Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 16, 1900, p. 8

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feB v 7 1 Headache Biliousness Heartburn Indigestion Dizziness Indicate liver Li oat Of order fejt medicine to the and care all these found in PHI Been SOW U medicine dealer False Economy of Cheap Spectacles Sight is too precious to trifle with When buying spectacles buy a food pair We use perfect lenses They cost a little more than the commoner kinds but the difference in comfort is worth many times the difference in price Eyes examined free L GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Jewelry Store NEWMARKET KEEP OH HARD around fSeHub COR RESPONDENTS TO ZEPHYR Miss Cora who is residing near Messrs and teachers of No and respectively attended the Teachers Convention at Aurora Miss- of Linton is spend ing a few days with relatives this section Mrs is visiting relatives in the vicinity of Kettleby arc posted up in this i6 The new Presbyterian Church is about ready for the opening Mr Nathan Mitchell one of Oik old neighbors was followed announcing that Mr to his last resting place at Keswick by of Newmarket is receiving ten- large number of friends and for the purchase of a lot in tances on Friday last Mr Mitchell owned and occupied by the was noted by all who ever had any Aaron dealings with for his uprightness the next meeting of King Council in all his business relations His the question of opening and family have the sincere the Sideline between lots 30 and in sympathy in their sad bereavement the con will be considered left well provided for hey will miss his wise council and affection 1 We are have to part with three of our most musical young men Friday Nov is the lUne set for the I O conceit and prepara tions are already being made The annual Concert at school was held on Friday evening and as usual was a good success A concert and tea in aid of the Sunday School was held in the church here on Tuesday evening An excellent program of speeches recita tions and music by talent from Sutton and Vallentyne assisted by of the school and other local performer in the Temple Frank Ptesswell goes to take a posi tion in Ottawa has gone to Clarksburg to learn the watch making and Norman ftttham our great cornet player has to Georgetown B mm TKIRC KIND OF PAIR OK ACHE OR EKTERHAL THAT PAINKILLER WILL ROT RE LIEVE LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES THE GENUINE BOTTLE NAME PERRY DAVIS Chief of Folic Fetch took down a few days ago and will have him examined as to his san ity before the proper authorities The ladies of Trinity church are pre paring for a bazaar to be held in Wells store on Dec and A very sudden death occurred here last week in the person of Mrs pard of Victoria street The deceas ed lady had been ailing for a few days On Thursday morning she was taken much worse and expired about noon A heifer belonging to Stephens of the 2nd con killed by a Metropolitan car on of the most touching incidents in the life of Christ was the scene in the Temple where as a hoy of twelve he was found in deep discussion with the chief priests and sages of the Jewish faith It is a subject wind has ever appealed to the poet and painter and few episodes in the career of our Saviour have been more rever- depicted by pen and pencil UNION STREET Miss Clara Cowiesoh has returned home after a three weeks visit with friends in the city Miss Man- Draper is on the sick list Mr Harry Richardson was renewing acquaintances one day last week Mr Peregrine went to the city to see the Canadian heroes from South Africa A purse containing a sum of money was lost on the sideroad Mr Norman Smith is about ioave for a situation Toronto -A- Too The greatest of all the pictures in which the child Jesus is shown in the Last Monday night the Gospel rent- Temple in disputation with the Rah- meeting was very well was painted by Hoffman the and was a great success in man master The coloring of this way considering the roads Eight painting is superb and the drawing signed the pledge which we hope they of the faces of the principals wonder- will keep Rev Mr- Browns address fill This is particularly true of the was main feature of the evening face of Jesus the countenance is full j it was sound logical and persuasive of boyish beauty interfused with a the subject being Prohibition high and holy intelligence No more There was also music and recitations beautiful conception of the face and- as follows Reading by Mrs J figure of the Master has ever entitled An angel In a placed on canvas Around Him are saloon solo by Miss Morton of Whitchurch and thought- J Papa stay home Im motherless ful men whose astonishment at the now reading by Mrs A Winch In the East la considered a curse from the gods It Is a Bight to see some mother before implor ing that the of childlessness may be away Axe uracil wiser the Thousands of cnitdles3 not- suppose un der Natures ban but axe suffering from diseased condition the delicate feminine organs It may be debilitating drains or female and perhaps an ulcerated and inflamed of the parts In any case the diseased condition must be removed and a healthy condition established before the maternal function can be fulfilled Many a mother acknowledges her debt to Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription and to its inventor Pierce of Buffalo who invites the sick to write and consult him without charge Favorite Prescription promptly allays irritation checks the debilitating drains cures female weakness and the accompanying bearing down pains It gives vitality and elasticity to the organs peculiar feminine and establishes the natural conditions winch make for the easy of healthy children There is nothing just as good for you as favorite Prescription Dont be put off with a substitute Iharenewer written you how grateful lam to you for help in securing Rood health and one of the dearest thirteen pound girls ever came into a home write Mrs of Liberty St ill When wrote you about my ailments was in Iowa I took six bottles of Dr Prescription four of the Golden Medical Discovery and four rials of Dr Pierces Pellets Before I had taken four bottles of the Favorite Prescription I new woman I Cannot make pen describe nay heartfelt gratitude Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets regulate the stomach liver and bowels if LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT We have just received a Car of r Every Shingle of which is Perfect Call and see them day night just south of the corpora- 1 wisdom of the youth is strikingly The Deacons Sunday School limits Some boys down P duett by Mrs Roagers and Mr Stephens fence on Halloween painting Christ in the Miss Jennie against We also have a full of I The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET ONT StepI night and Ins cattle strayed away and before he could find them this one was killed TANDARD ASSURANCE CO BRADFORD Saint of this village lost Temple has been accurately Wrong music by Mrs in Uie most delicate colors in Mrs Pity the keeping with subject is in Drunkard size inches and is a beautiful j study for every Christian Our readers will be interested in knowing that the Family Herald and a horse on Tuesday wasletunI Star Montreal have of Success The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber- auty Popularity home from Bond Head and when about opposite to Mr faxmj gale the animal suddenly stopped to one side and dropped dead Mr Bain of the town ship also had a fine chestnut mare drop dead the same day Building operations in our village the right of this famous picture for their subscribers They have also another interesting picture entitled FROM THE WAR representing the happy return of one of our Canadian soldiers from South Africa It is a splendid sou venir of the late war and appeals at once to every Canadian It has been v Accumulated Funds about Annua Revenue over thing the past two years have been carried on quite extensively perhaps Family a far greater extent than of our citizens are possibly aware of Christ in the Some fifteen private residences to Bonuses Already Declared 29200 000 Claims Paid During year Polices were issued The STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to over Four teen Million of Dollars BONUS YEAR 1900 now and secure a share of the profits GEO HUNT District 4 A Aunnt all of a very substantial character modern in design and attractive in ap pearance have been erected or are in course of erection The total cost of these would amount to upwards of In addition extensive im provements have been made to resi dent property amounting to several thousand dollars more We arc creditably informed that a strong syndicate of Toronto capital ists who secured options on several farms in the Scotch July last are to start operation a week or I wo with the object in ew of as- Curtaining the quantity an quality of gas to lie had In the event of gas being obtained iu paying quantities the wells will be operated extensively and gas supplied to all the villages towns for miles around Should the prove successful a wonder ful transformation in the matter of light will be effected in this town we have little doubt Witness new or renewal An interesting descriptive pamphlet will be sent free to any of our readers sending a request for it by postal card to the Family Herald and Weekly Star Montreal A new electric railway between Woodstock and was opened last week Francis who attempted to assassinate the Shah of Persia at Paris was sentenced to imprisonment for life Too late for last week Mr returned on Satur day Oct after a weeks visit with friends in the city Mr Sterling of Newmarket called on Mr ii Proctor on Monday of last weik His walking capacity seems to be out even as his years Messrs Jos Wilson of Kettleby and J of Toroilo left here Tuesday last for northern hunting grounds Miss Ethel Aurora few days this wttfc at Farm Mr las T Davis and Angus Camp- were in the city last week as jurors and liberated after serving days Mr has just completed the conveying of his water supply from some spline about rods distant He has forced by a hydraulic pressure the water Mr Robinson and sister of New market spent Sunday last with their mother and friends here Mr and Mrs Dennis Alio live near Newmarket visited their sou Fred on Saturday last Mr and Mrs Victor of Newmarket spent the last few weeks at their parental homes here In view of the approaching long winter evenings there is an effort made for the reorganizing of the public library The sale of the valuable brick prem ises known as the Tegart blink took place last Saturday and was sold by public auction to Mrs A of for We are pleased to learn that Mr A Wilkinson has after reconsidering Ids interest decided to remain here until The esteem and popularity in which Mr Wilkinson is held by the ratepayers of this school may be as certained the fact that a petition circulated the section received every signature except live which in cluded two trustees who refused to express themselves as in favor of re taining the service of Mr Wilkinson who lias during the last nineteen years rendered the possible service and established a reputation to Ik envied by principals of public and high school of higher rank During the above period I have sold engines besides several Sep arators have had no lawsuits or disputes of any kind and far as I know my customers are well satisfied yet have several Good SecondHand Portable Engines for sale including the Cornell Abel White and I can supply a full refitted ri at giving years time cheap rig sold where it will interfere with my regular customers Trial given and customers satisfied before asking for settlement THOMPSON JJAVE stood the test of time Forty years of successful Rubber making The Largest Rubber Factory in Canada The largest out put of Rubbers and Over shoes in Canada Because Wear Fit and Style are all in our goods for It Co Rubbers THE by RUBBER SOLID RUBBER rtllibtt rtaelj This picture is the trade mark of SCOTTS EMULSION and is on every bottle of SCOTTS in the World which now amounts to many millions yearly This great business has grown to such vast proportions the proprietors have always been most careful in 38 75 a height feet urn- which is for and well by a very ef- 4l flirt Mr of Ml Albert Had fielcctl charge of the pipes and by- used t its composition namely ram the finest Cod Liver Oil and the J purest and attended match at Mr SecopdB clause they have so on the and returned skillfully combined the various S tor KtAAmiV the J CO Alex is dead at lie was by a a ago DR A CHASES AyO- nldfatt to iye ihe a CVtiir41Uv Fever with a turkey to their ingredients that the possible be It said n ji Mr Foster and daughter Miss Kite past week with his daughter Mrs results are obtained by its use it has made so many sickly delicate children Mrs strong and healthy given health or It I ilmT rosy cheeks to so many pale of A on Mondav of 11 on MorMuy of last week Mr Waller Wiggins of Toronto at tended the funeral of Mr las Infant The child was fix month old and fur about two from infantine cholera Miss Nona Stephens spent a fcw the past week with live Mater anaemic girls and healed the lungs and restored to full health so many thousands in the first stages of Consumption If you for IU od all drug Council Regular meeting held at Nov members all present from Dr an to the condition of Andrew Thomp sons family was presented also com munication regarding Kail- ways with maps showing proposed ex tensions asking cooperation but council decided to lake no action iu the matter The following amounts were paid John cedar for culvert Lake Shore road work on Road ff t James Robertson use of scraper J as Nelson work on Sutton Herald advertising Voters List Court Miles half value of killed by dogs half value of sheep kilted by dogs George Mtmro half value sheep killed by Paul half value sheep killed by John Munro repairing two cul- ill l lll f pollock work on hill con Charles Martin on Lake Shore road Council then adjourned to meet on Hoc I low long does a man have to married before he can get a divorce asked a healthylooking middleaged Maine man of a lawyer It Isnt a question of how long youve been married replied the lawyer but of what grounds have you got Grounds exclaimed the prospective client got grounds enough When 1 was married my wife was earning a week now shes quit work and I cant get her to go back And weve only been married a year The family of M I Stratford were nearly asphyxiated by coal gas on Sunday morning 50 Carriage A new carriage lire make riding on a economical too for dues the vibration and breaks carriages A Vshaped apace between the rubber tire and the flange prevent a creeping cutting which other tires are subject to Bee the exhibit at the big fairs Bend at once for Free Tire giving prices of all sizes THE Tire Company JOHN TORONTO- d fer MiiaUiu flti In luJuKon Hull lain fully iu Mill hi im It HIM lift The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited SYSTEM in Business Papers is best Economy File a Perfect SYSTEM For filing your letters invoices receipts etc under classified Index with a continuous record easily to over any number of years Simple f The Office Specialty Mfg Co Bay St Toronto The Shannon I The Shannon Hit St t lHCtoriiN Solid Gold JV Gold Fill Glasses We guarantee perfect Mtlifactloa GLOBE OPTICAL CO Yongo street Toronto ICr In locality to jp Kow on lo4 it vryS0C4 per and doc exceed per iiy Steady to pood No for r I v iMi I In 1 rt4 CoiifodtirttlonUfe 4m TORONTO i bright and no to climb IN etc Principal 10000 WORTH OF PRIZES AWAY FREE BRIGHT BOYS and LADIES boT Vtuabl Prmrums to From not ienr we of lfcti win lead a ram ta jcu will MM picture- Tfcia CO frcmUma AK80LUTKLY FREE Wo it ft hih At I i5rii IWVU1V CO iri I bVIiI Ate I A It Vim MS to-

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