Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 9, 1900, p. 5

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9 f 9 M ma NOV- IV BANK feflTi bug CSABifpOlW- BRANCH General Banking Business TRANSACTED interest Allowed on Deposits atria DRAFTS ISSUED and American Draft and Collection attended to J A Agent for tort to Loan interest at Current R Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent on Silts and Isolated Town Property Shop Newmarket- MISCELLANEOUS Am Simpson Main St and Fancy Good of and Violin- Tuner of Pianos and all String NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST IN A Monuments and Head Stones Before Ordering knowles PROVISION STORE Two North Furniture Store Main St Newmarket A Fresh Supply Twice a Week of Park at Bacon Hams Lard The beat and Cored Meats on the Market today A trial will eon- yon Also Flour Rolled Oat Corn Meal Batter Eggs Potatoes Halt Canned Corn Tomatoes Feet Bologna Ham and Tongue Honey Soap o Orders filled on the shortest notice Prepared for the Era oy November 1900 Luke XVI The Rich arid TextLay up for yourselves treasures in beaten HEART THROBS Verse 19 You may not estimate character by human conditions contrasts in life may not be based on moral character The trusting soul neither the rich nor murmurs at God Better to have trouble in present world than in the next 23 Justice will only come to some in Gods other world Better to be a saint in tags than a sinner fine raiment Memory is inseparable and imperishable There are conditions unchangeable and immovable for souls In eternity is profitless No man in torment desires to meet his kindred there the spirit- of God fails the spirit of man cannot succeed Christ has come from the grave and men believe not The word of God is the only possible means to godly repentance i PRACTICAL Verses A mans financial rating does not give him a name before God There are dogs that are more considerate than men Soul suffering may out hope but not consciousness in character cannot be bridged in heaven selfishness of sin survives even the penalty it brings 31 Men are not spiritually of warning EVERYDAY TRUTHS Verses 20 Life demands eternity for proper adjustment of character Herod and John Baptist needed eternity to equalize Conditions nor meet righteous deserts here- Judas and Jesus must have another world to reward character Verse The children of want are our opportunity to escape from self God mercifully brings the means of grace to our doors Tfaese disciplines under Gods searching eyes God reckons mercy shewn to the needy to be to The grave is a way of and not lifes terminus- Earthly miseries and mercies end at death Gravitation of character determines location in Perdition does not- longing for God but for relief Verses Memory and character are unchanged even by death A good memory may le the agony of eternity A faithful memory will lead the songs in heaven An appeal to memory will silence all excuse Verses The Holy all sufficient guide to salvation Jesus and not emotion is the wav of life w The holy Spirit and vox Human ghosts convinces of sin Penitence is created by penalty but by the word of God Verses 30 Any Supplemental y the unsaved would be useless King Saul was not changed by the visit of Samuels spirit Pharisees went from he resurrection of Lazarus to kill Jesus The resurrection of did not convert Scribes and Pharisees it j Weeks Ittical Hews WHAT IS OK IK TOWN I Over meeting Son- day afternoon conducted under of the T Rev Mr occupied the made gome re- roirkfi and also sang a Solo Mrs J a presided at the organ were Riven by Cane and Mm Jane Stella Snider remarks by En deavor of is expected to provide program next For and Girls School Boots The Best ever shown in Town but the Best w keep nothing Return Africa J 1 at Toronto XO Wild With Enthusiasm NQW IS TIME r j A Large of NEW MOUNTS JUST and am prepared to give you all the LATBaT STYLES AT CITY PRICES 0 JONEB OLD STAND Newmarket Ont Grand as demonstration was a year ago when the Canadian boy left this city to defend Empire in South Africa the Welcome Home on Monday excelled it The decora tions were simply immense and all along the route of procession the streets were lined with people As far as the eye could see from King up Yonge street was one solid mass of people Toronto was decorated so elaborately in its history before Bright color were everywhere The principal streets were one waving mass of bunting designs From a thousand buildings floated Words of welcome on cotton surrounded with the tricolor and innumerable Union Jacks The train was wed timed and long before the North Toronto station had been reached many lusty cheers had been given Tct he station through A verdict of and costs of the city The the moment stepper from the train at North Toronto enough Across the rand from the depot on a humblelooking dwelling was the motto Home Sweet Home and every soldier in khaki could tell you that was the sweetest of all mottoes- He knew the value of home now and how joyful it was to set a foot on the ground of native city with hie loved ones and hund reds of acquaintances around him The following message was cabled to Ottawa from England Her Majesty the Queen learns with pleasure of of her Canadian soldier and desires to again express her appreciation of their services masses on the en gine with decorations its way slowly almost to a stop On the platforms were the in khaki Waiting to drop off- They raised their waved their hands to the thous ands who were there to greet them No sooner had the train come up to was given in favor of Mr Owens in an action against the town of Owen Bound for damages for injuries sus tained thru falling over a grating which had been left on the sidewalk A HOME CURE ODEAS The System Treatment Is Offered yon Ab solutely Free A live and bright and rooms new and no to climb Til writing At Meadow John who has resided there for years was gored to death by a bull on every laxatve a the platform than mothers fathers brothers and fast friends made one great rnsh to take into their Consumptives Weed not arms soldiers who LenveTheir Own Homes Va of the e Cured Body Guard played Home Home as soldier after soldier was greeted as long lost sons or or brothers In sight thousands greetings were exchanged consideration not to be overlooked In which the smile of joy and glad- He treatment of the were accompanied by tears of expense in quest of health- Some of our restricted emotion In the few brief medical men are now advising their momenta between landing J a scene was enacted in Toronto yMK u and which will remain fixed in mem- written about change of climate and of as long as emotion influence on the patient Stick to low the hurt of a And then the fallin Hounded the summoning with sore lungs to decide among to the last march of bravo old these different authorities The fact is the Canadian people die of consumption acy recover from in all climates the march of triumph my and tf treated properly The only pride With blazing banners the for the disease is to kill the blare of and the cheers of tlious- terms that produce is accom enda the procession off It under the system of disease must have was a demonstration deep in sincerity free from vain a underlying the system You can tribute to the bravo fellows try it at your home who fought their way to j POSITIVELY FREE the honors bestowed upon them by the rotor jour a of io Tee a City CSaKiCat Co Ill feloj The brave sons or who have the terrible fcuftMfr and rigors of twelve months on the tor battlefield after the Boers could- not la i- mistake the open arm of the populace l Bible Society The meeting of branch Upper Canada- Bible took place in Christian on last week and more largely attended than Webb president the Rev A read the lesson and Res led in pray er The Secretary presented the following report operations the daring year The Managing Committee were pleased to be ableID the grant to the parent society During the year a Pine and At the Utter raised which sent direct to parent society are being made for holding meetings this year at Orchard and The following officers were for ensning year let Vice- Millard and Vice All the resident minister Secretary kehmao and Depositor Com Jackson iravias Cody Pretty Phillips and Lewis Aoditors and J- A Collectors Mrs Mrs Miss Walsh Miss Lehman Willis and one from the On motion the report adopted as Mr Starr treasurer presented re port The receipts during year to made up as follows Balanceon hand collec tion at annual meeting S3 on subscriptions from Orchard in New- marks The of was for warded lo Toronto society leaving a balance on band of 262 The of the meeting haying been disposed- of the Speaker of the evening Rev of was Entrodno He rlkt called attention to the motto which in the Word for World arid consider ed it- very appropriate for snob a gather ing The excellent character of the work of the missionary society to translate and print in all of the world as well circulate in which all can The draws all of the body Christ together one in heart in The speaker remarked in aiding the Bible Society every Christian was aiding own denomination the society an and help to all effort Bible has fcesrj eehWd all denomina tions because in every land wiib rubles printed Id the na tive of the people and missionary work in the of today would col lapse were It hot for the work of the Bible Society missionaries go it creates the work of the Bible Oaring the past copies Bible have been soldaud distributed and copies In China The conquest brought ten millions of people to be reached by the Bible five and the pressed testimonies of from all over the world urged Bible Society to continue their efforts in printing the Bible without note or com ment In language of nation baring the past year have distributed in Uganda and copies more in South Africa and it Is estimated that copies a year will be required for some time The keeps its eye on world It baa three more departments publishing translating and The has circulated four million copies the Bible In whole or In part in one year which means copies every hours Last copies There ere persons engaged in the revision and the Bible is now printed in different tongues Society has in Sweden Italy Baln the Crimea China and Japan Last year they distributed copies Besides this there are Bible women in India Ceylon Ac The tipper Canada Bible Society Is strongest most all Branches that Its Income last year was of which amount sent to the British and Foreign feoclely We have who copies the Word last year printed in Touching incidents were told where rich fruit had been the result ho address an admirable one occupying about three quarters an hour and deliver ed with much of freedom of speech and ability choir assisted in service Dont we have the CLOTHING IN TOWN Mens Colored Shirts reg price 1 and 1 for Good Dr J Wesley has span drivers to a Harris man for There seems to be more money in horse flesh than a year or so ago Cantata At a meeting of the teacher the Methodist Sunday School last Fri day evening it was decided to have Christmas entertainment and on Friday evening preceding A was appointed to select it that practice commence next week A most eutertainmeiit promis Very Mr of King tells of a in connection with farming the he cut a of lull a fitld which itself clover aod On second of Nov he cut a fair crop clover which gives an excellent sample This really extra bonds hie Geld and a a very rare Fall in a At the and bo one happy readers THE NEWMARKET once many of A It is the leading journal in York County your subscription with this month Balance this year to new subscribers paying in ad vance for fl Fine Specimen Mr Boat Landing one the Inspectors town last Sat urday and told reporter that on previous day he shot a owl near the month of the Holland The owl measures nearly I com tip to tip of wings and the finest specimen of this variety that he ever in these parts THREE out of Every FOUR R Good Article Every farmer who does his own churn ing at home should have one of the Cream Separators advertised by Mr Wm Wilis in this Issue- He ban operated his now for nearly two years and says it pays well Mr Willis Is qnits an expert in the butter line and a good judge an article He won two prizes at Toronto industrial nine at Newmarket and seven at Mark- ham This Separator is his choice after trying several other machines families iii Newmarket who buy buy ours because it is made of the best material that can be secured- Our homemade Bread is pronounced by all who use it lo be the best to be had We would like to have YOU try it South End FRED JACK Si The quarterly last Sunday very inspiring and largely attended There was a larger number than usual at the Love Feast which was an exceptional ly good meeting Geo Webber of Toronto a former pastor was greeted with very congregations and two sermons The morning subject was building The re lation work the workmen end In the evening The inspiration of a noble life taking an an example Next Lords Day will he flundav In the church in harmony with the other churches Canadian Methodism A sudden strong gust of wind blow down and partially a building afc London and Wilkinson a young man was in the ruins receiving injuries which resulted in death Trouble in The Stomach Doctor Failed to Remote Cured by Than Two of Chases PHI The experience of Mr fa similar to that many aufferere with chronic Indigestion Stomach medicine Will seldom rertJiy The kidneys and be set right and the bowels made regular and active Mr Joseph says I derived wore use Dr Chases Ktdney- Pills than from any other medi cine ever took and can highly re commend them for stomach troubles I a terrible state and could hardly work at my trade I tried most every kind of and doctor until I was tlrtsd and be fore I used one box of Chases Kld- mils I could see that they were hoping me and after taking a box and a half that I we cured Nearly every family on the continent has used Dr Chase KidneyLiver pills or heard Of the cure they have effected One pill a a box all or Ed- Kates and Co Toronto 10000 WORTH OF PRIZES WAY WEE BRIGHT BOYS GIRLS and LADIES WANTED Sir etc a limited Portrait at and to anyone more Valuable Premium to Select From jour name and and we will tend a of fall illustrated of Sell iha return money will eoi AReoLUTKLV Wetakebickanr and open for a short lid only ACADKftlV CO Toronto it ft e SOON YOULL A chill on mornings the air in the Its a hint of copier weather of colder weather farther on Can very well bear a little clothing nights mornings A heavy Over- coat would be too much of and addition but these lighter ones that we make are intended for Just this season A big range of materials and not that cost cent more than It ought NOVEMBER will bring a Splendid Contin gent of Young Men and Wo men into the Several De partments of J I I Business College 4 my Tailor Toronto The nice thing about it is that you may en ter our School at any time and receive front our Ten capable Teachers that individu al instruction and personal care so necessary for your Success Write for circulars any rate and get some partic ulars Address SHAW Toronto FOE BALE Ono Improved Cheater No Bought from Win Wright Out Apply to or Quvenavlllo J Stenhousc MA 0 St Toronto Specialist In Diseases of S4lnnlx ao All kinds or kept on band for Ciatem Intikitauppltolhnd general work short notice All now work warrant ed A To Fanners- rout tettlJ I Canada Improved Yorkshire vleo HILL PAT lot con of of 1

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