Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 26, 1900, p. 6

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t i i J t around Hie Hoi ISO TOO TO J have a market here now fen- other evidence of prosperity under the Govt Rev Dr Livingston is going to lec ture in Ravensnoe on Friday evening 2nd of Nov- SHARON ROACHS POINT The last of the summer people hare left toe Point being the Rev Dr Warden and family Miss Eva Marsh has been very sick for tie last week or two with fever but is quite a lot better Miss Ferris is also under the care but is improving slowly Mr Geo Young has been quite sick for the past week but is better now We are sorry to learn that Mr Boyd is gradually getting worse Pairs are the order of the day Quit a number of our citizens attend ed Sutton Fair which was a great suc cess We hear although it was not in the list of prizes in the Era Jesse got the first prize in New market for his mare in the Carriage class Mr Marsh is still with Mr Mur ray learning the painting Miss A McDonald of Toronto is vis- iting Mrs Sherman SUTTON people are making an earnest effort to supply another Hoi Fowl Supper everting of tie 1st of November this time under the auspices of the Karnes Guild of ChristV Church Their entertainment atone will no doubt amply repay the public to turn out Rev Mr Watts of Bond Head has to be pre sent also Mr comic vocalist of Newmarket The Misses from Albion pianists Miss Larkin from soloist and Miss Hurst of Toronto with the mandolin and guitar together with a laughable dramatic scene entitled The Country Cousins in three acts will make a delightful program Admission only children We would not like to see everybody come but just enough to get outside of the huge sup ply of fowl that is being supplied by the ladies Mr Watson Millard of Holland Land ing and a lady friend of were at Mr on Sabbath Messrs Cull A A Davis and John Precious all of City spent Thanksgiving at Klin- hurst largely devoting their time at bagging game rabbits and pheasants filled the bill in that line We have not heard of any sidelines Mr Burling and wife of were the guests of Mr Love and family on Sabbath Mr and Mrs Robert Stephens of who were visiting friends at called at Mr J Murrays on their return and spent the Sab bath Mr Richard Dales of Uxbridge ac companied by his wife spent the past few days visiting old friends and re latives in this section Mr Henry the genial tailor who has spent the past years here has packed his turkey and said good bye It will certainly have its weight among the boys as he seemed to he the butt of all goodnatured fun Mrs J Proctor has returned from the city where she has spent the past ten days with relatives and friends She reports her brother Mr Stokes who has been seri ously ill with typhoid fever much Im proved We regret to report that Mrs las Murrays infant a little fellow six months still lingers Quite ill Mr J of Con servative candidate for North York took tea with Mr I I lollingshead on Tuesday evening en to to dtstuss the topics of the day What about A few weeks ago we reported Mr Webb loosing honey On Saturday evening last Mrs J Stephen pile of stone boat plank was visited and enough taken away for a boat It is sad that for the meagre price of a pair of planks a person should take advantage of a widow woman Mrs has returned from the city having spent Thanksgiving with friends there Master Love got his arm se verely wrenched again at school Oil On Thanksgiving morning a little girl came to stop at the home of Mr and Mrs A Mr has considerably the interior of his blacksmith the past week by putting in a new floor moving his forge and making things somewhat more convenient I tell you the trustees of Kettleby have put quite a polish on their school room the roof at any rate has just complet ed putting a new galvanized roof which adds materially to Its outward appearance while the Interior was with new furniture c only a few mouths ago Rev Mr Bart of Toronto conducted the er vices In Christs Church on Sabbath last his text being The prayers of the righteous much The remains of Arthur Silver An entertainment of much merit is here a week ago Thursday evening being arranged by our school and the funeral took place Friday fore- teacher to take Friday night noon to the Sutton Cemetery Mr Nov 2nd in the School House In Oliver Silver left here last Saturday addition to Swinging etc by for to take charge tAepuptis Miss of Toronto of his brothers property I Conservatory of Music is to give some Mr Scott traveller for the vocal selections readings by Miss Gray Co is at home on a visit of and address by Mr with parents Bowles of As the pro- Mrs of Toronto was here are for the purpose of purchasing last week visiting her parents Mr and a library for the school everybody Mrs Henry will turn out Mrs McLean Toronto was at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs vcr last week She came up to at tend the funeral of her late brother A political meeting is to be held here on Thursday evening in the Con servative interest The Conservative candidates for the Dominion and Local Houses and others will discuss the political questions of the day Willi respect to the elections we see the present and we can predict the re sult as of great satisfaction 10 some deep disappointment to others We learn that Mr H conducted the Mammoth business to- Johnston who Aharon stopped near a culvert to which no doubt he upholds and a gentleman pass with a set of liar- ishes so dearly No fault was found for Mr of has rows The horse became frightened at by any of the speakers to Hon Mr purchased the slock and will now noise pitching Miss Ethel out department of the duct the business on his own account fortunately was not hurt to his efforts put forth for the The fact that if he- had got lively combat took place last laboring man as Minister of Labor his way would have plumbed this week between Mr Nelson which both seemed to be above re count into a religious war over the a coon His dog having attacked roach The meeting had the School Question should be to coon Mr thought lie I of making many look forward to Mr consign him to the shades of capture it alive but it set its meeting here on Wednesday Hon for the rest of his days and teeth into both hands and he was of East York the ad- able to extricate himself from Us vacate of Sunday cars and arrived However newspapers should go with him as a companion a young man of near Stratford was accident ally shot and killed on Thursday A Stand by the British Flag Turn Down Tarte It to In the Era- the Toronto College of Music spent Tbanisgiying Day- in Sharon Shewas by Miss Coot of the Conservatory of Music and Miss Lilian who hasbeen of her Class Society in Toronto University Miss Wesley is going to the city nest week for while BALDWIN The preliminary operations of and scraping for the foundation of Mrs Cliff hardware store are going on in proximity to Charles store Aint Baldwin Just a- whooping her up fifteen cents a has here Great aint that cheap grub The butter contract jangle is all set tled Therell be no la win- As usual Mrs Arnold came out on top of the heap The sage old Solomon admonishes- man to beware of the strange woman Some of our Stuart young men thought Solomon an old fossil and now they are suffering from the folly of theiV disobedience of his injunction A note came to me signed J Esq Now as all the world knows Im no these titles are no use to me They may tickle the fancy of sow bit as for me plain John Owl good enough to call me to dinner Wither do I fancy such titles as Mr or Rev I call no man Master there is but one reverend our Its not in the The Joyful greetings with which Mis Crittenden was received on Sat urday night by the family circle how greatly she is beloved by fa ther Bill and the She had been spending a week and fair A partial list- of our to the hunting train is Dame Crittenden Crittenden Art and AHsmrn has sr Albert and Chas Tomilson etc Ive got a good miller now Wm Well see vou keep him father Hill A handsome group llam- five girls were photo recently Not uncle Johnnies girls is 41 lis are all boys A trite observation Our Jamie Milter a Conservative observes that the reason for Thanksgiving being ap pointed so early was the feared if they left tilt after the ejections theyd have to be thankful for In our boyhood days we read the wonderful tales of Jack the Killer In is a very mound which fancy might easily lead us to believe was the burial sue some of those The m question is about three hundred Jong and about sixty wide and shaped fust like an immense grave Like the sand zone of the desert it too poor to raise white beans Mrs John Morton of was visiting our implement agent Welling ton Morton last week Some of our women folks wishes the sleepy dust would leave Walker eyes a little earlier in the so he could get the Mrs over here to her music pupils a little earlier Walker wakens early enough lull its the little afterwards that detain him Come Comer roust him out When some kindly disposed friend of fers his services in hunting me up a Mrs Owl before seriously consider his proposal I cast about to see what kind of a mess Of it he has made in selecting a spouse for himself His little honor and most respectability Jim Sweet proffered his services free gratis in that capacity Well Jim is a married man ami well if he is sat isfied what reason have I to grumble The reasoning faculties of a bicycle you may laugh but I can tell you they can reason A case in point Our good friend Will Cameron used come to Baldwin to see us boys One day while en route to town says he to his bike Jcta in here pretty girls here after as soon as the bike reached a particular gale it lurried hi Now Will has his Nancy and is happy Father Alex has three more just as nice lasses for some eli gible chaps The old gentleman at Thus is Mrs pappy He is staying with them for the winter Gum Swamp was down to the city Friday the auction sale at Grands Repository He secured a choice heavy team and on Saturday hoofed it all the way home miles by way of fst Continued story All the ladies arc running Into Chapmans to get a peep at the little lady a second edi tion of Mrs who recently arrived town have something now to dandle on his knee tn the winter evenings when he can manage to It from its nurse little Bessie The Owl is predicting an early win ter I hoped to have enjoyed the day with my friends in at Queens- vl He Fair but rheumatics and a of broken down nags shanks horses put a veto on the little scheme and nipped my plans In the bud At Sutton fair Mrs Geo showed a cabbage head lis 10 A good un Yates has mangel wurtaels which believe will tip at lbs Win Arnold has an immense crop of vigors wo thousand bushels on me say Finis 1 MOUNT ALBERT The meeting of held here on Monday evening was fairly attend ed in spite of the bad weather but the speech of Mr John trw cahrfidate was Inglo his audience many of whom came solely to hear him speak Mr opened the meeting and made a favorable impression but after about two minutes was forced to retire ow ing to indisposition caused by ner vous attack to which he is- subject so said the Chairman Dr P Forrest Mr Robert Rowland followed by a short address full of generalities praising Mr and condemning j Mr and was followed by Mr Mr Morris has been improving his J Woodcock who spoke briefly an elevator on each Speeches were also given by Mr Hil- of Toronto and Mr Lennox of who owing to no opposition vjiig been invited and none being pre- it made many sweeping assertions tt very extravagant nature as to on Mr s conduct Mr particular very enthusi astic on the cause of temperance r mm barn by erecting end Mr Nelson Harold also Mr K have bells Tl dingdong pleasant to men Miss Barker of Sharon is making Mr ens this wee Miss Ethel whilerivmg they succeeded in killing the coon EGYPT The home of Mr Alex was evening with much interest also many Conservatives now openly favor Mr rather than join with the poor policy of Sir Charles Tupper Mr as a man may be above reproach but as a he falls very far short of what North York required His own party express- sorrow for him The meeting closed the scene very enjoyable event on Mr is- visiting here J 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 our unci J an FJ ft I a since his return from surveying in New Ontario Mr Ed Jones of Fort Francis is at his fathers and will no doubt- remain in Ontario during the winter as he has been very low for some time past The Reformers of this place are very enthusiastic and the indications at present writing are that the Hun meeting on Wednesday even ing will be one the like- of which has never been seen here before Mr is the greatest man behind the greatest leader Canada ever had OCHE I lit iVoj and iiirsei For West Ontario ft ElectionWednesday nil As nearly every the evening Oct when was in his daughter Nancy was united in on Wednesday the place was holy wedlock to Mr William Cameron of Donald Cameron of this Messrs Fogg were back in place Mr of Zephyr the bush a couple of days this week nuptial knot At eight oclock the erecting a shanty for the woodcutters bridal party entered the parlor to the to live mi while oft duty strains of the Wedding March Miss- Alma Aviward was At Home played by Mm utloii The a of friends on Saturday bride looked charming in a dress of evening last trimmed insertion and Mrs Harry Clancy and son from white satin and carried a bouquet of Manitoba are visiting at Mr George white geraniums and white Her sister Miss Alice was J was on and was- attired in blue and on a business trip so carried a of white lowers Rev Mr Merger will preach his Mr Chester of Newmarket farewell sermon next Sunday Judge ASK AY looked after Mr Camerons interests in life usual good style After the ceremony ami congratulations had been given the company numbering about fortylive repaired to the dining room Thanksgiving Day passed very where a sumptuous repast of fowl and in our village A large at- all other delicacies were served to tended the Fair at and re- did ample justice Mr and ported having a pleasant time Mr Cameron received a large number Rev Jos Watt and family moved to of- valuable and useful presents show- Toronto on Tuesday The pulpU of the high esteem In which he and church is now vacant his fair bride are held by their many owing to Mr Watts resignation friends The company went to their Public School closed this week on several homed as the hours account of Three of Mr Walter Irelands children arc very ill with the disease We wish them a speedy recovery Mr Malcolm Is engaged building a piggery on the farm of Mr J Visitors this- week Mr John Drc- clous Toronto Mr and Mrs Dickson Toronto at Mr Woods Mrs A Cun ningham at her fathers Mr ODrien Mrs Albert Miss Susie Wesley of Newmarket at Mr John Willis the formers Ive had too much to J The crop in Northern Mrhi The Owl gan is extremely light were approaching We heard of one young man who had to drive his best girl home after the party broke up calmly taking a nap the next forenoon on the fence Mr McDcrmld Presbyterian preach er here has left us and resumed his studies at college We notice a num ber of our young ladles are wearing very long and sad faces since his de parture us was a great favorite with the young ladies Farmers are having lovely weather for getting In all kinds of roots and apples Mrs Cole has been rather poorly for a few weeks but is improving of more around here KESWICK The friends of Mrs will be sorry learn that she has had the misfortune to sprain her wrist owing to a fall Mrs Van Van Norm an has kindly consented lo take her place as organist in Methodist church next Sunday and Monday at the Anniver sary services On Monday last liie Record Keeper of Keswick Tent K received a draft for iu favor- of the father and sister of the late Albert It is only about ten days since the full proof of his death was sent to headquarters Mr of ac ceptably occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church here last Sunday morning The saying that A pro phet is not without honor save iu his own country and among his own peo ple docs not hold good in regard to friend Gilpin Keswick church is his church home he always has an appreciative congregation whenever- lie preaches here The service was a very impressive one We are told that Elder spoke put iu meeting on Sunday evening in which he gave some of the young peo ple a severe reprimand for their be haviour in church A very interesting time is anxiously looked forward to in connection with the anniversary services of the Metho dist church which are to take place next Sunday and Monday On Sun day Rev Mr Brace Sutton who is well and favorably known is to preach morning and evening and also address the Sunday School in the af ternoon On Monday evening Rev Dr Livingston is to deliver his popular address on the South African War in which he will give a thrilling account of his capture by and escape from the Doers The Dr has given this lec ture a good many times and has been favorably received by the public Everybody should hear this and be come informed upon one of the most interesting topics of the day We hope the church will lie crowded as the admission is only children The Rills announcing the Anniversary are very attractive People ask where they were printed and when told rhey say I tell yoU it takes the office to turn out good work ilcu atlvcrtfeenifnts A WoUrtn on Monday To Improved No SUMMER HILL PAT Nought of A ill be kept for service on lot a of properly of FOE SALE White Boar JIM Win Wright Apply to J SMITH or 18 lbs Granulated Sugar- 1 00 Bars Soap 3 lbs Fresh Sausage 25 Choice Finnan Haddie per lb 10 A Good Strong Broom 15 DAVISON CO The Groeeps 10000 WORTH OF PRIZES AWAY FREE BRIGHT BOYS GIRLS and LADIES WANTED etc tor a time selling these to 36 Valuable Premium to fietect From Do act us will tend f premiums Si- 1 the irMioy and wilt sen ABSOLUTELY We pictures genuine Farm to Rent mile from Aurora on It choice locality of fruit and Fall beat Id the IK MACHELL Aurora AUCTION SALE Market Squaw Newmarket AT Saturday 1900 A quantity of Household Furniture Spring and Wool Single and Double Bedstead Box Stoves 1 Cook Stove and Upright 1 Glass Gents Bicycle Car- put Sweeper Terms Cash DUNCAN GRAND TRUNK Hunters Excursions From and west In Canada Midland to Hay IncluRvA to Inclua- and all point on Muckoka via tlonCoaiidouHini8vUlcHud Bays Route UK Friday Oct to Sac Nov 1900 AT SINGLE FIRSTCLASS PARS I Except on Toronto Good to destination not later than Dec IStli l0 or until f If to Company or Lake of Navigation Co Wharf at Saturday for all points Co Steamer City of Toronto and Midland Oct for Moon and Parry Pouud after arrival of evening Che South fitou over only allowed at Severn and North For further particulars apply to any Agent of Grand Trunk Kail way Agent Newmarket Passenger Station Toronto REMOVED STORE Opposite House Cemetery Notice All parties indebted for the Care of balances due lots are to J J or the Secretary not Inter tbn the fl rat November By order of the Board M V7 tit Stenhouse St Toronto Diseases of Women may be consulted every Saluixlay at the House trow lytlll Waiting room upstairs SOON YOULL NOTICE Tl Sealed Tenders to undersign- daud Tender for Hall will be received Nov fur the of a Drill Mall at Plans and speiftcatlco- can be seen and form i of tinder snd all necessary Information at Depart eat on ion to Caretaker Custom House London Persons teoderloBato notified tenders will not considered made on the and their actual signature tender must be by an accepted beue on a chartered made of the Honourable the to ten per cent of tender which will lo forfeited if the to enter a contract when called upon to do so or If he to complete the work contracted tender be not accepted the will be returned The Department not bind to ac cept the lowest or any tender By Order JOS HOY of Work Ottawa ftth Oct niertlnv this advertisement without from the Department will not be paid A Chill on mornings air in Its a hint of cooler weather of colder weather farther on very well bear a little ex tra clothing nights and mornings A heavy Over coat would be too much of and addition but ones that we ma are intended for just season A big range of material and not one that cost a- cent more than it ought i my Tailor if THE PUBLIC will not spend time and money going to see you when they get your more en- competitor either by I I on Telephone Service I IT I

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