Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 9, 1900, p. 1

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1 J w Era more home waft titan any two other papers ta North Yolk combined and I r -f- J AND ADVERTISER pages No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance liberty to know to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty Single Copies Cents Each J Ont Nov 91900 J per annum l If paid in advance A FEW POINT ON THE far the A Problem WELCOME Pearl Range Investigate the merits of this range and you will surprised at the little money we ask for it Time Tests Is our Best Advertisement We look at it way The best meal can be served on the Welcome Pearl has a ventilated steel oven which pleases the man of the house This in turn pleases the woman Both are satisfied and become speak ing advertisements for us JThe merits of all and stamps approval or disapproval During last ten years range has been Isold on the strongest guarantee satisfaction They have stood the test of time Yon no take when you choose a Welcome Materials and ship are the best and baking qualities unequalled The ITS 0v should say so Manufactured of the finest Lake ior Iron built by men who know duplex grate cemented bottom deep ash pit elegant nickel plate and to cap it all the wonderful silver steel ventilated oven which cannot be excel- for baking qualities In this fringe makes the water boil with an independent damper The drip pings from reservoir lids fall back into tank If You are Looking for a Range That will burn coal or wood perfectly keep fire over night or save you one third coal bill here it is A BINNS Hardware Stoves Furnaces General NEWMARKET JrUHl in AJh SHAH ON I How our is over l clover No time fluunt The erring ail voted out The meander The of the will be Nor pjore for ftye repeated For all mistakes made to defeats No or disgraceful scenes be For oat of all of The has been Theyll erect as all thats true and noble While has Will he as srnbbte Theyll neer their promises For pledges reared Because rotten Ot re theyll every ill That can disturb our Union The parties will riodoubs preserve Their communion They will consider is best For whose votes elected Tiney in their gratitude will do What from them fa expected yet we cannot tel which wrong theyll banish No moment weak led them say words in smoke might vanish we heard by The Prohibit The Pros that find Too for calm digestion O never ill be those who are elected As said by one of those he knew As troth to be respected Had Color was only surfacedyad That was Perhaps the think that now our ticket But may were not inclined To cease the racket To our homes well toil on With more determination Odr coarse until we view The trades exist to mat on Richmond Hill Nov 2nd P Grant Pretoria Nov The report of the early departure Gen Roberts for En is confirmed A special has been issued making Gen Kitchener chief the army in Africa London Saturday Nov Arrange- Too to Come Home Into a certain East End pubiic house in London a poorly clad Woman recently went in search of her husband found him there and setting covered dish which she had with her upon the table she said ThinKjng you were too busy to come vou merits are being made in Cape Town to send the fifstHtch of refugees back home to dinner have brought Johannesburg and yours and departed is being Provided at for a garrison of HK Nevertheless the activity of the Boers- continues hi October 26 a commando of captured a garrison of men at but afterwards releas Trains going towards Pre toria are attacked by the Boers almost On October the burghers oc cupied Konyfontein On the other hang General Knox has inflicted a reverse on General Be Wets forces near capturing two guns one of them a weapon lost by the British in the Saunas post af fair The daily tale of casualties is heavy During the month of Octo ber the British lost men killed in action including officers who died of wounds who died of ease who died of accidents and captured or missing a total almost With a forced laugh he invited- his friends to dine with him but on re moving the cover from the dish found only a slip of paper on which was written hope you will enjoy your meal it is the same as your family have at home Successful Sunday School Always begins on time Has a live superintendent Does systematic visiting Has a normal class Has an attractive program Has a choir or an orchestra or both Urges temperance work Has an excellent primary teacher Has each scholar own and Bible Has teachers who practice selfden ial to the monthly average special effort to secure Caik Now trans pired today a Boer comma jtlo captured n British outpost of ninety men in the vicinity of Geneva October and afters held up a Town mail train looted the tit- mails to the and decamped on the approach of an train Not wishing ho tin Boers released the prisoners they had captured London Nov 5 Lord Roberts telegraphed from under date of Nov that iij Belfast on Nov Captain of the was killed and Major of the fame was wounded School follovin li result of and the value of firwi GENTLEMEN We arc prepared to please you in New Suitings man ship and price Nw is the lime to order your New Fall Suit LADIES Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh R fl iho Deserves In cold winter days when feul is high and provisions scarce many a girl has been put to her wits ends to know how can help to keep the wolf from the door Mary living on Long Island saw the advertisement Teams and wagons wanted to haul snow from the streets of New York She took her young brothers horse wagon ami snow shovel Lest she be refused a chance to earn an honest penny because she wis a girl she buttoned heavy overcoat over her feminine The girl and Iter brother reached the Horn of Manhattan at in the afternoon and at went work They quit the job at oclock the following warning after carrying thirtyseven loads of snow which they dumped off the pier into the After getting rid of the last load the young woman drove to a feed store stacked her waggon full of oats and hay arid cent her brother home with the load going home herself on the cars The captain of the fug boat which put into the pier for water first dis covered that a pretty girl wan driving a big snow car which then lihg dumped Thinking to have some fun with her he playfully sprayed the hose toward her when she drew a revolver levelled at him and told him she took no nonsense from any one The Captain apologized before a crowd of drivers and the young woman went her business it cost New York over in one week rid her os snow It is gratifying to know that this plucky young woman got share something over Christian Herald paper being marks the other two Reading York Amos Bailey Archie and Jr If Draper Part York Greenwood Kntfi Minnie AiHhmatu A York JR Phoenix Draper I GO Si- Part F Greenwood ftl Part if York TV York A Prout PI It Bailey for missions that the primary depart ment is a feeder for the school Starch made from Potatoes The potatoes used for starch are the small and injured ones of the crop Sixty of them yield a barrel of starch They arc washed and reduc ed to pulp by machine and the pulp is carried by water into tanks at the bot tom of which the starch settles The starch is then transferred by shovels to another receptacle where it is stir red and beaten to a cream After set- ling again to remove all impurities it needs only to be dried in order to be fit for commercial use The drying is done in kilns by steam coils and when the starch comes out it is white and beautiful as to resemble driven I snow 1 The commercial starches hi use to- day are made from maze potatoes rice wheat sago flour and tapioca flour Rice starch commands the highest price and starch is the cheapest Wheat starch conies next in value to rice starch and potato starch third in the list Saturday livening Post Hints for Sabbath School Teachers The work and opportunity of the Sabbath School teacher is most im portant and responsible Second only to that of the Pastorate and the home and is sometimes made even more im portant by the lack of godly home in fluence and raining is important to remember that the opportunity is only given you for one in seven days and therefore every moment should be spent profit ably and faithfully for the Master- It is also important- to remember that if we are to be successful we must labor in the power and under the guidance of the Holy Ghost al ways seek and expect His presence and aid Avoid as far as possible the use of helps when teaching Be faithful in preparing your lesson before starting for school but if for any reason you have failed to make full or even partial do not make matters worse by staying from the class Every strive by precept and example to lead each scholar individually to Christ lie not satisfied Willi any measure of I success thai stops short of conversion rejoice in every indication of progress but labor and pray unceasingly that each and all may out- and nut Christians to have each scholar in terested in the Lesson Make the I W LIGHT ENQUIRE OF DEALER8 FOR IT She QUEEN CITY OIL TOR0NTQ ROGERS KKKP STRONG And you will ward off colds pneu monia fevers and other diseases You need to have pure rich and good digestion Hoods makes the Wood rich and pure as no other medicine can do it tones the stom ach creates an appetite and invigor ates the whole system You will Ik wise to begin taking it now for It will keep you strong and well Hoods Pills are nonIrritating Price cents Stephenson Jr Morrison HI Jr III and equal A Vernon Lesley dr II It Smith Black Rose St It Haines Simpson Vera Morrison Jr Peter- man Saunders I Mack J Simpson Jr I J A Vernon Mor rison A Trent Tablet A Black Studies Simpson Morley McCaltum Teacher Animals Binds pish One toil of oil has been obtained from the tongue of a single whale A tunnel three miles in bored by ants in South Woodpeckers in California will carry acorns thirty miles to store 111 nests Burnt hoofs of horses fitnVsh the material for the Prus sianblue The largest swordflsh know was caught in the thina Sea It was feet long and weighed horses are the and creamcolored ones are the most delicate being unable to the warm weather A Canadian traveller says that lice are still two herds of ImfUlo aggre gating head near the Peace Riv er in the Northwest Territory The largest mule in the world was bred in Missouri is hands niches high and weighs 1830 pounds lie is to lie sent to a London menagerie The mouth of the snail is one of the most extraordinary in nature By the time the snail has Worn out the of its teeth a new set has been provided Berlin pays a salary to a of every honest answer given whether right or wrong As far as possible allow no talking in the during the teaching session A home acquaintance with the schol ar is Very often the road to success Know each scholar personally If a scholar is absent without reason visit him or her as early as you can the I same week Confer with the Superintendent as to difficulties in your class if possible during the week at all events after you have spent some time over the in prayer and I bought Report all transfers or admission of new scholars to Secrelary Superin- j or proper officers promptly highly the privilege of teach ing and bo not from your place except for reasons that the Master will honor When required to lie absent rovide a substitute or advise the Superintendent early Remember the substitute should have time for preparation Nothing will more quickly discourage or disorganize a class than a teachers irregular attendance Be faithful therefore and earn the Masters Well done Young Mans manners Society asks little a voung mart except to behave well if he be man ly in looks if he has a good manner is civil to his elders i tin- has any if he sends few lowers looks pleasant and is polite his way will be smooth to success- providing that he is gentleman In public conveyances a man does not pay a womans fare unless lie is her escort except in an emergency when he must ask if may Introductions are rarely made in pub lic plates or conveyances He never joins her on a thorofare unless the friendship be an established one and only- with her will he stand and converse with her A man precedes a unman when en tering a theatre or public plate a church the lady goes first He may precede her up a public staircase but a private house in ascending and descending he follows In picturegalleries elevators in pub lic buildings hotel and theatre corri dors they bring a man retains his hat In a hotel In re moves if it a women is present If a lady bows to a man in a rest aurant he rises slightly from his seat- in acknowledgement When he is with a party if a lady escort to speak to his friends he rises and remains standing until she passes He also rises if a man is intro duced to him when with a slag party If a bachelor show some little hospi tality it advances him much in favor If he bus attractive rooms or has any thing to show he may give an after noon tea or a chafingdish supper Simplicity is order A bachelors entertainment is usually regarded in the light of a frolic and his efforts in dulgently Ladies Home Journal a a Wanted A pair of suspenders for the breech es of promise A barber to shave the face of earth A dentist to work on Die jaws of death Sea horses to feed from the of the sea A few seeds from the flower of speech A pen that will write with inky darkness A pair of corsets for the waist time has a poor wife who marries mammas pet The plan who refuses to forgive others be very careful to do nothing that needs forgiveness tge stables ready for cold weather Do it now Replace all broken windows before the cold the putty so you cannot use it See ventilators arc in working or der Affairs in China Pan Ting Friday Oct The commission of inquiry into the outrages on missionaries here has sentenced to death Tien Yang he provincial judge Wang ShttugOn the military command ant Kin and two other offi cials Unseen Sights We never saw A hatter cap the climax The hammer for nailing a lie Powder on the face of the waters The lock to the key the situation A higher forehead than the brow of he mountain The hod that is used for carrying coats to Newcastle The ladder that would reach to the top of the morning A tailor who had the pattern to the cloak of friendship Not the brush that- a man uses when a who keeps 1 n Hums with birds nests to and eggs He the on y man in t ft tl0 the storm -Phila- who is thus privileged A pigs tail is said to indicate uner ringly the condition the animal If it hangs loos f it shows hat the pig is not well and that its fond should lie changed If it is coiled tightly the pig Is healthy and happy Bulletin Sandys Salvation An the wife Sandy said one farmer to another as they met in the market place and exchanged boxes Did ye hear shes dead and said Sandy solemnly Dear me exclaimed his friend surely it must have been very sudden Aye it was sudden returned Sandy Ye see when she turned we time to send for a doctor sac I her a bit pout her that I had got from the doctor myscl hut I a What- was I ken but she Its a loss to me assure ye but Its something were such as brought pleasure l to for that I dldna to the officers of the church mysel not let want of de press yotl but struggle on hard continuously and you will win in the end He that speaks ill of another moitiy before he is aware makes him self such as one he speaks against for if he had civility or breeding he would such kind of language The hat vest home services Methodist Church on Sunday were a pronounced success crowds listened with interest to A Browns powerful sermons The Zeph yr choir charmed everyone The of- He dint would cat the kernel must crack the mil The business of the head is to form a good heart and not merely to rule evil one as is generally imagined When electric light comes into gen eral use it is likely that at least 10- fewer people will die every year in the Kingdom This seems to be a large number but it is really only a lowering of the death rate by one per 1000 One of the causes why the winter death rate is so high is the of lamps candles A single gas jet consumes as much air as four or five people and as it always gives oft a lot of sulphur- fumes and poisonous carbonic acid It is understand why we feel sleepy In a gas lit room The sleepi ness is really a symptom partial poisoning But oil lamps and candles are quite as had seriously injuring lungs and predisposing us to consump tion and bronchitis The electric light on the other band consumes no oxygen and does not cast a particle of impur ity he air Besides it more or resembles and doubt has some of the same good on the body It may not be generally known that skim milk or buttermilk readily mixes with kerosene forming ait emulsion which destroys insects with out the danger of injury to animals or plants on which they might bo that might result from the use of pure oil or of oil and water Wo first learned of this says a from using this mixture for insect or mile which causes legs on fowls We found hat one or two dippings or washings with it would cure the worst case of leg and leave the leg as as when first hatched never had occasion to try it for lousy we never had one but we do not to recommend we lately seen its advised for ticks on using 1 gill of kero sene to one gallon of milk We did not make our mixture so strong of kerosene aa that but not hups the larger tick may need a ap plication than so very as to be scarcely visible to the- naked

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