Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 23, 1900, p. 5

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOV 33 Kilt speak the things which become sound doctrine aged men be sober pave temperate sound in faith in charily in patience The aged women likewise that ibey be in behaviour as holi ness not false accusers not given to urh wine teachers of good things I hey may teach the young women to be sober to love their bus kinds to love their children 5 To be discreet chaste keepers at home good obedient to their own that- the word of God be not blasphemed Young men exhort to be In all things showing a pattern of good works in doctrine showing gravity sin cerity speech that cannot be con demned that be is of contrary may be ashamed having no evil thing to say of you International Sunday School treason on Prepared for the Bra Sober Diving 190A Golden We should live soberly righteously and Godly in this pre sent world Exhort servants to be obedient unto own masters and to please well in all things not answer ing again Not purloining but showing all good fidelity that they may adorn the doctrine of God in all things 11 For the grace of God that salvation hath appeared to all men us that denying un godliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this world Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Christ Who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto a peculiar peo ple zealous of good works These things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority Let no man despise THROBS Wise He is wise who only speaks when and what God approves The Gospel would make years beautiful sweet attractive Tbe Gospel would ripen age into soul strength and desires young wife to be a very queen in the home would see the wifelove devoted to home and duty looks for a splendid self control in the young man God asks that young manhood be not God would have fidelity to truth in every sphere of life God urges that service shall reach We ought to ornament as well as believe the truth The grace of God should deliver us from low motives Salvation thru suggests unselfish living The face of the child of God is to be toward the sunrise A defensive Christianity does not meet the gospel The heavensent teacher must speak with confidence PRACTICAL SUUOBSTIONS Verses With advancing years character should gather breadth and dig- I lit ihe full tide of life the soul should be self Controlled and self poised The Christian employee should be the best in the world The encouragement to excellence is in the grace of God to us 13 The coming of the Master stimulates truest fidelity TROTHS All Christians need healthily thinking To think healthily about life gives good common sense To think healthily about the future gives self control No true progress in character i is possible apart from Verses The home life is especially blessed by true religion Gods peace should shut out all strife Gods purity should exclude all Gods love should destroy all jealousy and care Verses Self control lies at the foundation of best character Jesus would have our bodies controlled by bis spirit Jesus would have our activities obedient to His word Jesus would have our thoughts subject to Him Verses The gospel of grace may be commended by us Brides add jewels to beauty so add graces of character to doc trine Be more tban a believer be a one Rise from a freed sin slave into a Chris Hike soul Verses The grace of God has a message those whom it saves Calvary says die with Jesus to all sin Easter says shake all death from you and live Olivet says live expecting that Jesus is coming Verse The sacrifice of Jesus has a wide redemption in it Jesus died to separate us from all sin Jesus died to cleanse us from all iniquity Jesus died to save us from all unholy service The Fount of Life IS THK PURE RED BLOOD THAT COURSES THROUGH THE BODY I If the Blood is Impure and Stagnant Disease Holds Sway PainesCeleryCompound Purifies Enriches and Vitalizes every Drop of Blood Tbe majority of intelligent people know that rich pure and highly vital ized blood alone can give health and build up the tissues that have been worn New and fresh carries all the materials for restoring wasted and wornout parts of the body and gives to brain other ma terials for making nerve matter Celery Compound cleanses and purifies blood and furnishes appropriate food for every part of the system It increases the appetite perfects digestion gives nervous en ergy and increased strength If your Wood is impure if lite skin has spots and eruptions if you have an unhealthy pallor or yellow appear ance and if the eyes are showing yellowish whites you should use Celery Compound without de lay to cleanse the blood and regulate the liver and kidneys of the strain that is brought upon them whenever impure blood through their sub stance Mr 1 Arthur Chelmsford Out writes as follows 1 was laid up with scars all over my face and the result of blood poisoning While in that condition I could not sleep night bad no ap petite and could not attend to my work The doctors in my district and their medicines did not benefit me My aunt advised me to use Compound In two weeks I was so much better that could go out and in three weeks was able to work again bless the day 1 com menced with Celery Com pound A good shelter Is a good Filth in the stable breeds disease Old the change in the weather you AH animals appreciate a dean bed at night Now is the time to mak pork and beef cheaply Dont depend on this- kind of too long You may get more for timothy hay in the city but cows and sheep pay more for clover hay Make your plans now for getting out to the farmers An evergreen hedge is a pro tection to an orchard Paint all wounds on tree with white lead and linseed oil Lay down the grape vines before bard winter sets in There is nothing that kelp ft tann er so good as- a good road Land that has been in cultivation a year or two is best for strawberries Fortyseven degrees is a good cellar temperature in which to winter bees Generally everything that adds beauty to a place adds to Us money value Manure is the foundation a good garden accumulate all that will be needed How to grow more bushels on less acres should be your study during the winter months Any soil too damp to pro duce healthy trees Ik avoided by orchard Write us briefly of your seasons ex perience with beet ciop t will en courage others to do the and mutual advantage will result Peter Tumbled Downs motto is Al ways leave your farm implements in the field so they will lie there when needed next time Sole Agents for the Celebrated King A StubProof Mens Fine Box Calf Lace Boots a very swell Boot and sold usually at 325 Our price Kings Hot Shot Boots For Men and Boys are the best wear bought We guarantee every pair Price Mens 25 Price Boys Kings StubProof Heavy Rubbers are the best wearing rubbers obtainable We sell them with the fullest guarantee and the prices are almost as low as you pay lor cheap trashy goods Insist on having stubproof and you will be satisfied We have a magnificent Shoe and Rubber stuck and are doubling our business in this de partment Nothing is overlooked and you can buy the very cheapest Boots here because they are the best We sell no shoddy footwear Ladies Fine King quality Button or Lace Boots These Shoes are made from the very best Kid Skins and are equal to any 4 Shoe Price Kings Fine Button or Lace Turn Shoes Genuine Kid Special price Solid Comfort Button Boots the easi est fitting Shoe in Cauada and very cheap at the price Kings make The King Quality Rubbers for La dies are beauties and are made to wear longer than any other Rubber in Canada price is and they are cheap at that Council Seven Thousand Ago centre of interest tor us today in Egypt is the 1st dynasty time says Canon in the Atlantic and bow far advanced in the arts of life were the men of age may be seen by the beauty of the shape of the stone and alabaster vases that are here to view and the exquisite workman ship of a little or eyepaint box carved out of a single block of ivory and made in of a ample of ducks whose tails- are twisted together lo form as it were the hinge of box The great gen tleman who owned this was burled with thirty jars of offerings in his brick tomb whilst sixteen stone vases were near his body lie had as a sandstone block for corn- grinding and a la- of slate had been apparently placed at his head There among his vases had lain this mighty man for his years when Professor Flinders Petite and Mr John brought his skull and his funeral furni ture to light of day But the table in the centre of the room it is to this we turn for here are placed carvings in wood and ivory and pieces of royal drinking bowls and furniture of seven eight kings of dynasty mid Die work of two that preceded AhaMena line Is a fragment of a slate bowl that the lips of Steer king perhaps have touched Here is a fragment of ah alabaster Jar that bears upon it the name of succeeding sovereign hut my went at once to the little bit of crystal vase which bore the name of for now I seemed to feel myth fade away and the real king who drank from a crystal to thesuc- tew of the city of Memphis he had built In fair fields from which he had turned the great Nile flood seemed to before me A farmer never gets more disgust with farm life than when he flnds evening that his hired man lias oil to home political meeting and the old mail with twenty Instead of fen cows to milk Rheumatism Nobody knows all about it and nothing now known will r always cure it Doctors try Scotts Emul- sion of Cod Liver Oil when they think it is caused by im perfect digestion of food You can do the same It may or may not be caused by the failure of stomach and bowels to their work If it is you will cure it if not you will do no harm The way to cure a disease is to stop its cause and help the body get back td its habit of health When Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil does that it cures when it dont it dont cure It never does harm The genuine has this picture it take no other If you have not tried It send for free sample its agreeable taste will surprise you SCOTT Chemists Toronto and for Council met at Hills Hall lrae on Wednesday the of Nov Members all present- Bills were presented Geo Hooper yds gravel for It No Con Co boots for Middle ton family SO Dr Thomas quarantining and disinfecting family J Assessor at tending Voters List Court A serving no tices re Voters List Court If It yds gravel for No Con 1 McKay extra printing John Cook building culverts on old It yds gravel for I caring for J as I Stick wood was paid killing dog caught worrying sheep The following parties- presented claims for sheep hilled and injured by dogs Jus sheep killed sheep killed 1 killed Jos I steep 00 I killed A Oldham 1 sheep killed Murphy I sheep killed J 1 sheep killed ite Treasurer was instructed to pay the hills presented and twothirds of the claims made for sheep killed The was instructed to Inspect and repair if necessary a culvert on Con 6 opposite Lot No A ByLaw was passed instructing the Clerk to hold the Municipal at Hills Hall rm Monday of December at oclock noon The following parties were appointed Deputy Returning Of ficers Rose Henry Smith LemonviJIe John I Simeon PSI J WiddiOeld Pine Orchard PSI May Vivian Council adjourned to meet at Hills all on Saturday Dee Dont disturb bees more than neces sary during winter If frightened they at once fill themselves with the less they consume the tet ter it is for them Nothing shows a finer sense of the fitness of things that a fanner is willing to drive himself to town on a bicycle whlo his team stays at home to rest Another fraudulent of food that is coining before is artificial milk The milk is said to be manufactured for cents a gallon and no one outside of a chemist can tell it from the genuine Talking with an expert poultry he says men- Hood the mar kets at Christmas time and values de cline greatly He markets his surplus cockerels pullets and old hens about two weeks before Christinas and on the highest market be can ship Prices arc I to cents than a fortnight later Chickens can be raised much where incubators and brooders 115 us ed for hatching and brooding Set an incubator going and it keeps with a little care Set a hen hatch ing and she is liable not to there at the most critical time The man who wouldnt feed his chickens because didnt lay was a to the mail who didnt have any cow shed tows never pay for their feed in win ter anyhow It was a cousin of 1 heirs who never set out an orchard he expected to die before it would come into bearing Many farmers sell oats at cents per bushel or per ton 1 THAT HEADACHE Would quickly leave you if you used Dr Kings New Life Pills of sufferers have proved their match less merit for Sick and Nervous Head aches They make pure blood and build up your health Only Money if not cured Sold by Lehman Druggist Over men are thrown out of work the result of Ihe fire In the Detroit Bridge and Iron Works found that a ton of oils Fed lo pigs with the of thee cows will make pounds por which I sell foe J cents per or StJ25 barging cents for oats and is left to pay cost of the pigs which with of the manure could he remunera tion It is often Jesirahle to fatten poul try In fact poultry that is fattened as quickly as possible is al ways heller than that which has been fattened slowly The best way to ac complish this is to confine the fowls they have but little exercise Give them finely cracked corn grit and all the pure water they will drink Keep them as quiet as possible and for this purpose it is better to online I hem where they cannot sec out of a building if Ibis kind is avail able in this way for leu days or two weeks even old and ordinarily tough hens become tender and very fat and their meat is much superior to that of fowls fat out of doors and having fully liberty A wellfed will lay eggs 1 a year and thU means that will lay eggs weighing from three to five times as much as she dis This shows what a great strain is put on her for she must- not only eat and digest enough feed to keep but- must also assimilate all the material that goes to the making of of eggs It will at once he seen that the hen must bo fed in the possible manner or she will not produce maximum number of eggs An egg Is largely made up of albumen and yolk largely oil To furnish this albumen the hen roust consume feed that contains albumen In largo proportions and the best of our al buminous foods arc wheat oil meal milk and animal meal For the oil of the yolk she needs feed that con tains oil and this is furnished by corn Much has been against corn as a feed for poultry but I consider It one of the necessary grains in keeping poultry up to the highest state of pro ductiveness The official emblem of the Exposition which was designed by a artist and was accepted as the most artistic and suitable of several designs submitted has the merit of effectively symbolizing one of the chief purposes of the position which is to bring The One of the Park Scenes at the Pan- American Exposition at Buffalo view here shown of the North Hay of Delaware Park which is 111- South America The Hi lAKen a fair maiden typify- Albriglit Art Gal- 1 extending a kindly hand linrf to be in view into closer social and trade relation- eluded in the site of the republics stales and lerrit Exposition to be held at ics of North and Smith America Then W P V emblem show iug the to clasp that of her brunette sister of the South thus forming a bond of con tinental sisterhood and establishing a unity of sentiment and interests be tween countries of tlio Western I femispliere das livid of William former hank clerk was found dead on the track there Liquor did it of its magnificent surroundings in the near future one of the most beauti ful reaches of water in the country The bridge in the picture graceful and substantial as it is is to be replaced by a far more imposing and ornate structure The bridge crosses a nar row neck in the Park Lake broad and beautiful driveway which leads from the main southern entrance at Forest Avenue to the Exposition buildings- On the north side of the and permanent building be erect ed by the of New York and which will become after the Exposi tion the home of the valuable collec tion of Indian colonial pioneer relics and library owned by Buffalo Historical Society Opposite the New York State Building on the south side of Uie Bay will stand the Albright Art Gallery which is to serve the purpose of Exposition for the Department of Fine The building is the gift of Mr J J Albright of Buffalo to bis fellow citizens It is to be lireproof of white marble in the Ionic style of architecture and will stand on a broad terrace sustained by a wail of granite build ing will be feet long by about feet wide and is to bo of such a sub stantial character as to withstand the elements for many generations It will tbe public art gallery of Buffalo at the close of the Exposition Fine Arts Academy having North Bay will stand fine the custody of the property

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