Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 23, 1900, p. 6

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i NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOV She JACKSON Prof Best Advertising Medium York County cents per Hue first subsequent Insertion with writ- lea Instructions inserted until forbid and month if desired For each month the composition most be paid for at regular rates i Change for contract advertisements be In the office by noon on Wednesdays Special low Rates for Executors Farms to Bent Articles Lost and Found etc a reading will be inserted free for any Church where potters S3 or wh en no laaion cot Ei txen otherwise fifty cents will be charged for inch a notice No to this rule GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TIKE TABLE Trip to OWei Soured to Marie- r Sdgg a- 3i Hi en ff HO te I ft si Crist ft ft ft By a former pupil of High School to a en ft I CD g Eectiic By Co Toronto to TIME TABLE lASTe Toronto Leave Newmarket am am am am am 15 pm CO pm 3 CO pm W pm S pm W pm When the Strap daddy the youd Ite house had gone to sleep And not a one of us dare wink and there we peep Each holds his breath each heart fast We vow no mote to scrap all the war of life past When daddy lakes the strap Oh when he takes the strap and vows ilVW what he Can do And then begins to pace the Arl range it through and through J Then Francis kicks at Jack no more And Jack no ones cap While mamma laughs behind the door When daddy takes the strap And when daddy brings it With all his might and main Youd really think his awful frown Was causing him a pain He thinks were frightened when we howl Hut ve dont a rap We just pretend and that is all When daddy taked the strap j France Nov The Southern vas derailed at between St and near about miles north east of The restaurant car vas precipitated over an persons vere killed- and 20 others injured Five jeujigerfc are From Toronto tiie steamboat Et- takes us to Owen Sound where we find the convey us farther on our jour- We are soon on deck and watch the baggage being put on board We notice that it is checked to various points of the West This is one of the three boats that conveys passengers between Owen Sound and Fort William and a mag nificent boat it is with every accom modation for travelers- But ail have been engaged before hand and many of the passengers must pass the night in the cabin The boat moves out about six oclock and our first night on board passes very and quickly We axe lulled in our slumbers by the dull throb of the machinery andthegeuUe splash of the water against sides of the boat Awakening about five in the morn ing we go on deck to watch the sun rise As the light is grey Use sky of leaden hue but air is so fresh and invigorating ttiat every breath seems to infuse new life into our veins For days afterward we seemed to be still that clear fresh air so delightful was it after the oppressive heat of our summer days Suddenly the whole of the eastern is tinted most beautifully from palest pink to deepest crimson ami purple Work by an artist so highly colored would seem to be over drawn but no artist ever painted brighter colors than glowed above the eastern horizon The opposite west ern sky has caught some of the glory and reflects pink and purple of the most delicate tints However skilful the vork of man It is always out- rivalled by that of the Supreme of the universe A few white crested waves can be Seen in tie dis tance while the light from the east glints along the waves tinting them the colors of the rainbow- colors indescribably rich and beautiful shoals of pearls rubies and dia monds All at once the sun rises out of the lake like a ball of fire and al most as quickly disappear under the clouds which have now overspread the sky Soon the rain begins to fall and we are doomed to a rainy day after such a glorious morning vision This first day on board the Man itoba is Sunday August but it has more the appearance of a holiday than a Sunday It is difficult to realize that it is Sunday only for the that a service is conducted downstairs in the afternoon by a iiaiptist minister who happens to be on board- But in spite the unSuxn daylike aspect- of the day to be a deep sense of thorough quiet enjoyment and the air It is so restful Everyone seeing to nave left behind all the cares and hurry of the land About noon we reach Ste Marie where we find business in full swing on the American side Gazing down from the deck of the steamer we get the first view of our American friends A few very few are carry ing hymn books and Sunday Scho61 papers as though they have been to service seem to simply loitering around watching boat This is a very pretty place oil American side and no doubt Canadian side is beautiful too but the river is too broad here to get a very distinct view of the side A little girl stout and dark chewing HAPPY THE MAKERS OF Rugs and Carpets be the the the DIAMOND DYES Give Special Fast Colors fop Cotton Goods L hi Era The Dying A beautiful girl who was dying The cold damp of death on her brow Her eyes upward turned toward heaven Her tips saying Jesus come She kings to be free from the anguish Of natures expiring throes She knows that her Saviour is wait- To take her to joyful repose gum Willi all her might is doing a good business selling apples three for five and peanuts five a bag to the people on the boat She has a small basket on the end of a slfnder pole with which she reaches her wares up to the passengers who the pay In the basket and take out hey want before it is taken down again A small boy evidently her brother takes out the money while she loads tire basket ready to hoist up again From the opposite side of the boat can be seen the rapids of the Si Mary river- J low much more inter esting is the study of geography after seeing the places we read about If the boys and girls of our schools could only see tiie grand sights and bits of scenery of the beautiful coun try of ours they would no longer dis like geography us I am afraid some of tfcem do Farther over are the Canadian Locks through which a boat is slowly pass ing And on the opposite shore can he seen the new paper factory which is to be one of the largest if not the in the world While we have been observing these things the boat has been taking coal and now we start slowly through the our wonder and admiration unbounded at the beauty strength and of this canal What an immense amount of labor and money must have been spent on this artificial waterway And to think that this is only one of many helping to form our commercial highways We have been going very slowly but at last we find ourselves in Lake Superior of which you will hear anon The dyeing of Cotton rags for the making of Mats Rugs and Carpets was for years a difficult and very un satisfactory operation owing to the crude and common dyestufts home dyers were obliged to use the introduction- of the special Diamond Dye Fast Colors for Cotton the work of dyeing is now a source of pleasure and profit to every home manufacturers of trie famed Dia mond Dyes prepare special Cotton col- such as Fast Fast Orange Fast Fast Garnet Fast Navy Fast Crimson Fast Seal Brown Fast Yellow Fast Scarlet Fast Cardinal Fast Turkey Fast Dark Green Fast Black and other colors that are unfading in washing or when exposed to sun No other dyes in the world can give such marvellous and pleasing results on Cotton goods Ask your dealer for the Fast Diamond Dye Cotton col ors take no other make Elections The following historical data will be for our readers and should he pasted in a scrap book In J IK Weils Lib elected by acclamation In A J Dodge elect ed by majority over In A II Lib elect ed by majority lie unseated but again elected by majority In Strange Cons elect ed by majority In Lib elected by majority and in by majority In 18U1 W Lib was elect ed by majority over Strange Cons On accepting office in the Cabinet Mr was reelected by acclamation July Little but Dr Von Stans Pineapple are not big thai contain drills or are the pure vegetable pepsin the medicinal extract from this luscious fruit and the tablets are prepared In as palatable form as the fruit itself They euro indigestion in a box cents 56 Sold by Newmarket Hex mother with loving attention Stands by to administer cheer To point her to Jesus the Saviour To trust Him and cast away fear Hold my hand dearest mother she whispers While struggling with fast failing breath Pray hard pray hard that my spirit May triumph through Jesus oer death So young just emerging from child hood life seems replete with delight And hopes with their promised fruition Foreshadow no premature blight So beautiful too and so gifted by the Giver Divine meant to be used for His glory And thus to more beautiful shine She when very young consecrated In measure what she had received Gave heed to the talents entrusted duty she fully believed And studied with earnest endeavor With energy patience and care To lay up in store for the future Lifes useful positions to- share To fit her for work in Gods service To bear His glad message abroad Where fields are now white for the harvest And nations are waiting for God Beyond her competitors reaching Outstripping in knowledge acquired Each round of the ladder she mounted To higher attainments aspired She anxiously waited the issue Of certain exams she had tried Just ere she was stricken with sick ness From which she so suddenly died And when at the Grammar School meeting Where pupils received their awards Her name was among the successful The sequel true merit So sad was the hush that pervaded When her name in the meeting was heard That pleasure she anticipated Could never on her be conferred Genuine Patriotism Ladies of Canada While statesmen and politicians ar gue the and differential trade the Empire which they will do while jaw displaces common settle this matter for Your brother colonisto of Ceylon and India are growers of pure teas Black and Green Canadian and United States imrters supply you with pounds annually of Japan teas yet they know Japans are arti ficially colored and adulterated Let the knowledge of these and the sentiment of patriotic sisterhood move you to help tie British planter Britishgrown Black Teas hold the Canadian market Drinkers of Japan tea should the Greens now coming on the market and your dainty pal ates will approve Yes we hear your grocer excuses but insist Ladies always get what they want how you ran your husband to well do they still think it Paradise They certainly will if you give them Ceylon and India green tea Blue Monsoon and packets arc obtainable Colonist very Kind of Backache to Dr Mite cm at a Pains In the back the art usually to of the and when the kidneys set right But there other kinds of by greater proportion that never reached by treating the kidneys Pains the shoulders through the centre- of the back and in the sides are caused by a torpid ac tion of the liver and can only be driv en out when made healthy and To reach the well as to set the in to cure kind of there but one remedy end that- is Dr KM- Pill It tie- only Kent that direct and combined on both liver and kidneys and le only that positively and cores fcsckaobe by liver or cents box at dal His Deep Buck fever is a hunters the symptoms of which are pretty well known they have seldom been more feelingly described than by a Marquette citizen whose first ex perience in deershooting is related in the Mining Journal After spending a few hours tramp ing thru the woods feelingi tired lie sat down On a log to rest Like most hunters he had taken and to bacco along Filling the pipe lie smoked for a without interrup tion whin happening to turn his head a little to one side he saw a large buck coming straight toward him As luck would it he had sat down to smoke tieaf a deer trail The deer came nearer and nearer un til he was nearly opposite the place where the hunter sat concealed While the hunter was the approach of the deer he forgot that he had a gun and thai the deer was his meat lie began to tremble and shake in every limb and joint and it was difficult for him to restrain a yell of fright He watched and trembled until the deer passed his hidingplace and went into the thicket beyond Then feeling for his gun he that it lay on the ground near his feci By the time he had picked it up the deer won out of range and then he discovered that in his excitement he had bitten the mouthpiece of his pipe in He was greatly relieved to see the dter on seemed to dim that he was Hit game and the deer was the hunter WHAT IS DR FOOD In appearance Br Chases Nerve I Food la an oval chocolate coated pill Application lias been made for this condensed form it contains all power to administer the iato of Al- most and hotel keeper of vigorating arid restoratives and Morrison the murderer of the M Arthur family was to be hanged at Moosornln on January 17th next My Heart was Thumping is the way Mre of describes her from smothering fluttering palpitation After Irving many remedies without benefit el bottles of for the Heart restored her to perfect health The first gave almost initio relief and in a day suffering ceased altogether Sold by Unman Newmarket Canada Ahead At the chrysanthemum of New York Philadelphia and Chicago Ontario completely distanced the American florists Under date of York Nov comes to hand the following press- despatch The Chrysanthemum Show in the Berkeley Lyceum is a grand success far the finest exhibit in the collec tion of fifty in one large vase as dis played by Miller Sons of P James exhibilion of Madame to gether Willi the Timothy vari eties from Canada are pronounced to the largest and must perfectly cul tured blooms ever placed on exhibi tion Miller Sons got the silver cup and the first prize for their fifty bloom exhibit This is a great honor to the as they against the greenhouses of the New York millionaires such as Wil liam Rockefeller Dr Howard Webb and Not only this Canadian green house got the big In New York In Philadelphia they got a silver for the six best blooms tit the and another silver medal for the lesl six new in the show he medals they re ceived a certificate of merit from the American Institute At Chicago on the Inst a stiver cup was award- id to Miller Sons for the boot in the show Her work was completed though tog A waste as we estimate things Hut surely no knowledge is wasted Hut blessing eternally brings pods servants are only divided By the stream we designate death Some do commissions in heaven While others are serving on earth P Grant Hill Sept 1900 Dedicated to Beatrice Ills wife predeceased him His daughter A this reason it in unapproadied as blood builder and nerve restorative a a canned by thin and exhausted nerves andrnakes v wood and exhausted nerves andn cash and balance of personalty I vea nervous men women making r of children and healthy OF AN EDITOR For years all efforts to cure a box jf I application have been reuived for position of teaherat in Hit palms of my hands the Public School writes Editor of ffytaau Kan then wholly To Cure a Cold In One Hay cured by Buckler Arnica Salve Take Laxative Quinine world a tor All drugget refund the money mi all akin Only at fails to cure W drug store signature in on each box 25c a Slave to Sample of Simples Instalment Company Washington For years with Chronic Catarrh Remedies and treatment by fcpcclsJlsti temporary relief I was Induced to use Dr Agnews Catarrhal Powder It almost instant relief cents Cold by Lehman Newmarket Mr Simpson of had his ankle caught in the line of the ferry boat at Parry Sound a compound was the recoil- YOUR WORK Cannot be done linlesK you have good health You cannot good health without pure blood You may have blood by taking Hoods- rilla now You cannot realize the good it will do you until you try it taking it today and see how it will give you an appetite strength and vigor and cure your mdtism catarrh or scrofula Ail liver ills arc cured 2fic are reported in Now York Ohio and Michigan and railway traffic is interrupted M Oint ment soothes quiets and quick and effective cures la all skua eruptions common to baby during teething It Is barm- less to the hair in cases and cures Eczema Salt and all Skin Diseases older Sold Newmarket A piece of red pepper the size of a finger nail dropped into meat or vegetables when first beginning to cook will aid greatly In killing the tin pleasant odor Remember when boiling r cabbage leans mutton or chicken fiflffrrVfj DUk6 rolerittoas has foiled hundreds of trial by medical science the tide of is not until South Kidney Cure power to turn tide wis of anything i but for the of this form of kidney disease Sold by ASTOUNDING From CoopersyiUe Mich comes word of a vondorful discovery of pliasant tasting liquid that when used before retiring by any one troubled with a bad cough always ensured a good rest It will soon cure the too writes S- Cor three genera- of our family used Dr Kings Nov Discovery for and never found equal for Cougbs ami Colds Its an unrivaled when used Cor deoperate diseases and at drug Trial bottles free Safe as the farmers life Is con ceded in to he still has to run the risk by a horse gored by a bull struck by lightning falling a stack or haymow killed is a runaway or Reaulnr Practitioner- months rheumatic victim but St 1 FOR- f Pure Leaf lb IB lbs Granulate Sugar Bars- Soap Fresh Bulk Oysters Fresh Sausage lbs for Choice Finnan Haddie 10c 1 DiViSONiGO pine GPoeens Immense of Clothing Bought at 50c on the and SUIT On Sale Saturday Morning -00- TORONTO HOUSE The Newmarket Era Is recognized aa being the great homo paper of this section everybody reads it and this in the best evidence of its value to who wish to reach the classes If you want to make your friend at a distance An Present There in nothing you can send that would be more Appreciated than a copy of every Corn- memo now Balance of 1900 free Li Q AT MT AQKNCY AT SUTTON for our took Invent HowycurcwlrwIUd Bead a or of your and re our opinion it application to prosecuted by up We conduct fully equipped office In Montreal and to prompt ly dltpatch and quickly aectif- at broad at the Invention lhrourh Marlon Ma rlon rcV9 notice without charge over loo IhroutUout the Dominion Patent of ana Engineer MARION MARION Expert and Solicitor i THREE PAPERS IN ONE A was thooong from deaplr to joy fib I misery from doctors wfllcns4ll mo no food two bet twohoaraftsxWarla JTrS Sold by Rag Iliac InTurm b DiuvLtl to on HI VtWIlMTlft llCHtlll Hint with of summarized pages of praotlcal iijfri- ciilturml live Block articles Hi- Hon and ruhaxlui Weekly Mail and Empire Sections ioo Pelt Balance of free with for Era and Mail for tbo linpruveiuenlrt to do and iluti- and T i

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