Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , October 5, 1900, p. 4

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r NEW rf Pat Money In Thy Parse ft suffering from energy or iirtd feeling pais money in Ms parse a come from sluggish costs ihroogh the veins SAtstptrSU mikes the And it vigor Pimplei covered sn4 hoi Hoods Sssspr3U a short time J smooth wide North Q J Advertising Medium York County Transient ad cents per tint subsequent Advertisements unaccompanied witb writ- tea Instructions Inserted until forbid ana charged accordingly Advertisements will be changed once each month if desired For change once each month the composition mart bo paid for at regular rates Change for contract advertisement must be In the office or noon on Wednesday Special Bates for Executors Notice Farms to Beat Articles Lost and Found A reading will bo Inserted free for any ChurCh or Society where porters srO no admission fee or collection Is otherwise fifty cents will be charged for such notice No to this Itotuep Tariff A truth half told may be a wilful or a deception When Conservative Readers and their organs talk about the Increased expenditure of government during the past three or four years tfcey- conveniently forget to say anything respecting increase in revenue under a lower tariff rate The total increase in the trade of Canada during the entire eighteen years that Conservatives were in office preceding the advent of the Liberals to power in amounted to The increase during four years since under the present Administration was more than twice as much as during the entire term of their predecessors being Government critics know right well that in proportion to the amount of business done there has been a large reduction in actual ex penditure but they only tell half the truth when they conveniently ignore this fact by suppressing it The actu al figures show there has been a re duction in the tariff under existing preferential trade policy from to a little over per cent meaning a saving to consumers in Canada of over but Government critics are as dumb as oysters about this fact- save a fid had from infancy As he grew older his trouble seemed to increase him doomed to Dr Williams Pink him when tope almost true inwardness of Sir Charles wonderful anxiety for this suffering country possibly be ter understood when it becomes more generally known that he has only thirtythree relatives who are drawing j money at time from the public The member for Cape Breton I crib and parents into politics for amusement thats evident enough Robertson Barrister r Or net Wain Street Newmarket Sfl to on good Farm security- Rotary Public etc vision Court Building Newmar ket Ontario Conveyancers o Choppln South Newmarket Berifrt Lennox Aurora will also beat on Saturdays and Court Pays rt8ol1clloraforJ Rosa Co Bankers and Ontario Aurora S Barrister Main Here is something which concerns housekeepers generally and in view of the decision to prosecute dealers who sell alum for pure cream of tartar is also of special interest to them No Bulletin of the Inland Revenue Department contains analyses of samples of baking powders bought of dealer- and manufacturers of the Dominion and the alarming part of the statement- is that per cent of these are alum mixtures In view of this large proportion of alum powders Chief Analyst re commends that legal proceedings be From The Post Mr James and wife two of the best known residents of the town of where they passed many years In their family they have a little son who but ten years of age has experienced much affliction and his parents expend ed many a dollar in the search for his renewed health all in vain however until Dr Williams Pink Pills were brought into use A Post reporter hearing of the cure called at Mr baulds cosy home and received full from Mrs I am pleased said Mrs to have the public made aware of the facts of my boys case if it is likely to help some other sufferer Charley now years of age In infancy he was a delicate child but from four to seven he scarcely passed a well day At four years of age he began to com plain of frequent headaches which lat er became almost continuous and soon symptoms of general debility develop ed His appetite was poor and he grew pale and emaciated and the least exertion caused a severe palpitation and fluttering of the heart and dizzi ness- At times there was considerable derangement of his stomach a of the lips and a shortness of breath He would often lie awake at night and rise in the morning haggard and During his illness he was treated by two doctors in the diagnosis of his case One said it was catarrh of the stom ach and while his treatment was per sisted in there was no improvement The second also attended him for some time with no better results Some Stock dealers and shippers ill be pleased to learn P his reduced its rate on carloads of cattle sent from Ontario to Brit ish Columbia to per The rate for palace horse rs is likewise reduced to 5225 per car This is a reduction of about per A car load of thorobred dairy stock ordered by the British Columbia Government is now on the way from Ontario to the West of Permanently Troubles i Barrister Reformer Block Honey to Loan PAINTING mumming e Bone neatly and In I also associated with Painter and Sign Writer Orders can be left si Hardware Store Mr head of Newmarket taken against parties selling them on the ground that they are my aunt to Dr Williams Pink articles of food September I procured the pills and he began talcing Upon this recommendation the Com missioner of Inland Revenue has given public notice that persons selling alum powders will be prosecuted The analyses were made by the As sistant Analyst Mr A who fully discusses the use of alum in bak ing powders which he is of the posi tive opinion Is dangerous to health Prof of College Mon treal who made a series of experi ments on the digestibility of bread them- We had long before come to the conclusion he would be an invalid for life but believing it a duty I owed to my child to procure all means of relief was determined to give Dr Williams Pink Pills a fair trial The good of the first box was apparent and five boxes were used which were taken in about six months time when he was strong and well and could attend baked with alum powders is quoted as and plav and frolic as other follows The unanimous verdict of healthy boys do As every symptom my experiments is that alum powders introduce into a of food of his old trouble has vanished I con sider his cure complete The pills use agents which are detriment- have certainly done him a world of good as nearly three years have since passed away and he has not seen a sick day in that length of time I al to the functional activity of the di gestive ferments They must there fore be prejudicial to health and the only course is to carefully them avmd shall ever feel that we owe our boys Bolton Practical Painter and House Decorator Corner Street Millards and AUCTIONEERS ppank Demean Licensed Auctioneer for the Co of York told on Terms reason Fair attended to Street Newmarket DENTAL R I Port Block the Cburcb Guaranteed p Dentist will be at the office of Dr Porter Brad ford Monday The Globe says Both consumers and grocers are interested in this mat ter Housekeepers should be very careful in purchasing their baking pow ders The alum powders can generally be distinguished by their low price They cost but two or three cents a pound to make and are sold from ten to thirty cents A pure cream of tar tar powder is quite expensive to make and is sold from forty to fifty cente I health to Dr Pink Pills and A MANIA FOR OPERATIONS 1 Most physicians axe anxious to try the surgeons knife and recommend an operation for piles A less cruel less expensive and less risky method is the use of Dr Chases Ointment a prepar ation that has never yet been known to fail to cure piles no matter of what form or of however long standing Dont think of risking an operation when you can be cured in your own by itiQ use of Dr Chases Oint ment The best physicians use it in their practice believe that their prompt use would relieve much suffering Dr Williams Pink Pills are just as valuable in the case of children as with adults and puny little ones would soon thrive and grow fat under this treatment which has no equal for building up the blood and giving re newed strength to brain body and nerves Sold by all dealers or sent postpaid at a box or six boxes for by addressing Dr Medicine Co Out Do not be persuaded to try else said to be just as good One of the most trying things to a decent man is to sec a who has skinned him out of an account and bluffed it thru all the collection agen cies until it is come smiling ly up as nothing had and want to begin all over again on an other account He really looks hurt if you refer to the old transaction The iron ore properties on east side of Lake according to in formation recently received at the Bu reau of Mines turns out to be a hema tite banded with jasper The to be about feet wide and has been traced for several miles in length Mr Bain of the Bureau of Mines who has recently returned from that region says that of the ore on a similar formation have been discovered twenty miles east A comparison of the manufacturers returns as to the number of envelopes manufactured and imported for use in the Dominion during the past year with the returns brings the fact that less than onehalf of the used go thru the postoilicc The remainder are used privately To tal estimated envelopes used of these were manu factured in the Dominion and imported There were about envelopes used for each individual of the whole population Before the close of the next parlia mentary term the political complexion of the Dominion Senate in all human probability will be changed from Con servative to Liberal The Globe gives the following as political complexion of the Senate now Con servatives Liberals In the years of Liberal administration the Conservative Senators have been reduc ed from to The appointment of a dozen more Liberals in place of Conservatives will give the Liberals a majority in the Senate At the pre sent rate of appointment it will take two or three years to do this People who take interest in tire poli tical issues now before the country cant help being amused at the way Hon Geo Foster during his recent missionary ttntario with Sir Charles Tuppcr and Hon Hugh J manipulated the Dominion public accounts in a vain endeavor to make the right appear all wrong His sophistry reminds us of the reported ingenuity of the landlady who it is said at breakfast time burns a grain or two of real good Java coffee on the kitchen stove so as to All the room with the odor and then serves her boarders chicory to drink Down in West York the electors are telling a queerstory about Mrv Clarke Wallace who appears to have found more than his match in Mr Archie As near as can under stand it the story goes that Mr Wal lace had a horrible dream the night after Mr Cariipbell was nominated to oppose him in West York What was it asked his better half The reply came I dreamed that was in purgatory and was made to do all the things I had told my friends I would do if I were occupying a place in the countrys Administration and ait undertime he exclaimed I dont think 1 was ever more fit my life The- Great Compound ah tees a new lease Guar- life It is pitiable to see the halfhearted and almost useless by many people to get rid of poor health More determined and greater energy would be put forth to achieve victory in any other undectakiiijr Too many are believers in fatal- in trie presence of Lady Roberts arid his daughters inspected six companies 0 the Canadian who were about to train for Cape Town on their way home after a years service in South Africa Crowds were present and the men who are in excellent health making a splendid appearance scene was a brilliant one- After the inarch past Gen- Roberts addressed the troops He said I cannot allow you to depart with out expressing my thanks for and ap preciation of your loyal services and excellent work especially at on February I am sure the people of Canada will bo pleased to hear how gallantly and how splendidly you have all behaved in action lt Deeply regret the losses you have sufiercd- I should have been happier if you had returned in your full strength The regiment had had killed or wounded but no one couM expect you to pass thru so arduous a campaign without losses I am sorry that some of you are obliged to return sooner than the rest of the regiment hut I recognize the urgency of private auairs I am con fident that the Queen and British pie will never forget your services If it should ever be my good fortune to visit Canada I hope to meet you all ft Gloomy ft Future tor by tht Jr Ham iespondenoyy and Irregularities are Result of an condition of IS body and No treatment was ever -Bradley- Jane mend years I gradually running health I nervous and and worried greatly future Hearing of Dr Nerve and wonderful results It In other I obtained bar using It directed I to improve m to full health and Nerve Food an remedy and I can recommend Food blood builder and nerve a box at all 5 Co Toronto it ism others make use of almost any thing that is recommended by while many are quite satisfied if temporary relief Is afforded If Celery Compound used to cleanse the blood to regulate and tone the nerves to banish rheumatism neuralgia headaches disease and dyspepsia then be assured the good work is fully and permanently accomplished- It is positively criminal and foolish for young or old to mope around in a halfsick condition and shut their eyes to the grand blessings by Celery Compound The world knows of no other medicine as for fortifying and building up the sys tem to battle against the and varying weather of autumn Go to your druggist at once pro cure a bottle of Celery Com pound and see how soon the blurs will vanish your nervous depression headache backache rheumaism and neuralgia will go and permanent health activity and happiness will be yours Seattle Wash Sept News has been received here that Solomon City at the mouth of the Solomon River was devastated by the recent storm on the coast of Alaska All were either swept away by the waves or were wrecked by the wind The town had a population of 200 all of whom are destitute and homeless the final collapse of the Boer army may be summarized as follows When the Boers numbering evacuated Komatipoort- they took up positions between the range and river They had good positions and could have made a capital stand but owing to the disorganization arid lack of dis cipline that were prevalent they were only halfhearted Wishing to avoid a conflictarid un necessary bloodshed the British Con sulGeneral consulted the Portugese GovernorGeneral as to the best course to be pursued to at tain this end He asked that emissaries should be sent up with an address to the Boers pointing out the of con- their resistance and the abso lute of going on further if they continued to fight- there was a fear of the natives rising Owing to the fact that the Portu guese had teen most kind to the Boers ami as they had guaranteed their main tenance and repatriation and promised to send them back to their country free of charge the scheme succeeded beyond the wildest hopes of its origin ator Instead of dozens coining down to Marques arrived in this wise Diplomacy therefore triumphed by bringing the war to a speedy and bloodless close Great Work for Little Money DIAMOND DYES fife the most agents used in the home the Old Man Say t of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Kb Office Newmarket Private Piper at private residence If OF MAURI LICKNSES WEST To Good THE Poverty is an incentive and a disci- and had to work for the world would be lazy and degenerate soften ed luxury spoiled by lack of healthful opposition Any condition that deprives us of hope a condition of living death but a poverty makes us industrious resolute hardens our bodies and sharpens our wits is far from unfortunate for It contains with in Itself element of cure and prime among its happy attributes is that heavensent faculty of living in a fu ture that has no to Its the faculty of hope for An for hue erne TAKE WILL SURELY SPEED sure to need the first symptoms of indigestion nervousness and im pure blood and thus avoid chronic dyspepsia nervous prostration and all the evils produced by bad blood Hoods is your safe guard It the stomach right strengthens and quiets the nerves purified enriches and vitalizes the blood and up the health tone All liver ills are cured by Hoods Pills Farmers should be careful and not allow cattle to eat the black ears to be found oh corn Mr Topper near Mills Yonge allow ed a herd of to feed on corn which contained some of these growths and of the animals are dead and several others are suffering from the he poison a Tale it that mirror of yours shows a wretched sallow complexion a- Jaun diced look moth patches and blotches on the skin Its liver trouble but Dr Kings New Life Pills regulate the li ver purify the Wood give clear skin rosy cheeks rich complex Only at store A BAD CASE OP ASTHMA Mrs George says I feel it my duty to recommend Dr Chases Syrup of Lin seed and turpentine as I had the asth ma very bad could get nothing to do me any good A friend of mine per suaded me to try this as he had tried ft and it proved I tried it- and it me I am thankful today to say I am well woman through the Use of this rem edy I keep it in the all the time and would not bo without it In the first of the homo and homo games of the semifinal contests for the intermediate A champion ship played at Gait Saturday between the home and the Shamrocks of Toronto Junction Gait won a holly contested match by Tho vis itors surprised the local talent by their line play as It was expected that they would not put up- such a strong front The next game will be played En Toronto Junction next Saturday it Biota It was a grand thing or this com munity that audi an drug gist as Lehman agency for Dr Kings Discovery for Consumption the wonderful remedy that has startled the world lis marvellous cures Tho furor of en thusiasm over it has boomed No other article used in the homes of the Dominion of Canada are as popu lar as Diamond Dyes These in dispensable In economical house keeping make new friends every day This popularity is- gained by quality excellence of colors and ease and com fort In doing the work of dyeing Just think of it One package of any of the Diamond will color from one to six pounds of goods ac cording to the shade desired This is wonderful work when the small ex pense is considered Your last years jacket cape blouse dress skirt and your husbands and childrens clothes may be soiled and unsightly but with a ten cent package of Diamond Dyes you can work a mighty change and make old things like new for this seasons wear One effort In this work of true economy will convince you that Dia mond Dyes are true money savers to the family Dr SHEPHERD Victoria Street Toronto member Medical Colleges Scotland Ontario Nova Scotia Quebec Ann Arbor Phil adolphia will be at the Royal Hotel Newmarket every Saturday Dr Shepherd is a specialist and will give free Examinations Consultations to all parties who will meet him at Newmarket Dr Shepherd has plenty of private funds and will advance money to farmers at per cent yearly No valuations aunts fees or charged For Medical or financial assistance call on Dr Shepherd at Royal Hotel Newmarket on Saturdays Harvest Home services held last Sabbath and conductr by Rev were large ly attended The church was tastily decorated Caledonian Portland Cement works at were desuoy- by Arc with the exception of tho kiln The loss is about 000 Lime water being easy and inex pensive to prepare should be kept in every household To make it place a piece of lime the size of an egg in an earthen vesuel and pour over it one quart of pure cold water Allow it to stand a few then filter thru blotting paper rejecting the sediment Placing 11 in a clean bot tle cork and keep in a dark cool place Lime acts very energetically on water and a teaspoonful of water put into a of water or milk is an excellent remedy for delicate children whose digestion Is weak It is also very beneficial hi case of acidity in Healer I tried many remedies to cure piles writes W Smith of La tham UK but found no relief till I used Arnica salve I have not been troubled since Grandest pile cure on earth and the best salve In the world per box guarante ed by Lehman druggist ness as the demand for it la immense Ho gives free trial bottles to lne stomach It gives no unpleasant and positively guarantees a core in j taste to the milk or other articles of Coughs Colds Bronchitis Asthma food in which it is used When a lit- Croup and all Throat and Lung water is added cream troubles A trial proves its merit wliich must stand some time it and prevent Geo- Meyers east of Albert had hogs poisoned last week with strychnine and at last account five of them were dead Bleeding Piles A Wan Tiff to by day past but many peopk volunteer recommendations an for every form of Mr of Spool fit Alexia Que may put my name to any can to Dr Ointment for It dona ma mora good than any medicine I ever J troubled frith thai cruel and Br I can I am entirely rid of it a to ail horn Br Ointment li guaranteed to anycaaa of or pile It yet to fall and will not in your For many Dr Chores int- alone the only and and Itch I riff skin diseases ft cent a box at all dealers or Bales Co Toronto Dr Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine has by the largest flAla of any for and troubles IS cents bottle Our Fall Goods have arrived which Better Ever r than Ever Cheaper than Ever The patterns and quality that we carry give a better selection of Woollens than any other Tailor in York County The newest fabrics of finest wool that can be had for the money Compare ours with others and you will see that we are still leading the woollen trade of the Town in work manship quality and price The range of Overcoating and Trouserings include the newest put terns on Market Everything Guaranteed Mclaughlin Farm to Let Lot 10 con About acre posture and plow land Apply to Joseph Vachell or P Sutton Wcet Executors ffi Farm to Rent North lot con Old Klog Township ICO acres This known as Win Homestead lauds aro ffood clay Buildings fair and farm In good Apply at once to iot Salo- conof East lb con Of North acres In or lOOacrealoethconorSaat In7lh con or In fth con of Par terms particulars etc apply to DAVIDSON Albert to Boat acres being Coo or Apply to Farm for Sale Tho of the Estate of the Into offer half of tot la Second of Kin for by the tender to bo In ii or before Oct to A Aurora valuable well known no and subject to a lease dated to March Hi A Aurora JN SALE BY TENDER or Valuable Farm Property Tender will be received by Toronto General Administrator St Gccigc until day of- October next for that valuabto farm near York owned by the late Mr St George halve of lota and and It an farm for grazing having abundance of and water It fa iau rtiu from Toronto by which within a mile and a half of arm It a very attractive place for a residence principal dwelling bouse altuai on a am all w I about it Tenders are Invited as follows For the property For of lota and For the weat halve Of lot and For wcat half of lot For cast half of lot tender accepted For further information to ihj ronto General Corporation cor Lost Strayed from tot In con lUst GwllUmhury time Hat June Ewes and Lambs marked with a notch under leading to recovery wilt reward Jwl PO It pays to in the Eta-

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