Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 7, 1900, p. 10

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A ERA la often a that the torpid or airfona For efficient cure of Headache and ail liter t roubles Hoods Pills they or all or by mall I Hood A CO Lowell Mast WIDE- AND WORTHY TO Dont Miss Tt A remainder of J90 Cabinet for Half 75 work bat bo produce or refund the money large ftWtnfnt of dale Frames at City Prices Oil and see ttaetii T GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND Newmarket Out ALL Vail MI WITH PainKHIer Cheat la Safe far DIARRHOEA COLDS RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA- and BO Bottles OF IMITATIONS- ONLY THE PERRY DAVIS We understand Mr purposes a shingle mill into The annual hot fowl and plum pud ding supper of the Methodist church will be held on the evening of December The usual good limb is expected r mil LIN KING- a The Presbyterians intend having a Christmas tree and concert in aid of Sunday School Mr A J Watson has had the mis fortune to lose a number of- his valu able sheep A timber man lias been thru this part of the nitre buying up the good clean elm trees he can get They are for shipment to the old coun try Mr Hat has had a windmill erected on his bam LINTON A new woodshed is to be erected in the school A large shipment of hogs was made from this community was fortunate in having his apples shipped before they were frozen as others were Council matters both and county are waxing warm Taxes arc increasing without any necessity and we better have a change Mr Realty is reengaged to teach at Linton school at an increased salary Have the Mormons disappeared We feel proud of the trustees wjio fused the school for their use The Presbyterians have had pul pit supplied by probationers Mrs J Stewart who underwent an operation in Grace Hospital Tor onto is not improving The church was packed to the door on Sunday last being anni- versuiyscrviocSfaiti the hot fowl sup per on- Monday evening a great success i The work of Elder was never more pleasant prosperous on all three of appoint ments is Very encouraging in England AURORA has been appoints the fire department in Bond who has re- Mr A K chief of place of Sir sighed The Christmas Market- Committee has received a cheque of from the Hon Postmaster Ifencr- also one from Hon Commissioner of Crown Lands fin towards the Christmas market prize list London Nov detachment of itiiVincu belonging- to Royal fiikn Regiment Colonel which have jus ling- froni wVden Castle arrived London day and proceeded rAcks Since their- arrival where they were by Robert Stewart Canadians have been greeted with tumultuous applaud Ml LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT ASSURANCE CO MOUNT PHEASANT The P Pleasant Presbyterian church elected last- week for the coining year as follows President Miss Jennie Vice Miss Davidson Rec Secretary Miss Curtis Treasurer Mr Cor Secretary Miss Davidson Organist Miss Stiles We are pleased to see the genial face of Mr Sander in our midst Our teacher Mr Smith has in a comet and is making things lively with his musical genius Miss Edith Hamilton is confined to the house with la grippe Miss who was in tending to take a course of training as nurse in one of the New York Hos pitals is detained at home on account of the protracted illness of her fa ther Mr Ben Johnson of Manitoba is vis iting friends here The Laities Aid met at Mr James Hamiltons and report a good time Mr Robert Stiles and bride are to make their future home in Newmarket A 4- Last Sunday marked the opening of the new Anglican Church has just been erected in this village in place of the old which was origin ally built in and totally destroy ed by fire on April last There were large congregations at- all the services Rev T Patterson Rev A Watt of Road Head and Rev William Walsh of were preachers The new structure is of tressed brick finished in ash and of the Known as Early Hie which were in aid of the build- fund netted SI A big Concert was held in the Town Hall on Monday evening in aid of the building fund in Shansi The engineer Misunderstood the signals frightful railroad lori with loss of The whole by accident a far greater of life occurring every day in various ifons the countrv for which the only the ikfctor didnt under Stand the symptoms These cases are the subjects of special or the country would be aghast at the sacrifice of life to ignorance It lias been tiie experience of Dr R Pierce and bis staff of assistant elans that ninety eight out of every hundred persons submitting to their treatment can be cured given up by the local physicians weak with stutioorn coughs and i lungs have absolutely cured by the of Dr Pierces Medical pick people arc invited to consult Pierce letter free All letters are held a strictly private and treated as sa credly confidential Answers ere mailed In envelopes without any printing on them We have just received a Car of LES Every Shingle of which is Perfect Cull and see them King Council The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to Stability Liber ality Popularity Accumulated Annual Bonuses Already Claims Paid Polices were for 10015 The Canada 10 over Four- YEAR a AiK profits Our tax collector Mr Win Wells tins finished his rounds and reports cash payments plentiful The trustees hare engaged Miss By- am for another year as head teacher for our public school Mr Williams has purchased the butchering business from of Kins City and calls in village three times a week ftlr Norman has sold out his and leased his store and dwell to Mr Melville Nelson of Valen tine Mr Norman has been in here for years will retire after holidays Mr Norman is a present ou fined to a dark room from serious trouble in his right time ago while handling coal a blew into his eye I ion set in Brown met with a serious ace dent at Davis on Saturday last When Kissing a vat containing a liijuid he lippt the tap in his fall eatising the steiiiu to gush out his neck and face badly lie is improv ing rapidly The last two Sundays have been red letter days at On Sunday the nth P Addison preached in the in the and evening to crowded houses and on Sunday the Mrs spoke to a packed house giv ing a description of the and dangers they passed thru in China Met at Temperance Nail Kettlehy Nov Members all present Following bills were ordered paid Winter opening ditch opposite Rumbles farm on Win Ctelan repair to culvert on 3rd GEO HUN A KENDALLS Machell drain tile John covering bridge on 3rd Con all Bros repair to road machine on John Cook repair to culvert Deacon moving road scraper 2 salary lift Geo Brown repair on Con Pottage repair to Ketllo- Walton gravel and opening pit- AH Armstrong culvert on mi White sheep claim Titos Blackburn sheep claim Bylaw passeci to appoint nomina tion place pulling stations and deputy Bylaw to open sideline and 31 in the Coil was also passed A bylaw was Jul to Statute Labor its first reading and it was ordered a plebiscite he taken on it the lime the election fur municipal officers is held in January next Next meeting of Council will held at on Saturday Dec Berlin Dec A special despatch J from China to the Cologne Volka relorts a fearful mission er in the Province of Shansi The first- victims the despatch says were a Catholic Bishop and his coadjutors J and European priests Francis- cans Italians and French The Gov- them to his house pre- 1 tending to give them better protec tion but when they arrived their hands were lied Then the Governor him self poniarded them all Next the Governor went to the Bishops rest- deuce with a number of soldiers and seized six Marseilles Sisters lie pro mised them money and distinguished husbands if they renounced Christian ity which they unanimously rejected Thereupon the Governor poniarded them and also a number of Chinese priests thirty Chinese sisters and two hundred orphans from three to sixteen of age Fifteen seminarists who had hidden themselves in a cis tern were tied to stakes and forced to drink the blood of the first victims They were killed A Chinese priest and two Christians who at tempted to escape were caught and put in a small where they were burned I pains in my and v 1 could hartfly the house says Keir of Dodger Webster Co tried phvsiciiiA Afid they told me I hail heard of Dr Pierces Medical thought I try of it I the first bottle I was very much bet ter took five bottles of it have not hail any return of the have a lull assortment of Three Years RIGHT of Success During the above period I have sold 2 beside several Sep had no lawsuits or dispute- of any kind and far I know my customers are well satisfied yet have several Portable Engines for sale including ihe Cornell A bell J can supply a full refuted at years time solfl where it will regular Trial atul customers for settlement- THOWPSONr The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited n Business Papers Economy Ill SPAVIN CURE fat It not J fcU4r J Ilk jf J lit4 J v At tor dm it A for f57o2 Messrs and John Mor rison left on Monday last for North where they intend- spend the winter Miss Katie I Is home waiting on her mother who has bed ill for some time Sheaniown has gone to learn the with James Kitchen at J Mr Doyle was a few days at his parental home last week few days ago Willie a small boy while the cows home spied some lively little animals crossing the lane of Mr Perry Hi inking to have some fun he took after one and succeeded in latching it and choking ft to death and was- pleased to bringing to that he had captured a Victor Marks of the Hue caught a fine grey squirrel which is a very rare thing about here Last but not is Willie The Kentucky Sate law requiring railvas in separate coaches for negroes has upheld by the United States Supreme Court i Startling Statement by Sir James Grant of Ottawa Die Annually Ontario Atone Through the axes of the Great White fl Clever Strategy Pretoria Nov Gen column has returned to after a five days march from They had only one casualty On IIkj return journey the while scouting rode close to ait am bush prepared by the Realizing their position they sprang from their horses turned them loose and sent them galloping back to the column They then sought cover on a slight ridge and poured a hoi and accurate fire into the hilling several of them They held heir position until the column of infantry arrived and did not sustain a single casualty Montreal Nov A Star cable from London says The Times to- A lire makes riding on makes a most eulogistic survey of a wonomkal too for Canadian achievements during the war the vibration bnKto liifccftrritgee A Vsheprd between the rabbet lire mid ihe flange prevenie the gunners or infantry proved Wrr which oihertireaare to Bee the exhibit at the big fair The SHANNON File Binder a Perfect SYSTEM SOLID CARRIAGE TIRE and concludes thus the campaign the Canadians whether as themselves brave and trustworthy soldiers in the face of the enemy They have never lacked any of those qualities which marked the contin gents from the other colonies but one misses in them the impatient reckless ness of the Australians and the uncer tain temper of the Africanbred coloni al Canada may well of their behavior alike in Held and camp Miss of gave a talk on breadmaking and domestic economy at an Institute meeting held at last week Good flour she said should be white with a yellowish tinge and with a gritty feeling when taken in the teeth Flour which is smooth and pasty lacks gluten The crust Is more digestible than the inner part of the loaf therefore the more crust the better To obtain the maximum of crust make loaves in single baking pans Nothing is more indigestible than baked bread Where skimmed milk is plentiful as it IS on the farm this should be used in breadmaking Skimmed milk adds Keci caught sly renard the fox by mm the tail in a hen coon in Mr Lynns f to barnyard ami held him wliite Iymi killed with a stick says he the fix will not I VaUC take my more their chlckos at the same into There is- me talk of a lr for the Sunday School children P Miss Howard of Bath Out who l Mr Warren as leather of fiS2fiJuT J I fo ass sr SLffferjwitt The of No No- Wit SUCtlt l4MM an oyster supper in their room Jasl Friday evening and a grand ball in the Music Hall While endeavoring to cross from Amherst Island to hi lighthouse in a small Michael keeper of llglithoiise- at Two a f9 ii far alvAr f aaatag iito Curt Ut such as ours- There is no better food for growing children than bread and butter made at the Agricultur al College indicate that fresh bread if cooked Is not more indi gestible than stale IS read is made more digestible by ihoroly toasting in thin slices If burned on the outside and raw on the inside it Is exceedingly indigestible Bend at once for Free Tire Catalogue prices of all sizes THE Tire Company IIMUED TORONTO ST JOIIS Solid Best Gold Gold Fill Weiftraotee perfect Mthtfaotioa fiLOBE OPTICAL GO Street Toronto- PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee If we fall- Any out ketch nod of any will receive our opinion free he of How to Obtain sent upon us for our taken out through receive special en and widely fiend for copy AddresA VICTOR J IVANS A CO at Attorney WAtHlMQTON a A live and bright and cheerful rooms new and no atalrw to climb IN8TUUCTJOK IN euninuiblp elo Principal For filing your invoices receipts muter classified Index with continuous easily referred lo over any number of years Simple Secure Complete The OfijcSpBOijaltyifflfg Co LIMITED Bay St Toronto The nun File Complete 1744 Notre Dame St Mont real Factories Newmarket Out Over 5000 turkeys arc ship ped from Woodstock district to the that menace to human happiness pitiless in in and no persons met its in Sou In Nervine This loHWcli and iiefve stimulates digestion tones the nerves aids circulation drives out impurities emaciation and brings flack the glow perfect hearth Cures hum of chronics that have fried by E Lehman Newmarket curlers- had their first game of the season on November Specialist on th In the run of medical practice greater number than this have treated cases of chronic dyspepsia and have failed to cure but Dr Von Stans Pineapple Tablets in a box at cents cost have made the cure giving relief one day These Utile specialists nave proven their teal merit Sold by Lehman Newmarket TbUbMV 10 FREE cfc art AftUUJ la Cull fiM ikjjinUL J m J MlVA It pkIk OKU YEARS EXPERIENCE Anyone Si probably Mtan MARKS Cor c ft awl our 1 Sdbojfcogg free liken Mann flrncricait ft 1 wuin jU ftff mill Mi Wfl is a In a ft butt THREE PAPERS I Write ear 36tiki WvtaU t Hew arc or Bead ui a of fa We will whether succeisfullj by rat foudocl fully equipped Sad Washington patch work ure ft the Invention High reference procured through Va- without in too throofftiovit the IbYer and Patent Eirfearit and rtontrtil IN ORE of ftnUofatetfled news pares of practical cultural and live pages of Hon eaturt 3 Sections 100 Per Year of with for Era and Mali for

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