g M3QI t S REST NEWMARKET bANch General Business Allowed on fleposlts ORAFTS- ISSUEtl At and American bout a boss Sunday School J -co- I Era by T Scot Sept- and J for to Current Bat At the Ramsay Fire loir Rata on Tottb Property Tin Golden truly is great but tie laborers are few pray ye therefore the Lord of the that he would send forth laborers into His harvest HEART THROBS Verse never sends indefinite or useless errand selects laborers for His won harvest field enemies may infest the ways at defenceless men Absolute dependence is the only real dependence 5 The is peace and confers peace lose nothing in blessing even the restless soul is not approved by the Master true pilgrim is not about trifles The Christ life ministry is to be preached and practiced Our conduct must harmonize with our condition depends on privilege nob on appreciation is wetness even in the power of evil IS Satan is to the a dethroned prince secured His obedient servants against all harm 20 The privilege of rather than the power is the chief joy SUGGESTIONS Verses God sent men are heralds others- are reapers We he more careful of the way than the means firGods business must subordinate everything else in our lives must live and pay our way as Gods servants No concession must be made to the heart hostile to God God sent man living in obedience never is defeated 20Salvation rather than success is our well spring of joy LICENSES of MARRIAGE CENSES At the Era Office Private private ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON WEST Ha Simpson of nd j of Plan And nit String Hi AAB OF BUGGIES of 7ftcBartef one totM one for ones IEW f tor f poor one for Ana War rood very to em Verses Verses Verses the Lord of the harvest alone belongs the selection of His workers The pray not provide laborers Spiritual qualification teknown only to the searcher of spirits We must be of God to be workers with Sod The man who serves God must himself to God Because all wants are gathered into His might mess Because all defence is within His omnipotence Because all direction is possible to His a The penniless christian yet fias a coinage the world needs Peter without money to the man Paul destitute carried physical healing to the house of Jesus the homeless redeemed a world from death Verses The Christ sent man should stand clear from the hostile world We may testify against- but never tarry with Christs enemies We may not so much as take the dust of the rejectors of Jesus Separation positive and public is the servants duty The man God sent has nothing to fear from the enemy Satan flees from the man who resists him Sin has no existence in the life that abides in Christ The world has been overcome by Christ for His people Verses on security effected policies J art w Aw o A for tie folio whig London Of Block Mount Albert NEWMARKET IK Monuments and Head Stones- Allan Money to Loan At per fe- Queen of Liverpool fa for the AMOClnUon Bettor Office Of Mai KNOWLES Retail PROVISION STORE Two Store A Fresh Supply of Park Lard The beat and Ideal Cared on the Market today U1 con- vine yon Gala Corn Meal Potatoes Ball Canoed J Ham and HC fitted on f6rtgefc Business at Might Every business man of common- sense knows whether he chooses to acknowledge It or not that the away he gets in the evening from his commercial associations during the day so that his business associates or thoughts of it or tbem cannot get at him the healthier he is the wiser life be leads in short- the better off he is In every respect and the abler for the duties of the morrow writes Edward of The American Man and the County In the July Ladlest Home Journal Now what does he get in the city in the evening even if he lives a carefully regulated life There is no mode of life he can possibly fol low which is in any way recuperative to his mental or physical being He has never been out of hearing of the city or out of the range of its lights Every night he has slept in the air of the city and in the has looked out on the gray sidewalks which he sees all day Ion What does such a man know of the exhilar ating refreshing and bloodquickening experience of opening the shutters of his chamber window upon a landscape of space and sunshine Arid what is far worse what do his wife and know of such a blessing Yet he deludes himself into belief that he must live in the city so as to be in touch with tilings you ask him what those tilings ae you invariably discover that they are of a business nature either strictly business or social convention which he feels has a bearing on his business Hut Is -il- business Now a man living under this pressure rarely does his best work although he fully believes that he doing it he cannot be giving out the best because he does not allow the best to within him Mania for Operations Amor No of Krjlf to Cur A Way Of of the- of to iter year with piles when they could be cured without expanae or dan ger or A operation by Or Ointment the only preparation guaranteed to cur caae of Itching bleeding or protruding piles J A Baldwin Baptlat For over twenty years I waa a Itching And protruding many and very painful All without obtaining any permanent Whan about to give up In I told to ime Oint ment to finding relief at one I and am Almoat n- cured The Itching la All gone- I have to it It would cure them It ha me Chases Ointment Is only cure for every or piles a at ail dealers or and Co Toronto making a m m J I m A woman who could not af ford a visited store aw the latest styles tome pounded her old hat half an boor with i a ruling rtuek- fea ther through the band and went to church the next Sunday the of all the women in the Dis patch dress shabbily in the morning because no one see you show less courtesy to your de pendents than you would to your equals in position Dont take the world into your con fidence about your troubles or your family affairs Dont forget to be gentle and respect- to the aged even when they are fussy and tiresome Dont food at mealtimes Dont refuse ungraciously when some one offers to do you favor Dont when travelling by or car behave as if you were the ire per son who had a right to bo there arid the rest were all interlopers Compare the Era with any other weekly for home news aphorisms Silence in times of suffering is the best Burdens become light- when cheerful ly borne Ovid Be charitable and indulgent to every one but thyself Care admitted as a guest quickly turns to be master Bovee Censure is the tax a man pays to the public for being eminent Swift It is well to learn caution by the misfortunes of others In business three things are necessary knowledge temper and time Felt- ham in a very narrow compass Steele most delicate mode of conferring a compliment Bulwer Character and personal force are the only investments that are worth any thing Whitman When one has no design but to speak plain truth he may say a great deal in a very narrow The meanest most contemptible kind of praise is that which first speaks well of a man and then qualifies it With a H The way to avoid the imputation of impudence is not to be ashamed of what we do but never to do what we ought to be ashamed of Mcero A man whose heart was shaken out of its place by an accident on the railroad died at his home near Ala In November he was working as on a freight train on the Georgia Railroad running between Birmingham and Col umbus Miss He was climbing up the side of a box car while the train was thru a cut A rock pro- out from one aide of the out struck him in the left side knocking him oil the car He was unconscious a long time and when picked up the doctors said his injuries were all In ternal found his heart had been moved over on his side of his eight inches by actual mea sure from Its normal position The doctors said the man would die in a few hours but he did not ana in a suffered very little pain His heart however did not return to its proper position He sued the Company for damages but as lie was appar ently well the jury gave him only A few months after he was in jured he began to lose flesh As he became reduced in flesh he sulTered great pain his chest and finally hemorrhages set In from which he died After death an autopsy was made and It was found that not only the mans heart but all his Internal organs had been moved from their na tural position the shock which In the caused his death The Jury would probably have given him a larger sum had they known that his injuries were fatal but they were de ceived by his robust condition The world and the church are often simi larly deceived by moraJ character Many men are apparently so good that they are regarded as children of God but God condemns them because they draw near to him with their mouth and honor Win with their but they have removed their heart far from him Try Era for 3 months 25c Mr Marshall Wilson of Whitchurch lost a- valuable horse last from the effects of the intense heat Mr John Flick near was fatally Injured by slipping off a load of straw on a piece of machinery in his barn The barn of Staples- in was destroyed fire on and his house was damaged by smoke and water Edward Sutherland of London a tinsmith employed by Parkinson Co was badly hurt Saturday by the collapse of a scaffold Church was broken into on Sunday night and the century fund boxes ransacked and Pas tor silk gown stolen The fishing- at Strawberry Island been extremely good five guests of the hotel having caught sixty beauties Thursday evening in two hours time The barn of Hill was struck by lightning on Monrfy and totally destroyed The crop was The machine shop of John A and the dynamos of the Electric Light Co in Cayuga were destroyed by lire on Monday Loss between and Charles Iron a Montreal pressman a lamp sen lire to his in- child The raoAer to the childs assistance and were fatal ly burned Pine Cottage one of the large boarding houses at Mackinac was burned last week Wm a fireman was fatally injured by a fall during the blaze The Editorial Association of Min nesota numbering members nude a tour of the Muskdka lakes A number of Canadian knights of the quill accompanied them Tfeherne Man Aug The North em elevator caught fire morning and was burned td the unknown There was about bushels of wheat in it Edward Hewer of GuelpS an em ploye of Bell Organ and Piano Co while attempting to board an train at on Saturday under the wheels and lost one leg The excursionists subscribed over on the spot for the unfortunate man Eugene the eminent engin eer has been at work for some weeks in the vicinity of pros pecting for natural gas The contract for the first well was let last week and a drill will operations at once and continue until a satisfac tory test has been made The engin eer says it will lake two months to feet One of the largest plants in the United States for the manufacture of be operated again as a bicycle and which Is situated In the middle west has closed and will never Tlie company gives as its sons for discontinuing that the wheel business is a thing of the past arid that there never will be a demand again for its bicycle The plant is to be reopened in about ten days tor the manufacture of carpet sweepers Wil son Y Star Once more the angel of death vis ited the village of and summoned from home of Mr and Mrs Edward Lennox their beloved son Albert Edward Deceased was ed with a severe attack of rheumatism about three weeks ago and his sufferings were almost un bearable until deatli relieved him on Thursday morning last A promising life was cut off while entering the threshold of manhood having died at the age of years and days An exchange asks for news Items In way If you know an Item kindly tell us about it Every we knew that you know things that we dont know And we know that you know that we dont know It and still you dont tell Nov If you tell us what yu know then well tell what we know and also what you know and then our readers will know what they know and what you know and also what we know that you know we know you know Children cry for CASTOR I A We turn out all Kinds of Quicker and Better Than any other office North of pronto We are always buying new Type and with the Very Best Presses and workmen who k how to use them we please our customers AS LOW AS THE LOWEST Address- OFFICE to be TEACHERS 1 SEATS Accommodating sizes for Pupils Accommodating prices for the Trustees Writ for estimates THE omOK SPECIALTY MEG CO timS Factory Newmarket Notre Dame St Montreal My Toronto oat or ut a or of your Rekt been u We conduct folly tuippedofflc iu Ip lydlipatch work and brOAd the Invent Ion freest procured through Marlon Ma rion v tbrK In distributed rvmiliilon ftTanofac- i New ft it ft MS largo part of a BUSY MANS CAPITOL Long Distance TELEPHONE Time man Blower lUvn you a taunt In your ALL SIZES As we are overstocked we will sell them a short time COME AT ONCE commenced at Lake in connection with the Methodist church on Sun day Aug Matbeson of Toronto and Rev Mr Dates evan gelist of the Hay of Confer ence were present meetings will continue about days I The mill and elevator at together with bushels of wheat has been destroyed by fire total loss being 20000 The sudden death of Yuan Shi Kti Governor of Shantung hi he midst of the present crisis has rise to suspicion of foul