Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 5, 1900, p. 7

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CHINA HALL ARK FT A PR I S v OCX 5 Overfloui Getting Owing to the very dry fall we bear that many wells are going dry in Town and vicinity Messrs report business lively in consequence They put a new pump in a ft well for Mr Fred Wesley in Whitchurch- a few days ago and also one on the of Whitchurch in a ft well Several wells have deepened lately West Ontario Reformers XO by -oo- battles Childrens Summer Shoes China and Glassware Decision Reversed In Queens Bench Division Court Osgoode Hall Toronto last Saturday judgement was given in the action of the Independent Order of Foresters for the foreclosure of a mortgage on property of and Annie of East There is due on the mortgage and the plaintiffs are in possession and have since sold to one The judg ment follows The motion to set aside the final order of foreclosure and the appeals will be allowed with costs here and below The purchaser will be added as a party defendant to this action and there will be a reference to the to the subsequent accounts The motion which was combined with the present one in the suit of v Foresters is but under the circumstances without costs It is said that the Foresters intend to appeal now Between and 300 people attended the Reform Nomination at on Wednesday Delegates were pre sent from every part of the Riding- Richardson Esq of Picker ing President of the Association oc cupied the chair On motion of Esq of Newmarket seconded by Mr- Barnes Reeve of Pickering the usual ballot was dispensed with and open nomination taken in order to shorten Government had already given us better laws increased our trade and enhanced our comfort Today we had everywhere in this country peace and prosperity and what we had we would hold Cheers Brief addresses were also delivered by Mr I Davidson and Mr and the following resolutions were adopted Resolved That we the electors of the West Riding of Ontario in Conven tion assembled heartily endorse the THE LEADING HARDWARE 0 The Sof the Methodist church will meet at the home of H Richardson Prospect Ave Wednesday at oclock The corporation is putting down an other piece of cement walk at the Water Works The lawn between the driveway and the walk when properly sodded will make a first class place for the memorial monument to Haines The attendance at the High School has increased to nearly Mr J pet dog attempted to cross track on Timo thy street in front of a passing train on Wednesday and was completely bi sected Quite a large number of visitors at the cemetery last Sunday It was a lovely day for a walk It will soon be time Jo get ready for Very interesting prices for purchasers winter- Mr mover his seed store down to Mr Keiths office opposite the Forsyth House H Cane Esq Mayor of New market seconded by Mr Mowbray of Pickering exWarden Ontario Quebec Judges bill In fact he it would be just as well if we had not a Senate but if the whole veto power were placed in the hands of Sir Tupoer this would give us exactly the policy of the Hon Wilfrid and conditions that prevailed last session colleagues who have shown such Mr Gould also referred to the changes administration of every depart- in the franchise act the improvement ttent fa service as to turn of the canal system and the extension deficits into surpluses and change the of the Intercolonial into Montreal In stagnation of business into general ac- conclusion he expressed his confidence tivity We trust that the Reform that the Government would be sus- may be continued in office for with as great a majority as at mother term and that their wise leg- present may have time to produce John declared that the effect BROOKLYN Automatic and Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves convention was evidently a meeting We commend the action of the Con- County nominated the present mem- j of old Liberals as he could name at in again unanimously selecting I J Gould Esq of Oxbridge least half a dozen in the audience who Gould Esq as the standard which was received with hearty were over SO years of age But all bearer of the parte in this Riding and and carried by a unanimous over the country the young men were hope that all polling subdivisions will standing vote Mr Gould very briefly accepted the nomination thanking the convention only in the minds of Tory their renewed confidence He had no doubt that this would be the last election in West Ontario as if the Government was returned to power and there was no doubt it would a redistribution bill would be introduced to remedy the evils of the gerrymander and the Senate would not dare to throw out another the Liberals as well The class- at once to secure his election fication into old and new Liberals ex- handsome majority and return an ardent supporter to the present Dom inion Government Also a resolution endorsing the pol icy of the Ontario Government The meeting closed with hearty for the Queen the Premier and the candidate Liberals had never had cause to be ashamed of their leaders or the party and had never seen the time when it was necessary to change their name The Conservatives had been forced to add the word Liberal to their name to make it pass anywhere Like Mr Gould he had hoped that we had seen end of the disgraceful bill as their only for gerrymander which had made West- doing so in the cases of the two pre- Ontario a Grit hive and the two ad bills of the kind had been that joining constituencies strongly should first be a census In that But in the contest of case West Ontario would be wiped Mackenzie Bo wells nest of traitors out was so unpopular that both North and The meeting was then thrown open South Ontario were captured for the to the public an4 Mr Buntin of Pick- Liberal party and for South Ontario was called to the chair lie could say that what the Liberals Mr Bunting in opening the meeting- took then they would hold now As styled himself a Reformer from centre a result of the changes in the franchise to circumference Mr Gould he said act Mr Maclean had already tad during the past year performed thrown up the sponge and run away the part of a man Mr Bunting who because no dead voters could now plug is a vigorous and eloquent old gentle- for him surprised his hearers dis- Mr spoke of the a cane presented to him on his and sound judgment of Mr Gould birthday He said he had lived who had ably represented the Riding Oar Toronto Letter Dinner Sets Toilet Sets Tea Sets Lemonade Sets Sand Butter Crocks Fruit Jars We have a Big Stock Now is the the Preserving and Pickling Season OUR STOCK OF Spices cannot be excelled in quality We ask no fancy prices and give you the best in quality A SMITH The Leading Grocer Telephone Put this ouTr and you will by wail it OF will brio you morn money fa In Council I Ml M Special meeting Sept Mayor in the chair All members present The following accounts were ordered to be paid The Morrison Brass Mfg lO u Starr stationery Starr water meter 10 Richmond Hill Council freight and cartage B ArmiUge cedar lumber dya Express account Blue helping at Electric Light A3 P J Anderson re Ruan fire Royal Electric Co transformer Can Gen Co Constable account Pay Sheet No 17 Can Gen El Co The account of the Mfg Co amounting to 117 for pump was re ferred to the Fire bight Committee Mr on behalf of the Spe cial comrnittee on Electric Light Plant presented a report recommending the acceptance of the tender of Messrs for engine and boiler at Report adopted There were three other tenders one of which was higher than McCullough and the other two tender ed on a smallersized engine The Committee reported the Estimates for the current year at and the expenditure at leaving a balance of to 1 raised by taxation The uncon trollable expenditure amounte to A grant of for five years wa recommended to the Society and a rate of fi20 on the to be struck for Re port adopted The Chairman of Finance Corp- was instructed to advert for tenders for the purchase of the Town to be Issued under the by Jaw to raise for duplicating Electric Light Plant- Council adjourned Simple to Operate Fully Guaranteed WR I J Oct barrel W per a Oil a IT a a Kmtptrdoz 13 a OH totp fl a a 4 a a CO a CO a a v CO pit a fl here for 50 years and in years of that time there had not been as much done for Canada as had been since Sir Wilfrid was returned to pover Cheers Mr Gould was then called upon to address the meeting He expressed his appreciation of the honor conferred upon him in being again selected as the standard bearer of the party and he urged that a full vote should he polled bo that the real strength of the Liberals in West Ontario might be shown He briefly compared the con ditions now existing with those when the Government was first elected The result of four years of good progress sive government was patent to every one and Sir Wilfrid prophecy that if the Liberals were re turned there would be no need of prov ing by figures tliat the country was prosperous that the people would feel it In their pockets In discussing the work of the Government in detail he first took up the Department of Agri culture over which a practical farmer bad been placed Before the Govern ment came into power there was a quarantine regulation against- us In the United Stales so that our export cat tle trade to the United States had fall- in Parliament Referring to Sir Charles Tuppers Ontario tour he said that the cartoonist in the Toronto Telegram hit the hulls eye when he represented Sir Charles on a chase after Sir Wilfrid and Mr and saying I will slay them as Samson did the Philistines and with the same weapon Laughter Sir Mowing had not hurt any body The general feeling now that the worst that could lie said had been heard was one of satisfaction and people had come to the conclusion that the Liberals would win Mr dwelt upon the great service Sir Wilfrid had done to Canada thru his speeches and policy in making her known to the people of the motherland and Inducing general prosperity- hut said it was the result of the inaugurated by the Con servatives some years ago hut if in eighteen years the Conservatives could make nothing pf it while the Liberals In four years had made every man prosperous surely that was only an additional reason for continuing the Ljberals in office The Conservatives charged Sir Wil frid with breaking pledges They should look at some pledges he had A Cooksville farmer met with a mis fortune Saturday morning while driv ing along Queen St At the corner of Bay street his horse took fright and becoming mad with fear plunged into the window of the City Hall book store The horse broke its neck and the window was ruined Mr Maclean P for East- York in consequence of the row kicked up by St Matthews Ward Conservatives because of irregularities in the Tory Convention organization has resigned his nomination for East York The death of exAid well known as the pioneer cattle exporter was announced in Wednesdays city papers Deceased was in ike year of his age He to Canada in His son now in the Inland Revenue Depart ment contested East York with Mr Maclean last election but was counted out The News intimates that Mr John Richardson P P for East York is in the race for the vacant County Court Clerkship It is understood that His Excellency the GovernorGeneral and Lady and staff will take up their residence in this city for a month or six weeks this fall of the Tp of Whitchurch was piaced on trial in the Criminal Sessions on Saturday afternoon on a charge of stealing the sum of from Daniel Clarke It was alleged that he converted to his own use the proceeds of the sale of several hogs which he conducted for Clarke on April 21 last The case was not fin ished till Tuesday when the jury failed to come to an agreement Mr Eaton eldest son of Mr Eaton passed away on Wednesday afternoon age of years He was widely known in both city and country A handsome bronze bust of Sir Oli ver hasbeen placed in the On tario Parliament buildings These Stoves operate similar to the well known Stu dent Lamp You light extinguish and adjust the flame by simply raising and lowering the burner Screen Doors Screen Windows IceCream Freezers Pure- Paris Green Binder Twine Agents for Harris Repairs J A ALLAN CO TI Wm Mi- en on very greatly Mr Fisher such as his promise to settle the removal of that quarantine and lhe to the were startling In the last p lhe iheger- years under the late and franchise acts Sir we shipped head to the Charles said that had done Pf lb a Regular meeting of last Mon day evening Members present Mayor Cane and Mesers Robertson Smith Hughes and Road- bouse Following passed sand for sidewalk freight and cartage 49 It freight and cartage i Express W D Blue it L days at P J drawing coal Pay Sheet No ft The communication verbal in refer ence renting Hit town flats re ferred to the Property Corn The account of the Mfg Co United States at a value of In thsee years after the removal of that quarantine we shipped nothing forUte country If it were admitted that he had done nothing advance the trade lie had done nothing to obstruct It as the late Government had by their vexatious quarantine on American cattle and their trade pol icy which was devised to force us to live on one another and these head at a value off and this had raised the price of In Canada that altogether the Increase in the returns from this of cattle was at least My the w coldstorage system and ping there had been a j pointed to the Increase in the exports of cheese fa industries of On- bacon eggs and butter to tar evidence of the effect in the last four years ofMhe bonds that the The Department had also Conservatives had Imposed on the in- made rapid advance so that of the country Our a very much superior service I and farmers asked only for with cheaper rates and a smaller liberty and that was given them by In the department He was satis- the present Ho mention- Bed that the people of the country the great expansion of trade that of Sept for Duplex Pump services that had has place Government ordered to be paid rendered Iff Sir Charles would confess In the bill what Ids own honest heart Mr Gould said that the Senate had one it would he have a Mission had gone out of their way to hard row to hoe hardest of my veto not only the redistribution bill life and even the weapons he bill but also railway charters and the wielding- would not bring him success limited NEWMARKET ONT A Sale Mr John Toole will have an extensive sate of farm stock and household furniture on lot Centre Road a mile and a quarter south of Albert Twelve months credit on sums over excepting for grain roots and store pigs Sale at I oclock sharp Smith auctioneer MONDAY Oct Mr Toole will have a sale of farm stock and implements on the southwest part lot on Street Whit church about half way between Newmarket and Aurora Terms months credit on sums over excepting for pigs poultry arid hay Sale at oclock sharp Smith auctioneer We have just received a Car BEST BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR SHINGLES i Every Shingle of which is Perfect 4 Call and see them r We of Pine Shingles PRICES RIGHT The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co UNITED NEWMARKET ONT Is to paid the spun of any surna advanced already on of bis contract at addition Council adjourned Toronto Oct wo per a07t Whit per bushel per a a Oil per a per a CO f a a a Applet per DM a I I 16 a iUj CO a a a per pair a o5 It REMOVED SEED STORE House OUR FALL STOCK Is completion and as usual we will Undersell Every House In the trade TORONTO HOUSE Clubbing Owing to increase in the price of newspaper and also government tax of newspaper postage the city pa pers are raising their for clubs V have made arrangements to supply papers for follows and Weekly Globe including picture of The at the Battle of Kra and Weekly Mall Empire I Hal of free to new subs and Toronto Daily Star 00 Mr was in a shaft at the mill at Midland and silled on Monday Oct Harris who has been living at House for soino months fell down hack stairs on Saturday morning re ceiving injuries from which he died early Sunday morning Harris was a native of York and had till re cently resided at hie family still live He was years of age He leaves a widow seven sons and one daughter

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