willi fruit ami meals of eggs murlr milk us will mix I lie Hum nil est I grating of nutmeg and not the kings own y shall sup It The souiewhaf our hardy pear and seldom reaches more or Ml feci in height The lowers are pale yellow and are very similar and to liEIJii or the valley The haves Averaging six inchtS in length dark green polished on Hie and grayish beneath As and fruit nil richly odorous in of si mil meg grove fclanfly laden with a and characteristic perfume So and jpncl rating Is this perfume that ft is readily ships passing miles off the coast The fruit is round and about ns large as a apple or to lie more exact nearly Ibree inches ill diameter The outer portion is a thick Meshy rind Very similar In which surrounds the hickorynut in side of ttilH is a sort of rough thready of a lifli- when lirsl 1mtsoiu changing a yellowish brown as It dries on exposure to tin- air Ibis busk Is the mace of commerce ttVen is stripped off there Is left a hard thin dark brown shell covering the seed or nutiwg proper The rind split Into two nearly equal parts when the villi is ripe mid Is thrown away as valueless hut in some parts of the Moluccas the rind is peeled its green and Juicy state and made into a of sweetmeat with honey or sugar file lower and fruit upon of nuts pounds of mace The fruit is commonly gathered by hand by means of a small wicker basket at end of poles outer rind removed and mace carefully separated with a knife The mace is dried the sun or in the rainy season by artificial heat it is flattened the hands making what housewives know as blades of mace After it has assumed the proper bronze- or ochreyellow color it is dipped- in salt water to preserve it dried again and finally packed in bales and hags for export The themselves axe placed upon small Wire nets or grates over a mild lire to dry without roasting them This is a process care and patience taking about fifty or sixty days to complete When the nuts rattle in the thin inner shell the operation is supposed to be- com plete The shell is then knocked off with a wooden or mallet solution or lime and water of the thickness of milk is prepared and the nuts are dipped into it the object he- to prevent the attack of and grubs and also sprouting of the nut which spoils its usefulness The feaUiery white coating which you observe upon the nutmegs of commerce CASH is due to this lime solution A nut meg which lacks Ibis coating may lie suspected of being inferior quality perhaps the acrid South American vari- The nutmeg is exported in casks which are always pervaded by a peculiar smoky odor due to the fact that the casks are in fact thoroiy smoked over tiros of resinous wood after are thickly while- washed megs are always oblong about seveneighths of an inch in the greatest diameier and compara tively- heavy Tho the flavor of the nutmeg is not equally agreeable Jo all palates its perfume is still subtly suggestive of romance whether of the fervid land of its growth or of the kitchen of our youth whence proceeded those sweet material things lies appreciated by us in those days of health and hunger Largest Prizes in the County on Dec 1900 The Following is the Prize List Meat p A Ministers Experience So far as Is known there i no olio- treatment for piles so wonderful prompt and effective as Dr Ointment This preparation has been known to fail to pile stops at oner anil lively and thoroughly cures every form Rev J A Baldwin Baptist wrlten For over years I was a great in and I many- remedies and underwent painful surgical all Willcut obtaining any about to give up in deapair I was told jo use tit Ointment and so Ahdlug once I used three boxes and am entirely cured The is alt gone have others use believing It would cure them as II lias be Chases Obitnient t0 box at all dealers or Bates Company Toronto Dr Chases Ointment Dressed 1st I Si si Turkeys I Turkeys Turkey Number of Turkeys I J ml I 1 Geese Circa test Number Pair of Ducks Best A Pair of Greatest of Bflikl Pair of Chickens dressed i Pah of Chickens 00 00 I 00 I 1 00 I lost Hind Quarter of open to 00 Best Hind Quartet of Beef Butchers and Hucksters excluded Best Carcass of Lamb open to Butchers Best Carcass of Lamb Butchers and Hucksters excluded Best Hog dressed from to lbs Best and Heaviest Hog dressed Smallest dressed 2nd 3rd 1 00 00 I and Vegetables Spy Apples Barrel of Greenings Bun el of Snow Apples Barrel any other Kind Apples Half Dozen Heads of Celery Bushel of Onions Bag Turnips I I 00 00 50 00 The Hand of Pretty Soon km men to we w of a where streets arc paved With tilings which we meant In it is walled money we have saved And the for which grieve The kind unspoken Ihe And many away there in that somewhere land of Pretty Soon Eggs Butter Best ft hull Butter Best fa Butter in lib Prints lb of Butter or over in artistic shape Heaviest dozen Hens Hi I I 00 50 00 00 00 50 lls Honey in Comb 00 lbs Honey Extracted 1 lb Crock of I spECinu Best Collection Dressed Fowl to include Turkeys Geese I pair Ducks pair Chickens Persons Making the Largest Number of Entries 00 I No person will be allowed to make more than one entry in any one class Entries to be made at the Express Printing Office from Now to oclock am on day of Market All Exhibit must bo on tables by sharp and remain there until pm ALL ENTRIES FREE pin- land There are jewels of fame hi the And many a and lolly aim Covered with mould and rust And Oh I this plate while it scents no near Is furlher iWay the is fair yet we never gel The land of lietty Soon The road that leads to thai mystic laud in strewed with pitiful And the that have for its shining ram I Bear skeletons I heir dirks It is farther at than it was at dawn Oh I let us ware of lhat land down there Hie laud Soon A T I I It FREE WATCHES It ithwrf l vlna K t Hot Itiihr It ftii4 ill I jitii vfiO n I jttsti will VrSh a l- to vtiily MAUiJA t I- if ficattti iM i if a a Harvest Time of tree at all nut Is harvested in July November and April In the last named month and nut are In their utmost per fection A healthy tree will produce at a single harvest about six pounds Dr Catarrhal Pow- Mala of Church for ami Is a firm In I has tried iviihoui avail After J I was once are Id 1 1 Sold Lehman Newmarket is your in not you should put him there Dont let him you in later years lot not a chance An education Is needed in thew days of fierce competition The shows the of the wheat harvert in the different wheat growing of the world January Australia New Zealand Chill and Argentine February and India mid April Syria Cyprus Minor India Mexico May AlKeiia China Japan Morocco Texan and Florida June Turkey Greece Italy Spain South of France California Oregon Mississippi ma Carolina Vir ginia Kentucky Kansas Arkansas Colorado and Missouri July Bulgaria Austro- South of Germany Switzerland South of land Nebraska Wisconsin Iowa Illinois Indiana Michigan Ohio New Vork New and Upper Canada Augush Great Denmark Lower Ca nada Columbia and Manitoba and October Scotland Sweden Not way and North of November leru and South Africa December Long- Rubber Boots in all and for ilinvinu of wear dorhlt iii- rum wear lis uppers- Ihuk to from lie ground of two of can vas and a iiiMde foot anil the Thick all round wear See that the Is branded with the THE CANADIAN RUBBER CO TORONTO MONTR South American Rhoumatlo It and mdcfc gives almost filet an absolute In from one to ihrve daysworks In most ormsol rheumatism One testimony I spent weeks in bed before commencing its use IafaUtoo7ut4kiDIclntEi7b commencing u- cured mo red of whooping and LAMP LIGHT OF ONTARIO ENQUIRE OF DEALERS FOR IT The QUEEN CITY OIL CO TORONTO

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