Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 7, 1900, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET PEC ASH RICH Pointed oil at Clifford The banquet to Hon Clifford to be siren next Tuesday in Toronto Was intends at first be of local character but so widespread became the dftdro for outside participation that those ration in charge decided at clow of last week to interprovincial in stead and we now learn that at- least Provinces will be distinctly rep resented on the occasion- As far west as Brandon from which place twenty leading Liberals have telegraphed for seats and Quebec in tile east applica tions for place have been received Among members of Dominion Gov ernment who have signified their to be present to do honor to the man that Opposition leaders by the aid of Hugh John and Sir Hibberl were going to politically annihilate are Sir Wilfrid Hon S Hon J I Hon- and Hon Charles in addition we that Hon Geo Hon J Gibson Hon J Davis of the Ontario Cabinet Sir MP- Mayor of Montreal and other prominent from Quebec will also be in The Liberal organ at Toronto says The event promises to he one of the greatest tributes to a public roan not he leader of either of the great political parties ever wit nessed in Canada EDITORIAL NOTES An Ottawa despatch dated Nov states that the Dominion Government after duly considering the petitions for in the case of Hamilton sentenced for murder cided not to interfere with the judg ment of the court is quite unnecessary to the article in last weeks Express the Globe does it for us in these words The Newmarket Express Tory says It is true that the Con servative party denounced as a traitor to his and his and we are proud to know that thous ands of loyal Liberal electors reechoed the cry and voted against the arch traitor Mr is a member of a Government which gave the British preference promoted penny postage and the Pacific cable and scut Cana dian contingents to tight for the em pire in South Africa Mr was a consenting party to all these mea sures Indeed it is well established that Mr Tartc was the first Minister to suggest sending a second contin gent We suppose his real offence was his persistence in treason by urging that the second contingent should go to South Tory Governments as we know steadily refused to allow Canada to participate in Imperial Oar Society column Miss Maggie Allan is visiting in the if Mrs TOveil spent last week in the city Miss Irwin is visiting in the city for a month Mr Traviss went down on jury last Tuesday Edgar spent over Sunday in ihe city Mr Jos is improving and is able to sit up a little each day Sir Armitage ST of Toron to is spending a few days in Town and vicinity visiting old friends Mr Mills school teacher at lice- ton graduate of was in Town last Saturday calling on friends Mr George lei- is home from Detroit Mrs Lcpard and two children from Toronto spent over with her sister HI E of Columbia was guest of Egbert Cane last yiindaj She stopped bit here on be IroyrMiilwmrtiieiria Exposi tion Miss Turner of Welling ton Co is visiting her sisters Mrs Anderson and K Mor rison She expects to be hero till after Christmas Mr J of Perth who up to Toronto to consult an oculist for an affliction of his eyes is spending a few days with his father- inlaw Mr Jackson before return ing home Mrs EL A Allen of Toronto writes I get lots of other papers but they cannot take the place of EraTor me get letters every wars was once a Tory and it is possible for Tories to argue that he should have been loyal to the old Tory policy of noninterven tion in be wars of the empire The Perth Courier puts the attitude of the Conservative press and politicians in Ontario towards the people of Quebec For grate long tarn when John lire The Frenchman be vote Toree him on beck and say You hoy you tain the Frenchman he vote Grit am a No pat him on the Frenchmans back No boy no Every member of County Coun cil that voted to the Wardens salary should grt a Walking ticket next Saturday This is within of the indemnity received by an ordinary of the Local legis lature who has to spend a or six weeks in the city No wonder the taxes arc crawling up year by year By the demise of Senator of Hamilton vacancy has been created in tlie Upper House for Government to All When the Liberals took in they only had nine supporters in the Senate out of a total of St Senators but now they have with three vacate to lili Willi made the will be within less than half a dozen of having a controlling majority in the Upper as there are several njembers infirm to expect them to at tend Senate sessions another general election in all probabil ity JoliUcal complexion of the Senate will be Liberal instead of Tory Our Toronto better A banquet to Col Oiler on his re turn from the Transvaal has been pro posed lite night of December is the date fixed if the Colonel re turns all right Sir Richard CartwriglitMP was in the city the beginning of this week The General Sessions far York oen- at the new court house tins week Judge lakes the criminal court and Judge Morgan the civil business Thirtythree aliens made application naturalization at the opening of the court oil Tuesday Most of then were Italians City Engineer left for England his week to spend months in disposal works The Highlanders Band of this city had an of 6000 people at their concert in Chicago last week St Autfrews Hall on Friday night last was the occasion of the greatest that has ever taken place in this cityunder the auspices of St Society The and were present as distinguished guests Many private wore kilts and a large lion of the ladies costumes were of The Conservative members of the arui material The decorations Ontario Assembly and a goodly num ber of the other fellows who tried to were most elaborate car loads of poultry passed get a seat in that House at the last j this city from London general elections air J I Whit- l country and Mr J leading the van held a in Toronto on Tuesday to decide on what to do in order if possible to redeem a lost cause It wm a clear ease of fuss and Jots of talk and to have been prompted by the fancy that immediately after the next session of the Local Hon Mr Ross will go to wuntry in which event the late Dominion race cry appears to give them much trepidation of heart Some advocated a convention others did not approve and the ques tion was dropped without action The statement of claim hi Use slander action of Senator against Hon Clarke Wallace for West York in with anteelection charges made during the recent campaign were at Hall on Tuesday last The charge against Mr Wallace is that on the day of October 1000 at a pub lic meeting in Toronto Junction he falsely and maliciously spoke and of the plaint ill the following words Senator paid to the for his title and is Mow advertising in Europe that he was made a Senator by the Canada because of the incalculable that had been conferred upon them by his discovery in pills meaning and implying thereby so the statement that the plaintiff had corruptly bribed members of Cabinet and had by means of and dishonest practices obtained his appointment The Senator asks that the case be tried at carloads of turkeys will be shipped to the English London A train on the Hamilton after leaving on Wednesday overtook and ran down a handcar on which were five men All were killed All were married and resided at Cheltenham Chicago Pec Four men and one hoy were Instantly killed and injured by the of a mi the of the for Also about ten tons from this city were shipped this week Their Excellencies and have extended their patronage to Christmas Carnival to be held under auspices of the ladies of the Work Depositary in Hall on the and Premier is for a lec ture on Undercurrent in Canadian History before the Lindsay Collegi ate Institute on the ttth A hundred carloads of live stock are being pushed along over Trunk from Western part of the Province The eattle are for the British Christmas market Following are on the Jury at the Criminal Sessions which opened on Tuesday Black farmer King merchant Aurora Fred erick Chapman merchant Holland Landing Crown Timber Agent- Hamilton of Warren was a caller at the Crown Lands Tuesday He says that more timber Is being cut this than ever before Lumbermen are complaining of scarcity of labour arc getting from to a month this season and their hoard when two years ago their wages were and Premier Row offers two prizes the Hoys Brigade of the Dominion for competition in essays The subject for the senior boys is Canada as a Home and the True Manliness The competition Is till the of June next Be Fair Canadians Your brothers and lovers are return lug covered with The whole empire attests the credit heir In Africa they met cousfnftthe tea planters also fighting for the Dear You can the com rades of your soldier Jirothcrs Try Ceylon and India teas if you Japan Leave the to t dainty palates sort tern road even- ft await J Mrs Feasor nee Miss was visiting with Mrs Park Pembroke Street Toronto a few days last wee Case of Street who is one of the veterans of re ceived hi Fenian Medal last week Miss Ethel Hunter daughter of Mr J P Hunter of Toronto is visiting her uncle and aunt and Mrs J Miss and Miss of Ellington formerly of Newmarket were Visiting friends in Toronto on Sunday Mrs of Toronto came up on Monday for the Birthday Party at the Methodist Church at which her daughter Mrs of Otldwa arriv ed in Town on Tuesday evening to spend the Christmas holidays with her mother Mrs Miss Webster tire soloist from at Methodist was the guest of Mr Jackson during her stay in Newmarket Mr of Mon golia Township writes I find the to be as have the best local paper on the go Mr T a Newmarket boy who married Miss line and is practicing law in Vancouver lias been elected to fill a vacancy in Ihe City Council Mr and Mrs McQuillan and Mrs James and Mr all of Toronto attended the funeral of Mrs here on Tuesday Mr Coombs Principal of the High School got word on Wednesday morn ing of lite death of his mother and at once proaxtfed to Maple attend the funeral Toronto Star jAii engagement has been announced Ixlwecn Say- lard Hawkins Patterson of and Louise Webber of the George Webber and the marriage has been arranged to take place short ly before Christmas Mrs Wilson of Whitchurch got home on Monday after a six weeks visit with her son Mr Albert Wilson near She found the Americans a very generous and kind- hearted people and greatly enjoyed her visit She says provisions arc high compared with the prices in this part of Canada and they have excel lent roads in Massachusetts Globe of Monday makes this observation Hon J Davis Commissioner of Crown Lands cele brated his fortyninth birthday yester day Mr Davis has been in public life In one capacity or another for Iweutysix year but his vigor and ac- give promise of many more years of valuable service We join the Hon gentlemans many friends in North York in extending congratula tions few days ago we received a let ter from Ksq Pub lic School Inspector for South York and we take the liberty of publishing so that his many friends in North York may see that fie still has a kind ly Interest in bin old I very much appreciate your fulness in sending me an occasional copy of The last with a report of the Convention was particularly pleasing as- 1 Renewed as it were my acquaintance with so of my North York friends from whom I have now been so long separ ated Many old associations and friendships were recalled and revised and I only regret that I am so tied down with official duties that I can not go north and meet with old friends and fellowworkers the numbers of whom I know are being reduced one another are called to lay down the weapons of warfare to the palm and the crown Many personal friends of Mr J who was manager of the On tario Bank in Newmarket for a num ber of yearn Willi be pleased to read the following clipping from- a recent copy of the Herajd printed at Grand Rapids Mich Among the companies competing for the business of the people of Michigan in life In- none comes with a better re cord than the Canada Life Assurance company of Toronto which is repre sented in Grand Rapids by J as general agent for Western Michigan The Grand Rapids branch Was established in and since been charge as general agent for Western Michigan He has been with theconv for 20 years and was formerly special agent at Toronto He Is of the Life Underwriters Asso ciation of Grand Rapids a of the Lakeside Club and of the Masonic Order and beats an excellent personal and ling day with similar expressions regard ing the which are very gratify ing to us Mr K Coombs Principal of New market High School has received an appointment which is an honor to him self as welt as to Newmarket He has been chosen set the papers for the examinations for the next three years in School Management and History of Education for the Nor mal College at Hamilton We con gratulate him upon the appointment HOLLAND LANDING The anniversary services in the Methodist church on Sunday last were largely attended and the Fowl Supper on Monday evening was a grand suc cess They cleared between and The funds on hand the money received on Sunday and Mon day last will it is estimated buy the brick to brickclad church More funds will have to be raised for the purpose of laying the brick Miss after a linger ing illness of some six months passed away on Wednesday morning at six oclock Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved family in their sad hour of Mrs A- Shields and family are vis iting friends in Mr Morris has sold proper ty to Mr Glover for the stun of Air Morris intends moving to Newmarket where he has secured a situation witU the Cane Mfg Co Mrs 1 and daughter Miss Ada of Aurora spent Monday and Tuesday last with Mrs W Lane- The Choir are out of sight They rendered some at the meeting in the Metho dist church on Monday evening Hope to have the pleasure of hearing again before long PINE ORCHARD Mr of Toronto wlio is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever is visiting with his brother Mr Mrs A- Goring and son of Newmar ket are siting with her Mr and P Miss Case of Park was home over Sunday Owing to the serious illness of Mr Thompson no service was held in the church on Sunday evening Wellborers from Petrolia have com menced operation on the farm of Mr Little Marie Lemon of is visiting her grandmother Mrs Brown Mrs has returned to her home in after an extended visit- to her daughter Mrs Shanks THo In Town on the 1st of Dec to Mr and Mrs A a son- At on Nov 26th wife of Mr Jerome Campbell a son GRANGER At the dist Parsonage Newmarket on the by Rev McCuI- loch Mr George of Barrio son of Mr of Sut ton to Miss Mary Granger of Sutton THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House 4 Has made a nut in prices on Furniture for a few days before stock For Cash High Back Diners per sett up Sideboard Mirror up Extension up Bedroom Suites up Lounges up Parlor Suites pieces IS up othey goods in proportion A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at Residence St John Millard Newmarkets Leading Store PRICE We do not often make such a cut as we will this week in our Ladies and Misses partment The fact is we have too many Jackets and mean to make Big Clearance this week even though we sacrifice all the profit and some of the cost of these Coats Judge from this list Very Handsome Coats were this week Beaver Coats were this week Curl Coats were this week Beaver Coats in colors this week Stylish Coats were 00 this week Big Range in Coats this week Not an old coat in the stock and you will save exactly 50 but we close this offer on Saturday night so come early Overcoats that are We have not an old Tweed or Worsted Overcoat in the stock Every garment here is up- to date and perfect in style fit and finish Our best seller is Mens Fine AllWool Black Beaver Cloth medium length Overcoat This coat tailormade lined with best ers satin has Fine Velvet Collar and Mohair sleeve lining No custom tailor could make such a coat for less than Our price o per cent 5 Mens Fine Beaver Overcoats at Mens Heavy Beaver Mens Heavy Frieze Ulsters at Mens Frieze Pea Jackets at Boys Ulsters from 350 to BARGAINS Heavy shaped Horse Blankets at Mens Fleeced Shirts and Drawers reg price at Ladies Dark Wrappers special value at Fancy Oper Flannels that were reduced to Tweed Goods that were reduced to Extra Jail Bleached Table Linen reduced to Ladies Black and Grey Gauntlets reduced to Childrens Grcv Gauntlets reduced to 90 00 95 OO 50 50 H E For some weeks the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal have been publishing most nattering testi monials regarding two pictures Christ in the Temple and Home from the War We notice the letters come from people capable of judging too and having seen the pictures we must they are magnificent afid de serving of all praise Family Herald and Weekly Star sub scribers are certainly getting their dol lars worth this reason Christ in Temple is the finest piece of art ever before Canadian public Old subscribers to the Family Herald are rushing forward their subscriptions in order to get the pictures for This should bo the banner year for the Family Herald Weekly Star Christmas Holiday Goods At arriving daily in Urge quantities and our assortment this year will be large Famous Books Prices I Printed in large clear type on good book paper fully illustrated bound in heavy board with beautiful engraved designs or can be had In enamelled paper covers I A I hooks by some of the best authors per copy MENS THOUGHTS MEN WOMENS THOUGHTS FOR WOMEN Beautifully Bound A Suitable Gift Th Tomb At the residence of her soninlaw Mr McQuillan on Sunday Dec 2nd Margaret relict of the late John in year of her agd Funeral from Station on Tuesday morning per train to New market and interment in St Johns Cemetery On Tuesday Dec at the residence of her soninlaw August Peterson Toronto Jane Pollock relict of the late Hugh of North FAULKNER In Town on Dec 1st Katie Faulkner aged month and days Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Sunday afternoon Richmond Hill on Nov Catharine wife of Michael East aged Interred at St Johns i Cemetery Newmarket on Sunday afternoon Holland Landing On Dec Christina daughter of Mr Peter aged It and Interred In Newmarket Cemetery on Wednesday a Furniture Main rtt- Korth Newmarket Crockery and Glassware Dinner Sets Tea Sets Toilet Sets A tine and varied collection of Fanoy China for little money LA FANCY VASE LAMPS r HANGING LAMPS STAND LAMPS BRACKET LAMPS HAND LAMPS BURNERS GLASSES SHADES WICKS STARRS GROCERY Note a few of our prices for this week and lb Dates lb Raisins and lb Seeded Raisins packet Lemon and Orange Peel lb Shredded Cocoanut lb Citron Feel lb Pure Ginger lb Cooking Figs lb lbs for Extracts 5c and bottle Layer Figs lb Peas Corn andTomatoesiSc can Were HeadQuarters for Santa Candy at Low Prices All Older will receive Prompt Confectionery and Fruit Cordials The best in the land Try thorn W STARR Telephone p

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