THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY OCT 5 Constipation Headache Biliousness Heartburn Indigestion Dizziness Indicate that liver Is out of order The best medicine to liver and core all ills Is found in Hoods PHI Said by U medicine dealers False Economy of Cheap Spectacles The ting Continued from last week- Sight is too precious to trifle with When buying spectacles buy a good pair We use perfect lenses They cost a little more than the commoner kinds but the difference is worth many times the difference in price Eyes examined free GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Store NEWMARKET iv w w KENDALLS SPAVIN ill Then and Now Well what are the of Canada today under our and what wore they under our 501 Then every industry was lan guishing wages were low and scare and labor plenty There no pro fitable market for our farm products and consequently lands depreciat ed in value and were almost unsal able Our population instead of in creasing was stationary Our foreign Irde was rapidly countrys revenues were by to meet the current expendi ture Enormous additions were being made to the public debt with to show lor them an increased bill- Our young people in thousands were leaving this land Add to this the Manitoba school ques tion which our had to grow and grow juuii it threatened to envelop this in a sectarian conflagration if con ditions prevailed in and you know if they prevail No Evidences Ruin Where is the evidence the ruin Sir Charles prophesied befall the of Canada If we seek for it in volume of our exports what do we find For year the total exports of Canadi an forest products were in value 27- In it was cheers some three millions more money coming back to the people this year than in lStftt Jour lumbering business That of industry does not appear to furnish jthe necessary evidence Do we find it j in our exports of Canadian mines In Canada realized export of the product of her mine TLis year she has realized 21502G6 from the same source Loud Cheer Charles must seek elsewhere in the mines for his evidence Perhaps he might expect to find it in the state and torml of J I curt blemish because docs not a EM I ft bam ttt rf inn it jEwSpniCin rttni fetrtirlD G Mat a no equal jour for also A Trustee liar book Cite CO SZ ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity Accumulated Funds about Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year 1898 Polices issued for 101 The STANDARD has Canada amounting to over Four- teen Millions of Dollars BONUS YEAR 1900 seure now and secure a of the profits District Inspector J A PumiMakkks All kind of Pumps kept on hand for or mad- e and tfcncntl trotk done on abort notice All new work The gable end of the new Presby terian church at Vanleeic Hill In while the workmen were engag ed thereon killing the pastor of the a stonemason and a laborer kill elf die or V o our manufactures But no in our exports of manufactur ed goods brought us only in the present year they have brought to Canada Cheers He can get no comfort there If we go to the farms what do we find That the total exports of Canadian farm products including animals and their produce realized to Canada in 1896 whereas in the fiscal year just closed they brought back to Cana da Cheers Take the whole export of Canadian produce fur the year It brought back to Canada This year that- same item of export realized to Cana da Loud applause No comfort to Sir Charles there Per- haps he may think that the falling of our trade with Great Britain may- prove the inefficiency of our British preference tariff and justify his policy of repealing it Let us turn to and what do we find that whereas we only got back from land in some in the just closed we got back from out manufactures sold to markets of Great Britain Cheers Ho comfort for Sir Charles there us turn to the exports to Great Britain of Canadian farm produce including agriculture and animals and their pro duct and we find that whilst in we only received from England yet those same farm product- back for us from the good old land this last year Loud applause No comfort for Sir Charles there What Sir Charles Would Do Let us turn to exports to Great am of products generally and we find that in we got for what we sent to but last year we got no less than of good solid- British gold increase in four short years of over per cent in exports of Canadian pro ducts to Great Britain Applause And yet Sir Charles Tupper declares his determination to repeal the prefe- tariff givingpreference to goods in Canadian markets But sir he may say look at your imports and exports the correct indi cation of Canadas foreign trade compare them and there you will evidence of destruction of industries Let us take his test and what do we find That whereas in Hie total volume of our foreign trade with the world was 239025- 360 it had grown in to the tre mendous figure of applause an increase from ni- in round numbers in to millions in an increase of million dollars in four short years Cheers I fail to sec evidence of de struction In any of these If you test our growth by the of export alone you find that for the last four years the average yearly in crease of our exports was over sixteen million dollars eight time the average yearly increase under the Tory policy for eighteen years that is the has made more practical hi one year under our policy thaii eight years with the previous policy Cheers Applying Opposition- A favorite ifrguincnt of our cats on one occasion was that a countrys exports were greater liitn its imports it losing Well without expressing an upon that doctrine it may be for the last four years of thevlate were less than rli and therefoEe their reasoning the four years was at let ten dollars poorer Apply that-rca- sdnirig to our four years and we find that for that period our exports ex ceeded our imports by and therefore Canada was that much rich er Cheers You thus have tested in this way the relative merits of the two policies the country getting poor er under the former policy and richer under ours It- may further be observed that the value of our exports for the last four years the value of the exports the preceding four years- by no less a sum than Cheers means this addition to our wealth Increased purchasing power to our people Increased home market for Canadian manufactures Increased I employment for industrial classes In creased wages for working people In creased home market for farm pro ducts Increased prices to farmers for home products Increased prosperity to Canada Increased growth of Canada A Desperate Expedient- And yet Mr Chairman Sir Charles in his wild struggle for office would again throw the tariff into the arena of contention between political parties frighten capital check confi dence in our future and bring back matters to where- they stood when an intelligent electorate withdrew its con fidence from him in Let there be no mistake about one of the great issues a chief issue now before the country Last session Dr Russell moved the following resolution That this House regards the prin ciple of British preference in the Can adian customs tariff as one which in its application has already resulted and will in an increasing measure con tinue to result in material benefit to mother country and to Canada arid which has already aided in weld ing and must still more firmly weld to gether the ties which now bind them and desires to express its emphatic ap proval of such British preference hav ing been granted by Parliament of Canada Sir Charles Tupper and his party to a man voted against that resolution In so voting declared their who was loudly ap plauded when be assured them that all Canada was proud of the man the Lib erals of North York had nominated and whose splendid address in accept ing the honor he had never heard stir- passed during his Parliamentary career of years Mr Campbell was again applauded when he quoted the Department as proof of the Vellousperception exercised by Sir Wil frid in selecting capable men to assist him in administering the fairs of the country Another illus tration was furnished in the Agricul tural Department by which thru the efforts of Mr Fisher millions of dol lars had been brought to the farmers of Canada In the Railway Depart ment shrewd business management bad converted a deficit of into a surplus of in connection with ill colonial Also the Crows Nest Pass Ry including the control of freight rates for all time to come and to any point therefrom on the line of the P which reductions In live years will pay every dollar the Gov ernment expended back to the The Yukon service was also explained showing that the Government was compelled to expend large sums hut the revenue therefrom will more than balance the account These works were contrasted with the expenditures of the late Government such as the Curran bridge the canal the block in Ottawa etc Under Government trade has Increased by Leaps and Hounds and instead of increasing the debt by in four years like the late Government this year the receipts will meet every- dollar of the expenditure notwithstanding the spent sendiug the brave sons of to defend the Empire in South Africa and will decrease the national debt 5800000 If the present Government is retained in power he had doubt but that in the debt will he re duced by three or four millions of dol lars Campbell expressed the con fident hope that there would be a solid York for the Government and retired amid applause New Liberals Welcomed Hon J Davis made a speech during which he was frequent ly cheered He expressed at seeing the gathering of od and new Liberals present all united In support of Mr It not find ft would be when the expectant mother calendar in hand ponders the fortunate days and hopes that the babys birthday may ftll on It to wish the beet of for those we love Why not will fortune as well as for the child greatest fortune mother can bestow on her child is a- healthy body and a happy mind and with this great fortune every mother may the if she will The stock of health is what the mother supplies The weak and worried woman has a very slender stock of health to bestow on baby Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription makes mothers healthy and happy It does away with the misery of morning sickness It strengthens the gives the body a feeling of buoyancy makes the mind cheerful gives vigor and elasticity to the organs peculiarly feminine ami babys advent to the world is free from danger and painless first two babied sod I suffered every info but writes Mrs of Trcut Muskegon Co Mich I was reduced to icq pound When I was months lose with my third child 1 was with hemorrhage or flooding add near baring a miscarriage from female two months under- the our doctor but was getting weaker alt the time until I and got three bottles of Favorite Prescription improved fast and to lake your medicine until baby was and he is healthy and all right My d since now weigh pounds Till geiv For every home The Shannon Filing Cabinet For every office You cannot afford to be without one j consider your paper- of any importance Vvt School Desks Office to repeal that policy To do there was a conflict hereon the oil so means to check the goodwill that Liberals who had for so many years Canada now enjoys in the markets of Great Britain The Question of the Hour Is It wise from commercial or Im perial interests is it patriotic to to disturb the satisfactory rela tions political and commercial that now exists between Canada and the mother land Our country is just on the threshold of prosperity She is now marching to the drumbeats of progress We arc resting our pros perity on sound foundations and en during bases on progression prosperi ty on broad patriotism Is the pre sent or for that matter is any occa sion opportune to stop the good work to arrest the country in her successful career and to check the forces that now are making in all parts of her Majestys possessions for the greater unity of the empire Cheers North York when the lime comes for you to speak you will I have no doubt raise your voice in support of a policy which has brought peace and prosperity to our own hind has increased our trade to propori ions never attained has Canada a prominence and influence not merely with the mother country hut with the nations of the world and made clear to her own people that she a veritable land of promise destin ed under wise counsels and as an In tegral part of the British Umpire to attain a position worthy of a country so richly endowed by nature worthy of the highest ambition of the proud est daughter of the mother of na tions As Mr resumed his seat he was loudly cheered The Man of West York The next speaker was Mr Archibald Get fat get nice and plump there is safety in plumpness Summer has tried your foodworks winter is coming to try your breathmill Fal ls the time to brace But weather is tricky look out I Lookout for colds espec ially Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the subtlest of helps It is food the easiest food in the world it is more than food it helps you digest your food and get more nutri ment from it Dont get thin there is safety in plumpness Man woman and child will I ft ChemUu Twronto J on great of advanc ing the principles of and the new but it meant that the hew Liberals who had not the past cast their voles as Liberals but who see ing the prosperity them and in which they have participated have de cided in their own interest and in the interest of the manufacturers of the farmers and of all classes sustain the policy under which such great changes had been produced These new Liber als having been converted by tlie con vincing proofs on every hand iml conic over to help the old Liberals to uphold the Liberal fanner and the old Liber als welcome them heartily to the ranks Cheers Mr disputed the right of Hon lo the title leps his word which Conservative press were so persistently giving him He thought that In so ostentatiously conferring upon Mr A title which might be regarded sis ait imputa tion upon others his friends showed an unaccountable disregard for the finer feelings of Sir Charles Laugh ter lie recalled the fact that when Charles was defeated in Mr was his follower and that he had since given pledges to the peo ple of Manitoba but foul after attain ing power abandoned the post which would enable him to fulfil those pledges Mr war also he pointed out silent upon the prohibition question since lie entered Dominion politics he had a pledge to the people of Manitoba to pass a prohibitory law Sir Charles told the people that if the Conservatives were not continued in power Manufacturing industries would lie de stroyed and our factories closed hut you have only to look around you to see how the policy of the Government has Cane Factory at New market has doubled capacity and the Specialty Works is two or three times as large as it fotir years ago The Government have shown themselves stewards and should be returned He hoped North York would show I heir appre ciation by giving Mr Mutdck a rousing majority Resolutions were passed by Mr Stephen Amilage of arid Mr Jos Rogers of Kettlcby Ap proving policy of the dominion and Provincial Governments and the meeting closed with cheers for the Queen Davis and Campbell after which the Hands en tertained the crowd with patriotic selections Prepare your house plants for the winter Prepare your fall advertising as the season will soon be In full blast It Is to that the authori ties will be able to speedily hunt down and properly punish the young who mar fences and build ings and paint thereon with chalk the most debasing filthy and abom inable language and figures It Is a low beastly mind that finds amuse ment or enjoyment in this dirty busi ness health but been I now here is no alcohol whisky or other intoxicant la Favorite Prescription neither does it contain any opium or other narcotic Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets do not re act on the system are a perfect medicine Limited i Three Years of Success During the above period I have sold 28 engines besides several Sep arators I have hud lawsuits or disputes of any kind and wo far as I know my customers are well I yet have several Good SecondHand Portable Engines for including the Cornell White and can supply a full refitted at giving years time No cheap rig sold where it will interfere with my regular Trial given and customers satisfied before asking for settlement G R THOMPSON to BUD IN TUB Central Business College 5 TORONTO any time Ton teach sixty Typewriting Ma- chinas Unexcelled facili ties for assisting graduates to positions to for SHAW Principal- 8ts Toronto PRINTING We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind ol Printing done see what work and terms can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro- BO YEAR8 EXPERIENCE 5 pack May PACKS dlheEFJfi Our i holds two pack of As KIVHV 8LrM flr fl that hi stock of horse Which dont oxAuiliiod too in and best of Caruio County of York tUopoMwaonof and bo flcMjlfl anxious or jou In and buy and Yak out of the of Trade Dkiqm AC a nd ascertain oar opinion free whether an iTenlon Commanic- Patents Oldest ueccr for Pal taken racial In iiten tSroastiWunn c1ys rut tear Branca yBc A of BoldbyaU New York Raff Lund wishes to Inform the that bo has moved to Mr W on tl and that tic still that Celebrated Iowa Co Loom with all to and that he prepared to do Work In Bag Carpet Weaving Call and Send your rags In Jj PATENTS GUARANTEED Our fee returned If we fall ketch and of any invention receive our- opinion free concerning be patentability of same to Obtain a upon request secured through us advertised for tale at our expense Patents taken out through us receive in Tub Record on illustrated widely circulated by and Investors Bend for sample copy Address VICTOR J A CO a RUBBER CARRIAGE TIRE Anew carriage if re that makes riding on all road a a pleasure economics too for It does away with the vibration shakes and breaks the carriages space between robber tire and the flange prevents creeping and catting which other tires to See exhibit at the fairs Send at once for Free Tire prices of all sizes THE Tire Company J TORONTO ST In hi noCac Our i Alivo school bright and rooms sod no stairs to climb IN 1 to jcd p w tdfd men ieediul for MR S 3U13S At4Kpercebioil iraiAaa security aJsobfipsetrec4edpn Ids ranee policies Union Albert PROMPTLY our inleretiog books and Mew you ate swindled- Bend a rough sketch or model of and opinion as to whether it been- successfully prosecuted by conduct fully equipped offices to Montreal us to work secure esthe invention Highest procured through Marion rionfIvs spaclal notice without chatfi over distributed Specialty Patent of k MARION PUrt4 and New York Uie lo at lbs j