Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 23, 1900, p. 8

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i i THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY NOV 23 I has been A dramatic club here Mr P J King of Bank was banqueted at the Mansion House prior to his departure for Tor onto A surprise birthday pifty of Miss Mabel Hunter was held on Monday evening at the residence of mother where some twenty young friends assembled Mr A Silvester has returned from a weeks outing after deer in the vicinity of River He brought back a large fawn along wit other game Messrs Fitch 1 Renfrew and I have returned home from their hunt ing trip to Messrs Ed Lloyd J and J Baker arrived home on Mon day from a hunting excursion in bringing several deer with them While Mrs Watson East was leaving church on Friday evening had the misfortune of tiling down a few steps received a severe shaking up Mr Levi Hoover is putting down an artesian well and expects to have it completed in a short time Joseph Steele is also putting an ar tesian well The old Standard Bank is being remodelled and tastily up with offices and will be occupied by Mr and Messrs Mr Oke of Good wool wine driving lo on Sunday even ing was ran into by a party going in the opposite direction and the Rev gentleman and his child were thrown out but were not seriously hurt Mr who is well ad vanced In years met with a serious accident on Friday at Mr J Davis place on the While out in the bam one of the doors was against him knocking turn causing a fracture of the leg PRODUCE MARKET TUESDAY Butter eggs to chickens to ducks geese 5c lb turkeys dressed Attendance good HOT DINNER The choir of the Mount Albert Meth odist Church intend giving a hot din ner consisting of roast fowl etc Monday next ancient documents showing that the Miss Eva Lake pink and black silk heathen Chinee discovered America with velvet ribbon years ago That would make Miss Minnie Granger silk pale old Kit Columbus fighting mad Its a he doesnt raise up from his SALE Mr Robert Sibley was again com pelled to postpone Ids Auction Sale owing to bad weather He will it again tomorrow Saturday trv MARKET The latest quotations are fall wheat sprjng wheat white oats black oats barley to small peas to large peas rye buckwheat blown down CORRECTION We asked to an error in a marriage notice which appeared in a issue of the Era It should have read Miss to Mi John Smith instead if Miss Mr lames smith In union there patriotic ladies THE UNION which floats over Britain and all her colonies is emblematic of the adage is The of CanaJa can ex emplify that adage and a patriotic sentiment by assisting theii English Scotch and Irish cousins who produce the pure handmade GREEN teas of Ceylon and India Tea drinkers will rind the Blue Ribbon Monsoon and teas a pleas from Japans ORGAN MUSIC Messrs Mason Risen of Toronto have kindly consented In semi organist to play selections at the Methodist Church Entertainment on Monday next Those who like to hear good music weir played on a firstclass instrument embrace this opportunity SHIPMENTS The following are shipments from the Grand Trunk Station last week I car stock I car oats cars potatoes car household jroods cars wood car scrap iron and car way freight Toronto cars oats cars barley car peas I car wheat and car buckwheat Portland tar rye CONGRATULATIONS The many friends and former school mates of Mr John A Rowland will be pleased to learn that he has successfully completed his law course and has joined the firm of MatDonald and Toronto We have no doubt of Mr Rowlands sue- cess in his chosen profession as he was one of Toronto Universitys most bril liant students Dinner will be served from five to eight oclock and will be grave in wrath followed an interesting program of a nice name for a girl music and recitations the chief feature baby Why not name thus of which will be an entertaining lee- Men fear ridicule most lure Nights with Irishmen j Women a rat or mouse Rev J Spears I A Baldwin sport forgot to take J out a license to hunt He barely the clutches of the law Know ye all men by these presents that henceforth and hereafter Miss Auburn Locks shall be the belle of Ave Mondays market was very slim bat the rain was exceedingly welcome to fill up the dry wells that were never drv before Look for contribution a hunting yarn by The Owl PERSONAL Miss Flossie Forrest of High School was home oyer Sunday Mr David Graham of Sutton was in town on Saturday calling on old ac quaintances Mr and family have moved into their new house on Main St Dr Smith dentist will be here on Tuesday next Mr Hunter has made exten sive improvements to his implement- shop Mr Richardson principal of the school at Zephyr was in town on Saturday and favored us with a friendly call Miss Emma has returned from a three weeks visit with friends in Newmarket Miss Flora Glover of Ravenshoe has taken a situation in the office of Messrs Geo Sous woolen manufac turers Mr Matthew Porter has returned to Mount Albert having stayed but a hlue satin and chiffon chrysan themums- Miss Earl white muslin over pale blue white flowers Miss Allie Osborne evening waist and white carnations Miss Stevella Millard dainty shade of red withe carnations Mrs Osborne crimson with black chiffon fichue Mrs black satin lace Mrs Greenwood black with trimming of handsome lace and lowers Stoves Roasting Pans Carving Setts Vegetable Scoops Scoop Shovels Potato Forks all at SUMMERFELDTS WIT ALBERT It Albert I SUTTON Mr John is Agent for the Era at Sutton and is author ized to receive subscriptions col lect accounts etc Orders for all kinds of printing promptly attend ed to Mr Fred Brooks is to be commended for his persevering industry he having obtained the first a First Class Certificate He is at present attend ing the Newmarket Model School Mr John has entered suit the Electric Motor Co of To- contract He ZEPHYR The Presbyterian church will be re opened on Sunday next the Mr Win Motrin of Dunbar ton will preach morning and evening Wesley Clarke of the con Scott was married to Miss Elizabeth Oliver on Wednesday the Prayer meetings in the Methodist- church Thursday evenings will com mence at in future instead of eight Mr Will is a pa now It is a girl DRUG STO SPECIAL VALUES IN LADIES JACKETS short time in Zephyr Mr Henry Bait of spent Sunday with his daughter Mrs images of this town Mr Charles Rear returned home from Manitoba on Saturday Mrs Long left on Monday for a few weeks visit with her daughter Mrs J Elliott of Goodwood Miss Crittenden of Toronto was in town on Sunday on a visit to her mother v BALDWIN change Sale Reqistep Nov 26 Mrs Mont gomery will have a sale of timber on lots and Con of East Terms Cash Sale at one oclock WEDNESDAY Nov Toole will have an extensive sale of farm stock and implements on the Southwest part of lot in half way on between Aurora and Newmarket Terms months credit on sums over except for pigs poultry and hay or six per cent off for cash Sale at oclock N Smith MONDAY Dec Win Writer will have an sale of farm stock implements and household furniture on the middle part of lot con of King on the miles West of No reserve 12 months credit on sums over except for hay roots and poultry Sale at one oclock sharp E Smith Our local have arrived home covered with glory haying had their customary good luck The re port deer as very scarce hut- partridge Miss Leigh has gone to Mud- say where she intends to spend the winter Mr Smith dentist on his visit here last week was unable to attend to all who called upon him to get work done It becomes our painful duty this week to record the sudden death of Mrs at Newmarket The deep sympathy of this community will go out to Mr and family in this sad bereavement Mr Lester Kemp is here for a few- days visit with parents The president of the Licensed Victu- Association declares the liquor HUNTERS Messrs Rosamond S Last and John Steeper returned on Saturday from their deer hunt in Mr Rosamonds party were successful in getting their full number of two deer each but Messrs Last and party were not so fortunate and re turned almost empty handed Mr Rosamonds two deer were both shot by himself which is all the more cred itable as it was his first experience at that kind of game A CHRISTMAS MARKET- Few markets command a larger at tendance of both buyers and sellers than our own and it was a matter of disappointment to many that we had no Christmas market last The advisability of having one yea- is now being talked of and any steps in that direction should be taken at once Several arc advocating the holding of a concert in the town hall about the first or second week in December and donating the proceeds in prizes We heartily concur in this scheme and see no reason why it cannot be carried out successfully action of course is necessary and we would suggest a meeting of those interested to take exceedingly plentiful and tame as a has the power to make and goose Charlie had the pleasure of bagging the biggest buck lbs brought to Baldwin though also had two elegant bucks- I understand there was a great deal of game law broken this a matter of business or make Governments it intends to exercise that power to the full extent and avers that the present Government has been- sustained through its influ ence lie also declares that it is not a matter of politics with the liquor season No doubt Detectives Greer interest but a matter of business and Joe Rodgers snap some of bread and butter WelL what does the them general community receive in this con- Baldwin sent out more hunters I It first degrades the bread- to than any other burg of like size A seventeen months old child of Wilson who conducts a saw mill at was drowned in a tub of water r the arbitration between of and the owners of cer tain gravel beds oil the resulted in the city being commanded to pay costs It is reported there are two deer in the swamp in this locality A argument Politics re sponsible for it all Two prominent citizens of North and Georgina old enough to know better made a public peepshow of themselves by calling each other fool liar etc Its a fool that gets mad in a political mixup Miss Ella I is a victim to scar let fever The diphtheria cases so far ore of a mild type Tile gay old boys of the older gen erations know it is awfully jolly sow ing your wild oats but the toil and of sweat lifelong drudgery of reap- season winner so that he does not provide for his family It takes the bread from numberless families and dooms them to a It incites to riot blasphemy crime and bloodshed This is no vis- fanatical assertion it is affirmation of judges and states men and yet we as a professedly christian people sustain encourage it Is it possible to conceive of any greater shame We have just had an instance of the debasing effects of drink in our midst but in consideration for the families we say nothing fur ther with respect to it County Council The November session opened in the Court House Toronto on Monday af ternoon Warden the chair A motion was passed granting to each volunteer of the Strathcna Horse who is a resident of county The motion also included members of any other contingent who have not yet received a grant Coun cillors Woodcock Lee Evajis and Raker were appointed a committee to collect names of those entitled to the grant and repor on day Councillor Evans Chairman of the Court House Committee repotted that nothing had been by the city in regard to the costs of the of justice or of maintaining the new Court House Rooms for the County Council can be procured for less than half the charge by the city The commit toe that nothing be done as yet in to the separation of the from the city for the administration of justice and that no new quarters be rented until the old ones are disposed of The report was Second Day The County were di rected to take such steps as they think best to sell the old court house and report at the next session of Colds Bomaeii etc Balm of Cough Syrup For a Condition Powder for or for Dl tamper Ac IMPROVED Condition Powder We carry a full line of Patent Medi cines among them Cosgrovee Remedies Prescriptions and Family receive personal attention dy or WT LLOYD DRUGGIST Just received a lartr Mock of ROBBER Bee our STUBPE00F LEATHER TOPS with mount filbert Geo Sons HE The motion was passed am The following nominating officers life of poverty and the County Council elections for the ensuing year Divi sion No Clay East Toron to No A Clarke No 3 J Kelller Weston No John No P Crosby Unionville No Chas Patterson King No Aurora No Geo Wight ville No Donald Virginia On Wednesday Nov the young Sutton opened the society a grand ball and supper in J ROWLAND FURNITURE fl Magnificent Reception The publishers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal may justly feel proud of the magnificent re- You can save money by buying your Furniture at the pit Uteri Furniture Store them is- poor compensation As St James Hall proved to be a their new premium pictures ye sow to the necessary steps if all are agreed whirlwind at an earl date We have good local talent and with the assistance of say James Fax could furnish excellent entertainment so shall ye reap the shall reap to Those who great GET BETTER SAYS DR Get Rid of the Cough the Hacking the Spitting the Wheezing the a new on roiJ on TU- Special Advantages Are by Dr SIocm to all Who and Cur of Consump tion In any Form m Wat kil kind of jkftft ft tor tar Dr fclociioi TouUe4 ftUdrt 4o ill Dr I FREE TREATMENT hi Van vrluUTllT A cm mm in kic He 1M frWtvw r rs hi The on l ween he was day Mr James who attout a mile from is ill with typhoid The amount of freight charges on outward hound freight at station for was Messrs Stokes ton sale was well patronized on Mr Win of Zephyr is mak ing quite a of exhibiting at the Kail Fairs He won and a silver medal at the Industrial and has taken no less than in prizes this fall We had excellent sleighing in this locality last week and the musical jingle of sleigh bells pleasant the ears of our citizens The Mount Albert page in the Era last week was very favorably com mented oil by business men and other Mr has purchased acres of timbered land in the The recent was not very highly appreciated by the farmers who had not in The of- the Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday schools have com menced practice for their annual enter tainments On Sunday next Mr Adams of nanwont will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist Church at both morn ing and evening services Mr of Toronto occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church on Sunday We understand several new aspirant for Municipal honors are already in success On entering the he room it was a gorgeous sight to the ceiling being looped with red Joseph our renowned blacksmith white anil while the walls were cured a deer in Muskoka Joe like highly ornamented with the pictures many another gooil sport pears to the royal family ami of recent and think that deer like witches wendigos wars The windows and etc need a silver bullet to sever I ho doors were daintily draped with cur- vital curd Never mind inquiring of tains and lags white at the North end Joe- his hunting mot- the room was formed an arch which to is Ask me no and Ill was tastefully entwined with reel I tell ye white and blue and was set oil by a In reading the report of the Teach- number of our dear old Union Jacks at Aurora this thought Passing thru the arch would me Inspectors- are very yourself in a vyry cosy drawingroom arbitrary if teachers saw anything I which was neatly arranged with sofas was to be gained thereby they would easy chairs rockers and all kinds of attend without compulsion said games everything to make it attrac- man can lead a horse to water j live About twelve oclock the but ten cant make him drink In guests were invited to the refresh- fact I always found the educational- fount dry all evaporated According to the Owls prediction a- change of weather came on time Sun day Some farmers will now get a move on and hustle in the turnips I have always est wined Lieut -Col- Otter a perfect gentleman His re spectful reply to Mrs Haines letter of inquiry settles my conviction How officers would have thrown her letter aside without further attention or thought No wonder those under his command esteem him so highly A pleasant little dance at the Tra vellers Rest on Friday eve last Our CHRIST IN TKMPJJO and HOME Till- WAR have re ceived They deserve it too for the pictures are certainly most beautiful titer one of alone would considered a splendid premium but when one knows that each subscriber receives both pictures he can- easily under stand the demand for that favorite paper this season Clergy of all denominations are pub licly requesting their church members to copy of picture IN THK A LA KG Bit STOCK THAN OF Bedroom and Parlor Suites Extension and Parlor Tables Lounges Couches and Chairs We are also agents for Pillow Shtun Holders and the celebrated Carpet Stretcher and Picture a Specialty Goods delivered tree of when ordered in qaantity ALLAN THEAKER 7MANUFACTUKEKS OF Collar Checks Horse Blanketing Bed Blanketing Sheetings Cloths Flannels Yarns etc FINE SELECTION OF Worsteds Tweeds Frieze Milton Beavers Grey Cheviots on hand to choose from School Inspector Brown of Morris- burg had his arm broken by a kick from a horse local trippers of the light fantastic enjoyed it muchly A of our girls out of place trotting around alone after dark I assure them theyll never get a fel low of right stamp by such risky the way Wheres our Injun sum mer I look for it yet Jealousy Is the ruling pang of life Women cant conceal it or its effects A woman mast spit it out to some one white the first Intimation you have of a man possessing It In a clout behind the ear mayhap This is taught by hard practice and experi ence And now comes the discovery of ments room where was a sight more dazzling than in the former rooms The- tables were arranged in triangle shape and abundantly spread with desirable the whole mom having the effect of Japanese The ladies present were dressed as follows Miss Ida- Millard White Organdy draped in white silk Mowers pink orchids 9 Miss Flo green late flowers roses Miss- Laura white muslin of blue silk lowers Miss Greenwood mauve and whiter Miss Mary Millard white organdy draped with silk flowers pink orchids Miss Latimer peach colored silk Miss black and white sttln trimming lace Miss Mildred canary silk with black velvet pink and cream roses Miss Lake shot silk with flcnue of burnt orange bilk Miss Lulu Millard white organdy silk chiffon and ribbon flowers white roses blue trimmed with white satin and roses For Solo weal of purl or lot co- bury Lot con Flint Lot lit VUlairo Lundltiv part of Pit be quick Apply to AVf Albert C Manufacturer of all kinds of Also a stock or always on promptly attended to Out They Go Four into luces on the 1Mb Inst In this city In They Come From mid other as well as from our city came bright week to enjoy a ralulnh our You limy enter at any time ion and ttrfitclaB raent wo can produce good I I Central Bosks College SOMETHING NEW TO BE HAD WHAT fl Suit at Reasonable Priee WHERE is it to be got Tnllor Ml Albert and Reliable Free HSHAW Principal is Stationery Waiting School Books PATENT MEDICINES I JOHN QRAfN MERCHANT a t bttrfii market price paid for of Salt alwaya on haul Of J EDINBURGH of W0 t Toronto Diseases of Women may bo coniulteu every Saturday at House from till Waiting room upalalra ROWLAND GRADUATE OF THE Ontario Veterinary College OOUNT AIBKRT KtitiiiiK Next door North of Drug tore North License popular rc properly fit and guarantee in All the moat pom Wo keep Forrests Pharmacy MOUNT ALBERT oots hoes NOTICE hereby fflYcn that been made to the for tho transfer or the Tavern License slanted to the late A for the Mansion House to J Nichols late of 2wtt A J HUGHES j Only beat makes kept il ia Solid sensible School Boot for girl and HDRAMSD mount

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