Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 9, 1900, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA NOV 9 I Advertisements Clothing i Co Mortgage Sale Mills Mills A Hales Sale of Timber Kavanagb Cow Lost Woods Cows for Sale I Silver Cream Separators Willis Stray Boar Martin Shire Mitts Great liberal Victory GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY off a 5 sgs w CD 5 i pa a ft- K re a OS g J of the Opposition organ tit tried make believe the Tapper combination on Hallow- nomination day off front gate to the Treasury at Ottawa j and the country in be Cabinet the at the polls week dispelled that illusion in the old are maintained with quite a much today at century ago- The Liverpool Wilfrid Successful Leader She ra LETS UP I GROWS BRIGHTER WITH FRIDAY NOV York West Ontario With Victors TO Presidential Hon Tbe election in the United States has resulted in again returning Hon Mr to the White as Magistrate of Since the writs for the Dominion election were issued a month ago great has been the activity manifested in both Liberal and Conservative camps but interest and culminated on Wednesday when electorate recorded their verdict at the polls in favor of Good Gov ernment Progress by such a ma jority as to completely astound th Opposition Among the defeated several prominent of the Op position and two or three Liberals the nation hi opponent Mr Bryan receiving less to the Electoral j North York and West Ontario have College than in the contest 1096 Up to the present writing the figures indicate that even Bryans own State Nebraska repudiates him and doc trines by giving majority for his opponent New York goes by 110000 majority and Illinois where so many Canadians have set tled remains in the Republican col umn by 100000 majority For of course the result also elects Republican oyer Stevenson Democrat to that high office and who also becomes Speaker of the Senate The victory for the Republicans is more complete than many sanguine friends of party predicted At the Presidential elections last Tuesday the women of were entitled to vote viz Idaho Colorado Utah and Wyoming and bo far as Idaho is concerned it is the first election held in that State since the fair sex were entitled to the franchise stood true to their Liberal history and now join in the triumphant acclaim of the victory achieved Right up to the day of polling Opposition leaders and their organs were predicting a Conservative majority of at least eleven throughout the Dominion but the returns show that the country sus tained the Government by a majority of over fifty No doubt the race and creed cry of the Opposition organs in Ontario helped to increase the Gov ernments in Quebec just the Same as it strengthened Sir John A in that Province when Hon George Brown carried Ontario almost unitedly against him just be But there is use speculating now the Liberals have won and tile Government will be in a position to give the they were unable to secure during last parliament Before another general election comes round the power of the Tory Senate to thwart the demands of will be broken and the gerrymander in iquity will become only a memory in the political history of the Dominion Further election iniormation on page of famishes the following short report of Mop and we to say it enjoyed with I as ranch when inaugurated The aaya were lively scenes at Shakespeares Stratford on day when le Quaint old town on the Avon was by thousands of excur sionists from all parts of the Midlands as well as by two special from London The occasion annual Mop Fair the largest of the bind In Eng land and one of the oldest The clergy to it some years ago but only succeeded it seems in making it more popular lor attendance has grown greater year by year and on Fri day largest on record Five oxen and a dozen pigs were roasted whole on spite at fireplaces erected in the streets and all day long the oldfashioned streets were tnronged with crowds of sightseers and servants come op for the hiring Colonial troops in South will way home presently A special from Ottawa to the Telegram saya The Militia De partment morning received a cable gram from Hon Joseph which indicates that the assistance of the colonial troops now in South Africa will be dispensed with at an early date that the remainder of the Canadian con tingents the foot and artillery will speedily be on their way to home and rest When Cana dian contingents left was a of ammunition in the Imperial stores in Rubbers Rubbers Rubbers We have every thing good in Rubbers and Shoes and the prices are below regular Ladies Rubbers Lion Brand Ladies Rubbers Guaranteed- 60c King Quality Rubbers Guaranteed Childs Rubbers per pair Misses Rubbers per pair Boys Rubbers per pair Mens Rubbers per pair Mens Rubbers Guaranteed 28c 34c 65c We sell the Stub proof Rubbers sold by The J D Kin Co This is the best heavy rubber in the world We are the sole agents we guarantee every pair and the is very little higher than the cheap grades Clean Sweep in Clothing One hundred and eighty Shirts and one hundred and ten Overcoats to be cleared at ridiculously low prices but we got a snap in them and you will be the gainer if you avail wnd of this opportunity store with boys of gents The cablegram from Mr Cham- received asks for information s to the o sent and concludes by asking the Canadian Government accept ammunition ship- j from the Imperial stores at Cape 1 Town in repayment The reply it is needless to say will be in affirmative The faot that tbe Imperial War Office is in a position to contemplate a of of munitions of war at the base of opera Is of itself very strong evi dence practically the war Is over and an Indication that members of das contingent will borne in time for Christmas Department expects this inquiry will be followed by an intimation regarding sailing of Canadian Result of Cold Storage The following letter- has been re ceived by the Department of Agricul ture at Ottawa from Mr Simpson Morgan one of the leading authori ties on fruit matters in Great Britain regarding the quality and condition of the trial shipments of grapes for warded there by cold storage under the direction of the Department I have this day received sample crates of the Black and Red Rogers grapes put up in crates containing 12 boxes each They were perfectly sound with the bloom on and in every way atiftfactory I have after carefulinspection of the fruit and the packages The Department is certainly to be congratulated upon the highly satis factory results secured thanks a good deal to cool storage The Liverpool Post which came to band by this mail says A notice woe posted during last month in a church In West Kensington announcing the sale of five pews One of the advan tages of pews we notice is tbat tbe contribution box la not passed to them WAR NEWS Lodqx Nov A despatch from Jibuti in French Africa says the Dutch warship with aboard arrived following change- J there today The former chief mag- York be Lieuten- of the is in excellent health though his eyes affect ed When the cruiser arrived Mr Kruget was on deck smoking When told that the Boers were still fighting he said May they fight unceas- The Official Gazette Ottawa Regimen ant 2nd Lieutenant A S vice promoted All Wool Tweed Suits worth 8 at 5 Fine All Wool Double Breasted Suits worth at 650 10 Mens Tweed Suits worth 5 at 3 25 Mens Fine Pure Wool Tailor made Suits worth at 10 Mens Best Blarney Serge Suits Double Breasted worth 10 at Boys Fine Tweed piece Suits worth 450 at 350 10 only Boys 2 piece Tweed Suits worth at Mens Fine Beaver Overcoats price at Mens Tailor made Beaver Overcoats price at 790 Special Line Fine Overcoats Tailor made and as good as you can get anywhere for 14 our price 10 We will be glad if you will cut this list out and test us on any of the above quotations We advertise nothing but actual facts H E Am English paper dated Oot nit saa The Queen has accepted a re markable cushion made by a nurse from the discarded of wounded and in valided soldiers who arrived at from Lad smith Woven on it ate por trait of the Queen Lord Roberta and heroes of war No person possibly foresee what the coming will unfold along lines of science and discovery but judging from developments and progress daring the past hall century marvellous things are in tore for those who may live to the close of next hundred years During recent manoeuvres of the British fleet at Smyrna Tits Council of Toronto County of Peel has decided to give the ratepayers of that municipality op portunity by ballot at the next January elections to say whether they favor in statute Labor or not Council of Dromond Township will also teat the question by ballot v In Canada we designate oar union of Provinces a Confederation The Australi an Colonies use tbe word Commonwealth instead The Now South Wales local Government at part of that Common wealth has decided to spend 600 On inaugural ode for opening of the Com monwealth so that the political change at the antipodes will prove a finan cial good to at least one Colonial poet Tub Worlds election talk for the month would lead readers to believe that after contest on Sir Lauder and all the rest of the present Liberal Ad ministration would now be looking for a Job but the tables appear to bo turned it is the Worlds prophet entered the lamentation business instead of the other fellow The Hit At the home of the brides brotherinlaw Mr Albert Starr by Rev Geo Nov 1st Mr Hugh NJShaw of Toronto to Clara second of Toronto Law Williams At the Methodist Par Newmarket by George on Slat Mr William of to Mr Williams of North Smith At the Par sonage Newmarket by George Slat Mr Edward BJarins of North to Miss Ethel Smith of Holland communication between the ships was brought them to the notice of Several I of sixty miles by wire- fruit trade men and they have ex- lew telegraphy pressed a very high appreciation of them The boxes both as regards style and appearance not bo im proved upon The crate were highly suitable for the purpose I am Globe of attention to following inquiries regarding trade between Canada and Great Britain receiv ed by the Curator of the Canadian section of Imperial Institute London to whom all correspondence on the subject tain that important part of the business is as near perfection for the WMlM rocuiremeriU of the trade both whole sale and retail as could With regard to the grapes they resemble and are equal in size of Wry to our black the leading summer grape on our market As regards flavor that in in the ripe fruit it is exquisite and I never on grapes better than these in my And I apeak as an author ity the dietetic values of fruit The Writ are rich in sugar and high- of maple and beech dowels bonce would be pleased to bear from shippers of chrome Iron ore Samuel Buckley A Co Birmingham An firm possessing an opening for evaporated is prepared to take up matter with Canadian producers Roche Belfast A manufac turer purchasing considerable of small turned wood handles Invites cor respondence from Canadian makers of same An importing house asks to bo placed in touch with Canadian We English press points to the fact that a cleavage in Church between the and High sections is not unexpected The Liverpool Post editorially the following remark from an address at Georges Hall In that city made by Dr John Watson Ian The daymaybeferdiatantbat it is sure to come when there will be one Free Pro testant Evangelical Church throughout England A Early on Tuesday morning last Mr Jaa P familiarly known about the old Adelaide Court House aa Squire Wingfieia suddenly passed away to the spirit land heart failure be- j log the cause The day before his demise be took an part in the citys in honor of the returning volunteers from South Africa Deceased was born in Scotland and cam to Canada in 1854 settling Toronto Mr Wing- occupied the portion of Justice of THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House Has made a special out in on Furniture for a few days before tak ing stock For Cash High Black Diners per sett up with Bevel Mirror up Extension Tables up Bedroom Suites up Lounges up Parlor Suites pieces up All other goods in proportion ii A SPECIALTY nutritious They are quite ihs attention of the Wen P Night calk attended to at thing to any toeign grape on Co and the Specialty Co the St John Millard flavor richnevt and wood and maple and of I am sending you piiiiotw dowel result may be farreaching the Board Telephone The In East on tbe of November to Mr and Graham a son At to Mr and Mrs Win A Place Toronto daughter On Union St East on tbe 2nd Inst to Mr and Mrs a son The Tomb At Keiwlok on Nov 3rd Dan iel aged months Interred at Queensville on Tuesday Funeral very largely attended At on Thursday 25th Alfred SO ears month days In Button on Mrs Geo Mom aged and months Ruin At the residence of her son It Cumberland at Toronto on Nov Mary Hill relict of the late Raid formerly of Sharon In her year The funeral took place on Wednes day the body being brought to Newmar ket by the 10 train and interred in the burying ground of the Children of Peace Aharon Her Husband died over years ago whioh time she has made her home with Mr who was formerly a storekeeper at Sharon Mrs grandfather the late George Hill built the first grist mill and store In Newmarket at foot of Main street and was one of the earliest settlers In this part of the country home of the late Raid waa in Sharon andwas the scene of a social which will be re membered by the older of this vicinity Saturday Nov 8 at Post William Joseph form of Newmarket agrd yeara Deceased was a brother of Mr Timothy also brother of Mr and Mrs Root Simp son of Toronto and lather of Mrs J Cox Main at North Newmarket All Orders will recelvu and Newmarket Book News Depots Famous Books at Popular PPttsea I Printed In large clear type on good book paper fully illustrated bound In heavy board with beautiful engraved designs or can be bid in enamelled paper covers A I r lV I of the best authors per copy MENS THOUGHTS WOMENS HIS FOR MEN FOR WOMEN Beautifully Bound A Suitable Gift Crockery and Glassware Dinner Sets Tea Sets Toilet Sets Hew lime Crystal Glass See the LA ftI FANCY VASE LAMPS IVI r HANGING LAMPS STAND LAMPS BRACKET LAMPS HAND LAMPS BURNERS GLASSES SHADES WICKS Grapes liarrge Bosket and Good Quality Bananas Special and Dozen Quince A Snap pen basket 25c OUR STOCK OF TEAS la to bo heavy and wo offer the following list as inducements Finest quality Black Tea regular Special per lb Finest quality Mixed Tea regular Special per lb Finest quality Japan Tea regular Special per lb pkg Finest quality Mixed Tea regular Special per lb Finest quality Black Tea regular Special per lb GOODS NEW TOMATOES PEAS CORN FRENCH PEAS FRENCH MUSHROOMS KIPPERED HERRING Cranberries I for Potatoes lbs for OYSTERS AND FISH Choice colates Caramels arid Fruit Cordials The best in Hie ton Try thorn W STARR ft I

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