Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 23, 1900, p. 4

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t THg NEWMARKET FRIDAY NOV I AW to the question ihst concerns every whether it is better Jo be oat or to be well strong useful The Utter condition yours if you tike Hoods Greyest Blood Medicine ihert nothing eouM to it a Cold completely ren by cold My son me Hoods the use of two bottles I found J was appetite When I hid was cured Street Insuring FADING AW Legal J Robertson Barrister Public Ac Mala Street Newmarket to Loan on food Farm security Solicitor Notary Public etc Money t Lowest Half Division Court Building Newmar ket Ontario Barrister Conveyancer Ac of Peat 3 doors South flee Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will also beat Newmarket on Saturdays and Courl Days Solicitor for J Row Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora rt I ruin MI p C S- Barrister Money to loan Of Hon Postmaster Gen eral was first elected to Parliament for North York in He became a Cabinet Minister in taking the portfolio of the Department which he has managed so efficiently and economically up to the present time We now learn he has under consideration another new departure viz the insurance of registered let ters up to the value of An correspondent thus describes the system of insurance in the Mother land and the probable results from its introduction in Canada In Great Britain the method is not actual insurance but is called volun tary compensation A charge of two pence over above the usual regis tration rate is made for the sum of five pounds and there is a graduated scale for amount up to one shilling and two pence for 120 It is be lieved that the system results in pro fit in that country There axe many minor regulations which deal with the manner of closing the packages and the sort of envelope to be used From the report of the Dominion Department for it seems reason able to conclude that such an innova tion would result in profit also here In that year registered let ters were carried and only failed to arrive satisfactorily Of these were lost by train robbery and four were burned in railway accidents were made good to the senders by be ing traced to the last official in charge of them In the case of 72 no definite return could be made and of these were the above referred to The question of a scale of rates to be charged for such insurance will re quire careful actuarial calculation in order not to burden the service with too great a risk The journalistic amenities of the CONDITION GIRLS lfi m a between Mackenzie Bowel and Hon Mr Last the Oar Toronto liettep so WHO ARE ANAEMIC This is of Especial Value to Parents It is a lesaage From Mother to Mothers of Growing Girls Mail alluded to the Globe our haggard as It is announced that arrangements have been completer for holding more than meetings under the auspices of Farmers Institutes Ontario dur ing the ensuing three months About practical progressive farmers have been engaged to address these meet- Among the young girls throughout ings Chief topics be The breed ing and feeding of bacon hogs the feeding and marketing of poultry Reformer Block to Loan DENTAL I Dentist Post Office Block opposite the Methodist Church Satisfaction Guaranteed Dp p Porter Dentist will at office or Dr HPorter Brad- ford Monday DR CUflRK Successor to Dr Opposite Drug Store Well Spent If it is not your habit to buy an illustrated booh for your familys Christmas reading try the experiment Toronto Saturday Nights Christ mas pages full of stories and pictures will interest everyone and widen the vision of all as Canadians Four pictures suitable for framing one of which Raphaels Mother and Child is an exact reproduction of the costliest and best picture in the world No where else can you get the same value Five dollars worth of the best art and literature for 50 1 cents let it from your newsdealer or from The Publishing Company Limited Toronto Canada who owe good health per haps life itself to Dr Williams Pink Pills is Miss of When a called at the homestead to make enquiries as to the of the cure he was cordially re ceived by Mrs who readily consented to give a statement for publication Up to the age of fourteen years said Mrs my daughter had always enjoyed the best of health Then she began to complain of weakness and grew pale and languid We tried sev er medicines but instead of helping her she was steadily growing worse and we became alarmed and called in a doctor He told us that her blood was in a very watery condition and that she was on the verge of nervous prostration She was under his care for several months but still kept growing worse She had become very pale had no appetite frequent head aches and after even slight exertion her heart would palpitate violently As time passed she seemed to grow worse and worse until at last she could scarcely move about and would lie upon a sofa most of the day At this juncture she had occasional faint ing fits and any fright as from a sudden noise would bring on slight at tacks of hysteria Both my husband and myself feared that she would not live more than a few months It was while was in this condi tion that read an account of a girl cured or a similar ailment through the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills Then I decided that should give them a trial and procured three boxes when site had used them there was an undoubted improvement in her condi tion and we felt hopeful that- she would regain her health She con tinued using the pills and from that the cost and construction storage buildings of cold It turns out that Dr Leonard the Liberal candidate for Lennox lost his seat in a peculiar way The ballot was the usual kind and on the top space described it as the ballot in use in the electoral district of- Lennox Immediately below this was Leonards name Oh counting the ballots it was found that electors marked their cross after the word Lennox mis taking it for Leonard All these ballots had to be thrown out and Libera candidate lost Ins seat ac cordingly References are being made in press to the ages of several electors who voted for their party candidates last election Waterloo had one York had one West Durham did better and owns an elector named George Smith who recorded his vote in the 100th year of his age This was thought to be unapproachable but now the Banner steps up and awards tire palm to Adam of North who will Ik 103 years old Adam takes the apple for Hon in February He voted While iu the city a few Mr James Conmee stated to a city press that ago neat days fur reporter on the miles of track INSURANCE t I Those Who You J Agent for Tin and Life Assurance Money to Loan interest at Current Kales Newmarket R R Ramsay Insurance Agent Low Kate on Farm Risks and Isolated Town Property AUCTIONEERS Duncan Auctioneer of York Goods sold on commission reason able Salt attended to A trial solicited Street Newmarket PAINTING EL Pap Manning Done promptly neatly and In I am also associated with a ratClaw Car tage Painter and Sign Writer Orders can bo left at Hardware Store at the residence of Mr JBGreen head of sen Street West Newmarket Bolton Practical Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator Corner Church Millards Lane and LICENSES Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Baa Ofllce Newmarket f Paper Issued residence Chaired J MARRIAGE- LICENSES WEST ONT Mcleods tannery at Kingston con- a large quantity of manufac ture leather was destroyed by fire Unless you are very unfortunate is some little oasis in this world where dwell one or two people who leally low you J wonder whether you their love you should Being human and a man at that very likely do not Ambition your god perhaps or Mammon or you have a hobby to ride and want to be as you gallop What is- a little love more or less to you And yet though you win all else what a miserable creature you would be if no one held you dear How much of your strength and courage comes without your knowing it from the love that you take as you do tin dew of heaven or the water you drink in the air you breathe without thinking how wonderful it is is love and when love is ours something divine is given us on earth It is the only hit of heaven accorded to poor mortals in the strong est and purest In the emotion the mother gives to her children most fascinating when it is the love that comes in after life to the passionate heart holy and true as brother and sisters feel it beautiful when we accord it the name of friendship It is the one great jewel worth possess ing and yet how often it is set aside forgotten How often men of the world busy with other cares make the hearts that love them ache by their want of ap preciation How often the old moth er wonders that her boy does not write How often the wife sits alone while the jolly comrade of the hour occupies her husbands time or for some motive policy he lingers where men of influence are gathered How often children long for dear papas coming in vain How often solitary sister still dwelling in the old homestead says with a sigh Ah never anything of Jack now Life must have its cares and am bitions men must work and women must Weep even when they are not fishery but at least a word can be given to the tender and loving ones prove that they are not forgotten on daily made progress toward recovery- Her appetite return ed color began to come back to her face headaches disappeared and the course of a few mouths she was as well as ever she had been in her life It is now more than two years since she discontinued the use of the pills and in all that time has enjoyed the best of health with absolutely no re turn of the trouble I can scarce v say how grateful we feel for what Dr Williams Pink Pills have done for my daughter and I would strongly urge mothers whose daughters may be ailing to give them Dr Williams Pink had alreadv been laid on the River Railway westward from Port Arthur while the grading had been done nearly all the balance of the dis tance toward the mouth of the where the line crosses to Min nesota There is every prospect of the line being ready for a portion of lie wheat rathe next fall At Port Ar thur the company is building a round house and preparing to put up an vator The population is increasing and the town is building up rapidly Pills at once and not experiment with other medicines I Dr Williams Pink Pills create new blood arid thus reach the root of the disease In the case of girls merging into womanhood they are almost in dispensable and their use Is a guar antee of future health and strength Other socalled tonic pills are mere imitations of this medicine and should be avoided If vour dealer does not keep them they will he sent postpaid at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co A report received by the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa from their Liverpool and Manchester agent re specting a recent shipment of fruit consisting of apples pears grapes and quinces from Ontario says I wait ed hours before examining this fruit after it was discharged It was in perfect condition The of the fruit all thru was very good all in firm condition and good stock for the trade to handle It was well stowed in the refrigerator cham ber on the steamship The people who bought the first lot of grapes came bach and bought more at ad vanced prices As regards quality of fruit apples ears quinces and grapes and as regards transportation the consignment by the steamship Manchester City is a most complete success fl Reminder to on box too genuine Laxative that cure a on day The time may come even to the great est man when he would give more for the affection he has flung away that for anything he has gained- doing it and I say to you from my heart Value those who love you The world full of people who do riot as you will be certain some day to discover A young married lady one morning gave her husband a sealed letter which lie was to read when he got to his of fice- Ho did so and letter ran as follows I am obliged to tell you something that may give you pain but there is no help for it- You shall know everything whatever the conse quences For the last week I have felt that it must come to this hut I have waited until the last extremity andean remain silent no longer Do not overwhelm me with bitter re proach for you will have to put up with your share of the trouble as well as myself Cold stood in thick drops on the brow of the husband who was prepared for the worst Trembling he read on Our coal is all gone Please order a ton j be sent this afternoon I thought you might forget it for tenth time and therefore wrote this letter Hut he didnt forget it that time Sportsmen will ship deer to Buffalo from Canada even if they violate the law and have to pay dearly for their temerity Saturdays Globe re marks Warden and his assistants are having their hands full watching those who arc trying to violate the game laws A couple of days ago two trunks pack ed ostensibly with ordinary baggage were seized at the Canadian frontier on their way to and one of the owners a Buffalo physician was lined and costs by Magistrate His Saratoga trunk contain ed eight deer which he had shot on the strength of a domestic license whereat he should have purchased a nonresident permit and any case he could only take two deer This is the sixth seizure and the third at Fort Eric since Nov- The Warden is also advised that sever al Canadians are implicated in send ing partridge across the line In nearly every house you will find a lot of books that arc no use whatever They arc sold by smart agents nearly every kitchen you will find number of useful articles lacking The reason cell books instead of kitchen appliances Is that the average man can be flattered Into buying fool books quicker he can be flattered into buying household arti cles A GOOD STOMACH Is essential to health and happiness but dont blame the stomach for bili ousness It Is the liver that is de ranged and causes poisonous bile to remain in the blood causing Indiges tion headache and irregular action of the bowels- Dr Chases KidneyLiv er Piles regulate the liver kidneys bowels and by their direct action on these organs effect prompt and lasting iiires of biliousness dyspepsia head ache and all kidney ailments One pill a dose 25 cents a box at all def ers A portion of the Jam wad away and power and light supplied to Mont- real were cut off a 1 The in North York and West Ontario are now beginning to feel very uncomfortable in conse quence of the reflex action of their race and creed campaign With the Ontario elections in view an is now being made to moUfy the wound made by their injudicious and impo tent partisanship with an- ointment of expediency Picture if you can effect in Ontario of the organs of a here fanning an against the Scotch Canadians or the Irish Canadians and threaten to drive them out of Confederation This fs what the cry of Down meant in the recent campaign and we very much mistake the temper of the friends of French Roman Catholics if they dont repay the debt with interest when it seems a sort of intuition In human nature It you strike at the people of any one race or creed they are sure to resent it when opportunity offers and when Ontario is next appealed to just mark the result and sec how Mr Whitney and his followers will go down the hatchway croup or any trouble use All Druggists who last- week attempting to rescue her child is gradually recover ing Hon Clarke Wallace gone to Pacific coast to take a hand in the pending elecyons there Several painful accidents from falls on slippery sidewalks after the snowstorm last week are reported District Passenger Agents on the and P It are busy this- week arranging for the Christmas holidays Indications scein to point to unusually large passenger traffic Mining Inspector Boyd who Jtas been at since last May under Ontario Governments ap pointment returned to this city oh Friday last and reports that tons of ore have beenshippctl from the mines there to Midland smelter this season The Industrial Exhibition Hoard in view of the probable Dominion Exhi bition here next year are asking the City Council to allow the citizens to vote on a bylaw by way of aid there to for new buildings to the extent of The new Main it is estimated will cost Whew Aid Hums and Mr A I lowland are spoken of as probable candidates for Mayoralty next elec tion The present Mayor so it is said also thinks of asking reelec tion Mr David of the Ontario Immigration Department reports that the number of emigrants coming into Ontario from other countries and ap plying for work at his olliee this year has been from to per cent larger than the number in previous years All those who have applied for work have been accommodated at once The de mand has great exceeded the It seems to be understood in Con servative circles that a party conven tion for Ontario will be held some time next month composed of only four or five delegates from each constituency that time Sir Charles will lie back from and be able to tender his resignation in person A retiring and presentation is talked of Contracts for the work on the new Palace Hotel on King St have been let and construction will comfnence as soon as the tenants can vacate the premises which are to be torn down perhaps within the next thirty days Premier Ross on the occasion of the anniversary of his marriage on Saturday last was presented with a complete set of solid silver cutlery It consists of more than fifty dozen pieces including every article necessary for either breakfast dinner luncheon tea or supper The cabinet in which it is kept contains three drawers and is made from finest quarter oak with silverplated handles and other mount ings The name plate bears the fol lowing inscription Presented to the Honorable George Ross Premier of Ontario and Mrs Ross the day of November 1900 being the anniversary of their marriage by his colleagues in the Government and followers in the Legislature The libel suit of Mayor against Aid Woods has been dropped As a prosecutor of Jibe suits Mayor barf not been a brilliant suc cess In addition to Mr it is now said that exMayor Shaw Aid Burns and possibly the present Mayor may be in the race for the Mayoralty next election Dr John Robinson late assistant physician in the Queen St Asylum died at his residence last week leav ing a widow and three children There is some talk in sporting cir cles of making lake accept challenge In an evening paper here last week is reported as saying Oarsmen are not waiting till Jake hair turns grey before they will challenge him At least thats not my game by long odds I stand ready and will ing to row for any time he cares to take me on He wants to make it Now every body hasnt got thai amount about their clothes and besides is the standard slake Ive written ask ing him to row for hut ho writes back saying he will not consider one moment No sir I for one am not waiting til be comes an old man and then challenge him To tell the truth I donb be lieve will ever row again LEAPING Cook and Heaters Coal and Wood Are wanted now and we wish to draw your attention to our stock All the leading makes on hand Everything in the Hardware Line always in Stock Paints Oils and Glass J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET LEHMANS DRUG STORE BALING POWDER At a pound Good Pure Fresh Our own make Try a package and pass a verdict The best I ver used Flavoring Extracts Try Our Extracts Guar anteed Pure and True to flavor DISPENSING DEPARTMENT We fi our prescriptions just as the Doctor orders this ready The weather is bad Youll likely have a cold Have these remedies ready BOX LAXATIVE QUININE TAB- LETS BOTTLE SYR PINE TAR BOX LOZENGES All for THREE out of Every FOUR families in Newmarket who buy bread buy ours because it is made of the best material that can be secured Our homemade Bread is pronounced by all who use it to be the best to be had We would like to have YOU try it South End Bakery FRED JACK PI I with nauseous big prejudice people against pills generally Dr Pills are revolutionizing the demand theyre so pleasant and easy to take the doses are small and so is the price cents for doses Bilious ness Sick Headache Constipation dis pelled Works like a charm Sold by W Lehman Newmarket Manitobas wheat crop this year Nov A section of Minnesota ore dock situated on Black- wells Canal in this harbor collapsed at this morning under the- weight of tens of ore Two boys were killed and one man seriously Injured J m stomach Weal or Woo ft The stomach Is the centre from which from the standpoint of health flows weal or woe A healthy stomach means perfect digestion perfect digestion means strong and steady nerve centres strong nerve centres mean good circulation rich blood arid good South American Nervine makes and keeps tbe stomach right by Newmarket We do not allow any Ofllce to outdo us In this line either In style or price fa If you want any kind of Printing done see what work and terms you can get at OFFICE before you order Our prompt- is proverbial

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