Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 26, 1900, p. 7

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I I v Qoa CHINA HALL SALE of ladies Childrens Summer Shoes China and Glassware Very interesting prices for purchasers Dinner Sets Toilet Sets Tea Sets Lemonade Sets and 10 lb Butter Crocks Fruit Jars We have a Big Stock Nov is the beginning of the Preserving and Pickling Season OUR STOCK OF Sugars S cannot be excelled in quality We ask no fancy prices and give you the best in quality A SMITH The Leading Grocer Telephone Coal and Wood Lime Hair Cements Flour and Feed delivered to all parts of the Town free WJ Cor Huron s Iioeal IS ON ABOUT Division Court In the absence of Judge Morgan Mr Lennox of Aurora presided here Convention Programs are issued for the 32nd annual Convention of the North York Sabbath School Association which is to take place in the church Aurora on the and of Nov The address on the first evening Is to be given by Rev Iky an a very en thusiastic speaker and worker from on Wednesday Several judgments Parkdale and the address on sec- mam hifAnCnM 3 were entered but there Were virtually no eases tried The Court next month will be a big one as there are already a long list entered including two or three jury cases evening is to he given by Rev P Bowles the popular pastor of the Metropolitan Church Toronto The day sessions are filled with topics I which will provoke discussion and be of practical value to Sunday School Police Court- workers Every school should Wednesday afternoon Mr J Aurora tod Woodcock was engaged hearing a case the people of Aurora will gladly open of assault preferred by Mr Harraan against Mrs It arises Amos not later than of the previous family trouble 3rd J a grand was reserved for a week A marsh hay case which was to come up on the same day was settled out of court Packing House The new hoist is now in and works very satisfactory The men arenow engaged in packing 37000 dot be shipped direct to the Old Country- It will take over two weeks to pack them and cars to carry them away Between Mr and Mr the eggbusiness has grown to large proportions in Newmarket rally at Aurora from all parts of North York Good Oue more car Hungarian Patent Flour direct from Manitoba by boat and railway also another car- on or der so as to make sure of last years wheat as this years wheat has been very much damaged so we make sure of Good Flour even if it does cost more money to have Good Bread WN Starr till November The remarkably warm weather this fall is the subject of general comment Last Wednesday the of October Mr J- A chairman of the Grounds Committee at Newmarket Cemetery plucked a beautiful bouquet of exquisite The flower beds still show lots of bloom This shows the attention bestowed by the care taker Correction- It was not Mrs Geo Evans of East down cellar as reported in last issue but Mrs Geo B Evans of Ontario Street She was alone at the time and was unconscious for several hours She had no less than eight bad cute about her person and her arm is still very sore It is feared that bone in her little finger is broken A Sore Bye While piling wood in- his own wood shed two weeks ago Mr David Another lot of sugar beets weighing lbs were shipped from Newmar ket to the Ontario Agriculture College for another scientific experi ment on Tuesday Mr is putting in a six inch to carry the surface water from the artesian well on the mill property into the drain that crosses under the track to the creek Mr Frank Stewart is adding a 100 feet of tile to the drain from his store to get a better flow New piece of walk on Main St in front of Atkinsons Jewelry Store Messrs Burns Bros are and painting their residence opposite Newmarket Cemetery fixing the place up in fine shape The house on Main Street occupied by Mrs looks better in its new coat The Royal Templars will have a grand rally the first regular meeting in November Newmarket Orangemen have decided to spend the night of the 5th of Nov in a fraternal visit with Aurora lodge Alderman is making quite a change in the appearance of his Furniture Rooms both outside and in side The Royal Templars are booming again Four initiations last Wednes day night and several more proposi tions for new members The tax collectors are getting in their work now A vendor of patent medicines kept the attention of a big crowd down Town two or three nights last week particularly Saturday night Loudon Oct The South African war has again spread southward The heaviest fatalities of the week have Tuesday Oct yawned with a very unfavorable appearance for a Fair day The rain in the morn ing kept a large number of people from visiting the Fair but despite the cold and rain about people assembled to inspect the finest lot of stock ever exhibited here The horses and cattle were exceptionally fine There were upwards of 1000 entries but only about were exhibited owing to the inclemency of the weather The Fine and Ladies Work very good but the palace was not by any means full of the finer work The root and vegetable exhibit ex celled other years in the number of entries also in quality The implement exhibit was away be low the standard there being no wa gons nor buggies Wright Son had their undertakers outfit on the grounds and every person expressed their ap preciation of the workmanship and fin ish of all the rigs especially the finer work on the car The exhibit of poultry was very good Bros had a large ex hibit of very fine birds The Grounds were not in very good shape owing to the slowness of the proprietor in getting them levelled down last Spring but we intend hav ing them better another year The Cinematograph which held show on Monday night moved away shortly after noon on Tuesday Ttieir tent blew down and they did not think it worth white to raise it again HonE J Davis Com of Crown Lands was present The flower exhibit was the largest and most varied ever shown here Following were the Judges Heavy Horses A Mason Light Horses J and Keith Cattle Uriah Marsh and William Sheep and Swine John Fuller and J Partridge Roots and Vegetables A Haines Poultry Bert Reynolds Grain Bert Reynolds and Jacob Traviss Fruit Luke Gibbons Dairy Produce Asa Phillips Mrs A Haines and Mrs John Fuller Ladies Work Mrs Luke Gibbons and Miss Wight Fine Arts Mrs A Haines and Mrs John Fuller Following is the list of on Span of on Single Brood Marc a PRIZE WINNERS King 1st Span Draught been in the Orange River Colony near the border of Cape Colony The out look is dismal for an early resumption of farming and mining The was accidentally hit in the eye by already wrought will take years small piece that bounced back He paid no attention to it at the time and caught cold in it The result is that he has been under the doctors to redress yet the British generals are returning and Mutton as well as are all on their way to England care for ten days and has been suffer A dragging guerilla warfare threat- so much that he has been unable to ens serious social sequels at Cape Town and Durban The Transvaal there are now penniless and de stitute and riots are probable if they are not allowed to return in a few weeks This is impossible as the plight of those in the Transvaal is Those who have business to transact sleep The inflammation is now going down and he hopes to be around again in a few days Canes Factory Domestic Apply to J Main to Loan Of For particulars apply or J J Cemetery Co at the office of Canes Factory will hardly recognize it now During the past week the internal arrangement has been completely altered It is fitr ted up in four compartments similar to the Ontario Bank with woodwork finished in Antique Oak having glass partitions It is some of their own woodwork and shows what can be done in this line in our own Town The new artesian well is making slow progress The men have been at it for nearly three weeks the last ten days night and day and they are only down feet but they are still at it The Depot Freight shipments have been about as usual the past week and were as follows Outwards Merchandise cars live stock 3 peas I wheat oats 1 buck wheat marsh hay total 24 Inwards Merchandise 12 coal lumber cattle I fruit wheat oil cheese boxes wood total Last week there was a scarcity of freight cars or more grain would have been shipped During Thanksgiving holidays there were excursion tickets sold at New market station and tickets sold for Bradford Fair to W A Up A boy In the employ of one of our Town groceries on being closely ques tioned by his parents about the money he had in his pocket owned up to tak ing out of the till besides small change left on counter by custom ers The parents felt awfully morti fied by the boys action and at once informed the proprietor making resti tution These are the tempta tions which lead boys who are brought up under the most virtuous influences behind prison bars If there are others in Town guilty of such an of fence they had better own up as this little fellow did and never do so any more It is the only way to save disgrace The report of received too for this Issue The military position has been ma terially unchanged for a month The British hold all the key positions but are not active enough to prevent the Boers from gathering and sweeping down upon weak garrisons The Boers are now on their individu al initiative without a Government or without orders from the commandant- general There is no reason to ex pect peace for months yet Sir Alfred is at Pretoria studying the toughest problem in his life He knows that more Boers arc under anus than a fortnight ago and that the Military District Commissioners have failed to gain the allegiance of the burghers thru their incapacity Cape Town Oct Lord Metliuen has and captured numerous wagons a large quantity of stores and many cattle and sheep Horses and 1st on Yearling Carriage Horse Win 2nd on Span Draft Horses 1st on Durham Bull 1st on Durham Heifer yrs old 1st on Milch Cow grade 2nd on yrs old Grade Heifer 1st and 2nd on Yearling Grade Heifer 2nd on Aged Ram 1st and 2nd on Shearling Ram 1st and 2nd on Ram Lamb 1st on Shearling Ewes and 1st on Ewe Lambs all Leicester 2nd on Plymouth Rocks 2nd Bantams 1st White Wheat 2nd Red Wheat 2nd Spring Wheat 1st Barley Tea Tray 2nd Embroidery Cot- Norman Wesley 1st Roadsters 2nd on Span of Dr J as Forrest 1st Carriage Stephen Traviss 2nd Carriage Gilbert Johnston 1st on Lady Driv er 1st Berkshire Boar 2nd oil Boar Pi 2nd on Sow Pig 2nd on Brood Sow any breed 1st on Cauli flowers 2nd on Gray Stone Turnips 1st on Honey in comb 1st and 2nd on Strained Honey on Maple Molass es 2nd on Panel Drawing 2nd on Foot Rest 2nd on Sofa Pillow 1st on Table Jas Ay I ward 2nd on Driver 1st on Oil Painting 1st on Water Colors 1st Pencil Drawing by girl under 2nd on any kind of Lace 1st on Embroidery Cotton Geo Fogg 1st for Gent Rider 1st on Cotton Coverlet Sherman 2nd for Gent Rider 1st on Saddle Horse 1st on Snow Apples Peter Morrison 1st for Lady Driver on Saddle Horse 1st on Heifer 1st pair of Fat cm Span of Ponies Jacob on Hon 1st on Table Carrots 1st on Crock Butter Lemons prize 1st Maple Molasses 1st Tea Pot Cosy 1st Foot Rest 1st Piece Work Quilt 2nd Cotton Coverlet 2nd Point Lace 1st Table Stand Cov er 1st Ladies Apron Morton 1st Pony hands jr 1st Team 0 Richard Crake 2nd on Drawing Team 1st on Drawing Horse 1st on Aged Boar and 1st on Sow Pig Ches ter White John 1st on Yearling Bull Durham 1st Milch Cow Durham 1st Heifer Calf 1st Milch Cow 2nd Milch Cow Grade 1st Aged Rain 1st Aged Ewes 2nd Shearling 2nd Lambs all Leicester sheep 1st Sow Pig Chester White 1st Crock Butter 1st Homemade Bread lbs 1st Tea Crakes 1st lb Loaf 1st Homemade Bread Frank Doan 2nd on Milch Cow Dur ham Curtis 1st and 2nd Yearling Bull 1st Bull Calf 2nd Milch Cow 1st Heifer yrs old and 2nd Year ling Heifer 1st Heifer Calf 2nd Aged Boar Berkshire 12 Thompson 1st and 2nd Cote- wold Rams 2nd on Ram Lamb 2nd Shearling Ewes 1st and 2nd Ewe Lambs Joseph and 2nd Shear ling Ram 1st Ram Lamb 1st and 2nd Aged Ewes 1st Shearling Ewes 1st on lbs Pure Gold 1st on ten lb Rolls 2nd Whtskhold- lied Comforter 1st Factory Blankets 2nd Rag Carpet 1st Wool Socks 1st Gents Shirt 2nd Splasher 1st Collection of Lace 1st Netting on Drawing About delegates attended tins Convention in this week The hot fowl slipper in Aurora Methodist Church on the night of thanksgiving Day was a grand suc cess were taken in Mrs Mary of St Thomas was sentenced to years In Kingston Penitentiary for throwing a pail of boiling water on a young man FOR SALE Cval In repair Stove for at the Davison Grocer We R Delighted With the results in our new studio We- have everything re quired to turn out first- class work and can give you anything desired In the photographic line See our photo buttons and picture frames 2Rowcd Barley 1st Small Peas 1st Large Peas 1st Black Oafs 2nd White Oats 1st Beans 1st Citrons 1st White Potatoes 1st Grey Stone Turnips 1st Red Mangles 2nd Globe Mangles 2nd Long White Car rots 1st Orange Carrots 1st Collec tion of Vegetables 544 John Hamilton 1st on Brood Mare Draft and 1st on Spring Colt A 1st on old Filly Joseph Linstead 2nd on old Filly Draft and 2nd on yrs old Gelding John Huntley 2nd on Yearling Fil ly and 2nd on Table Beets McDonald 2nd on Spring Colt Draft 1st on Bull Durham 2nd on Chester White Boar Pig 1st and 2nd on any Kind Sow Pig 1st on lbs Crock Butter 1st on lbs Crock Butter prize 1st on ID lbs Crock Butter Gordon McKay Geo Linstead 1st on span of Gen Purpose Horses David Wight 2nd on span Gen Pur- poses Horses John Greenwood 1st on Brood Mare Gen Purpose 2nd on Colt 1st on Indian Corn n Snow Apples 1st on any kind Panel John on Brood Mare Gen Purpose 1st on Spring Colt 2nd on Carriage Driver James Henry 1st on old Gelding Purpose 2nd on old Gelding Carriage 1st on Year ling Fred Wesley 1st on Yearling Filly Drury Greenwood 2nd on Yearling Gelding 2nd on old Filly 2nd on Cart Horse 2nd on Yearling Gelding and 2nd on 5125 Fred Trent 1st on Carriage Span Frank 2nd Carriage Span 1st on Carriage Colt 1st on yrs old Gelding Roadster 1st on Point Lace 2nd on Table Stand Cover 2nd on Outline Work 2nd on Drawn Work Thomas Scott 1st on Carriage Horse 1st on Brood Marc Carriage 1st on Spring Colt and 2nd for Lady Driver 2nd on Single Carriage Horse Sanders 1st on Brood Mare Carriage 1st on Brood Sow Berk shire 2nd on Roadster first Uoor of corner ton 2nd Piano Scarf 1st Roman Em broidery 1st Toilet Set 1st Crochet Work 1st Outline Richard 1st and 2nd Geese 1st and 2nd Turkeys 1st and 2nd Ducks 1st 1st Plymouth Rocks 1st and 2nd Grey Dorkings 1st and 2nd Black Spanish 1st and 2nd White Leghorns 1st Brown Leghorns 1st 1st and 2nd Games 1st 1st Bantams Uriah Young 2nd on White Wheat 1st Red Wheat 2nd White Spring Wheat 1st Red Spring Wheat 1st Large Peas Black Oats 2nd Red Onions 1st White Onions 2nd Pump kins- 1st Orange Carrots 1st Collec tion of Apples 1st SI Lawrence Ap ples 2nd Northern Spies 1st Waggon ers 2nd Golden Russets 1st Baldwins 1st Crab Apples 2nd Bed Comforter 1st Wool Blankets 1st Rag Carpet 1st Union Carpet 1st Horse Blankets 1st Wool single and double 2nd Wool Socks 1st Darning 2nd Collec tion of Lace 1st Worked Button Holes 1525 Thos Stephens 2nd Red Spring Wheat 2nd Barley 2nd Rowed Barley 2nd Small Peas 1st White Peas 2nd Beans Collection of Vegetables 1st Pumpkins 2nd Citrons 2nd Squash Hubbard Squash 1st Mammoth Squash Mammoth Pumpkins 2nd White Ele phant Potatoes 2nd White Star Pota toes 1st any kind Potatoes 2nd Red Mangels 1st Globe Mangels 1st Rhode Island Greenings 1035 Walter Eves 2nd Indian Corn 2nd St Lawrence Apples Mis Geo 1st White Cab bage 2nd Parsnips 1st Tomatoes 2nd Collection of Canned Fruit 1st Collec tion Pickles Jellies recommended 1st Cut Flowers 2nd Bridal Bouquet 1st Head Rest 1st Dressed Doll by girl under 1st Homemade Rug 2nd Darning Ladles Underclothing reconi mended George Cartridge 2nd White Cab bage 2nd Red Cabbage 1st Celery 1st Bridal Bouquet Howard 2nd Table Carrots 1st Northern i Miss Wool ten 2nd Tomatoes 2nd Celery 1st Crayon Work 2nd Pencil Drawing 2nd Tea Pot Cosy 1st Whisk Holder 2nd Wool Mitts single 1st Sofa PlIloNv 1st Afghan 1st Splasher 1st Tea Tray 2nd Apron 1st Silk Em broidery 1st Piano Scarf 1st Worked Slippers 2nd Worked Button Holes 2nd Roman Embroidery 1st Drawn Work K on Brood Marc John 1st Red Onions 2nd Carriage 2nd on Yearling Filly Car- any kind Potatoes 2nd Crab 2nd on Spring A J on yrs old Cowieson2nd White Onions- Gelding Carriage 25c J THE LEADING HARDWARE STORE Get Ready For Winter oves Cook and Heaters FOR- Coal and Wood Aro wanted now and we wish to draw jour attention to our the leading makes on hand Everything in the Hardware Lino always Paints Oils Glass J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET OUR FALL STOCK Is Bearing completion and as usual we will Undersell Every House In the trade TORONTO TM MI NEWMARKET ONT We have just received a Car of BIST BRITISH RED CEDAR SHINGLES Every Shingle of which is Perfect Call and see them We also have a full assortment of Pine Shingles PRICES RIGHT The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET Wm Glover 1st Squash M 2nd Rhode Island Greenings 2nd Waggoners 1st Golden 1st Flemish Beauty Pears Jacob Terry 1st and 2nd Culler J 2nd Crayon Work 2nd Oil Painting Water Colors 1st Pencil Drawing 1st and 2nd Painting on Glass Turner 1st Wool Silas 2nd Toilet 2nd Fred Crochet Work I Philadelphia Oct The great strike of the anthracite mine workers of Pennsylvania which began practically ended loay when the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company and the Lehigh Valley Coal Company agreed to abolish the sliding scale in their respective regions and to grant an advance in wages of i per cent net the advance to remain in operation until April or thereafter This action meets the demands of the Scran ton miners con vention J

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