Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 7, 1900, p. 3

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY DEC Weeks flews IS GOING OS ABOUT TOW Methodist Large congregations last Sunday toU morning and evening and sermons by the pastor especially the evening on the topic Drifting Mr has promised mother next Sunday evening music by the choir was especially last Sunday St Pauls Church Sale sale takes place today and to morrow in the store at the corner of Timothy and Main As will be a choice selection of Fancy articled suitable for Gifts The Oyster Supper this even ing from to ought to attract There will also bo ft lot of homemade candy and a for the children- Prop in make a purchase Presents That will last a lifetime See the new stock of Ladies and Gold and GoldFilled Watches at A The Electric Road It is rumored that the absorption of tbo Metropolitan Railway by the To ronto Street Railway Co will take plate on January A mechanical engineer belonging to the Trcronto On was over the road on Monday It is also said that the residents of North Toronto will secure a siugle fare over the combined lines to the city by voting the sum of to the rait- way company No definite informa tion can be secured from the Toronto Railway Company the latest official statement being that a hitch has tak en place in the negotiations Free Reading Room Ten dollars more have towards project of opening a free reading five dollars by the League and five by the Other organiza tions still to hear fronC The ideate not yet given up but wc understand will be taken up with fresh vigor af ter New Years Masons fit The Masons had a most enjoyable evening last Friday at their Lodge Rooms in Newmarket when about attended the At Home Music was by Mr Oughs orchestra Speeches were made by Messrs J Robertson and Lloyd and songs given by Messrs A field and Stanley Scott It was about one oclock when the party broke up Happy to meet sorry to part happy to meet again Curling Contest At the recent meeting of Newmar ket Curling Tub Jinn Davis and Mrs Davis were elected Honorary Officers On being informed of the election the Hon of Crown Lands acknowledged the same to the Club Secretary by staling that he would a suitable silver cup made for competition in the Club The Cup is to be contested for for years by the members of the Club and the person who wins the Cup in three seasons becomes the possessor This should certainly awake quite an inter est in curling Separate School Report for November the names be ing arranged in the order of merit Katie Irene OMal Grace Coyle Maggie Jr IV Mary Lizzie Mc Caffrey Rose Doyle John Oileani Ill Oscar Henry Burke Jc Ill Ambrose OLeary Annie McCaffrey Mar OHallarn Frank Mo- Hale P J Harry Doyle I Prize market The largest Prize Market in County will be held in Newmarket Tuesday the of December and we expect to see the biggest market ever held here About are offered in prizes for dressed fowl about for fruit and vegetables nearly for butter and eggs over for diessed meat and nearly for honey and lard A complete list of the prizes will be found on page of todays issue No charge will be made for en uring and the market in free for every body to see It will be held in the Town Hall the same as last year and will be from to oclock p was the first plate in this part of the country to open a cash market It has made a for itself all over the and will maintain its position of being the best market to be found Let the farmers show their extension Engineer is engaged this wQek extending the oh feel to the West and the domestic ice will be placed following houses KeiUi- OBrien Mr Barney roy and Mr Lloyd It is expected that the service will be completed this week Cutting the Timber portable sawmill cut feet of lumber at Charles Starrs Pine Orchard and this week has started at Mr Albert Starrs bush at where they ex pect to cut between and thous and feet As soon as they get thru there the machine Is engaged to cut at Mr John Smiths at where If acres of hardwood bush will be cut into lumber for the Office Spe cialty Works at Newmarket the con tract having been already made Mr ledge is certainly making a suc cess of his portable sawmill Produce There was a splendid market here last Saturday Very large quantity of fowl as well as butter and eggs of fered and the attendance of people was a surprise to everybody high as was paid for butter and for fresh eggs Dressed turkeys ami geese to ducks froui to and dressed chickens from to live chickens from 30 to and live geese from to 60 beef from 5 to per lb by the quarter pork to Jamb to from SI to per barrel and from to per basket Potatoes and per bag 9 Prices for Christmas Season Finest Currants while they last per lb Best selected Raisins per lb Seeded Valencia per lb Seeded California Raisins per lb Puce Sugar per ib G Finest Cooking Figs per lb Prunes per lb a Nonpareil Jelly Tablets Canned Peas tins for Canned Corn 3 tins for Canned Tomatoes tins for 25 Canned Pumpkin per tin y lb Tin of Asparagus regular for Sardines per tin I lb Tin Imperial Pigs Feet for If Canned pound tins Sliced Smoked Beef per tin Canned Pork and Beans Canned Plums 10 Canned Chicken Canned Partridge Canned Devilled Chicken or Tongue per tin Mortons Preserved Mooters Morions Kcppcred Herring 5 I ft IS Corn Starch Washing Soda per Blue Breakfast per Whiting per lb package lb per lb and RUNT The SpceisHy Works Orders are in a little more freely than they did a couple of months ago The metal workers are engaged on a large order for the fi ov er anient buildings at Ottawa Mr is now at Ottawa superin tending construction of work that has been sent ahead Mr a woodworker expert from several days here last week giv ing instruction at the factory A fine new bar made out of quarter oak and birch is nearly ready for the Forsyth House a magnificent piece of furniture An order is also being filled for Ideal School Desks fur use in Toronto Crosse A New Fleets just to hand New Walnuts Almonds and Filberts just received Come anil buy the best for the very lowest money at CORNER STORE gdtfrUsfemenK The Cheap Store 9 Departments AND EVERY DAY it -v- appreciation by bringing their 11 Frank An- and making the market one worthy of Florence n Mat Midroy Maurice Norman Willie Murphy Teacher the metropolitan County of York something that will make the city buy ers more eager to make their purchases here Society At a special meeting of the members of this society held Council chamber on Saturday last President K Canei in the chair the question of mortgaging the societys grounds for a sufficient sum of money to pay for the which have been made to the grounds and buildings dur ing the past year was discussed In response to a call from the President Mr Jackson as Treasurer a statement showing that about had been expended in buying laud for enlarging grounds and that for moving Main building and re fining the same erection of grand stand stables fencing etc and grad ing a little over had already been paid and the Grounds Committee contemplated making further improve ments in grading and drainage With the surplus from the exhibition and ex cursion he thought the Society would require to borrow about to meet all This was con sidered satisfactory and a resolution was adopted by the meeting authorize ing the Board of Directors to borrow that amount on mortgage of grounds Immediately after the public meeting adjourned the Hoard convened and took action for borrowing the money at five per cent Examine That hew Steel at lilnns Its a beauty Bums 27 inch wood or real The Haines Memorial Pursuant to adjournment the Haines Memorial Committee met on Tuesday evening Mayor cane In the chair and members The subcommittee appointed to make enquiries as to cost etc of monument presented a report showing that they had been in com munication with nine firms and prices were submitted from live firms of suitable monuments ranging in price from to accompanied by pencil and printed designs A motion was carried unanimously to place the proposed monument oil Water Works lawn provided the Jil will furnish a suitable location end Allan Hose and were appointed to wait upon the Council in regard thereto After considerable discussion the committee seemed to be strongly In favor of a granite monument with a Jf likeness bust of the late the top of it and the on statue were requested to further enquire for exact estimates and drawings of such a monument the wft to stand about eight feet high a monument would require from four months to fill the order The to rtt the chair Death of Mr Dales The following obituary we clip from the Argus published last Friday at Mich regarding the death of an esteemed friend and form- resident of Newmarket- For many weeks the last summons had been expected at the Dales home therefore no one was surprised Mon day morning to learn that Mr Dales had passed over Mr Dales has been a great sufferer past year and toward the close had became very nervous so that the slightest noise disturbed him He had been in poor health for sometime prior to removal of a tumor under his right arm on January last After this operation which disclosed the fact that he had tuberculosis the disease seemed to spread rapidly throughout his system and in less than a year sapped his life The best medical at tendance was secured from Saginaw and Detroit but no avail The re moval of the tumor seemed necessary because of its rapid growth and lie would no doubt sooner or later have met the same fate He was conscious up to within a few hours of his death and made his wishes known regarding all funeral arrangements James A Dales was born in York county Ontario Canada January and died in Novem ber 26 The funeral services were held at his late home Wednesday afternoon Rev Nixon officiating and interment made at Ho was married in to Miss An gelina of Kettleby Ontario and for eleven years thereafter carried on a mercantile business at Hawk- stone from here they moved to New market continuing in the same busi ness seven years more From there they moved to Michigan and purchased Hie Mason homestead south of town where he has since lived and died Mr Dales has been a devoted mem ber of the M church and during his short life among us has proved his sincerity and excellent qualities as a citizen neighbor and friend He was an excellent thorough farmer and be lieved In doing well whatever fell to Ids lot Was a staunch temperance man and advocate always ready to do all that lay in his power for the cause He will be missed not only from the home circle but from the church temperance ranks and commun ity in general He was a public spir ited man and fell a great interest in the affairs of the country of his late adoption and was always ready to promote every good thing for his town and country He leaves to mourn their great loss a wife and six children Oliver Mrs Horner Jess and One son Herbert preceded him to the other shore three years this fall He also eaves four brothers and three sisters Police Court rose in the Forsyth House between some men on afternoon which refilled quite a tacket in the yard in seven took part besides Af terwards four of the party went to the Eagle Hotel and also created disturbance Chief Anderson laid in formation before Squire Jackson on Monday morning and summonses were issued for an investigation of the case yesterday afternoon Three young men from Bast settled on Wednesday for apiece and two residents of the Town who had a in the fracas but were not ringleaders were allowed to settle for each At PRICES bound to be interest to the Economical Housewife and the Grocery- Buying Money SavingPublic in Note well the particulars and get our Prices on Groceries not listed here Notwithstanding very unfavorable weather the church was nicely filled for the Tea Meeting on Tuesday evening The ladies sustain ed their reputation for an abundance of good things and program was very attractive The Knox College Quartette was splendid Many con sidered them equal to Sherlock Quartette and their selections were certainly very appropriate Miss sang with splendid and was deservedly encored The choir under the leadership of Mr J D Mc Kay several good selections Mr F Knowles also contributed a solo The proceeds of the evening amounted to 61 The The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church are to be congratulated upon the success of their Birthday Tarty last- Monday evening The church was fairly well filled and the total pro ceeds were The ladies did their part nobly and the tables were very tastefully adorned The solos by Miss Ethel Webster of Toronto were very warmly received Miss Webster has a strong soprano voice under perfect control and sings with great ease and beautiful expres sion The enunciation was very clear and she possesses a manner free from and yet very prepossessing She sang four or five times and was deservedly encored solos by Miss were also appreciated Her voice is not very strong but is very sweet and she gave prospects of being a very attrac tive singer The organ selections by Mr Arthur Lye of Toronto were well rendered and in variety showed the pipe organ to perfection Mr Lye also accompanied the singers with much ability and expression readings by Master Gray of Toronto were indeed well rendered a clover boy and has the hap py faculty of impersonating character with splendid expression If he con tinues in this line he will make a star The patriotic selection entitled The Union Jack was an excellent one and the moral of The Deacons Match was well brought out ladies were able to make an other payment on the organ reducing the indebtedness down to 5250 Dried Fruits and Nuts Currants cleaned good Currants cleaned In per lb Currants cleaned choice per 16 Raisins line per Raisins choice select per lb Raisins finest- California per lb Raisins seeded California per lb Raisins Sultana seedless line 10 Raisins Sultana choice per lb Raisins table per Raisins table Rein Choicest Clusters in lb boxes SI 15 per box or per It lmon Peel English per lb Orange Peel English per lb Mixed Peel English per lb Mixed per lb Pigs Cooking lbs for 25 Table Layers choice Dates per lb Prunes per lb Mincemeat choice prepared per lb package Walnuts per lb Almonds Tarragona per lb Brazils per lb Pecans per per lb Peanuts per lb as to size each Shelled Almonds per lb Shelled Walnuts per lb Canned Vegetables Table Jellies Canned Corn Canned Peas Canned Tomatoes Canned Pumpkin Canned Wax Conned Asparagus Canned Pork and Beans Canned Raked with Tomato Sauce Canned French Asparagus Canned French Peas extra Canned French Mushrooms 20 Flavoring Extracts Icings c Extract Lemon and Vanilla small bottle Regular extract the best we can buy all kinds of flavors White Icing Sugar per lb Pink Icing Sugar per lb J Lump Sugar per lb Powdered Chocolate per lb Chocolate lb Cowans Chocolate lb Rakers Chocolate lb j per lb i lb Silver Seal 3 Silver Seal Fruit Pudding Corn Starch Bensons Corn Starch Gelatines Tin Marmalades c Mixed Pickles large East India Pickles Club Pickles Scotch 20 Crosse A Plcldea Worcestershire Sauce Tomato Chutney Club China Sauce Gold Jelly Powder j liatgers Table Jelly I Knoxs Gelatine Coxs Gelatine Plymouth Gelatine 12j Chalmers Gelatine Lady Charlotte Gelatine Brown Mixed per lb Candies Biscuits Gelatine Orange Mar- Uptons Orange Marmalade Scotch Marmalade Preserved Ginger Virginia Pickled Mangoes French Imperial Plums Turkish Preserved Roses Canned Peaches 59 Canned fc Relishes Crosse A Spanish Queen Olives Manzanilla Olives French Capers large bottles French Capers Crosse Black- rniii iii Mixed Pickles Mixed Pickles small I Cut Rock Mixed per lb Royal Mixed per lb Peppermints per lb Conversation per lb lb 12 Choice Creams per IS Chocolate Drops per lb High Class in Creams Bon Chocolates Ac about kinds to choose from rang- in price thus 35 and Water Ice Windsor and Cocoa Wafers high class our price per lb kinds Fancy Biscuits at and Biscuits Oxford Biscuits City Mixed Biscuits Molasses Snaps per Fresh Broken Sweet and Soda Biscuits per lb u DONT FORGET THE ON 2ND FLOOR Mens and Boys Wear Sale OUR XMAS DISPLAY Is now complete Goods Dolls Toys Games Books China e Dont visit this Department and bring the Children Newmarket

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