Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 23, 1900, p. 1

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v V- V rfH A NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER 10 PAGES Cite we liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to conscience above all liberty No paper sent outside of No York unless p in ad No Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday Nov 23 1900 TERMS per annum I if paid in advance Written specially for the pi NEW ONTARIO They will burn coal if desired LARGE STOCK OF PARLOR HEATERS In Wood or Coal No New Cook Stoves for -H- MfHff Horse Blankets Cow Chains Out Saws Axes Halters etc See our assortment of Drums A Try our Coal Oils NEWMARKET THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you ia New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Fall Suit m LADIES Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you pan buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh KEN YON what mysteries surround us And what mysteries arc Far beyond our Hard to solve as distant star With our complex coin bum urn We must always stranger he But we apprehend our is a kind of trinity Which the great Allwist Creator In His wisdom did invent And the laws He gave to pride us We can never circumvent If we strive to thwart His purpose Or resent His wise commands Sad the penalty resulting the law demands In our keeping are entrusted Body soul and spirit three Each distinct in its requirements Yet a perfect unity demanding Nourishment to suit its kind Food of earth feet the body And Word to feed the mind Limited our mortal nature To a brief sojourn on earth Lengthened by a strict attention To her laws of countless worth Temperance all things yielding I Much of good and sweet content Fitting man for earnest purpose Which our Heavenly Father meant All our needs have been considered Kvexy want provided for And exhaustless the resources Where His bounties are in store Allsufficient for the peoples On this sublunary sphere Who but dwell awhile as pilgrims Then so quickly disappear As the moulds the vessel By the power of his skill Jives it beauty and pattern At the pleasure of his will But a thoughtful care requiring To preserve its fragile form To prolong its Shielding it from every harm As a clock is made for running For a certain length of time With a mechanism needing Watchful care in every clime To perpetuate the motion Which the Maker meant to be As an index finger showing That time passes rapidly Only in cooperating With our great AllFather plan Will our lives satisfaction Yielding all that earthlife tan To laws our wills conforming Counting His commands supreme Will our days be filled with sunshine Flowing as a peaceful stream This is hut the school of- methods Instituted for the race For what purpose human wisdom In its weakness cannot trace Out the graduates for heaven Who believe in Gods dear Son Will all mysteries unravel When lessons here are done Grant Richmond Hill Its an I re To many people in Canada and to more in the old country the name New Ontario is simply a geogra phical term They know practically nothing of a great country having an area of probably over acres where nature has provided everything that man can want for his substance but whose gifts man him self has not yet taken advantage of In this vast terra incoghkia there axe timber and mineral wealth rich agri cultural lands lakes and rivers teem ing with fish forests swarming with game only awaiting the energy of the miner the lumberman and to give up riches and turn what is now apparently but a wilderness into populous- districts of comfortable homes and thriving pros perous towns and cities New Ontario proper may be consid ered as that portion of the country lying north of the Canadian Pacific Railway and extending from east- to west of the Province Here it is Koch is the rosea picture mg painted of the future of the own which stands ii the gateway where the waters of plunge hissing and ward and boom prices are over the rapids into the St town There will be going up for the present lion does not nearly meet the demand caused by the influx of population Real estate has taken a big jump for A 1 electric Tliis is to be undertaken shortly by the Lake Superi or Power Company and completed early in the summer The line will give direct communication between the P station and any pan of the town including the works River feet below Is this advance in price when tare too highly colored Let those street railway is built who entertain such an opinion the Sauk for themselves sec has already been viil then be better able to as to the prospects for the future Works of amazing magnitude are now in eiation and turning out products with Globe a value running up into the million early Other enterprises of equal and even greater extent are in process of development and nearly completed Industries of the most diversified char acter have been established or are about inaugurated giving em ployment to hundreds of skilled arti sans ami mechanics A vast region hitherto undeveloped resources is being laid under tribute for raw materials where the great development in Oh- j Railways are being built to convey must take place in the future and todav the attention of the out- side world is more than ever being at tracted to it As lumbermen and these raw materials consisting of the choicest woods of the forest and the treasures of the mine lo the place of manufacture and to open up to prospectors penetrate farther and far- jtleinent fertile- belts of land One titer into the country are quick I railway will penetrate as far north as to recognize the immense possibilities Hudson Ray and bring that remote development and these better known men come in to take advantage of them white money will level the forests secure the wealth from the minerals- region into touch with civilization Within three years at the latest this line will Ik carrying passengers from the prosperous centres of Canada the United States to within a stones j While north of the Canadian Pacific throw of the Artie Ocean and a vaca- now tears rw EI AIR RIFLE VMrAtVsxATAriM The Almanac Whatever may I said of the scien tific causes upon which the Rev Hicks bases Ids yearly forecasts of and weather it Is a remarkable fact the specific warnings of every great storm Hood cold wave and drouth have been plainly printed l famous Almanac for many The latest proof of fact was the destruction of vcmIou Texas On the very day named by Prof Hicks in his Almanac as one of disaster by storm along the gulf oasts The Almanac by far tJfce finest most complete and beautiful is now ready This remarkable book of near two hundred pages splendidly illustrated with chart and halftone goes as a to every who pays one dollar a year for Prof Hicks journal Word and Works- The Almanac alone is prepaid for only Order from Word and Work Publishing Company Street St Louis Mo In Box LIGHT OP ONTARIO ENQUIRE OF FOR IT The QUEEN CITY OIL CO I I wish youd pay a little atten tion roared a who In had giving am paying av little as I can the calmly replied Railway may considered New On tario in using that gener ally refer also to a number of dis tricts south of the railway extending to almost across the Province bo ginning on the east with Algonquin Park and running through to what is known as the Rainy River District which is on the eastern boundary of Manitoba and north of the Slate of Minnesota Large portions of this territory arc already thickly settled and contain goahead cities aud towns such as- North Hay Sturgeon Kails 8udbtiry Marie Tort Ar thur Fort William and Hat the latter most northerly and westerly point The principal has been done in this portion of the country Millions of capital have gone into mines and lumbering the farming lands are being taken up rapidly and the splendid future lfore this territory can be by even the most unobservant traveller Hut with this the country has been only so to speak The resources have but commenced tbicr Here civilization and life in backwoods brash shoulders Some times considerably less than a days journey takes the traveller from the comfort of a wellappointed hotel to the rough camps of the lumbermen the railroad gang Passing thru districts I hat might be to entirely uninhabited the blast of the prospectors the drive of logs coming down stream to mills or the op erations of a railroad contractor level ling ground ahead of him for the that are to follow show one that human skill and energy are tri umphing over all difficulties and dial the land Is being given over to settle ment taking that portion of terri tory lying west and of Marie and extending practical to the boundaries of Manitoba and mate of Minnesota however there ale two enterprises hat are such an im portant factor In the present and fu ture of the that it would lie well to give them some spe cial firnt These are Uie en terprises at Marie and its neighborhood of Mr Francis who with millions of money him is engaged in some enor mous commercial venture the factor In the Hallway which being by Mackenzie it Mann will up for settlement immense tract of territory and which important us It Is but a link In what in the future Is expected to be another great continental railway Nov 17 The heavily attacked the railroad at la Thursday It is re ported that the were complete ly cut up One report has it that j of the party were killed or wounded Bombardier Moore of the Artillery who is reported as died of enteric fever si is a sou Moore Principal of the Acton High School fie was employed in Storeys glove factory in that place when lie enlisted with of the Artillery He was con a workmen and a general favorite in the town He wasvalxuu years of age and ried lion at Hudson Hay heretofore classed as a chimerical idea will be regarded as one of the most ordinary things in the world Twelve miles from the Such a scarcity of sailors exists Few of the striking employees of shm factories have returned lo work They will not sign the new agreements northeast shore of Lake Superior a mountain of iron ore is levelled on the Pacific coast that vessels can not leave port Vessels four deep are in order to feed the blast furnaces to lied up to the docks awaiting men be ejected at the and a fleet of following is a genuine harm- iron are conveying the less a and swiftly to within a fewj acfcod pU just enough yards of where it to be treated it To sum it all up New Ontario by lc combined system of railways and of this lias steamships will made to disgorge times and it- never fails to its wealth of resources at the js Canadian here be worked into manufactures or exported as raw I Minneapolis Minn Nov 17 The materials according as the amount of which began on and the existing day still continues and has spread over may warrant Who can doubt in the entire Northwest changing a view of all the foregoing facts that a blizzard as it spread In many places remarkable future is in store fox the snow has fallen to a depth of a fool former sleepy little community and or more and the indications are that that the town now entering upon a lorc coming career of industrial activity which will blowing a gale and the thermometer eventually place it in the very look a sudden drop during the night front of prosperous Canadian cities The swamps in the lumber districts of the Northwest have frozen solid and Big Hydraulic Development sending large news The results so far achieved arc lit- woods tie short of marvellous They have been about mainly thru the Christoias in promises indomitable pluck the tireless energy lje unless and brilliant genius of one man Mr willing eat Francis Wergue the uncrowned and King of New Ontario lie it was who Ores Owing to the failure of saw wonderful possibilities con- m w rt lulled with torrent of water fruit- is going up with alarming lipid- which for years bad been pouring use- over the rapids of St Marvs Ml JBJ0 Urns it will barely urn- and from him came the f lion for the plans under which lon MwQn is being the currants promise to Canadian side Of Ibis amount lively as expensive as coal irln l te few days currants a hundred weight He horsepower has bran for some lime available and is used for running two existing wood pulp mills and supplying the Town of Sault Sle Marie with light and water The bal ance of horsepower will be de veloped early next summer To this Consul General in Loud a for the relief if the laborers of the currant St Michael Alaska Nov I lie Seven lives were lost in a fire which destroyed the McGonical Hole at Pa Sheridan of very seriously burned while pour ing coal oil on a fire A of Industry Marie the industrial cen tre of Canada a and combined starting- point of a trade reaching out into the highways of the vorld a fill- id with from sea the outlet for a principality rich in Umber and Ihe home of thousands of thriving opera- must added a development of SO- scourge of sickness and death as horsepower on the other side never before was known in Alaska has a total of horsepower attacked the Esquimaux population which fcoiild be sufficient to meet the throughout the western and central industrial needs of both communities parts of the territory this year Tales for the next ten years at least 1 incredible to one who has not been a witness could be totd of the Ureal the wroMKnt by disease visitor to Marie can past summer The white man not fall lobe struck with the evidences of whom there never so many before activity which abound there The in Alaska has escaped and even population has grown within the lost congested and exposed settlement at two or three years from about to and during Is expected to Increase at the rate of a year Kach day the trains bring numerous fresh arrivals to town All of theso of course do not remain arc bound for too great camp at Helen Mine twelve miles from Harbor or the lumbering camps farther inland again on their way to work on the Central Hallway which marts from Hie and will be extended right thru to Hudson Bay Many And employment at ho works and become as gloomy of New houses are night Nome where thousands of miners and adventurers were congregated J was miraculously saved from an Hut the native who is always a friend of the whiles for whom ho has suffer ed in a variety of ways since civiliza tion approached his shores has been stricken as never before In some na tive village onehalf of the population has died of disease and starvation who escaped death did so after severe illness and privation the natives have been unable to engage In their summer occupation of fishing and the outlook for the win- as long Arctic Broken Eggs Canned Americans the Only who Have When the rush of eggs sets in early in April the market naturally is The receipt of eggs in New York for instance averages iween and eggs a day thru the spring and summer The consumptive demand of the city aver ages only something like day and the question arises What be comes of the other million or two They are bought speculators anil placed iu coldstorage When the win ter comes and the hens lay fitfully prices will go up and consumers will have to pay something like 30 tents to cents a dozen It is at this stage of the market that the storage house speculators expect to unload their slock and sell them at a material advance These eggs are sold largely to confec tioners for mixing with and other fancy makers in which their quality is not detected- In the process of stocking up the storage houses have a great loss cracked and broken eggs If these thousands of fractured eggs were thrown away the annual loss would easily amoum up into the millions To offset this waste the broken eggs are canned and sold to the bakers and confectioners Can ned eggs will keep just as- well and fully as long as canned meat fruit or vegetables The thing to be careful about is to make them absolutely air tight It is the air that enters through the shell that causes decay Fresh coated with par affin and stored away in limed water will keep for months in a Compara tively fresh condition The length of lime they can be preserved will depend upon the extent to which the air las been excluded Before the eggs are canned they arc separated and the whites and yolks are put up in differ ent cans When white frothing for cake is wanted the confectioner opens can of whites or he wish to make custard for his pie or pudding he lakes the canned yolks Actually there is nothing objectionable about these eggs They are fresh and sweet when canned and do not deteriorate unless the cans happen to Iks imperfect Canned eggs arc used very extensively in hot coun tries In some tropical lands fresh eggs arc difficult to procure and the natives prefer the canned northern eggs to the socalled fresh eggs sold their own markets The Ameri cans are the only people who have entered into the- eggcanning indus try and do a large business with South American countries and the West Indies and cloudy eggs are canned for the leather trade and sold lo tanners In putting on the fine gloss of expensive leather eggs are indispensable The egg shells from the canaries sold for various purposes They are utilized both for making commercial fertilizers and for manufacturing some of the numerous hen foods that are now put on the market A Nice Winter Plant Few persons are perhaps aware that a thing of beauty is a common peanut plant growing singly in a six or eight inch pot and grown indoors during the colder months Kept in a warm room or the kitchen stove a peanut kernel planted in a pot of loose mellow loam kept only moderately moist will soon and grow up into a beautiful plant Is in a similar way that peanut planters test their seeds- every year beginning even early the winter and tiro facility with which seeds will grow in this way suggested to many southern flower lovers the possibility of making the useful peanut an orna mental plant for parlor or sitting room window As the plant In creases in size and extends its branches over the sides of the pot In a pendant maimer there are few plants Intrinsic beauty The curious habit of compound leaves of closing to gether like the leaves of a book on approach of night or when a begins to fall upon them is one of the most interesting habits of plant And then later on tor the peanut is no ephemeral wonder endur ing for a day or two only trn of tiny yellow flowers forth of the peduncles on which nuts grow impart to this floral rarity a striking and unique all own There Is nothing else like it and florists country might well add the peanut plant to their list of novel and Tare things Considerable typhoid fever prevails in and vicinity

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