Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 16, 1900, p. 7

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V- CHINA HALL Nov 1900 Boots and Shoes We want to say a few words about our- Empress Fine Shoes for Ladies They give per fect Satisfaction for the fol lowing reasons are uptodate in The fit perfectly They are guaranteed to give Every satisfaction to the Wearer Have we Sold You a Pair Misses and Childrens fine or strong Shoes Mens and Boys coarse and fine Shoes s OS IX Party The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church met yesterday to make further at for their Birthday Party on Nov No pains will- be spar ed to make a great- J a Storm It is predicted that about Nov a storm of unusual seventy will be witnessed The Atlantic ocean will roll up such waves as will some who sit in the front seats at the Town Hall thai evening to enjoy the moving picture entertainment The spray dashes feet in the air as the big waves strike See the program in this paper Prices and see the soldiersretoxn from South Africa was seen to board the car on the morning- in question and that id the last that has boon seen or heard of her- here Mrs Kennedy it appears told her friends that she had received an offer from a travelling troupe that filled a three nights engagement here a short ago to travel with them at a salary of per week and expenses and accepted the offer it hex purpose to travel under the name of Nora Trusty being her maiden name Whether she has gone with the show or not is yet tobe discover ed Mr Kennedy openly declares that he never recognize as his wife Mr Kennedy has the sympa thy of many friends in town and where he is well and favorably known ORCHARD -o- ROBBERS Our Snag Proof Rub are the best the market on China and Glassware Dinner Sets Toilet Sets and At Very Close Prices to reduce our large Stock Over Sets to Select from See our Stock in Store opposite Grocery Fine New Figs 5c lb Fine New Selected Raisins lb Fine New Citron Orange and Lemon Peels This Seasons Currants are scarce and price high at For this week Upright Wood Heater Coal Square selffeeder Coal Square selffeeder large Cooking Stove good l large Drum on feet cost 50 Patch Kersey Blankets reg Mitts all kinds for rough iluV- lU Butcher Knives A I stuff 20c Saws complete 50 Snow Shovels steel and School Board A regular meeting of the Board took place on Wednesday afternoon sent Esq chairman and Messrs J J Pearson A- I Father Morris Webb J H Proctor and ft Jack son Messrs and Jackson were appointed to audit the accounts of the rear The Principal reported that there are pupils now enrolled and the Fourth is not hindering the pro gress of the school in fact- it is hav ing a good effect on the whole school The net proceeds of the recent Com mencement were The Committee on Supplies was in structed to consider the request of the hoys additional- apparatus in the Gymnasium also purchase such chemicals and apparatus as is required in the and boobs for the Library for supplementary fog Heading Room A number of representative citizens of the Town met on Tuesday evening and discussed the idea of opening a Reading Room Mr J Robertson was requested to act as chairman and Mr J I McKay as secretary The proposition to canvass the Town for subscriptions to open Free Read ing Room on a purely philanthropic basis under the direction of the of Management of the Public met with unanimous approv al The Chairman was requested to av- the probable cost of suitable premises and report- to an adjourned of all persons place in the Council Wednesday evening Nov Others present were deputized to wait upon the various Societies of the Town and solicit cooperation and It will be necessary to raise between and HOC fife up premises and Keep them open every- afternoon and evening for the whole year Sunday holidays excepted the people of the Town respond cheerfully- to this noble project a place where young men can spend their evenings free from the of hotel stiff ngHrooms there is a strong desire cm the part of the promoters to the matter to a successful issue you whV to he a Public Reading Room in and a shame for a Town of this size not to have one show your sympathy if a practical manner- life around the flub COn- WORTHY TO fiSCOHl CORNERS The service tie Bethel Church which has been withheld because of the diphtheria quarantine in the neigh borhood will be resumed next Sab bath morning Nov at Rev A P Brace of Sutton will preach We are all glad to know that Mr Geo is getting better also Mr three boys By what we hear we are going to lose our school teacher Mr I can tell he is an A teacher and we would like to keep him on- Most of fanners are through plow ing and prepared for winter I Toppnto have returned ffoirt where they spent a week hunting Miss is visiting A Navigation Company have awarded to the jar disturbed our usually Company of Toronto the quiet residents one night lastweek for the route been in Montreal and Quebec for a week on- a business trip A requisition is in circulation day passed quietly this Mr A Rowland into the Hiding being too much one sided to field as a candidate for the Mayoralty cause much excitement next election A son of the late Squire KESWICK been appointed to the clerkship the Court of Mi Sherman Smith recently of vn by his fathers Keswick has received appointment On Tuesday last Hon Frank Latch- in the Civil Service at Ottawa under ford Commissioner of Public Works the Administration Sherman Mr engineer of the De- was one of our most exemplary young went north to visit and and deserves the bright future the works in that is opening up before Provincial control v Gospel meeting will be held next Monday eve Nov Two children of John Ilayman St Nicholas St Wednesday evening were sitting by the table The mother Tableau one of Frank Beards best toons Press Cor The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church here a hot fowl supper in the church on the evening of Dec Particulars later The Witling Workers of the Presby terian church met on Wednesday last and cleaned the church Mr will sell by auction in on Nov the effects of who recently moved to Toronto Quite a snow storm on Tuesday last People thought winter was here for sure hut those who have their tur nips in the ground are hoping for more fine weather will constat of u address n Ttirfperance b Rev Mr Miss Terry J and instrumental Miss Ella the lamp Mi Vila ft j in from the kitchen and in trying to save the child her own cloth ing took Are and had to run out doors to roll in the snow to exting uish it Little Clarence was burned to the mother is at the pita with doubts about her recovery Two other children were saved by the presence of mind of the eldest THE LEADING HARDWARE STORE For Winter 0 e s Cook and Heaters BELHAVEN The fourth Sunday in is Temperance Sunday in Sunday Schools all over Christendom and not only our workers but- all S and itsoall scholars who have signed pledge and those who have not as veil as friends of temperance reform whether active workers in School or temperance organizations to make he day and lesson a notable one The drink curse- Is world wide every nation having it in a degree therefore it is well mea sures against it be world wiJ also Let it be taught that mess crime against the nation and a sin against Gods laws While fortunes- can be made in the trade in this and lAnds tlios engaged in the business will every nerve t preserve right to sell and almost our only hope to so educate the young that they may eyes and open to English Plum Pudding A Delicious Dessert to Follow the Turkey at the Christmas Dinner Seed first one pound of raisins when preparing to make an English plum pudding mis with them a pound of currants and half a pound of minced orange peel dust over a quarter of a pound of flour Chop fine one pound of suet add to it a quarter of a pound of brown sugar half a nutmeg grated threequarters of a pound of stale dry breadcrumbs Mix all the ingredients together five eggs without separating until light add to them half a pint of grape or orange juice pour over the dry ingredients the and mix thoroughly The mixture The High School Commencement in Mechanics Hall on Friday even ing promises to be of more than ordinary interest The talent secured is firstclass Miss McMurtry soprano soloist Mr baritone and Miss Lena lit yes violinist all of- Toronto together with other talent have been secured A special car will return to Newmar ket after the Concert A Mock of 3d seats will lie reserved for Newmarket people and tickets will be sale there on Saturday- Miss Emma Holder the- third daugh ter of Mr Holder and Mr Al fred Wilson were united in marriage Wednesday at the residence of flic brides father evil and so be strong to irivc- their corning influence against the drink hab it If the customers fall the trade must languish and die Those having this matter at heart iron 4 bodily and or spiritual point of view should gladly no given by Temperance Lessons and so impress from social national and religious sides that it must be implanted so in youthful numb will bring forth as fruit the demand an for ate the electorate of he coming years the total prohihitiou of debasing traffic Press A SMITH The Leading Grocer Telephone 13 Coal and Wood Lime Hair Cements Flour and Feed delivered all parts of the Town free Got furon REMOVED SEED Skipped The Toronttf World of yesterday has the following sensational article under Newmarket The dozens of plate have been to a sensation in the line t a wife deserting her husband without any just case Three years and seven months ago Kennedy of the town ship of King took unto himself a wife in the person of Trusty of were roarried at Bradford by a resi dent after they up their residence at Holland A few months later they came to where they resided up to of departure learning of the peculiar predicament that- the husband left lay The World correspondent called on Mr Kennedy he in his honest way Bald I hate on several occasions had wife for misconduct The last time I spoke to these lines was about month ago This had a tendency to improve her con duct for time before leaving her But during this the hinted to some men that leaving her home and might never POINT Miss Hamilton has returned from Niagara where she had been visiting for the last two months Tfie renowned Joe left for To ronto last week where he will spend the winter A of our prominent citizens were very indignant because they had to take the oath at the elections Mr Hamilton went down to the to see our brave boys home Miss Eva Marsh is able to out after an illness of weeks Kaalc paid a flying visit to see her daughter Mrs I yon Miss Young has returned to Toronto after spending two weeks here with parents AIb in full blast Quite a number of the fair sex attend each week We trust this snowfall will not spoil our friend Jesses turnips Johnny Canuck o West Ontario I I hank you heartily for the gener ous confidence you have shown me in recording in my favor the largest vote ever polled by a Conservative Candi date in this Riding and this in spile of the adverse influence of the able representatives of two Governments am especially grateful to peo ple of Newmarket my old home for me with the largest vote ever given to a Conservative in his lory Yours sincerely FRANK Merchants Chambers Wellington Toronto Nov should not be wet but each particle should be moistened- Pack this into small greased kettles or moulds It will fill two threepound kettles- Put on the covers stand the moulds in the steamer and steam steadily for ten hours The easier way is to get the ingredients ready the before mix and put them on early in the morning allowing them to cook all day Take them from steamer- remove ttic lids of the kettles or moulds and allow the puddings lo cool then replace the lids and put the puddings away They will keep in a cool place for several months or a tear December Ladies Home Jour nal Cows coming in the fall or early winter will pay better than those coming fresh in the spring as they give more milk during winter when the price of butter fa is higher than during the summer 1 DRY TOWN hi the- Free Methodist Quarterly meeting the church crowded to the doors Rev Mr Reynolds the District Elder preached a very eating sermon which awakened a num ber members from slumbers Last Tuesdays snowstorm caught quite a number of farmers finishing their turnip harvest We are informed that Miss Horn Miller- intends- for Toronto ihfc week purely all of our best girl are not going to leave Mies Miller is a very fine young lady and be very mucli missed by all t her friends as well as by the A very fine bouncing baby boy camp to- spend winter with Mr and Mrs Wm a few days ago Mr the M Is trying change the name of Dry Town church to In the high of last week we could hear a murmur In tbo once of a wedding bell Mr and Mrs of iurn Her departure was we visiting at Mr the Monday morning of Informed a few of her Compare the Era with any other that ViiiH Toronto I weekly for home Date Home time ago a but ignorant woman wrote to the weather bureau In saying that she was to give a lawn party oh it wrtaln day and asking the bureau see that it was clear on that day To comlnunication more impressive sho in closed a list of names of several pro minent people she intended lo invite I entered into the of the thing the weather chief and Kent her an answer to that the afternoon had designated had already Been bespoken by a poor Woman who wanted to obtain seme rainwater with which to wash clothes and on this account could not pos sibly make It clear- on that date Some Dainty Chops Never keep pain lying by fattening A fattening hog needs water dally Feed young brood sows so to se cure a good growth of bone andmus- Feed tire sows slop bran and oil meal a days far rowing A boar is often seriously injured by being used for breeding when too young There are fev things that are detrimental to the health of young pigs than a wet Too close breeding lowers the vital ity and with the breeding out of Vitality comes in he provided in I he ilceplng Marmots barrel White Wheat per DO a ttod CO DM a a a a ItMjitr Bethel a M a flutter troll per lb a ON a W 076 a lit a Wool per lb a pur ton CO a Pork per owl a lb a Chickens per a a ACQ a lb a a Toronto Nov 15 068 a White Wheat per a Wheat per buahel 4 0 On a per Q a 062 a QUO a Potatoes per t 0 35 a Bheqpflfcln a I Oil a OK Hay per ton i per a CO a a Chickens per pir a per pair a Turkey per lb 00 10 Dont Wait to fcWyour photo and will bo sure Ihoro In plenty of time Wo in rude placed in a very large you will nothing fey and jiimnro Coal and Wood Are wanted now and we wish to your attention to our stock AH the leading makes on hand Everything in the Hardware Line always in Stock Paints Oils and Glass J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET Immense purchase of Clothing Bought at on the OVEKCOATS ULSTERS and SUITS On Sale Saturday Morning -00- TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Interesting Prices FOR- A Saturday Buyers Pure Leaf Lard special per lb 10c 18 lbs Granulated Sugar 1 Bars Davisons Soap Fresh Bulk Oysters Fresh Sausage lbs for Choice Finnan Haddie DAVISON oo pine I i 4 4 J LEHMANS DRUG STORE BAKING POWDER At a pound Pure Fresh Our own Try a and pass a verdict The best I used Try Our Extracts Guar anteed Pure and True to flavor DISPENSING DEPARTMENT We ft our prescriptions just as Doctor orders HAVE THIS READY weather Is bad Youll likely have a cold Have these remedies ready I BOX- LAXATIVE QU1N1NP TAB LETS BOTTLE SYR TAR All for 50c BROS tllltf i r J I at The Government has ordered about new care for the from different Canadian Max diamond smuggler who made a Montreal bridal couple his Innocent accomplice was sentenc ed at Buffalo lo months imjirlson flc and loscj worth of diamonds FOR SALE Con I In pnoi ttlllfkll tor fill Mi J SI

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