Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 24, 1900, p. 8

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THE NEWMARKET AUG 1900 Constipation Headache Biliousness Heartburn Indigestion Dizziness indicate yoor liver Is not of best W ase and core all Ills la ln cent Sold by all roedHne v ALWAYS OF OR THAT RE LIEVE LOOK OUT FOR AND SUB STITUTES- THE NAME PERRY DAVIS A around the flab DOW Mr- Ken Robertson of Newmarket paid his mother a visit on Sunday last Freddie Tupper of visit- friends in town and vicinity Dr is spend ing ft Week visiting his dAUghtrVb Keswick and Miss Mary McHalo of Newmarket is the guest of Miss M Mrs is lying seriously ill at the home of her daughter- Mrs Seth Jewell Rev J A and Mrs of Hastings county are visiting her sis ter Mrs Vat Brooks and in locality- Mr and Mrs Mann of Newmarket were visiting friends in town on Sun day and Monday John Moore bought the first load of wheat marketed at Mount Albeit this fall He gave per bushel for it- It was grown by j extreme heat of last on day August the Richard Kay of the w concession The animal was one of Mr Chas McOauley of tfaree its formerly of ie Toronto Jobbing a fc M the groin Mr The the guest- of Mr- J Creighton Thorny 20 Is Detroit C wecurestrictureI Thousand of men rolroaWed with this tytAtD nutting or Too will not cart too it will re- tara very successful revival meeUng is in progress at con Whit church It was begun four weeks ago at the close of the Mennonite Taber nacle Meeting held a grove near by The services are conducted by Rev Mr Bowles pastor of the Methodist church He is a plain direct and forcible speaker and does not fear to call a spade a spade Mr Bowles preaches with a power thai conies of firm conviction in the truth and of his message and as a re sult of such dealing over forty yielded themselves to Christ iii the busiest season of the year the church is nightly tilled with anxious son was in a critical coudttion for a few days hut is now thought to be but of danger On Monday Aug to Mr and Mrs Jos Sheffield a daughter On Monday Aug to Mr and Mrs Prank Thompson of the con cession a daughter On Monday Aug t3th to Mr- and Mrs Byron Stiver a son On Saturday Aug to Mr and Mrs Wesley Wallace of the eon- cession a daughter fa Goodwood on Wednesday Aug 1st to Mr and Mrs J Elliott- a son AURORA A medal for plows has been awarded interested people understand the meetings close on Friday evening OAK the It Borer return No pin no no by oar rco iafiorateiADd bliss of miohood rttarn GLEET of and men are their Strati rtppod by frequently uncoowwo Weakness Kail- Poor Mem ory times Sen- Sunken dark Weak Back General Lack of Ambition and STRICTURE Dont conrnUtamilr lny no ipeneooo dont allow to On you mad life Women METHOD enroyoa thousand dollar for a wo accept for treatment and cannotcartf CURES trait JMISSIOKS SYFB1XT8 flTRlCrrTJrVmPOTKKCY ray ADDER Sg MMIem Aw St Detroit Mich K Paris Exposition- The county for Aurora this year is general tax Industrial Home There is no increase over last year- Rev A who went to Toronto to have an operation performed for The vision he drlt is eyes and the fceart- beat of the never and the of infant voices floats from without into the childless home eyes sddri anrt the heart it often happens that is due to which may be Many women have found that the vitality and vigor imparted by Doctor Pierces Favorite Prescription to the womanly organs has the one needful to fulfill the Joy rTK famous is nota cureall i out a specialists having as a single aim the cure of diseases peculiar to women Sick or are invited to con sult Dr Pierce Buffalo by tetter charge questions offensive nations local i generally considered necessary by All letters arc as strictly private and Each answer is sent in a perfectly plain envelope There is neither alcohol nor other in toxicant in Favorite and it is absolutely free from cocaine all drugs My for over eight rears write of Tina bed utcriue disease was treated by So get no To one your Memorandum which you sent me about Dr Pierces and wc decided to try Favorite tioo I seut to dmz store and got one bottle and first dose gave and sleep had not any for three nights Being that it woublcurc her I sent for five more bottles and she had the sixth bottle she was and well We now have a fine boy at Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets promote a healthy condition of the stomach The sudden death of Mr Samuel on Tuesday night of last week cast a gloom over vicinity For a number of years he carried on black- smithing at Mills with bis two T sons He had been to Richmond Hill I able to return in a few during the and on his return re- j tired to bed between and oclcxk apparently in as good health as usual Jgjg an hour aftenvards his fi rf thinking she heard a noise in his Caster of the firm of Caster PATENTS GUARANTEED our free concerning same to a Patent sent upon through for sate at our Patents taken out through us without charge la Patent iUintmled and widely circulated consulted by and Investors Send for aampte copy VlorOR J Patent Attorney Building WASHINGTON Curbs and All Forma of Lameness Yield to bedroom went to the door and called and getting no response went to a j rts and addition to a number of bruises bim and that he not breathing- A doctor was at for the old was at- makes laouotfuh ready dead The doctor pronounced it apoplexy Deceased was noted for his kindly disposition The funeral took place an Friday to St Johns Ceme tery Oak Ridges and was largely at tended Deceased was father of Har ry of Aurora J of Newmarket visited at H last week Rev of J returned this morning Thursday a two weeks visit with his father The Tea Party and lecture held at last Tuesday evening was well attended considering the weather on that night The lecture given by Rev on England Rome Egypt and Palestine was ap preciated by those present While working on Millers bank Mr lias made of fer to the Royal Electric Co for the purchase of electric plant here pro viding the town will enter into an agreement with him to pump the wa ter required by the municipality The Council has appointed a committee to report on the proposition at its next meeting On Friday last Mr John met with an accident which might have cost him his life He and his grand- sou were driving in a road cart on Wellington street east when the horse gave a sudden start Mr was thrown backwards out of the cart In his fall both hands and arms were badly bruised and sprained He has recovered sufficiently from the fall to be around town again in the West end on Monday Ira that crosses thru the town Caster met with a serious accident A caused considerable annoyance by floor plank was being shoved towards I him and he slipped off the sleeper and if fell backwards into the cellar a dis- Provincial of about feet his back coming ere week cause of the trouble was into contact with a stone It is sup posed that some of his ribs are frac tured and that he has sustained Inter nal injury Children for CASTOR I A ORCHARD BEACH located Mr of tlte Banner celebrated the 30th anniversary of his wedding on Thursday Ait Cor CM it DEL KK5UALLCO- I hia to who nit git a TWJ wai tod ItcoW Relief of the legations London 17 The first definite announcement of the relief of the le gations tame from Rcrlin The allies have entered The Garden Party on Thursday even- out fighting The legations are re- last week on Rev Mr Turks and the arc under the auspices of the Kes wick Methodist Church was a great Such is the despatch received from success The evening was delightful the Consul at Shanghai and and a big crowd assembled The given out by the Berlin Foreign Office at pm today Bake Beans 8 to hours Roils to minutes Biscuits to minutes Cookies to minutes Graham gems 30 minutes Custards to minutes Pie crust to minutes Fish to pounds hour Potatoes to minutes Turkey pounds hours Pudding plum to hours Cake plain to minutes Gingerbread to 30 minutes Cake sponge to minutes Bread brick loaf 10 to minutes Pudding bread rice and tapioca hour well done minutes per pound Chickens to 4 pounds to hours v Lamb well done minutes per pound Beef long or short fillet to 30 minutes Beef sirloin rare to minutes per pound Beef sirloin well done to 15 minutes per pound Beef rolled rib or rump to minutes per pound Mutton rare per pound well done minutes per pound Veal well done minutes per pound Good Housekeeper Children for CASTOR I A Happiness does not consist things but thoughts The great secret of eloquence is to be in earnest Boiled Down Facts tables were loaded with good things and the ladies deserve much praise for the excellency of their cooking The musical and literary program which followed was very enjoyable The pastor Rev Mr Brown presided iiyw Speeches were made by Revs Rankin inmj mtH and Campbell of Toronto o of and of of Toronto also Rev y Rev Turk and tevs i KlSKiSSmSiSSSS vrtlf Toronto and bpdowitip of Keswick The pro- concluded with a comical speech of Toronto and every- ixidy went homo in good The 1 1 UHMi Him booth was well patronized and the total proceeds amounted to The expense were about leaving clear Winnie Belfry of has been the guest of Miss Jessie Dickson the past week We regret to report there Is ap parently no Improvement In the health of Mr C Cane who has been here for tVQ montlis suffering from indigestion The temperature on Sunday was moat a little too cool for the comfort of campers Messrs Lehman Atkinson and spent Sunday at Morton Park and the guests of Mr for supper TwtVitytwo delegates from Kansas arc at Grand Forks Aug 16 A big fire broke out in the Hotel and fanned by a high wind spread with lightning rapidity to the adjoin ing buildings The town has no wa ter supply but a bucket brigade was It was finally decided to blow up the Presbyterian church which was burning and the flames were checked two blocks front the Hotel total loss is esti mated between and 35000 OR A CHASES CATARRH CURE to tb Improved clears the a c tiniQtou Kevtr and and Havre fee y4Ux Toronto The collapse of Chinese resistance Is explained in despatches from Shanghai as being due to the failure of the Chin ese to flood the country below Tung Chow Washington August The Acting Secretary of Slate makes public the following telegram received this Fri day evening from the United States Consul at Aug Japanese admir al reports attacked east Obstinate resistance Even ing entered capital with other forces Immediately surrounded Legations Inmates safe Japanese loss over Chinese Berlin Aug A despatch received here from dated Aug announces that the allies have captur ed with slight loss The Chinese left dead on the fleld Jilt Then little EMULSION to milk three time a day It astonishing how fait Improve- lfhenuie let the mother take the Emulsion about Wards Blood and Nerve Pills No remedy ever Introduced In Canada has gained so many words of sufferers all over the court try as these thoroughly pills Because they positively cure all dis eases brought on by impoverished blood such as heart trouble nerv ousness rheumatism dyspepsia etc ALSO Because they induce sound healthy deep and restore VIM VITALITY to the body ALSO Because their enables the system to successfully resist attacks of colds and the inseparable re mits vtclungaodlddneytroubtes fact toportande of per WUuMOaTrVsOa been said of late as to the of in the making of permanent roadways The Idea ori ginated in the oil regions of Pennsyl vania but ft is in California that ttiu experiment has been tried suc cess In the southern part of the State it is said the problem of good has oj the pycayon Of A recent letter to that are now nearly a hundred miles of toad in the several counties which have been so treated in this and so pronounced in every instance and particular has been the success of the trial that there is no doubt that nearly a thousand miles will be put under contract for the treatment- dur ing the coming year On all of the main highways in Los Angeles County oilcoating is now ap plied Many of them have but patches of it half- a mile or a mile in extent the oil being used upon it to test- the effect it- will have upon earths of dif ferent character and upon roads of varying qualities It has been found that where the road had even hard foundation smooth and clear of ruts and about two inches of diist on the surface upon this road the oil is a complete success and gives a sur face as polished clean ami clear as an asphalt street Vhere the soil is clay- ey though the surface is rutty it will maintain the hard character of the ground ho dust and prevent further decay by resisting the forma tion of mud the oily and impervious ground holding the water in the ruts until it dries out preserving the earth beneath from becoming saturated with it One hundred barrels of oil per mile spread over an eighteen feet in width will put a road in con dition along the extent of the oiled surface and give an excellent roadway- adequate for ordinary traffic The oil is put on in three applications the first at the rate of sixty barrels per mile and the two subsequent at the rate of twenty barrels per mile each Great care must be taken in delivering the oil It should be hot when discharged and poured upon a hot surface so that the work of the oil sprinkling is confined to the heat of lie day The oil cannot be poured on indiscriminately but must be drilled into the dust as wheat is drilled into laud prepared to receive it If it is not so applied the oil will He in splotches run together and so make a very imperfect success either as a job of sprinkling or as an oiled surface In order to meet the re quirements a machine has been de vised A big tank mounted on four wheels drags a sort of tenderbox sup ported by two wheels into which is run from the tank supplies of oil This box has a furnace beneath it which heats the oil and attached to ft is a drag looking somewhat like a hay rake A number of curved rods or fingers go but from the bottom arid these are drawn through the dust and along the road little fur- rows in dust and into these rows through a series of pipes is dis charged the oil A second sort of thumb arrangement fixed far ther back turns the dust over the oiled furrow and the surface is then left to a process which re- an hour to effect roller is then drawn over the oiled width and thus the first treatment is com pleted I Contracts for the three treatments are taken at from to per mite according to the price of oil and the character of the surface to be worked But even at this rate the cost is not over six cents per running foot of the width and of this sum under the general regulations the county pays onethird and the proper ty owners on the road on each side pay onethird Under this ar rangement it would cost an to put In condition the road in front of 100 feet of land and this is about what It now costs him to have the road sprinkled with water throughout the dry season One saturation will keep the road in good repair during the year succeeding the first three treatments and this application re quires but twenty barrels to the mile Its cost to the adjacent owners of land is but forty cents per feet of road and there is maintained a most excellent driveway London Free Press I it J- Weaving to Inform the public hut ho Ballon on and that ho attjl Loom with ail lateltnproTtiaeota to tod ho it Work la- Hag Carpet do Be Weaving Boat ace Bend your raw In Our greatest glory is not in never falling but In rising every time we fall Over firemen from all parts of world participated in the contests In the international exhibition of fire apparatus at Paris The official announcement of prize winners at the Paris shows that Canadian exhibitors gained many valuable awards The Milling Company now estimate Manitobas wheat yield at bushels The full crop with the acreage under cultivation this season should have been As an inducement- to women their hats oil in his an Ameri can preacher offers to have mirrors put up that the ladies maysee to get their headgear on straight again Mafic Mich Aug At daylight the blockade to Lake Su perior navigation by the stranding of the schooner Maids directly across the deep water channel in St Marys Riv er was lifted It had fasted hours and it is estimated the losses entailed by delay to shipping will ap proach irtir iuiinvT rrilUIilt7i9i7tICiTl4BT ttcTbodandBegu the ir Contains Mineral THAT THE FACS1MILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE ilon and LOSS StEER Signature of NEW OF OP Alb fc pit up In dy It cot told la Dont to anything on the or jcod and ju- yon get anjjif I iJ fti Do you think of BUILDING THIS SUMMER If you do write The LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ALL Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork in for the PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PlNS Etc The Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET The Most Tasteful Printing RS RJi EVERYDAY Not socalled High Art wonders with twisted rules and inano but symmetrical wellbalanced typogra- work carrying an air oven that will win tho good opinion of every man who views it Wo do anything from a business card to a poster And you will get your Printing done at The Era Job Subscribe for the Era and get all the Home News

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