Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 9, 1900, p. 4

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I I m When see people cored by a remedy you must believe in power Around you Friends relatives neighbors Alt sxy Hoods SarsAparA Americas Greatest Medicine their dear ones And hey rise masse to sing its praises Theres nothing the world to purify the Hood health was poor And I had a sort on one of my limbs My fAihe ihooghi J- better try Hoods Satsa- And I did so and the sores Ate better Whenever da not ftet take Hoods Nellie Quebec It a understood in railway circle with the retirement of Mr on Hi from the manage ment of the he wilt be succeeded by Mr the present general superintendent and that Mr Joned of Toronto will succeed Mr MALARIAL i i I A despatch from Detroit dated Nov 3 says A railroad man this city claims to know that the Salary of at the was and that President of the Southern Pacific be receives a year- The Grand hive paid to keep him said AFTER EFFECTS LEAVE THE VICTIM WEAK AND DEPRESSED Emma Tells She Thtn the Use of Dr Williams Pink Pills m From the Sun Qnt Among the oldest and roost- highly respected residents of is Mrs John whose daugh ter Emma lias for a number of years been an acute sufferer from the after TRAINERS and We are informed that Hon John Dry- effects fever A reporter the Best Advertising Medium York County Rates cents per line for first insertion 3 cents subsequent Insertion Advertisement with writ ten instructions inserted until and charged accordingly Advertisements will be changed once each if desired For chafes once each month the composition roust be paid for at den Ontarios of is well satisfied with the cold of shipping fruit to the old country by the Agricultural Department The re- salt has determined the fact that of almost all kinds can he shipped to Brit ish porta and arrive there tn splendid shape by the cold storage system comes from Toronto that On tario Government catered an appeal from the recent judgment which directed the Provincial Treasurer to return to the of the estate of the late Aaron Row of Port The sum was paid succession they believing for contract must the estate then to worth over be office noon on Wednesdays I J I Farmers Loan and other claims coming iu before the at the estate bronchi it down to and so the Special Low Rates- lor Executors Notices to Rent Articles and Found etc A reading notice will be Inserted free for may Church where are fur- when no admission fee or collection cents will be chars for such a notice to this LEGAL J Sobeittson Barrister Mary Public Street Newmarket to Loan on pood Farm security- court held chargeable no succession duties were t Solicitor Notary Public etc Honey At Division Court Newmar ket Ontario Lied no Chopping Conveyancers c Choppin South of Feat Newmarket T Herbert Lennox Aurora will also beat Newmarket on Saturdays and Court Days y J I Rosa A Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora ft Loan at p S Barrister to 0 no Bartons Main St Barrister Block Money to Loan TflYliOR Paper Done promptly and In A I am also associated with a Car- of Friday last has this refer ence to the fishery interests of this Prov ince Mr the Deputy is in correspondence the Government of in to a apply of the or fockerl finlroon with a view of in ami portjntf mid is much more prized than bass Mr baa a favor able letter on the subject from the of Quebec and it is expected thai Vtpi will be taken his fall for the transporta tion of the parent fish No doubt the waters in some parts of Ontario be found eminently favorable for their We the Hon fliober of Crown Lands will see it that w the waters of Lake ara not over looked in this matter lm That we have no need In Canada to look beyond own country for Sunday School Helps and illustrated far made evident by the recent isanes of the Sabbath now on our table and of which Rev Douglas A Toronto is editor The of Lesson Helps The Teachers Home Study Quarterly Primary and Leaflets correapond- to the seems com- meeting the needs of teachers and scholars of the various grades The trationa in Jewels a paper for the little ones TheKfnga Own a paper for dld- remarkably many of them from original photographs There is Painter and Writer bo iu at gome Excellent work in the way of original or at the residence of Mr J Street Newmarket Bolton Hours of the Sun of the effects which Dr Williams Pink Fills have had on callfed at her home to enquire into the of the rumor After the rea son of his visit he was kindly by Mrs who gave him the following facta of the cure Some years ago said Mrs My daughter Emma who is now captain the Newmarket corps of the Salvation Army was attacked by fever was under a doctors care for a long time and al though she recovered to go about the after effects of the fe ver left her very weak and the doctor did not seeru able to put any life into her She had frequent headaches was very pale arid the least exertion would greatly fatigue her thought a change might do her good and consequently she went on a visit to Toronto While there she was ad vised to try Williams Pills Pills and at once purchased a supply Be fore had finished the second box she noticed a marked change for the better her appetite improved her color ivuirned the feeling of exhaus tion hail disappeared and by the time she had taken half a dozen boxes she whs enjoying the best of health and all her oldtime vigor had returned Although her work in the Salvation is hard end exposes her to all kinds of weather she lias since been able to do it without the least incon venience Some time after daughters cure I was myself completely run down and to add to my trouble was seized with a severe of rheu matism Remembering the my daughter had received iron Dr Williams Pink to use them and before I had taken half a dozen boxes I felt fully recovered and have been in the best of health ever since My advice to all ailing is to use Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People Dr Williams Pink Pills have re stored more week and ailing women and girls to robust health than any other medicine ever discovered which in part accounts for their popularity throughout the world These pills are sold by all dealers or may be had by mail at 50 cento a box or six for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Out Rata act Cor Street Millards Lane and AUCTIONEERS Auctioneer for the Co of York Old on reason able Farm Sale attended to Street Newmarket DENTAL So both of and the boys and girls are not allowed to forget that Canada is their home and that they to the Great Empire are on every sea and the drambeat of La heard the whole world Presbyterian friends contin ued in their work of publication I Post Office Block opposite tbe Church Satisfaction Guaranteed Dp p R Pontes Dentist will be at office of Dr Porter Brad- ford every Monday to Dr tf liyman of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Office Newmarket once Private Papers at private realdeace If J op MAHUIAOrv I HUiTOK were on the bargain counter in North Waterloo last week- The oee that the Conservatives bargained to drop all opposition to Mr Liberal for the Ontario provided the in return allow Joseph Seagram Tory to be elected to the Dominion Parliament Referring to this bargain and sale of fie political coneclencea of the electorate the Telegram says The cool brazen effrontery of the Grit and Tory partisans who undertake to make of control of North Waterloo It an Insult to the free people of that ana a disgrace to the On day week however this bargain and sale of franchise by party manipulators was carried but Mr Breith anpt was returned by acclamation to the Ontario Assembly to Dominion Housed machine politics did business at this time of the year the readers of magazines are considering what periodicals shall be ordered for At the head of every list pat riotic citizens should place the Magazine It Is distinctly na tional In the that it circulates in every part of Panada and deals with fich topics as Interest every citizen no matter whether he lives by the Gulf of St Lawrence or among the Mountains of Columbia The Canadian Magazine has a considerable circulation in Great Britain and the United States and also in the follow ing countries Japan Philip pines Australia New Zealand Zanzi bar North Borneo British Guiana Brazil Chill Mexico Hawaii Germany and Hun A magazine which Is favor lj well supported at home years ago a man thought nothing of days walk of or miles now he has to take a bicycle to go for the cows Forty years young man aye an old one swung cradle day in and day out thru tall grain for month today if you asked one to cut a road around a field he would think you escaped a lunatic asylum and the young man who has to Bit on a reaper with a spring seat thinks it was for a hard fortune he was sent Into the world A few decades a young man chopped cordwood fa the bush from Christmas to Raster today he could not take oil a 12inch log to save his life WITHOUT A DOCTORS You can find out if the kidneys are clogged deranged and diseased Have you or a weak lame back Do you have pain or difficulty In urin ating or a too frequent desire to urin ate Are there deposits like brick dust in the urine after it has stood for hours If you have any of these symptoms not a moment should lost in obtaining Dr Chases Kidney- Liver Pills the worlds greatest kid ney cure One pill a dose cents a box Kingston Kennedy who has been sentenced to two years Im prisonment lumped over the railing of the Police Court Dock and made his escape He has not yet been recap tured A little lad old while play ing with matches on Friday last set fire to his clothes was so severely burned about the neck and cheat that ensued the following day The city was wholly given up on Monday welcoming home the soldiers from South Africa as gallant a band as ever brought honor to the flag that for a thousand has braved the battle and the breeze The streets were arrayed in patriotic holiday attire and the Welcome Home will long be remembered Public and private buildings were never so lavishly decorated It was a sort of citizens jubilee and right j royally did they and a halfcentury after this it will furnish something to talk about to a genera tion yet un bora During the rejoicing on Monday the celebration was marred by the accidental death of Miss Magee of who was knocked down by a passing carriage while attempting to cross the street and died a few hours later from brain Also a 17yearold daughter of Mr William was struck by a piece of a plank blown from the top of a house on King St during a heavy gust of of wind and rendered unconscious Physicians at the hospital hold out- only slight hopes of recovery other- person by the name of Charles Taylor had three fingers so badly damaged by a canon firecracker that they had to be amputated Up at the Armories a young man who at tempted to regain mother earth by sliding down one of the guyropes finding the friction too hot for his hands let go his hold and fell about feet When picked- up it was found that both ankles were broken Last Saturday afternoon at the corner of Queen and streets a trolley oar jumped the tracks and crashed into a carriage in which Mr and his son were riding were knocked out and dazed and badly demolished The car was burled up to the axles in the sand At the Police Court on Saturday a young man named Ed was sent to the Central for six months for his father with a chair Steamboat navigation practically closed here on Monday Several College students and other merrymakers on All Halloween who were by the Police doing mis chievous things were cited before the Beak and had to fines and costs They wont be quite dem onstrative another year Charles Watson who pleaded guilty a few days ago to breaking into the premises of Fred a jeweller and stealing two watches and about six dozen rings on the 1st was also convicted of stealing a gum vending machine from J Woo fie had a long criminal record and was sent to the Central Prison for 18 months The Wilkinson Plow Co formerly of Aurora has per cent more men employed now than in and the manager says are doing per cent more business One day last week a person styling himself as Dr Thomas Lee pleads guilty in the Police Court on three charges of fortunetelling He claim ed power to heal all maimer of diseas es and his victims weio by hundreds The court fined him and costs on on the third the sentence was withheld the court intimating that if lid continues his practices in this fine will be and costs and imprisonment for one year On day previous to tho trial of the case a Mra catt was committed for trial on a charge of fortunetolling told young woman that she would live to bo 80 years of ago and would marry a man of dark virago and very determined disposition Mrs victims were also her fee was cents each but took less when she could not obtain that sum has been acquitted oh charge of causing tho death of Isaiah Warner during a row at tho a Bhort time ago 1 JVTAKES USB OF The Only Medicine That Nerve Force Strength and Endurance Trainers and athletes in every de partment of athletics must be vigorous and healthy men if they would excel in bicycle races football running jump ing skating an The athlete should have a well balanced nervous system fit fresh and pure and tfie organs of digestion should at all times bein the best condition For man years Celery Com pound has been the chosen health re storer of our beat and most prominent athletes- It has done wonderful work and kept in condition men who have world wide reputations The celebrated John Graham who has trained athletes in Harvard and Columbia is now superintendent of Bostons famous gymnasium says I have used Celery Compound to my bene fit and have no doubt that any person undergoing great physical strain will hid it a grand strengUteoer J Watson Boston holding the worlds championship as jumper and pole says The strongest of athletes often feel languid and drawn out I have tried many things but have found nothing that does me as much good as Celery Com- pound James Michael the great bicyclist the champion steeplechaser and other great athletes have declared that Celery Compound is the great tonic regulator nerve bracer and strengthgiver for all who are weak rundown or suffering from ail ment Raising Beets s The cultivation of the sugar beet in its early history was a comparatively simple matter but in the course of time has become greatly increased and developed and now presents a more difficult problem The present day and age of the world is one of acute competition and seeks improvement in every direction This holds true in the case of the sugar beet It is therefore necessary to note what past experience and to observe carefully all the under which the best quality of beets can be One of the most important points in that respect is the rotation of crops Beets should be planted the year fol lowing the fertilization of the land and after such crops as leave ground in a good physical as well as chemical condition Small grain which was sown on ltiAnued laud is usually a good crop to precede beets Winter wheat or barley also this purpose very well as there is al ways sufficient time fall to prepare the land In gen eral thebeet thrives after rye than after vyhcit especially when varieties of wheat are sown which ab stract a large amount of fertility from the soil Under no circumstances should a crop of oats has been attacked by nematodes be allowed to precede Beets to precede beets cannot be advised as general rule vet in exceptional cases on ftlluviit soils and other places rich in this may be done if cial fertilizers are available Thomas in Michigan Beet It the couldnt simp worn- Restored by Or Chaws Margaret Iron Tower Hill writes Dr dona me a world of food I io weak that I could not walk twicv the length house My trembled so that I could not carry pint of I was too nervous kind and unaoe to do work Since using Dr Nerve I have been completely restored I walk a mile without any Inconvenient Though years old and quite I do my own housework and able sewing knitting and reading Dr Chases Nerve Pood proved of inestimable value to me Cbetes Nerve Food the world greatest restorative for pale weak vouji men women and children it pill form cents a box at all or Bates Toronto Dont cough use Chases of and Turpentine bottle SOLID GOLD We a two rtErHianUema will Co Bo ijt Toronto list Deeds Sentiment GREAT LUCK OF AN EDITOR For two years all efforts to cure Eczema in Hie palms of my hands failed writes Editor Lester of Syracuse Kan then I was wholly cured by Arnica Salve Its the worlds best for Eruptions Sores and all skin diseases Only at Lehmans store The animal convention of the North York Teachers Association was held in Aurora The attendance of teachers from the various parts of the riding was good and the discus sions on the several topics brought be fore the convenffon were It was decided to hold the next Con vention at Newmarket on Friday and Our Fall Goods have arrived which are Better Ever than Ever an Ever Ladies of Canada The world never saw such an exhibi tion of patriotic sentiment as the Af rican war called forth Canadians Australians and the splen did youth of Natal fought side by side with the British tea planters of Cey lon and India Australia drinks the teas of Ceylon and India- while Canada already drinks their Black Tea Drinkers of Japan tea should try their teas tea merchants the Company for now sell them entirely on merit Middlestrie road men are only waiting for sup plies While men wailing to see How the cat will Ladies of Canada we pray you a the British planter Colonist Deafness of Years Stand ing Protracted Catarrh produces deaf ness in many casts Ben Connor of years from Catarrh All treatments failed to relieve tr Catarrhal Powder gave him relief in One day and in a very short while the deafness left him entirely It wilt do as much for you cents Sold by Lehman Newmarket ASTOUNDING DISCOVERY From Mich comes word of a wonderful discovery of a pleasant tasting liquid that when used before retiring by any one troubled with a cough always ensures a good nights rest It will soon cure the cough too writes Mrs for three genera tions of our family have used Dr Kings Now Discovery for Consump tion and never found its equal for Coughs and Colds Its an unrivaled when used for desperate received lung diseases Guaranteed and store Trial bottles free DO YOU FEAR HEART FAILURE No death comes so suddenly and un expectedly as that caused by heart failure but the trouble had Its begin ning months or perhaps years before when the blood became thin and wa tery and the nerves exhausted Gra dually the waste das become more ra pid than the process of repair the tissues of the heart have become dis eased and finally some over exertion or nervous shock has caused the beat ing cease life depart Dr Chases Nerve Food prevents heart failure and all similar diseases by creating new rich blood and force and building up system near THE PRIZE WINNERS At and Use the Diamond Dyes The Fall fairs and exhibitions held this year in Canada were a source of pleasure and satisfaction to hundreds of energetic and artistic ladies Mag- niflcient displays of Mats and Carpets made from rags dyed with the Diamond Dyes drew the special at tention of thousands of visitors In ninety nine cases out of every hundred the exhibitors who used the Diamond Dyes to color the materials of which their Mats Rugs and Carpets were made took the best prizes No proof of the superiority of Diamond Dyes could be demanded Women all over Canada will find it pays to Use Diamond Dyes to recolor faded and dingy looking dresses skirts blouses capes jackets tles ribbons etc One package of the Dia mond Dyes will do aa much work as three packages of the common dyes and give colors far more beautiful more brilliant and lasting The Public Library at Hamilton will hereafter be open on holidays Sciatica put him on Crutches Smith dairyman of Grimsby Out writes My limbs were almost useless from sciatica and rheumatism and not withstanding my esteem for physicians I must give the credit where it belongs I am a cured man today and South Ameri can Rheumatic Cure must have all the credit its a marvel Sold by Lehman Newmarket The patterns ami quality that J we carry a tat ley selection I any ether Tailor York County The fit lines of thai be had for dip money our with others ami vu will fee that are still liadiniMiie wonlhn of the Town in manship finality and pi ice The range of Overcoatings and Trouserings include the newest patterns on tlie Market Guaranteed jas Mclaughlin Farm to Rent Chinese plenipotentiaries have opened negotiations by proposing that China should pay an indemnity of 10000000 sterling in sixty instal ments secured by the customs They also agreed that Prince should be imprisoned for life THAT THROBBING HEADACHE Would quickly leave you if you used Dr Klnge New Life Pills Thousands of sufferers have proved their match less merit for Sick and- Nervous Head aches They make pure blood and build up your health Only cents Money back if not cured Sold by Lehman Druggist Richardson cheese factory is in ashes A- passenger train and a freight J at St John train collided near Hamilton on- Friday and several cars and coaches were returning members of Company were given a roual the in the Valleyfield riot are in jail at Quebec j words by a New York Specialist After years of testing and comparison I have no hesitation in saying that Dr Cure for the Heart Is the quickest safest and surest known to medi cal science use it in mv own practice It relieves the most acute forms of heart ailment inside of thirty minutes and never Sold by Lehman Newmarket The wind blew down a building at London and kiled On Irs thousands people who rush to so worthy a remedy as South American Ner vine as a lust resort would get It as a first report how much misery and suffering would he spared If you have any nerve disorder you neednt suffer a minute linger A thousand to prove It Sold by Lehman Newmarket stave and sawmill at near was de stroyed by fire Jealous Rivals cannot turn back the tide The demand for little Pills Is a marvel Cheap to buy but diamonds In quality banish nausea coated tongue water brash after eating sick headache never gripe operate pleasantly cents Sold by Lehman Newmarket Silver plate liurled by thieves was found by workmen buried two feet in Harvey Park Hamilton or old a of In ihrit at W a drug wrecked The and Mlit WwTiS5TS escaped one Terry ic aim Kidney Pain in trie back Is the cry of the kidneys for help neglect call Is to deliver the body over to a disease cruel ruthless and finally life destroying South American Kidney Cure has power akin to miraculous In helping the needy kidneys out of mire of disease It relieves In six hours Sold by Lehman Newmarket The Skating Rink at Rat Portage was destroyed by fire last week Running the outcome of neglect or bad blood have neverfalling balm in Dr Agnews Ointment Will heal the most stubborn cases Soothes irritation almost instantly after first application It relieve all Itchlnj and burning skin diseases I In a day It cures piles In 3 to nights i cents I Sold by Lehman Newmarket lot con Old Surru Township containing Till Is known as the lands are Brood clay fair farm In Apply at once to r Farms for Salo Cares con of East acres In flth con Of North acres In 2nd con of East acres In con of East In of Whitchurch con of For terms particulars etc apply to Ml Albert Farm to Rent Contnlnlnjr altunttd J iron Aurora on t and the jif fruit and Kali In Aurora THREE PAPERS nace Of news of practical flRri cultural and live articles Eight rages of ami feature tiock lie- 3 Sections Puses 100 I Balance of free with for Era and Mail for i FREE I for Jei lira cork uc fine I Lb pw I Ium Write Btllthrttii lb will FREE Mlcktl Wafb It llJI1- ml J r J

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