Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 23, 1900, p. 9

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOV 1900 gnu CHINA HALL Weeks pas WHAT GOING ON A ABOUT I New and Fancy Groceries just opened Change of ad too for this issue Real Sale The brick residence on the Hals use the corner of Market were appointed to t carry out arranged to last- 1 year and it ia that will says that was the consideration be in cash prizes Nov 1900 Boots and Shoes afnnf We want to say a few words about our Empress Fine Shoes for Ladies They give per fect Satisfaction for the fol lowing reasons They are in style fit perfectly They are guaranteed to give Every satisfaction to the Wearer Have we Sold You a Pair Misses and Childrens fine or strong Shoes Mens and Boys coarse and fine Shoes ChuPeh In order to secure the assistance of Ret Mr at Endeavor meetings young people have decid ed to change the of meeting from and thai Mrs has to move as soon as her month is up Dairy The supply- of milk continues to w fieod there being on Monday evening to imnlately Monday and lbs on service oa Sunday evening Members into of other societies as as the getting con- lie generally are invited to service with however that the first batch of butter will be turned out Family History We are informed that the history of the family is now in press Mrs Emily has been engag ed upon this work for the past years Friends desiring information concerning it might write her or Mr Alfred A 1st Street Bos ton who will be pleased to answer all correspondents It is expected that the work will be readv for dis tribution by Christmas fieri Mr Thus Hunter has secured large bam on the Corporation and intends putting in ice for of the general public next summer He has already made a number of con tracts to deliver ice at private resi dences next summer it will be great convenience the public AURORA The Specialty Works- Another big improvement is being put into he factory this week A new dynamo arrived manu factured by the Canadian General Electric Co It- has a magnificent switch board with distinct connec tions and enuuciatbr attached Under the supervision of Mr tlic factory is wired in depart ments and by the aid of the switch board it is so arranged that light can Mr of Jefferson Is having a large brick residence built immediate ly south of his present home When completed the building will compare favorably with any along St Three deer parties returned home on Friday bringing evidence of having had good sport apt J- Davis camp brought deer Dr Rutherfords and A Motleys deer Mr A has disposed of a small residence on street to Mr J Weston p ROACHS The Vote in North York Polling iiu- 1 Mill Bands store Shop IB A A as day Ranaouay On Wednesday evening there was a lively runaway on Main Street Mr was driving a span of horses belonging to the Forsyth House attached light democrat loaded with trunks belonging to Commercial travellers At the top of the hill a gust of wind blew a piece of paper in front of the rig and the horses became unmanageable Jus guided them all the way down Ihe hill and filially ran Into a telephone pole at the comer of Water Street This the horses to a but one wheel was smashed and the tongue broken One of the trunks was also left on the road down It caused quite an excitement for a few minutes The Depot The shipments of freight the past week are as follows Outward cars merchandise cars woodenwarc car Specialty goods eggs J marsh hay barley wheats rye flour stock and cheese cars Inward lumber cars merchandise coal and oil cars Mrs Jessie Morton is spending a week in the city Mr Henry is not improving very fast Mr A Fines of Keswick intends be thrown on or oil any of the depart- building a house at the Point at will The is so mother from that by pressing a button in is spending the winter here with any department it tells the electrician what is wanted without sending a messenger to him Connections with the are all made and Mr expects to have dynamo in running shape to light this evening The new plant is times capacity of the old one the up Specials Ladies Black Skirts Boys Over coats and Shaker at Toronto Jobbing House Change of ad too late for this issue o GRAM ROBBERS Our Snag Proof Rub bers are the best on the market Everybody was surprised at the large attendance at the church last- Monday evening considering the disagreeable weather The lecture by John A Esq of Toronto on The Scripture of the Heavens was full of information regarding the planets that surround us and conveyed in language easily understood and com prehended astronomy is The Presbyterian has decided to have a tea and entertainment on Wednesday evening Dec The Army held a special meeting at Holt last Friday Mr place on Queen Street which has been renovated will be ready for occupancy Monday The masons finished their part of the wotk at the addition to the Water- Works on Wednesday afternoon and the carpenters are now getting at tin roof Mr David Armitage has sold his driver and outfit to Mr Win William son an employee on one of the pail lathes at Canes Factory and gone to the city to work A most beautiful and complete rain bow was observed here at oclock last Wednesday a very rare occurrence for a November morning The purse containing a sum of money lost last week by Miss Morton and advertised in the was found by Miss Florence Trent who Gospel A ago the Eudeavor of Church took charge of Ihe meeting and a food program Mr W Lehman in the and Miv tVolt or ah It n J mi Mr Richard Willis a solo and a Last Sunday the of provided program but owing to rain at tendance very Mr J Greco the chair nd at the Mm Mr a and Mr Hunter a speech Program next Sunday to be provided by the him fJUest Ontario I if WW somewhat of a subject the lecturer bad a very happy faculty to gladly returned it to the owner The fare to Aurora tonight and re turn by special car after the Concert is 1 -o- China and Glassware Dinner Sets and Toilet Sets At Very Close Prices to reduce our large Stock Over Sets to Select from See our Stock in Store opposite draw comparisons that put more or less humor into it and thus said things that will be remembered The gener al effect of the lecture was to make people think that this world of ours is a very small atom in the celestial creation During the evening Airs Gillies of Toronto sang four beautiful selec tions in a very captivating manner The Class is to be congratulat ed on the successful commencement of i their lecture course 12 dive dive Town Village Of Town of Newmarket 17 li9 Hoc he Mr William Hazard is able to around again after having had a bad attack of the fever The doctor at tended him even day for two weeks and a half Our winter has been very short Mrs M is here again after spending the summer at Toronto and Hamilton There were quite a number from Keswick spent with Mr Goodyear of Jacksons Point Our friend Jessie is not the only one that- has turnips out Look out kids Santa will soon be here Hall lot til SUTTON Total KING IK trl Cook Stove For good rcfhur flux of Teacher Wanted MORTIMER Newmarket PO Teacher Wanted Jami 1 fiSff JAMES a House Kettleby Greek Lloyd town 33 a 38 28 Teacher Wanted PO Card of Thanks On and I rrtwrn to mnv til aw ARTHUR 4 Tlal VAte Mb for Gould a Grocery Fine New Figs 5c lb Fine New Selected Raisins lb Fine New Citron Orange and Lemon Peels This Seasons Currants are scarce and price high -o- R A SMITH The Leading Grocer Telephone Goal and Wood Lime Hair Cements Passed It is with deep regret we have to chronicle the death of Mrs Joseph which occurred on Wednesday morning She was a very friendly woman and beloved by all who knew her Last August she look a heavy cold followed by and pneu monia which developed info other dis eases and confined her to bed nearly the whole of past thirteen weeks thing possible was done to re store her health but all efforts proved futile On account of the severe illness of Mr Jos- who has been in bed for the past three weeks owing to stomach trouble and whose condition has been quite serious the remains of his wife were removed yesterday morn ing from hotel to the residence of her brother Mr from whence the funeral will proceed at this afternoon to Pauls Church for service and interment at Newmarket Cemetery The bereaved family have the sym pathy of the whole Town in their sad affliction Cones Factory Orders continue to rush in for pails and tubs and the finished product is coming out so fast that one wagon and four men cannot carry it away A second wagon was put on at the same work on Wednesday Last Friday afternoon a young man named Ellsworth Lush employed on a tub lathe accidentally got a bad gash in his right leg with a very sharp knife called a trimmer- Mr Albert Stork had just unbolted an attach ment from the lathe used to put cor rugated wire hoops on tubs handed it to Lush when he accidentally let the trimmer strike against his in flicting a wound about inches long and i an inch deep It- was properly dressed by a surgeon and he was able to go to work again on Monday morn ing On Monday evening after the men had quit Work Mr John was some on a pail lathe when some of the metal spurted in his eye causing a great deal pain He was stilt suffering on Wed nesday The new artesian well is down feet but there is no more signs of water than when It was first started Wfeafound Bub WORTHY TO PINE ORCHARD Mr Brown was visiting 10 Toronto over Sunday Case and have re turned from a weeks visit at Willow- dale Mr I St rot her and wife spent Wednesday at the farm Miss Maggie of was visiting over Sunday at Mr Hopper Mr- who lias lived here for several years intends returning to his home in England next week Sammy is very popular and will ha missed by We wish him a safe voyage On of the very inclement weather no service was held in the church Sunday evening Now that the long winter evenings are upon us again We think that a Literary Society would prove a pleas ing feature in our Not only would it be a source of pleasure but of from an educational stand point We feel assured that we in our neighborhood to suc cessfully conduct- one if some gatic persons will but take matter in hand Think about it young people why should wo be behind our community to tho west of us 1 Newmarket Holt Mi Albert 182 LOST Mr Geo farm Plnr Orchard the S 1 STICK WOOD Total W Bond 6S- Middleton 3 Cooks low 23 CoqUciiV SO Valuable Farm for Salo InaUlnlnKM the cod of Whitchurch from and ffDC repair of water log and All of fruit STRAYED the rfeht ear and it one Any lead ok to his recovery wilt liberally total Keswick 2 ISLAND School Houw Majority 290 GO 42 194 JOHN OT Vino Orchard PO Farms to Rent and out on one and ood out IciVfl on other Within of tor to M l For Sale Hour and Feed delivered to all parts of the Town free J Cor Main Huron Hookey The Annual Meeting of Newmar ket Hockey Club held at Jack son on Monday night when the Club was reorganized for the ensuing year The report showed the Club to be in a mast flourishing condition During last season the Senior Club played seven matches scoring goals to 61 against them The Team played three matches scoring 31 goats to their op ponents A good record The election of Officers resulted as follows Hon Howard Vice Pros Howard Cane and K Robertson J A Allan Captain Geo Simpson Treas Dr dark REMOVED House The men finished packing eggs on Wednesday but they are not all ship ped yet During the past season no less tons of pickles were put down at this same institution On Monday an employee named Ward slipped and sprained his ankle pretty badly but he was back to work yesterday Mr states that there is no truth in the yarn sent to a Toron to paper that an attempt was made last Friday night to burglarize his premises at the end At Mr pork packing establishment on Thursday of last week Mr John Simmons one of the employees met with an accident and it is a great Wonder that it was not more serious He had been attending to eggs drying in the yard and on en tering the building which seemed dark after coming from the light he didnt observe that trap into the cellar was open One man was In the cellar and another person was handing jhtm egg in the meantime he SEED STORE House Com The Officers and P had stepped away from the trap door Doyle- attend to something and Mr Club intend putting a fast team mons walked into hole Had it on the lee this and If the pro- not been for a box under the hole he posed Northern Hockey to bo would have fallen six or seven composed of- teams as Bar- As it was he only fell about three ft and He struck partly on his side and hip others should a reality the and was pretty badly bruised Ho patrons of here may expect was assisted home and medical attend- some matches the coming secured No bones were broken season- Miss Minnie of Toronto was visiting at Mr Wright Foggs a few days last week Mr and Mrs Aylward wcie in Toronto a few days last week Miss of On is visiting at Mr J Mr has secured Skating Rink for the and pro mises to keep it iu first class shape Willi prices within teach of all of the sport The snow last week brought ijuitc a number of cutters hut the rain on Sunday soon spoiled the sleighing If Fred wont shovel the snow that falls on the sidewalk his fence would make good firewood Judge The young people of the Methodist Church here are making great prepara tions for a Hot and on Wednesday evening Dec A most excellent array talent has been secured including Miss soprano f Miss Fetch elocutionist of Au rora Rev and Mrs Wallace of Wee- ton Rev Wrown of Bradford and Dr Livingstone Supper is to be served from to oclock after which Mayor Cane of Newmarket is to take the chair As the proceeds are in aid of the purchase of a church bell the whole community will be interested in making entertainment a success We hope there will a large attend ance A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday Nov at Golden Grove Farm the residence of Mr and Mrs David Miller when Miss Mary Francis Miller was married to Mr Robert Styles by the Rev A Mv pastor of Newmarket Pres byterian Church The parlor was de corated with ferns and maple leaves and presented a handsome appearance the bride who was given away by her father wore a tailormade gown of blue trimmed with while satin and silk lace and carried chrysanthemums The bride was tit- tended by her sister Miss who was also gowned in a blue tailor- mado suit and carried pink chrysanthe mums Mr J Grose of was best man After a sumptu ous dinner had been served Mr and Sirs Styles left amid showers of rice for a wedding tour In the South The bride received many handsome presents t Mrs Styles will reside In Pleasant Nov a Red Wheat per a White Wheat por bushel a Wheat per Barley per bushel 1 per bushel bushel Rye per bushel Potatoes per bay Apples per Sheepskins as Wool per lb tilt Beef ra CO Chicken per pair e40 per pair Turkeys per a 0 a a a a a a a a 17 00 a a Chickens are selling for cents per lb in Wilson New York State and butter at cento Press reports state that the Duke and Duchess of York will return to England from Australia via Canada A Lake Shore passenger train and a Pennsylvania freight collided Polk Pa Four or five train were killed Walker of shot while hunting had his leg amputated at Hamilton Cook a Rat Portage miner feet down the shaft of the Sultana mine He will recover A of Cornwall Is now resident engineer on the Trent Val ley Canal at That valuable acre farm acre rail wheat In the Macros Hod Clover and Stores Fall all door the are a good frame house and For particulars apply on the premises or by letter to BEVERLY Bradford PO far the Wanted Apply to Mrs TJ Main a a Ellis Owen Sound died from injuries received by being thrown but he has been laid up nearly a week over an embankment Nowmarot Markets NitwuABKrr Nov barrel ft CO a Wheat per bushel Oct a A3 Rod Wheat par bushel a vat por bushel a i Buckwheat Barley per Outs per bushel Peas per bushel 6 Butter roll por lb IB Potatoes per baa Apples Sheepskins Wool per lb On Hay too tf lb Chickens per pair Ducks per pair Turkeys per lb dressed ton per ton- 16 CO FOR SALE Coal In good repair small CUrap for cash at tho Grocery Stray Cause upon premised of about the 1st of Oct Spotted ltd and White Heifer 1 Grey Heifer supposed to be olds W Xd7i2 7 0 10 a a a 66 a a a a a a a a a a a n a a a Tenders for Supplies 1900 The undersigned will receive tenders up to noon PIIOX for supplies of but ter oatmeal cord wood etc for the institutions during the year lftiL vlsVAttho Asylums for the In Toronto tou Cen tral Prison and Reformatory Toronto for Roys Institutions for Deaf and Dumb the at Tenders are not required for the supply of meat to the in London Hamilton and nor for ventral Prison Mercer Reformatory Tor onto A marked for of estimated amount or the contract to order of Honorable the Vlnclal8ecritarymust be furnished by inob tenderer as a of Ma bona fldca sureties will bo required for duo fulfillment Of each contrnct and should tender bo withdrawn contract la should the tenderer fall to furnish such the amount of dero HI o forfeited rpcclllcal1ons and forms of tender may cation to Department or the Provincial Secretary Bursars of the respective Institu tions The Dtp ttlmout not bind Itself to or any tender Inserting this advertise moot without will to allow them to me not be paid for it Turks face of the earth Toronto Nov York Agricultural Society In pursuance of the Act to Consolidate and Amend the Agriculture and Arts Act notice la hereby given that A Public Meeting market On Saturday Deo 1st IS At the hour of pm 10 consideration thenuesriun of mortgaging Society Grounds In Incurred in All members for year or previous years are entitled to vote By Order J KEITH Pre coming man is the fellow who holds your note close time for cons to have again expired and the Turks had a few days massacre kin last week When will the Jealousies of Christian nations bo buried Dont Miss I It A in price of Photo for remainder of 3 Cabinets for 150 Sunbeams l guarantee the beat work can be produced or rerund the money asiforiment of date Framed at City Price see them GRAHAM OLD STAND Newmarket Out I N G T A A N O 9 FREE WATCHES Her 1i We till In lhUUi In Villi ImjlrM- j infC will W CONDITIONS I I fc I s 1

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