Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 16, 1900, p. 2

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A Rare Roche Co If Fruit Starr Soaps Toronto Jobbing House Flavoring Seasonable Goods Sole H Lloyd Hardware J Rowland Something Boots Furniture Allan Theaker Through Advice Long Distance Telephone Forrests Pharmacy Special Valuer- Ross Bros Manufacturers Geo Sons Farm to V T Rowland Timber for Davidson Wilson Grain Merchant John Moore New Lines Smith Bros Strayed John Winter A Saturday Prices Davison Co- Cattle Hall Down in East York that portion of tie Riding belonging to the County Mr toe Liberal candidate a majority of but that portion of I he city of Toronto which by virtue of the gerrymander was tacked on the county Mr Maclean a ma jority of An important and somewhat start ling fact is brought prominently into notice by an analysis of the recent Liberal gains in Quebec In Ontario the race and loyalty cry was raised against Government candidates and re sulted in Conservative gains but down in now transpires not in a single instance can it be shown that the Government candidate succeeded on racial grounds but in THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOV defeated of Montague though deprived of his in Parliament has secured an of fice which carries with it a wuifirt- able salary He has been Canadian organizer of the independent Order of Foresters The contract is for period of three years an an nual salary of A to the Ontario is now on the carpet for to All the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr German who was returned as representative of the con st to tie Commons the Other day Hon E J Davis Com of Lands and Hon Mr Minister of Education are an nounced as speakers at a Liberal con vention be held next Wednesday at every case either the winner was an candidate or the Wand to nominate a candidate loser one of those who voted against the contingents She BUT BRIGHTER AND WITH EACH FRIDAY NOV Radial Railway Scheme Radial Railways with Toronto as the centre is now agitating the authori ties of Toronto The bill to incor porate the Toronto and Central On tario Railway Company as the new scheme is named now being fostered by Aid Lamb and others provides for the incorporation of a company with of capital stock div ided into SO shares of each It also authorizes the directors to is sue bonds for the purpose of raising money for the enterprise to the extent of per mile St Lawrence market is to be the termin al and if the Toronto Street Railway Co will not grant running powers over its the City will be to authorize certain to be set apart for off this radial sys tem The work to be commenced within a year and the company to mile annually until the system is finished Of course legislation will be requir ed to incorporate and authorize the undertaking and the consent of City Council will be required be fore the company can do much or wards occupying city streets The scheme was brought before the Conn on Works and of Toronto Corporation last Tuesday and after certain alterations was practically approved Wellinformed political circles have it that Mr will be chos en Speaker of Commons when par liament meets and that Senator of Halifax will be selected as Speaker of the Senate In West Ontario some of the deputy failed to complete their returns on Saturday and the count was postponed till to-mor- Mi Goulds majority is said to be From despatches in the city papers from Winnipeg we learn that Hugh J has followed suit with Sir Charles Tapper and declines to enter upon either unit or Federal politics Henceforth lie himself to the practice legal profession The organ of Peoples Party in Toronto says As an educator the Party has already served a good purpose and it will continue to do business the old stand Yes a good purpose it proved that with all the talk and bluster that fa Centre Toronto had only 179 ad herents to hang around the stand Toronto Globe f Mr majority in North York is It is not so large as in but is a good majority under the North was intended by the farm ers of the gerrymander to be a Tory and it was only by Mr splendid fighting qualities that it was Kept in the Liberal column In this case Mr did bard and un selfish work for the Liberal ill over the Province could give only a day or two to bis own riding But York stood by him in his ab sence and gave him a very satisfactory expression of confidence Wednesdays Globe states that Mr J S- Webster of the Ontario Fisheries Department has returned from Lake where he has been make arrangements for the transportation of a thousand bass froir Lake to lakes It is also stated that no young fish will be taken but only those suitable for propagation purposes Quite a large section of North York is also interested in this bass fish pro pagation business and it is to be hoped the member for this Hiding will see to it Lake as well as lakes be considered in the arrangement The Ontario Historical Society a I a meeting last Saturday passed requesting the Postmiiir to so amend the postal arrange ments that the interchange and between Canada ad Great will be incourniiod A second resolution was that it was hit post offices in Canada should named alter places in other countries as it leads to confusion and thiir the use of Indian names would he preferable We doubt Hie nairte suggestion where it whole alphabet spell name and is of this thing The Liberals of Winnipeg accorded a magnificent reception to Hon Mr Si ton on Monday evening last to celebrate his victory in Brandon over Hon Hugh John The Winnipeg Theatre the most spacious auditorium in the city was crowded to its utmost capacity and the was an immense tribute to the Minister of the Interior and a signi ficant token of confidence and admit To Hon Hugh John it have been a little saddening at least to think he had bartered the Premier ship of the Province for a humiliating defeat both as an individual and leader of a party which aspired to govern the entire Dominion 1 Two Provincial byeelections appear to be in sight one certain been made vacant by the resigna tion of Mr German who has recent ly been elected by that constituency for the Commons Then up in by the death of Mr John the of that district has been vacant for some time Rumors are now current that Mr John is to receive of registrar to be followed by an election to fill the seat in the Assembly made vacant Another Ship TURKS LIVES LOST- Halifax Nov During one of the worst storms of season the Yarmouth Company side- wheel steamer City of MontlrcIo foundered miles Point yesterday sank among the breakers The passengers and crew numbered 37 and all except four are dead The City of trips between Halifax and St John calling at Yarmouth and I other The steamer was lost about ten miles from on her way there from St John One of the passengers Cap Smith of the Battle line steamer now lying at St Two boats were launched and one of was placed in charge of Smith it with Mm vete others There was room for- more hut the A rumor has given currency in the Opposition press to the effect that Sir Richard was about to be transferred from the Canadian Cabinet to the office of High missionership in England and that Hon Mr Sutherland was to be elevat ed to the portfolio of Trade and Com merce We have undoubted authority for stating that there is no founda tion for these rumors Lord Strath- will return to London as High Commissioner in due course and con tinue in that office At present at any rate no Cabinet changes are con templated Oar Society column POINTS paseengers and crew momentarily hesitated to the ship That moment was ftir boat put off and left those on board to their fate The second boat was launched at the same lime hut no one knows who got or what became of her have no hope she lived in the angry sea Smiths boat had only a few yards the City of when a big wave struck the steamer sending her completely over on the rocks washing who clung to her rigging into the sea Those below decks were caught in the torrents of- water rustling up from great holes in the ships bottom and pouring down Iter hatches and com panion ways Smiths boat was dashed the rocky beach and all hands were thrown into the surf of them were carried up to the shore whcie they were able to iuid were safe hut Elsie McDonald and Second Officer Murphy and two women passen gers were drawn back by the under tow The next wave threw the Mc Donald girl high and dry on shore but Murphy was hurled against a boulder and instantly killed The were not seen again Those who were saved sustained only slight injuries t r Since the returns published more names are tv Ural column of members to he new parliament Full returns from Sel kirk in Manitoba give Lib eral a majority of fifteen election took place on Monday and re sulted In the return of Mr Liberal by over 300 majority The official declaration Perth set tle all doubts Mr has leen declared elected The writ for the ejection fixes the polling for the of December The Kingston Whig states that at trie urgent request of Conser vative leaders the Conservative civil servant the country raised a cam paign fund subscription amounting to a cool The response to this urgent request may account for the appeals of the Opposition press to the to increase the stipends of city letter carriers they Imagined also endorse the a to flocure the Now the time for Mr Cook to do his in regard to that ten thousand doilar He has that a definite oiler made to him for a seat in that body for the above money consideration As Globe very tersely observes This was trie most serious accusation made during the whole course of the campaign It was not accompanied by such proof as would satisfy reasonable men and un fortunately was made in the midst of an exciting campaign and at such- a late hour therein that there was no chance to verify or sift evidence even had It been given Mr Cook can see however that the matter cannot be left where it It is too serious a charge to be allowed to drop The fact is that he must furnish the full proof of what he has stated or stand convicted of having given currency to as Joul a slander as was ever circu lated In this country Come Mr Cook and give your proof The Toronto New now that On tario has again elected a majority of Conservative members to Dominion Parliament on airs respecting what that party will do when the Provincial next appeals to the electorate Hut In this regard bur Is counting without his host When the Provincial elections come round the Opposition will not have the advantage which the gerry mandered of Ontario now In Federal contests The Sav ing clause so to speak is not in the bond independent electors have their own opinions and entertain divergent views respecting Federal and Governments We know of an instance of this kind In York Coun ty where a polling division gave a majority of in favor of the candi date supporting the Ontario Govern ment last election while at the or civil smantft govern- era election I ant week it went Tory boarding and of a ma the Petersburg girls to recouped their subscrip- cry and French domination will Wtallic cooking Miss Lottie has been visit ing in the city for a week Mrs Bowles of Toronto was visiting Mrs Dr Wesley last Friday Ir Fred of Toronto spent Sunday in Newmarket with his Melvin Jones was the guest of her mother Mrs Irwin for a few days Miss Millard of The has gone to the city for a few weeks visit Mrs Coombs and daughter were spending three days in Richmond Hill this week Mrs Rev I Hill Toronto Spent- a couple of days last week with Mrs Jackson and other friends in Town and vicinity Mr and Mrs a number of guests on Thurs day evening Inst Master Edward Massey of New York spent a few days with his aunt Mrs last Week Mr Graham of Graham Bros Aurora was in Town on Mon day on old friends Mr J home from on Saturday There were ten in the party and they captured ten deer Airs wishes to thank the patents of those who attend school the many friends who so kindly remembered her last- Mon day The family on Queen St held a reunion on Saturday the 3rd which included sisters cousins aunts and grandchildren A very pleasant time was spent Mr P and daughter Miss Hat tie who were very sick typhoid fever are around again and Mrs Ar milage who is also sick with the same disease is doing nicely Mr Phillips of Sharon received three handsome gold nuggets from his son Bert who is on a rail way engine running between and While in British Columbia and the Yukon He likes his well At tlit Graduating Exercises at trie Toronto General Hospital last Friday evening Miss Martha Young Morton of Holland Landing not only won a Gold Medal with her Certificate but Dr OReillys special prize for the largest number- of marks Mr A returned from on Wednesday There were En the party but they were not so my unlucky as they secured deer the largest weighing lbs a of partridge and a quantity of Ash ft was so stormy they were only four days on Mrs J A attended the exercises of the Nurses Training School in connection with Toronto Hospital on Friday evening of last week when her daugh ter Miss May completed her training course and secured a Gold Medal with her Certificate Mr Jasper of Stony Creek dropped dead In he was employed as a salesman a fashionable boarding school ere pot- Your farm stock Is a part ill your family See all your family is comfortably Thirteen persons were killed and nineteen others injured seriously in a fire damp explosion in a Pluto coal mine a Prussia The flit the residence of the brides parents on Wednesday Nov Mr of Newmarket to Miss Smith of MURRAY At the Metho Parsonage Aurora the by Rev A Pearson Mr A Murray son of Mr Root Murray of to Miss Sarah J Buckle daughter of Mr Buckle of Whitchurch The leading Furniture and Undertaking House Has a special cut prices on Furniture or a few ing stock For Cash High per sett up Sideboard with Bevel Mirror up Extension Tables up Bedroom up Lounges up Parlor Suites pieces up All goods in proportion 11 A SPECIALTY Nifcht calls Residence John H SOON YOULL NOTICE J of the public treasury The not En Ihc At llc rllwre rc- aid now lite poor when Premier goes the an country for a of confidence J- It pays to the Era A chill on the air In the mornings Its a hint Of cooler weather of colder weather farther on Can very well bear a little ex tra nights and A heavy Over coat would be too much of and addition but these lighter ones that we make are intended for Just thja season A big range of materials and not one that cost a cent more than it ought 1 my I RESS GOODS Prices on these lines reduced We want their room Note the reductions then see the goods Fancy Opera Flannels were reduced 40c Black Figured Dress Goods were reduced to Beautiful Black Blister Goods were to 55c Plaid HomeSpun for Skirts were reduced to 50c Tweed Dress Goods inches wide were reduced to FURS We want you to see our very superior stock of Ladies and Gentlemens Fur Coats Mens Coats in Wallaby and Goat Ladies Coats in all lengths OVERCOATS Do you want an uptodate Overcoat See our Fine Black Beavers at 10 No living tail or can make one as good for 1700 Mens ulsters extra heavy at 5 Mens Double Frieze Ulsters the warmest Overcoat made See our Boys Pea Jackets at See our Boys Ulsters at Another Scoop in Ladies Jackets We struck a lucky purchase in Ladies Coats this week and can save you something on a New Coat Extra Fine Black Beaver Coats at A Very Nice Frieze Coals at A Beautiful Range of Colors in Fine Beaver Jackets at A Special Lot of the Very Newest Coats at 7 Misses Ulsters reg price 550 special See the Girls Jackets at t MM H E MADDOCK School Reports No Whitchurch Percy Alfretta Walter Drown Harry Spald ing Minnie field Ernest Picker ing Class IH Case Hannah Wright Edgar Leslie Delia Viny Stevens II Waller Edith Pickering Jr Edna Spalding Delia Leh man Elsie Penrose Lewis Lehman Lauretta Ac ffiddl- Colin Jr Eliza Clara Miller Jessie Dews- bury Ross Fred Herb Fred Reyn olds Moss Gladys Jr I Muriel Ella Cora Dewsburj Cordon Stevens Present every day Edna Spalding Herb Spalding Eunice Clarence May Teacher The Whitchurch on Nov lfiOO to Mr and Mrs rose a bod The Tomb At Aurora on Thurs day the of Nov Mary widow of the late John of Aurora her home on Con of King on Nov 3rd Jane widow of John Watson in her year In Whitchurch on the Inst Annie wife of Beverly aged mos 20 Town on the Inst daughter of Arthur aged Newmarket Book News Depot Famous Books at Popular Prices I Printed in large clear type on good book paper fully illustrated bound in heavy board with beautiful engraved designs or can be had enamelled paper covers A I P books by some of the best authors per copy MENS THOUGHTS WOMENS THOUGHTS FOR FOR WOMEN Beautifully Bound A Suitable Gift Crockery and Glassware Dinner Sets Tea Sets Toilet Sets Crystal Class See the LA VASE LAMPS A IVI HANGING LAMPS STAND LAMPS BRACKET LAMPS HAND LAMPS BURNERS GLASSES SHADES WICKS A Grocery and Fruit Department NEW RAISINS NEW CURRANTS NEW and CITRON Cans for cents NEW CANNED TOMATOES NEW CANNED PEAS NEW CANNED CORN New California Apricots lb New Figs per lb New Layer lb Now Layer Figs and 20c lb Imogen Hungarian For Sale Do not fail to get some of that Black Tea for before it all goes It cannot be repeated at the price oxo S J f rft North Wowmarket All wil Choice Confectionery fflCaramoK and Fruit Cordials best in I ho land Centra Telephone W STARR SS

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