Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 26, 1900, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT Advertisements Prices D Roche Co Book News Starr To the J Get Ready for Winter Allan Co Special Snaps A Drop in Sugar Davison Co Hunters Excursion T Tenders Wanted Jos Roy We Bros Auction Sale Duncan Farm to Rent To Farmers J Pig for Sale J- Stoves for Sale Davisons Woman Wanted Royal Hotel I could and I am not so vain as to imagine hat I could even if backed up by the full strength of the Tory party which I have always opposed I am politicly just I have been all myactive life Pray insert this and oblige Yours Peter Ryan Oct TRUNK RAILWAY ROTES A cablegram has been received at Ottawa this week stating that the grapes shipped by cold storage from Canada arrived in old country in excellent condition The Toronto News remarks The County of York will send at least sir Conservatives to the next Parliament Hon Mulock may win in York but he is the only one who lias a prospect There are only throe Ridings in York County and each seods but one member How can six representatives under such conditions find a place in the next- Parliament Rats TABLE or 03 v si J Toronto Star has this timely ob servation The World says that the Liberal Government has caused an increase in the price of Canadian coat toil of ten cents But all that the Government has done was to reduce the During his address at the meeting of the Englishspeaking Liberals of Mon treal in honor of Sir Wilfrid on Monday last Hon Mr Fielding made the important announcement that Canadian Government had obtained the consent of her Majestys Govern ment to permit the establishment of a branch of the Royal mint in Canada which would make not only Canadian gold coins but would also make with out limitation British sovereigns which would be current the world over At the next session of Parlia ment he hoped the matter would take duty on coal oil The farmers of East York are not to be deceived by practical shape and the necessary leg- JXJ it CM I that kind of claptrap In connection with the Dominion Electrons Hon J Davis addressed a joint meeting of East York and West Ontario electors in on Wednesday night and is also hilled to speak at the following places Hunts- vine on Thursday Parry Sound on Friday North York on Saturday and next Monday would be introduced J She The Telegram suggests that To ronto may possibly imitate English cities in the election next month It says Canadian Toronto is the right phrase and when the people learn that the parties exist for them and not they for the parties Toronto may imi tate the English cities which go Lib eral by at one election and Un ionist by 3000 at the next- chance Under the direction of the Hon Mr Davis Commissioner of Crown Lands the Ontario Government has lately sold tender five lots of the timber limits in the Township of Dana LETS BUT GROWS BRIGHTER BRIGHTER WITH EACH ISSUE Pointed all Jtome OCT 1900 West 10V TO MR were present at the Con servative Convention in last Monday notwithstanding the tin- favorable weather A Esq of Vivian a former candidate presided with J Todd as secretary Addresses were made by Miller Arthur John ston P A McGillivray Q P Kelly T Herbert Lennox J Wood cock and others The unanimous choice of the conven tion proved to be Mr Frank barrister of Toronto who was nomin ated by J Woodcock and seconded by Major McGillivray He was warm ly received and addressed the conven tion accepting the herculean task of redeeming the Riding from Govern ment control If the Reformers turn out to vote as sing District for The hits comprise square miles of which onehalf square mile was burnt over leaving only two miles of good timber This is the highest price ever realized for Thanksgiving per mile for Ontario timber limits Oar Society POINTS PLEASANTLY Chief Anderson was In on Saturday Mrs Cane spent Thanksgiv ing in Toronto Mrs Egbert Cane spent Thanksgiv ing in Toronto Miss spent Thanksgiv ing at Miss Emily Meads of Toronto was home for Thanksgiving Mr Fred of Toronto was home for Thanksgiving Mr Waller Collins and wife spent Thanksgiving in Toronto Mr Alfred Manning of Alliston was in Town over Miss Minnie of was home for Thanksgiving Mrs A Thanksgiv ing holidays at Port Perry Mr Dan of Toronto Mr Hewitt and Miss Hewitt of Aurora were the guests of Miss Brown Gortiam Street over Sunday Mr Ed and family left on Wednesday for Huntsville where he has obtained a situation He was out of work on account of the Spe cialty repairs and was offered a better job Mr from Michigan he is loaded up with sugar beet information and is thoroly convinced it would be a good thing for the farmers in the vicinity- of Newmarket j Mr Geo GoNver of Flint Mich- who has been over here a visit of live weeks after a soioum of years in that country left on Monday for his home During his stay here he visited and called upon over one hun dred relatives and frjends Information has been received here that Mr mother iji California met with a severe accident about two weeks ago She had an arm broken in two places and also hex shoulder broken Being over 80 years of age her recovery is doubtful Word was received yesterday morning that she has passed away Miss of the Toronto College of Music and Miss Lilian who is attending the University of 1 to spent their Thanksgiving holidays with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Rodney Sharon They were accompanied by their cousin Miss Janet Cook of who is at tending the Conservatory of Music To ronto Sole Register MONDAY Nov Stephen J Stiver will have a large sale of farm stock and implements on the South East Half of Lot 34 Con Whitchurch two miles from VI- viau months credit on sums over except for potatoes and turnips or on for Sale at oclock N Smith auctioneer SATURDAY Oct Sale of house hold furniture stoves Ac on the Market Square Newmarket Terms cash Duncan auctioneer NEWMA TORE The true inwardness of Mr Cooks ten thousand epistle in aid of Sir Charles Co has been shown up by Mr Edwards P of Russell In his address at Monday when again accepting the unanimous nomination of the Mr Morrow of is the new clerk at Lehmans drug store Miss Nettie of Toron to was home for Thanksgiving Mr Walter E Jackson spent Thanksgiving holidays in Toronto Mr of Rochester is the Liberal Pauls I P Fletcher of Toronto Markets party he emphatically stated that H H Cook came to him three times and pent Newmarket threatened to make it hot for the Lib- a party if he did not get a Senator- young people on Thanksgiving evening A lot of Newmarket people attend ed the Fair in Bradford on Wednesday ship as of eggs was seized because the name Canadian was not on side of the case Exposition and the announcement is now made that the Ontario Bureau of Mines lias received notification that the exhibit of mineral ore made by the they should he will stand a good Department at that Exposition has chance to his deposit Flattery Dont Count Ever since Mr Howell received the nomination of the Liberal parly for East York the Tories have been busy circulating rumors of an untruthful character respecting attitude of Mr Peter Ryan of Toronto towards the Government and especially to wards the member for North York On Monday last the News one of these rumors into cold print which afforded Mr an op portunity to put a quietus upon the many silly things repeated in Conser vative political circles which he does in the following letter addressed to that Journal Sir The statement which you make in your issue of this evening that it is whispered on the street that I may run as an Independent candi date against Mr Mulock in North York in absolutely false in every re spect and cafTonly have been inserted by you for the purpose of creating a feeling in the province that the rela tions between Mr and myself are the reverse of cordial Permit me to say In the most emphatic manner that I never entertained any idea of contesting North York against Mr Mulock nor as a noparly candidate in any constituency I dont think my Liberal friends need any assurance from me that while I entertain views on certain questions not- always in accord with the Government policy ray best wishes are for the success of the Federal Government In one respect you have rendered we a service by the publication of the statement which has caused me to write this since It affords me a sea sonable opportunity to put an end to street whisperings about me as one capable of playing the role your party desires to assume My true friends like will be able judge the motive which governs you in been awarded the grand prix In this connection it us pleasure to state that Mr Aubrey White Depu ty Minister of Crown Lands has been awarded a gold medal for his services as of the exhibit IJeugoughs cartoon in the Globe of Tuesday is a teaser Sir Charles is belaboring a donkey with a club while Foster is trying to lead but exclaims Its no use Charles things are not going our way this trip The only son of his father also has a rope tied around the hind leg of the donkey and is with all his might in the vain en deavor to get the animal to move to wards Tupperville Nestotraitorv- etc but it wont move in that direction This Dominion now has a Govern- Knight of Bruce Mines was he ment that looks after the farmers in- guest of Principal Coombs last terests as well as the other classes of day the community The agent at Liver- Mr pope Inspector of the pool of the Department of Agriculture is in Town for several days on writes as follows One of the business est London retail concerns was heavily Mr B Brown of Toronto spent fined for selling American Chicago Thanksgiving with his parents Gor- as Canadian Lately a ship- ham Street Miss Stella was home the out- from Pickering College for Thanksgiv ing holidays Messrs Stanley Scott and Henry The mineral exhibit of Ontario alp assisted the Band at large attention at tne Paris Fair Miss A Morris of Toronto spent Thanksgiving in Town with her sister Mrs A West Mrs M Miss spent Thanksgiving with Mrs in Amaranth Bailiff Widdifield and family re turned last Friday from their three weeks trip in Michigan Mr Garnet of Central Business College Toronto was here for Thanksgiving holidays Mr and Mrs T Lloyd Lome Ave were At Home on Tuesday even ing with numerous guests Miss Pearl Keeteh returned to last week after spending two weeks in Town and vicinity Mr aud Mrs Matt Brown and little Stella spent Sunday in Aurora with his brother Mr Peler Brown Messrs Joseph and Asa Millard of visiting last week with Mr Robert Millard Mrs of Toronto and Mrs Lloyd of Aurora spent Saturday at Mr J Caldwells St The Misses of Ottawa neiccs of Mrs Lewis Armitage and Mrs Murray are her on a three weeks vis it A large invitation parly spent Wednesday evening of last week at the residence of Mr Daniel Snider On tario Street Sheriff of Toronto was visiting in Town on Thanksgiving Day Miss also spent a week with Mrs B Knowles Mr John of was visiting his sons in this section during Thanksgiving holidays and re turned home on Monday Orlllla Times Miss Winnie fry had charge of the Interesting mis sionary program given at the League on Monday night Mr Geo Micks of who was spending a week with friends in Detroit arrived in Newmarket last Saturday on his way home The many friends of Mr K Cane will be pleased to learn ymt ho is improving at the In Michigan and expects to return home in about three weeks Mr Albert Hendry and family left Newmarket on Tuesday and after spending a couple of days in the city were to leave yesterday for California for their future homo Many friends here will wish them suc cess The sale last Saturday was well attended barrel Wheal per Wheal per bushel Goose per bushel Buckwheat Barley or bushel Oils per bushel Peas per Kyepei Bushel Butter roll per lb IB 030 Oct as iwn 0S8 I if ft m Apples per Sheepskins Wool per Hay per ton Pork perewt per lb Chickens per pair Ducks per pair Turkeys per lb dressed per too Shorts per too MM i OrO 000 a 00 a e a 0 a a a a WOO a a To Clear the lot out quickly we make the following offer rolls Handsome Grounded Papers in pretty Gilts and Floral Patterns suitable lor halls and parlors or dining rooms borders either 9 or inches wide ceiling to match in every case About patterns to select from Price was from to roll Come at once for what you want at per roll Mens and Boys Clothing Mens Fine English Beaver Overcoats made by expert tailors lined with very best materials size to special price J io 00 Mens Extra Fine well made stylish Beaver Overcoats size to from to Mens Fine of Serge Suits Double Breasted- you would pay 2 for as good a suit in most stores our price this week only Splendid Tweed Suits this week at 350 pnee was Mens Solid Wool Strong Tweed Pants special price This is the leading clothing store The quality style and mike of our clothing is away ahead of other stores and the prices as low as you would often pay for shoddy or poorly made garments LADIES JACKETS are not going to quote prices today but to see the stock Our Jackets are the very We have no old stock to Toronto Markets Oct as is a long way behind New market in its Waterworks and trie Light Plants but there Is one pub lic institution that they can boast of and that is their Public Library It is well by an efficient librarian Mrs Willis who informs us that volumes were circulated last year not withstanding the restriction that no person can take out more than 50 per cent of fiction It is a Free Library and has a good Heading Room in con nection- The building is a tribute to the beneficence of the late J Gould Would that Newmarket had such a benefactor The following sentence uttered by Rev Dr Thomas of Street Baptist Church Toronto will touch a responsive chord in the hearts of many of our readers just at this political crisis I avoided Intro ducing Into the pulpit and I will not do so now but I cannot help instancing as one of the reasons for thanksgiving the fact that we have a Premier who has proven so statesmanlike in the administration of the high function of his who Is so stainless in his character who is so just and conciliatory in his public utterances who Is broadly and patriotic that although Catholic in his religious faith he unwarranted the and loyalty of fled Wheat per bushel 0 Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat per bushel Barley per bushel 0 IS O4U per bushel Pea per bushel Rye per bushel 017 Potatoes Apple per Sheepskins Wool per lb DM fore I per pair Turkeys or lh a hi a 00 0 12 a a a a a a a a a a a a a We ask you newest in sell as we Garment the market carried none is uptodate over consequently every Among the stock are many fine Sample Coats and every line from the cheapesMo the best is a decided bargain H E The Town on tho 23rd Inst to Mr and Mrs Alex Potter a daughter CAIN In Town on the- of Oct to Mr and Mrs Cain a Hon In Whitchurch on the of Oct to Mr and Mrs Seth cock a daughter statements In conclusion let say as no other man In I would not defeat Mr if life at the present time could THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House ft special out in on Furniture for a days Wore tak ing stock For Cash High Black per sett up Sideboard with Bevel Mirror up Extension Tableau 385 up up up Parlor Suites pieces up All other floods In proportion A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to John Millard Telephone fitfaifs in China London Oct 20 Germany Eng land hive formed an alliance to main tain the territorial integrity of China and to keep the ports open The terms of this important agree ment of the two countries were arriv ed at Oct between Lord Salisbury and Count Von German Am bassador to England BRADFORD The rain on Monday lessened the exhibits of roots vegetables etc a the Pair this week but with this drawback it was quite a success Stock was well represented and Ladies Work Concert was also a great success but the lady singers were not up to expectation There ttd a splendid crowd on the last day of the Fair Montreal Oct A Are which out in a small tenementhouse on lane at morning resulted in the death by suffo cation of Ave children The father Arthur a shoemaker was bad ly burned but will live The mother only slightly injured The child ren were in an upper room and were dead before firemen could get near them The Altar Wednes day Oct at the residence of her father Mr George of Bruce Mines to Lil lian May third daughter of Rev and Mrs Percy At Egypt at tho home of the bride on the by Rev Reid Leask- dale Mr Cameron to Miss Nancy Haddon Tomb POTTER In Town on the the infant daughter of Mr Alex Potter A J Main at North Newmarket will Newmarket Book News Depot A Famous Books at Printed large clear type on good book paper fully illustrated bound in board with beautiful engraved designs or can be bad in enamelled paper covers A DCTf A I paper bound books by some of the best authors per copy MENS THOUGHTS WOMENS THOUGHTS FOR MEN FOR WOMEN Beautifully Bound A Suitable Gift Crockery and Glassware Dinner Sets Tea Sets Toilet Sets liine Crystal Glass See the LA FANCY VASE LAMPS A Mr HANGING LAMPS STAND LAMPS BRACKET LAMPS HAfcD LAMPS BURNERS GLASSES SHADES WICKS Grocery and Fruit Now Oranges Lemons Grapes Quince Bananas large and bright OUR STOCK OF TEAS is to be heavy and we the following list as inducements Finest quality Black Tea regular SOcSpecial per lb pkg Finest quality Mixed Tea regular Special per ft Finest quality Japan Tea regular Special per ft Finest quality Mixed Tea regular Special per ft I NEW TOMATOES PEAS CORN FRENCH PEAS FRENCH MUSHROOMS KIPPERED HERRING Cranberries 4 for 25c Sweet Potatoes lbs for OYSTERS AND FISH Choice Confectionery Bios Famous Cho colates BonBon Caramels and Fruit Cordials The best in the land Try them Central Telophono W STARR

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