Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 23, 1900, p. 3

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THE ERA FRIDAY NOV igoo Weeks Iioeal Ileitis WHAT IS OH IN ABOUT Tea Meeting In connection with the Presbyterian TeaMeeting on the evening of pec the Male Quartette from Knox College has been secured for the occa sion Reading Room Representatives from the varidus so cieties in Town are to meet at the Council Chamber nest Wednesday eveh- to consider ways and means for providing a Free Reading Room in and get down to business Good Work Mr A has just completed the contract of putting in bathroom fixtures and furnace in each of Mr Ed Richardsons two new houses A furnace was also put in Mr Hermans residence a few days ago as well as one for Mr York at Roachs Point Getting Ready visiting the stores in New market cannot fail to impressed with the fact that our merliants arc leaking great preparations for the ap proaching Christmas trade day witnesses great boxes and bales of merchandise being in front of stores and the are being filled with fall and goods Newmarket merchants are for their enterprise and our stores will compare city houses Indications point a brisk winter trade Fenian Raid Col Lloyd received another lot of the above medals by express yester day for the following persons Armstrong J J Kitely Foster Pte J King Cop- J Hunt King Monro King Cop J Thompson King P Ross King A King King J Kerr Aurora- Aurora They will be delivered on applica tion bodies Aid Annual Sale Some especially pretty tilings have made for the annual sale of the Ladies Aid of St which will be held on and iday Dec and at Store Main and Useful and ornamental fancy work suitable for Christmas gifts will sold at Reasonable and our readers are advised to tin event A new departure will bo ihe of a dainty oyster supper on the day from 6 to to everybody is cordially invited Moving Pictures The entertainment in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening the auspices of Citizens Band was a great success The hall was fairly well filled and Mr who presented the Motion Pictures thoroly understood his busi ness The entertainment was the best of its kind that has ever been given in Newmarket and judging from the applause of the audience it was appreciated The pictures not only presented everything in mo tion but were also colored and the ef fect produced was as far ahead of the stereoptican as could be imagined The war scenes high diving pillow fight and astronomers dream were exceptionally good The Band has been the moving spirit- in all the Patriotic Demonstrations held here during the past summer and turned out free of charge on every oc casion This necessitated the pur chase of an abundance of patriotic and other music and the cleared the boys on the concert will make up for the deficiency in the treasury Change of Date The Birthday Party in connection with too Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church has been unavoidably postponed till Monday evening Dec 3rd in order to secure the desired talent The ladies are everything possible to make the party a great success Among thctee who are to take part are Mr Arthur Lye organist of Toronto Miss Webster a pupil of Mrs Bradley and the leading soprano of Queen Street Methodist Church To ronto Miss soprano and Master Gray a boy elocutionist of much renown in Toronto Further particulars later For the trade has already rived at- A Watsons New in Rings Brooches Chains Bracelets c Call and make vour selection be- fore the choicest are Official Inspection The Railway of the Coun ty Council composed of Messrs Chester High Hart man Stokes Woodcock Gibson and passed over the Metropolitan Road to Newmarket last Friday in company with Manager Moves and Constructor They all had dinner at the Forsyth House The object of inspection was to see that all condi tions had been complied with so that the charter could be for the company to run between Richmond Hill and Newmarket and thus com plete the business between the Rail way Co and the County Council They reported that they found the road in good condition of the Road were taking stock last week and it is stated that it is being done with a view to trans ferring the property to the Toronto Street Co Death from Paralysis On Thursday morning of last week Mrs Railton mother of Mrs Morton was taken with a stroke which paralyzed her left side Mr and Mrs Railton win reside at ton were visiting Mrs Morton for a couple of weeks and there was also at the residence at the time Mr and Mrs Geo J Morton of Butte City Montana As the latter couple in tended to start for home that morn ing the household were up earlier than usual While the others were at breakfast Mr called down stairs that Mrs was sick She had previously dressed herself and was just about ready to come down stairs The sickness proved to be paralysis as above stated Sirs was conscious at times and able to speak a little on Thursday and Fri day after which she gradually sank until 625 on Monday morning when she expired Mrs Rail tons maiden name was Miss Shipley and she emi grated to Canada with her husband from the Old Country The remains were interred at Sutton Cemetery on Wednesday the funeral service being held in the Jfethodist church at Sut ton Farm Produce There was a most excellent market last Saturday best one we have had this season and butter in abundance also poultry of every de scription Prices were inclined to be high The buyers for butter and and townspeople in variably had to pay more for their choice Dressed ducks sold from CO lo 65c per pair turkeys from 8 to per It dressed geese and per lb dressed chickens to per pair live chickens to per pair live ducks to per pair and live turkeys per lb Pork to by the and to per lb by the quarter lamb fi per lb by the quarter beef from 5 to 6Jc by the quarter fresh fish per lb Potatoes per baglarge quantity offered Apples from SI to Si per Pulpit In order to promote unity and good will among the different denominations the following pulpit exchange has been arranged by the pastors of for next Sunday morning Christian Rev Mr Rogers Rev Presbyterian Rev McCuIloch Friends Rev Red Cross Society In correcting a proof of this local last week the wrong line was taken out of the receipts and another- put in its place which bungled the whole matter consequently we publish it now in corrected form Receipts Contributions by ladies of So ciety Collected thru the Red Cross cir cular Donation Hon J Davis Proceeds of Hockey Match From Rebellion fund Booth at Flower Show Price List i r Total 183 5S The Society will not disband but re main a permanent organization so as to be called on when French Flannels Polka Spots MENS SHIRTS and Fancy Patterns Others sell them for J Mens Flannelette Shim Mens Flannelette Night Robes A T Scotch Shirts and Drawers I Ribbed Skirts and Cuffs I Mens Heavy Stripe Shirts and Drawers Mens Heavy Knitted Mitts 15 In Nap Cloth Beaver Serges Sedan Cloth in all shades of color inches wide Prices from to S3 per V 6 Tremendous Assortment Prices 1 W A BRUNTON corner store You fail with Bruntons Baking Powiler t basket Dry dry maple in barrel and per maple per cord Farmers were here from Sutton on the Zephyr on the Hast below Aurora the South and the West and all reported good sleighing Somebody let a basket of eggs fall and smashed about 2 dozen of them on entering the market It would pay people who are carrying eggs to mar ket to see that the handle of the basket is solid THE CHEAP STORE Proving SepiousV About two months little Maz daughter of Mr bad her arm broken while playing at Die Model School The broken riglit at the elbow and the serious effect- of it is now being realis ed The chords do not act properly and the child is unable to use her hand her fingers being drawn out of shape A specialist in the city has been consulted and he has advised a months treatment at the Sick Child- reus- Hospital Mrs Trivett took her daughter to the city on Wednesday for treatment- The injury lo Miss Maud Hunters eye is also proving serious and a pfialisi in has pronounced her blind She went to Toronto litis week for I real mem but it is that she will have to an operation after Christmas ard have the eye removed It is too had that a person has to suffer in this thru the carelessness of children on the street Haines Memorial 9 Committee met on Tuesday evening Mayor Cane in the chair Eight mem- present The Treasurer Mr How pre sented a report of the funds on hand TV proceeds of Concert were the expenses leaving of The personal amounted toS8890 to which the Red Cross Society added from the North West Rebellion making a total balance of placed in the Hank market lo credit of the Memorial Fund On motion the report was adopted as very satisfactory The Mayor that he had a reply from the Minister Militia regarding the application for a inn and that the name would receive due attention McKay the Mayor appointed a Cornmittec en quire regarding cost of Military to place on the proposed Memorial and report to this Coromit- at next Committee till then to meet at the Chamber Sugar Beets In the Farmers Sun of a couple of weeks ago there appeared an article commenting favorably upon the an alysis of the sugar beets grown in and but nothing was about the Newmarket The Conversation took place between a re porter of the Stm and Mr A of the Ontario Agricul tural College County Coun cillor wrote to Mr Shuttle- worth to enquire how it was that- the analysis given for the oilier two places and Newmarket was omitted Mr replied that it was- entirely by accident that Newmarket wayrii in the conversation the The analysis of and had just been completed when the reporter of the Farmers Sun called says can assure ybu there not the igutt intention on the part of any one con cerned to attempt to create or give an unfavorable impression in reference to Newmarket In the light of re sults- of of Newmarket such an impression would be impos sible The Newmarket test has been highly satisfactory as report of anal sis will show A copy of said report will be forwarded to Hon K Davis at the earliest possible date This letter will at rest some of the talk that has been going on among readers of the Farmers Sun Fol lowing are a couple of paragraphs which we have clipped from the Michigan Sugar published at Hay City which shows the benefit to far triers of sugar beet factories in that vicinity Four hundred tons of sugar beets Can be used each day by the new Fre mont beet sugar refinery Out of this quantity of of sugar can be made This year the factory will pay for beets most of which money will go the pockets of Sandusky county farmers The exact total amount of acreage secured this in Sandusky coun ty was acres The recent warm weather lias Increased the originally estimated tonnage The farmers who have raised beets arc with this years experiment Pay your taxes The rain on Saturday evening and Sunday morning took away all our snow and left the roads- very sloppy We have not had any serious frosts this yet on last Friday morn ing Jack Frost was playing with the Chinamans- tap and sprung a leak which the Engineer had to go and fix The Collectors for the Bible Society are around this weekend are receiving much encouragement The children in the Methodist Sunday School commence practice on their Christmas Cantata tonight Mr Walker collector of taxes for the of Whitchurch took in at the Royal last Saturday He expects to he back here again on the of December Hoys were skating on the pond last Friday Do you realize that Christmas will be here four weeks from next Tues day Had sleighing continued some farm ers driving into Town without bells would probably get themselves into trouble We are still weeks away from the shortest day in Terrific wind on Wednesday after noon The order has been given for a new horizontal bar in the High School Gymnasium and it will be placed in position this week Mr Graham collector for Fast Tp took in at the last Saturday and at Mount Albert on Departments pec l MENS AND a A WEAR For one reason and the other but principally to the backwardness of the searon we have decided to cut at once and say goodbye to regular profits in this Department We havnt space sufficient to list all reductions made The following list however is a sample of the sacrifices we are making which will amount to hundreds of dollars saved to our customers during the continuation of this sale We start in with Overcoats Read the list carefully If you are in need of one we think you can afford to miss buying at these prices y Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot flmputoted Mr 1 Pollock seems to have more than his share of trouble and suffering in life he was de formed thru accident but with courage and energy lie pursued his studies and obtained the degree of He made quite a name for himself in writing poetry and published a volume After teaching school for some years health declined and an opening appear ing for him to take charge of a farm he dropped his studies for that pur suit greatJy troubled with rheumatism it caused a disease in the bone of his arm which member was amputated about or years ago to life The loss of the arm further deprived him of doing manual labor and he turned his attenUon to paintfug and drawing in which pro fession he was quite an and developed to be something of an art ist He has resided in Newmarket for more than a year and has made a living for himself and wife thru his and brush as well as teaching a private day and night school Last September he became a sufferer from an ulcerated leg and endured an operation in the hope of saving the limb For some weeks he conUnucd to Improve but about three weeks ago disease took a change for worse developing into a running can cer Last week it pained him so bad ly he was obliged to give up school and some of the pupils learn ing he would like to go to the Hospital for treatment but that his financial circumstances would not per mit took up a subscription around Town when practical sympathy was shown to the extent of nearly Mr Pollock went to Toronto on Mon day and the day his leg waa amputated In the hope of saving his life Word was received that he la very weak but it is hoped that bo will pull Mens Tweed Overcoats Fancy Tweed Linings Worth to Special Sale 250 Mens Heavy Tweed Overcoats extra well made fancy lining Worth to Spenial Sale Mens Black Worsted Overcoats black Italian linings fly front Worth C to Special Sale 4 to SO liny- Tweed Overcoats tweed Inline- to Worth to Special Sale 260 Boy Nap and Worsted Overcoat fancy tweed and Special Sale 3 to 4 Little Hoys Tweed Overcoats with or without Cape fancy tweed linings to Worth to to 3 Lot Lota Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 6 Little Hoys Overcoats with collar size to Worth to Special Sale to A Small Mans Chance Tweed Frieze Double Breast ed Pea Jacket fancy tweed linings sues 3G and Worth Special Sole Hoys Nap ami Beaver Pea Jackets sizes to Worth Special Sale Pfiee 275 Little Hoys Nap Jackets sizes to Worth Special sale Price 2 Boys Odd Tweed Vests to Worth to 8125 special sale Price Special Mens Boys Undershirts heavy grey ribbed allwool price Meny heavy allwool grey ribbed price Boys Undershirts union regular prices to with separate or attached cuffs price i and i25 Special Sale Price your Choice 75c Odd lines and broken lots that you from half to as much more in the regular way Dont fail to investigate im Indies Misses and Childrens Button and Boots Basket IfSS Special Bargain Price 1 Basket Basket 3 and Turn Botes 3 J and prices wore Special Bargain Price 175 Indies Fine Donate Button McKay and Turn Soles sizes and 3i only to i Special Bargain Price Indies Fine Boots riws Regular Prices to Special Bargain Price A Womens to and Gaiter Felt Boots sizes I only price Special Bargain Price Ladies Childrens and Misses Button and Lace Boots regular prices to Special Bargain Price 85c Fine Juliets regular price Sires 3 to Special Bargain Price Womens Leather Slippers 3 and only j Regular 8 Special Bargain Price he Co Newmarket Ont t

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