Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 31 Aug 1900, p. 3

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Weeks WHIT IB OS A Only a small attendance last Sunday Program provided by tie U The ladies will also furnish the pro gram for next Sunday m Barbie Only 423 boxes of cheese were at the Market on toe Inst and of these were from Newmarket Factory Four factories sold at and two factories at Next Board Sept Jlotne The Commissioners meet to audit accounts of the past month- The new Silo is completed and ready for corn An old man- named Michael Dillon died the tfome last Friday at the age of He was only sick a coupie- weeks He came from Richmond Hill and had been an inmate here be tween three and four years THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG Big Dont that Toronto has the only big snow in the Province The Secretary informs us that entries are coming in for York Fair You remember Childrens Day- the two- years Weil thiyear will be something extra Dont Wednesday Sept The Directors are giving over for prizes the school sections Every school in the Riding can win something best Turnout will get and 20 for the next Let the young men and ladies in the section show what they can do The largest load from any one school gets school com ing the longest distance are prizes for Club Swinging Dumb Bell and Wand Exercises March ing Military Drill Foot Races for boys and girls Boot Race Broken A pane of glass was broken last Sat urday in the office of Messrs Lennox Chdppin thru a little scuffling ft pane of glass in front of Em- bury a Laundry has evidently been by somebody fitting too bard on the window sill Died in the Information has been received of the death of Mrs Jane sister of the late Samuel and Alderman this Town which occurred last Saturday at the home of her daughter Mis Grace in Fleming Deceased was in her year is been bom in Aurora on the July and was a of Plentiful A car load of fruit arrives in New market now every day or two are selling from up to a basket plums from to anil huckleberries at 00c a bas ket- and Race The same day Newmarket for many years Two are to be given for Equestrian sons and Albert died events and Dog Races The- Baby years ago so that Mrs- is to be held on the same day Mr Geo of the and as there is no charge for entering only members of the family now eiery mother in the Riding will want to see if her baby is not the prettiest With the exception of about In connection with this event Mr A which deceased spent with her at received the following she has been living with her letter this week from the daughter in the NorthWest ever since of those celebrated Saskatchewan she left Newmarket nearly ago It is Here w A horseless carriage paraded the streets of the Town on Tuesday even ing and attracted much attention It was driven by gas of some description and made a resembling a street car It is the property of a city firm out for business- This is the second automobile to Town m CsT robes and coats Bible Society Gait Aug By a copy of the annual report of the A Esq Upper Canada Bible Society which reached this office last week we notice that the following sums have been for warded to Toronto from this section to aid in the continuance of the splen did work of the organization Aurora 50 Bradford Newmarket Queensville Wilfrid Tp Zephyr S3 At I Jiigh School Everything is in shape for commenc ing work next Tuesday morning in The improvements Newmarket Dear iSir We are expressing you today prepaid special prize given by us for your Fair viz eiderdown cloaking and The Shamrocks The Championship Lacrosse Match last Saturday between the Shamrocks of Toronto Junction and the of Newmarket drew a big to and there was a good deal of baby carriage rue We are sending i in t j 3 excitement but luck was against- the five yards of eiderdown instead of if agoos The match was more hot- three as agreed Knowing everything j contested than the score wornd down on a large scale with v- It to The people and thinking that babies also be have the extra pt Shamrock mins Trustinx this may be the means of shamrocks 30 tm a large crop of J mm years to come we shamrocks 3 truly Co Shamrocks mils on the Fair Shamrocks Fourth Form there will be at least Grounds are progressing to The eight pupils The otter classes axe Main if remrled to a posi- likely to larger than last year If ion immediately St you are going to become a pupil of The immediately lacing t Shamrocks the High School start on the fiSST day and be on hand every day during The framework is up for 10 mils the term Go in to make a record the Grand Stand which al- yourself and the school of the Main Build- The opening of the Fourth Form and alongside of the track Re- welcome Home here yves an opportunity for former freshment Booths constructed graduates of the school to the under the Grand Stand and facing the first year of College course at home Main Building The work is being SSS KSL l rushed along by the contractor so as to have for the Fair l0 SoulhAfrjca The Specialty Works Business continues good especially in the iron department This week the firm axe shipping- Shannon Cabi nets TypeWriting Tables and a number of Standing Desks One car was filled on Tuesday and two more will be required this week to ship them Both material and workman ship commend these goods to the trade The offices have had a hew coat of paint including the floorsand the engine room walls and ceiling have also been brightened by a new coat Big went down to Bonds Lake last Saturday night The Band gave another openair Con cert on the WaterWorks Lawn last Friday night An advance in coal is expected morrow Next Monday is a holiday Labor Day Schools open on Tuesday Days are shortening day laziness is pretty well over now A number of lacrosse admirers went to last Saturday and drop ped some money on the Ta I J unc tion championship match- A couple of itinerant musicians did up the Town last Friday The shirt waist for men fad hasnt struck Newmarket yet but the thing is easily identified Its a waist to which a mans trousers are buttoned the same as in childhood days only a belt covers the joint- Two of the Hand instruments were damaged by the crush down Town last Fancy French Muslins regular for Colored Piques Fancy Plaid Sateens regular for Crash Skirtings Ladies Blouse Stock Collar regular for Stripe Blouses regular for Ladies Cotton Vests 1 Inc Plaid Goods Special Importation receive Black Dress Goods Now is the time to buy your Black Dress for fall for in spite of the big advance in prices of these goods we arc still keeping to the old prices which of course means cheaper than any one else In thu trade W A BRUNTON You never fail with Bruntonn Baking Powder CORNER STORE The York County Departmental Store Departments Still Come Our confreers of the press continue just to the of to make kindly reference to the the opposite sine of the track in the Era office People who have not been to the Fair Among those coming under our notice Grounds lately will hardly were The Canadian Printer and Pub lisher Toronto the Comber Her ald published near Windsor- which adds The Era is one of the best local papers in Ontario the stock Gazette near Woodstock which remarks that the sheet is clean- in good time Th Judges Stand is the Grand Stand were flying from many staffs and the South end of Main street was gaily decorated with flags and bunting The Citizens Hand turned out in full force and as soon as the car hove in sight the crowd sent up a great cheer but this was not the right car A place York Public Schools who had gone to meet him in To- in the minutes of the June Session onto along about minutes and S Gazette which concludes a lengthy paragraph with these words Good luck to who has so much pluck The Acadian Nova Scotia says r The Era is a large well printed and well edited Journal and thoroughly uptodate The Tribune says The Era is a progressive publica tion and we hope that its enterprise wiJJ receive the good encouragement that it merits jly and tenderly Home Sweet The effect was very touch- Average Teachers Cost A a The desirability of placing on record some manner our appreciation of the patriotism of the late Haines of the 1st Canadian Contin gent who was a fellowtownsman has been acknowledged by our citizens generally and the matter took a de finite form a few days ago when a subscription list was circulated amongst the business men which reads as follows Newmarket August Salary per pupil Township Whitchurch King The average cost per pupil in the Province was in Counties 769 in Towns in Cities and in the above townships No of female teachers in the In spectorate males Average sal ary to males females Teachers salaries have not been so low as in for the past quarter of a century The Newmarket Model School was attended by students of whom passed the examinations prescribed by the Education Department At the commencement of the session Mr I previously principal of the Richmond Hill Public School became principal have pleasure ln stating that his management of the class was We the undersigned desiring to very satisfactory to the County Board Empire and Arbor Days were very generally observed in the schools with appropriate exercises In a great many schools a neatly framed picture of the Queen occupies an honored place in the folds of the Union Jack while in the playground stands the flagstan from the top of which floats the flag of Empire on special days Agreeable to the instructions of the Minister of Education I field quite a number of meetings in schools which perpetuate the memory of the late Haines who died in the Ser vice of his Country during the present South African War think It would be appropriate to place a Memorial Tab let in our Public School where he for merly was a pupil and hereby agree to subscribe the sum set opposite our names for the above purpose On a sufficient amount being a meeting of the subscribers will called to appoint a committee authorize the expenditure of the same Copies of the are now laid In the Post Office the Ontario Bank the Era Office and the Express Of fice where subscription will be gladly received Mr Ross of the On tario Bank IsTreasurer protern Al ready over 50 has been subscribed Drop in and add your name to show your appreciation of his services to your country It seems to us that a Soldiers Monument in Newmarket Cemetery would be far better than a Memorial Tablet In the Public School The lead of the Centre be a very location and the Direc tors would no doubt be to vide a foundation The Council might better grant for than spend nearly double that amount over the Mowout on the rnief Pretoria Many people who hoi more than a dollar to Tab- hi Would Willingly give a V to a monument Let therebe a and ve shall have somr remember the loyalty of our that we not be and many in the big crowd that gathered could not keep the tears from their eyes Mo- Co of Volunteers in uniform under command of Capt Allan were also present and after cheers Harold shook hands with all his comradesin arms The family were then invit ed to seats in a carriage to which long ropes were attached and the citi zens drew them in torchlight proces sion headed by Band and Volunteers up Main Street to the Eire Hall the Band playing Johannesburg Belle March and then The Red White and Blue to the spacious lawn of Mr II The palatial home was beautifully illuminated and thronged with- invited guests to do honor to the returning hero of when Gen surrendered Before alighting from the carriage the crowd called upon Harold for a He was not accustomed to public speaking but thanked the people of Newmarket for the warm welcome he had received He that it was not so much for anything that he had done personally but for the gener al feeling of loyalty to the British Empire and all who were serving Queen and Country While he glad to get home again he also thai two other boys were still on duty and one was there never to return Again thank ing them for the honor conferred he retired to the house In response to calls for x Toronto for repairs is painting many fence corners in the country a yellow hue It is a pity to see so many locust hedges growing wild Why dont some handy fellow go thru the country and trim them According to the talk there is quite a crowd going to the Opera next Mon day night The fall season Will soon be on Be sure and read the ads in the Era and save money King Tp Council paid over at Us last meeting as part indemnity for sheep killed by dogs Next being a holiday there will be no meeting of the Town Coun cil THE CHEAP STORE A And Pickling Time is now here It that you will be needing had duty announced through J- pup Us to the ratepayer I have togf llsua of speaking confess that despite he of the that way on teacher and the meetings glad to have Us were as a rule poorly attended JhJ the Haines family Town who revir would see their one again and his Joy only increased his sympathy for the bereaved Indeed it was this account procession did not go to the North end which would on ly intensify the sorrow of that home The boys were invited to the hospitality of the House at Mr expense and the crowd dispersed on the playing metal aire and the National Anthem Harold was dressed in his Khaki uniform and looking well He hud several narrow escapes While in introduction of Class- work into our Public Schools quite a number of young men and women have attended school during the winter months They usually gave special attention to reading writing book keeping and composition These young people usually exercise a very beneficial upon the younger pupils and teachers I find very generally encour age their attendance Now that Agriculture must be taught orally to the Class and studied with the Text book by the V class find that pupils have been reported this year as receiving instruction in Agriculture total expenditures In was less than in This sav ing was In the reduction of salaries by and in school buildings by Of Mr Hughes one of the old est residents of Ontario passed away on Sunday morning last at his resi dence Newmarket was born at Pennsylvania in 1813 and moved to Toronto with his father the age of six years The family composed of children settled at in King Township County of York where they lived and grew up taking an active part in alt those enterprises which in the early tended most to up a youi tr Hughes one of the eld est of the family was up a Quaker and though rigid In Ids adher ence to the religious of the Society was broadminded public matters and the benefits resulting his interest- in such matters have tamped themselves indelibly the history of King township He was ardent with Wm i and his associate the of and was always even up u the time of his an Reformer in Canadian politics and sel dom if ever missed casting his vote for thai party The deceased came to iiLout years ago and has lived nere quietly ever since Of this large fam ily one sister alone remains Mrs Elizabeth Johnston of Detroit wufcie she came only in time to be recognized by her brother before pass ing away The deceased was married twice By his first wife he had A children of whom are still alive James Hughes broker of New City Mrs Sarah Fleming now in England and Mrs Clark The second family Is composed of three childrenWalter Hughes with Co of Milton Hughes of Chicago and Mar tha Hughes wife of A J Hughes Esq of Sharon The funeral took place on Tuesday at oclock from his late residence Rev of the Methodist Church officiated and preached a short but appropriate and effectual sermon The three sons James Walter and Milton and the three grandsons Will and Job Vinegar p i s Of course you want the best have our guarantee for this as follows The Best Soieesf and Vinegar at less prices than pay PRICES XXX White WineVinegarf guaranteed full strength gallon Fruit Vinegar guaranteed full strength gallon Farmers Cider Vinegar good quality gallon Ground Black Pepper per lb Cloves whole per lb Whole Black Pepper per lb 18 Whole White Pepper per lb Ground White Pepper per lb Cayenne Pepper per lb Cayenne Pods per lb i Allspice whole per lb Allspice ground per lb Coriander Seed per lb 11111 Cloves ground per lb Cinnamon Cassia per Cinnamon stick pef lb Ginger Jamaica ground per lb Ginger Jamaica Root per lb Nutmegs per Seed per Pickling Spice whole mix Mace ground per Mace whole per Pastry Spice per lb Mustard Durham per lb 20 Mustard Seed per lb Celery Seed per lb Curry Powder per lb L Hon Ms helmet was pierced hy a Hughes acted as Pall Bearers The let the epaulet shot from flowers were numerous and choice trie and the front of his body by a Co of bullet with whom- Walter Hughes has been for many years having sent a 30 Only Teeth cheaper than ever at A I next the Post Office wreath to show their sympathy In this time of sorrow The remains were Interred at Newmarket Ceme tery SCHOOL BOOKS are in stock You Save per cent buying from us Here are a few sample Prices Geography Geography P Physiology Algebra and Euclid W Hall Knights Higher Algebra Gages Practical Speller Danford Roche Co NEWMARKET 1st Headers Part 1 p Arithmetic 1st Headers Part AriUimetia 2nd Reader 3rd Reader 24 Grammar Header P History Reader History A J

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