Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 9, 1900, p. 6

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K J THE around the Hub AND albert A event took place in con- with the departure of- Mr A Jones for Toronto- A complete account will appear in next is sue of the as full particulars are not at present available The market Butter to eggs to chickens HO to ducks to per lb turkeys live weight Election proceeding as quietly to day Wednesday as if nothing more exciting than a Sunday School Con vention was in session Snow the first of the season is heavily and the weather is decidedly disagree able Messrs and are- building a stable on their premises on Queen St Mr and Mrs of North Gwiltimbury were visiting at Mr Fred on Sunday last J Power and Milne in tend going next week in the north country Mr Geo Wright has moved the furniture out of his bouse on Maple Ave and intends to rent The members of YP visited Pleasant on Wednes day evening Ian and report a pleasant evening Judge KESWICK Mr Daniel of Keswick for years a clerk in the store while the business passed thru the hands of several owners ind afterwards a joint proprietor in with his William lid last Saturday of consumption which he has been ailing for last three years or more About two years ago he tried the Gravenhurefc Sanitarium but after several months returned home no bet ter He next took a trip to British Columbia thinking the mild climate of that fair Province might help him but returned without being fitted To say that Dan friends and was an and successful merchant would be putting it mild He shrewd kind and courteous full of business and tact affable to everyone and honorable in ad his deal ing We extend our heart felt sympa thies to the widow of deceased The funeral took place last to Queensviile Cemetery and was largely attended a member of both the Workmen and Maccabees it was not a society funeral in deference request of the family SUTTON if Mr John M is Agent for the Era at Sutton and is author ized to receive subscriptions col lect accounts etc Orders lor all kinds of printing promptly attend ed to At the liberal meeting held here last Friday evening there was a Urge attendance both parties- being well represented There was also a fair quota of ladies present The hall tastefully decorated with plants and evergreens and a large number of beautiful mottoes adorned the walls Mr P Cote was elected chairman and opened the meeting by a few re marks suitable to the occasion He alluded to the good order that prevail ed at the Conservative meeting and trusted the same treatment would be accorded the Hon Mr This however was not fully realized his patience being sorely tried by inter ruptions from Mr Stevenson Mr was invited to a seat on the platform but did not take it until Mr Mulock gave way in order that might have an opportunity to in behalf of the Conservative date I shall not enter upon details on either side because ere this reaches your readers the country will have de cided who are to be our rulers for the next five years On of serious of Mr McKay door to hall Mr re quested that the meeting should close without any demonstration or cheer but with Pinging a versa of God the Queen which was done and the audience quietly dispersed Mr Anderson has arrived home from British Columbia Your correspondent has been favor ed with a present viz the Bogus Globe It Is to be hoped that those who resort to forgery and the issuing of pamphlets calculated to stir up racial strife will receive a tleep burial this Wednesday the inst Regret to that Mils McCariy daughter of the Railway Conductor Is ill That degrading drink traffic is con tinually getting its work is pitiable to see good men measuring the sidewalk Mr the Conservative date held meetings at Virginia and other plaoea Compare the Era with other weekly or homo BALDEN BREEZES When I entered the field as a to the news columns the RELIABLE I should attain such notoriety or per haps modesty would have held atisfht on rpe But now in the swim Ill go the whole hog or none A canvassing tour in Egypt and Jerusalem in the interests of the Era was very successful adding several new subscribers to She came at last Who Why Mrs- Jaquith of New Hampshire daughter of George Arnold Raven- shoe and sister of Mrs George Shes been long expected The carpenters are putting in the stable fixtures in Chapmans barn- The trustees of our school voluntar ily gave the teacher an advance of salary Mr Cole greatly appreciates their generosity In my canvas for subs day Nor struck Sam Parks patch when I found Sam and Charlie hustling out the murphies Sam as sured me this was the season to lift spuds- fact Sam is well known as an A I fiddle and checker player but hasnt made a reputation as a potato king Mr Joe Miller mason is the daddy of a bouncing baby boy a 10 pound er Some of our Conservative friends complain that the Era is too Gritty even more so than the Hob But he political war is over now- and red- hot politics will get cooled off- Climbing into the lap of luxury Some of folks up go in steep for the good things of life judging by the table they set Some of our girls are fine cooks I can recommend them Little Viva six years of age daughter of Mrs Cole bids fair to even surpass her clever moth er especially as a She cut out and made without assistance a dress and jacket for Iter doll The workmanship was capital surpassing that of girls double her age A Conservative journal says Sir Wilfrid has an inspiration It is to make all Canada a united people and dp St too if he has the moral sup port of all seeking Canadas welfare But one man alone can do but little called on a family recently on be half of Era who unknown to me were readers We enjoyed reading your sketch re a member of our family suggested they It was well for my scalp lock that the sketch was complimentary- I secured A number of our Crittenden and Kester inclusive intend coming home to give a and again returning to their sport Ministers and matches The breth ren of the broadcloth are charged wit being most incorrigible matchmakers presumably in hopes of future pecun iary results A wellknown Rev gentleman has diligently pursued the calling in and many matches stand to his credit Perhaps I might say discredit as a great many strike fire too easily family jars fre quent I guess need not point out any particular cases You have eyes- Look Good likenesses of the candidates in Era vote for the handsomest mail 1 majority I hope Our boys with the assistance of Nathan Thomas celebrated en in style While pass ing Nathans domicile en route to station as is occasionally their wont to do Nathan not of the most scene temperament out Mid and chased them Into the hush A repetition scene was enacted on their return This decided the boys If youre looking for trouble well see you get plenty my old boy They divided into two gangs and a wild time en sued in which a town father was a prominent actor Who was he Nathans wrath was at boiling point I am sorry such a scene occurred No one else was molested- Wm and Mis Ruby return ed from They report Mr as doing exceptionally well His many acquaintances will to hear tidings A foolish old man A certain but ton made himself very dis agreeable at a Grit political meeting in Button Friday evening last years only aggravate his folly- Mr and Geo Arnold of EG have family half a dozen of each Jrind Geo John in Montana Henry Aythur Bes sie in New Hampshire Maria Car rie Annie and Grace Bessie enacting the Prodigals return struck our burg evening after an absence of years None of her relations recognized not even Mr Arnold When she claimed re lationship with Grandpa Arnold he exclaimed Not a bit of it and only yielded after conviction struck deep There was great rejoicing Mrs Is a Down East Yankee Her sou a young man ac companies her Scarlet lever at Mr Sam Hesses Master Roy the victim have by quarantin ing- W v LANDING season The first snowstorm of the was seen on Monday- Messrs Lane and Smith went to the city On Monday the return of the sol diers from William sold his driver for a good figure on Friday last to a Mont real hover Mr has returned to the Royal as porter again Now that the Dominion Election a A very enthusiastic meeting of the electors of was Hills Hall on- Saturday evening which by the present member for West Ontario Mr J Gould and Hon of Crown Lands Great in terest was shown throughout the meeting and the facts as told by the speakers were received with continued applause The chair was occupied by Mr William Irwin The annual plowing match of King Township Association held on the are Commissioner candidates will be call ing around and shaking hands with their friends- Mrs and son Thomas are visiting friends in the city Ernest is bis uncle Mr Coombs at Richmond Hill a over the Municipal and County farm of Mr Hugh near BETHEL CORNER This community was startled on Sunday morning Oct by the sad news of I be death of Miss Miss Arksey has been an attendant of Miss Knight of Sharon for two years and had been at her fathers home for two weeks for a rest when she was stricken with that dreadful disease diphtheria was- a devoted a member of the Methodist Church and by her sweet and modest disposition was much loved and respected by all who knew her Our loss is her eternal was a usual the success that this event always proves to he- Twenty six competitors appeared pa the seen- in and in many of the classes the very keen judges were ilrs James Bradford William Robinson Maple A King A Campbell King Creek The prize winners First Class Crowley Stroud 1 James McLean Neil Frank Weir Markham Patterson Churchill Stiver Second Class First prize William second James Cameron Vaughan third William Hannah King Third Class- First prize S King second George King third J fourth Murphy Fourth First r t Chicago Nov A had been planned by in the Cook County gaol which was discov ered by Gaoler Whitman today Two pistols and were found in one of the cells occupied by Rich Thomas Jones and held here awak ing extradition to Canada where they are charged with robbing a bank The three are known to have been in a plot to escape probably tomorrow as soon of the guards would have been away on election business It is- believed others were in the conspiracy The revolvers were smuggled into the cells concealed in lunches one in a pan of bated beans and the other in a package of grapes The three men above mentioned are the gang which robbed the bank at- Aurora attempted to burglarize the branch of the Standard Park- dale after tying up a policeman and suspected of other depredations They fought extradition but were committed Toronto officers were sent to bring them to Canada but they entered an Appeal in the Uuiterl Supreme Court decision on which is still pending AT a Mr George has been veryjLawson King second J tow with diphtheria but we are pleas- Churchill third P E Ferguson to say he is improving We ex- King tend our sympathies to the family Master Roy been suffering from the same disease and are glad to see him around again Fifth boys under years- First prize Albert Baker King sec Samuel Sixth Class stubble First prize William Cameron second James A King third E Pratt King Our village can boast of good boys Seventh Class boys under 17 years depredations whatever on Fir si prize William Sprnule King second George King third Hugh Warden King Eighth Class wheel attachment SHARON en England U States and Canada all in an election contest wonder we have a warm autumn There no doubt will ha a kind of weather with lots of grit in it after fchis Rev Addison preached two sermons in the Methodist Church here last Sabbath First prize King second Breedon King Specials Best groomed and equip ped team in field lames Cameron best six crown furrows in first class Spencer Crowley f Best finish in first class Spencer Mrs Arthur of Barrie is at present a guest of Mrs Kenyon j Bes and seconu Brown and family spent flme5 Cameron Sunday at Mr Browns Hoy finishing getting a prize We understand Mr Roses in sod Albert Baker purpose moving to Newmarket Miss Doan is visiting her sister near Sutton Miss Knight has returned from To but her health not very much better in fifth seventh Best furrows class Samuel McClure Best furrows in class William Best finish in seventh class George Best finish in eighth class James DRYTOWN Stop Pain tout Destroy the Miss Johanoah Cunningham has sadly the if t I ranr paukus nostrums purporting to cure accepted a situation in Mr Murray lhc Store in Toronto as dressmaker ihaagood Von Stans Pineapple Lucy BaCbe is taking a P viable pepsin preparation as thru District for the good of her health Farmers around here are taking ad vantage of this extra fine weather for taking roots up We notice Mr has boarded up the windows in his house recently Miss Maggie has accepted harmless as milk One after prevents disorder of the digestive organs a box cents- Sold by Newmarket Sale Register TUESDAY Nov Mr -B- will have an extensive sale of farm implements household furniture etc on Lot 3rd con Whitchurch months credit on sums over except for hay Sale at 1 oclock sharp Smith Our Toronto better It is intended to make this evening a great ration by the City Council and the Ladies Branch of the Red Cross to the returning soldiers During the evening the souvenir city medals will be present ed The Military will appear in uni form Some sneak thief stole from the Broadway Tabernacle church on Sunday between the hours of one and two oclock in the day The money was part of the moiuing col lection The door of ihe room in which the money left was broken open Arrangements have now com pleted for the concert tour of the United States by the popular hand of the Highlanders under the lead ership of Mr J The band by permission go in uniform regi mentals The opening concert is an nounced to come off at Niagara Falls Nov and then Rochester Lock- port Buffalo Erie Cleveland Colum bus Cincinnati Louisville Kansas City Detroit and other points The band expects to be home for the Christmas holidays Tbe Chrysanthemum show is very fine and will be largely attended this evening Several arrests have been made arising out of election registratration and electors but most of them were made for effect noth ing more 18 lbs Granulated Sugar 00 Bars Soap lbs Fresh Sausage Choice Finnan Haddle per lb A Good Strong Broom 15 DAVISON CO The Gpogcps SPECIAL SALES o Spectacles and Eye Glasses For one poly we offer our stock of Spectacles Mid Eye Glasses at Greatly Prices and Glasses for See display window Something but Good White Pine Cough package Try a package We verdict This for a Snap The time has arrived for Powders and Cattle We open our Pall Sale of REMEDY FOR HORSES by on salt Sal a ay or Saturday Packages at Cents Each LEHMANS DRUG STORE Prescriptions All our prescriptions are prepared a RUBBERS JJAVE stood the test time Forty years of successful Rubber making The Largest Rubber Factory Canada The largest out put of Rubbers and Over shoes in Canada Hon William has bought the Kingston Locomotive Works ftnrl has orders for twenty engines for the Intercolonial and twelve for Mac kenzie Mann i a sit nurse in a Hospital in Buffalo Happiness does not consist- She expects to be called on at any tilings hut thoughts time j The new Free Methodist preacher conducted the service at Toronto Markets Church last Sunday morning We arc sorry to record the death of per do Mr Dan whose funeral took Wheat per bushel Oats per bushel per per bush el J S3 nutter roll per lb 18 Potatoes per bag Apples per I U IS Port per tf Chicken per pair per pair Turkeys per lb in Nov place at Keswick on Tuesday at wheat per am widow and two children to mourn the loss of a loving husband who was a friend- to all that knew him Mr George of Baldwin in tends opening up business in store at soon which has been closed for the past year Emma Fen ton of Keawick and a gentleman- friend were visiting at Mr last Sunday Mr Winter says he has the nicest little you could in ten Townships 2rkots flour per barrel Nov IW CO A Siege The matrons of the Edi son Orphanage at Lowell Mass USA wrote they had a siege of whooping- cough in their institution They said that every case was promptly relieved by Vapo Cresolene Its value in coughs and gasper do dm colds was so great they always kept roil per lb it ready for use You know how its used dont you heated a vaporizer and you inhale it Write us for a book that tells all about it I per ton VapoCrotene told by and which liti a life- VL time and of couiptctc of and jo cent VAroCwLKs Co ltd St New USA I a a a a a a a a a a to a a a SCO a a a a a White Wheat per Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat Barley per Oats per bushel i per Potatoes per bag Apples ShccpBklna i Wool per lb i Chickens per pair- per pair dressed I Bran per ton I Sold by K Lehman Newmarket Shorts per 18 100 ft DM 068 a 10 a ft a a a a OOP a a a a a a a a a a a a a it Infanta too ftdlclllft cured of croup whooping cough am colds using they it gew A Mitts Lost In New on Wednesday between ttie and of Finder will by the IIiia ASTRAY Came upon lot In the Con on tfae3nl of Nov last A LAUOE ftOAll about years old Owner la requested to prove property pay charge and take It away MAHT1N lw What Every Farmer Should Have- the Alpha Da Laval Cream Separa tors on market WM WILLIS Agent Newmarket PO Lot 24 of swtt Strayed from Holland Landing about or A LIGHT RED COW dry In Information loading tober recovery will be suitably rewarded Holland Landing Timber Sale I WHY Because Wear Fit and Style are all in our goods Ask for Rubbers Made by JO gew For Sale at Once cows quantity of feed f FOB SALE The undersigned has from MrsLllfle to ell Pub Ho ion the timber on lots and In of Bast on The above timber mostly of Beech and Maple and will be fold aero and half- acre lots Terms Cash a time of Bale to at Coal Stove In good repair Stove Chap for cash at the Davison Grocery flH Says that bis stock of which he dont want examined too In daylight and tbe largest and best stock of Buggies Traps Carls in the County of are all in the of and he is particularly anxious for jou to come In and buy them and take out of the of the Mortgage Sale and by or the power contain In a certain Mortgage will be pro duced at the time of sale there will be offer for sale by Auction On Saturday 1st Die hour of eleven In the forenoon the North American Hotel in the Town of Newmarket by Auctioneer the follow ing property namely i AH and singular those parcels or land and premises situate lying and being In Township of East la the Ciuntyof and being composed of West half of Lot the tilh con and acrosofthoE at half of in Township of East and described as follows Commencing at a point on Eastern limit of Lot distant rods North East Anglo thereof Then along Eastern limit rods Then West with the North iimttofsatd lot No rods Then North parallel with East limit of said lot one SO rods East parallel with said Northern limit more or less to the of beginning whole parcel con taining In all by admeasurement acres bo the same more or leas THUMB Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid in cash atthe of stle to the Vendors solicitors and the balance thereafter For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to MILLS MILLS HALES Vendors 33 St Toronto Nov Domestic Wanted Apply to Mrs T J ltolierton Ram Astray Came upon lot In the Cod about the laat of Tune A SHEARLING HAM Owner will oblige by proving property fay- lug expenses and take It away Itavciislioi For Sale by Tender Tenders will be received by the limb reign ed to Wednesday November WU for the purchase acres of the cast halt of lot KinKtherisMeDeeef lale Aaron Hughes rongbicast frame stable and tbetauic alto a good orchard Intending purchasers BOO thru the premise from the to the Mr Inst Address WCWIDDlFiEI1 Vendors Newmarket GRAND TR RAILWAY SYSTEM Hunters Excursions From and Stations west in to Penetang Midland to North Daylnoluslve Inclusive Lindsay to and all and River via tionCoandonHuniavllleandliikirna Route will k issued NOVEMBER 8 and AT OLD For sale at the lbs per lb J Special Excursion Fare Good to return leaving destination not WJ Dec 1Mb or clone of navigation If earlier to points reached by Muskoka Navigation Company and Lake of Hays Bout ft Stopover only allowed at polnta Severn nod North furtherparticulars apply to any Agent of Trunk Hallway System A Agent New Passenger AVent Union Station Toronto-

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