Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 24, 1900, p. 6

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THE NEWMARKET ERA AUG i960 Idle around the flub AMD COR- TO MORTON PARK A public service Will be held at Mor ton Park on Sunday Aug at pm Preaching by Rev Weeks of Newmarket- Everybody in cited Harvest is nearly oyer R grocery is started be handy for neighbors Some of our snuUng over their big crop of cucumbers- School is in again The mill has lots of work- Mr Thompson preached over Comers last Sunday- Miss Ethel Sugdeo and Master were visiting friends in last week Mr Hill of Toronto preaches at Tent Corners nest Sunday- Glad to welcome our teacher Harold Martin in our midst again Mr Pegga sugar beets are well Master Elmer is going Toronto to see if bis foot is petting along alright Out mailman- has a passenger and then Young Hopeful ZEPHYR J Leparti tailor is agent for the Era at this place The sawing of the mill here is closed at present having run out of timber but the planing factory is still running The sawmill hands are out to the other mill on the con EG known as the Klondike We have a new jeweller and here now Mrs Thomas sister ami children are visiting here at present Mr John is Agent for the Era at Sutton and is author ized to receive subscriptions cot- accounts Orders for all kinds of printing promptly attend to V On Friday afternoon a fire started in the house occupied by Mrs Cross as a dwelling jeweller shop but for tunately it was discovered in time to extinguish before much damage was done The fire originated from a par lor stove in the comer of an upstairs without pipes into which pa pers had been thrown and some child had lit a match and on Ore The fire ran up the- wall found its way between the ceiling and the roof and a portion of each to be cut away to get at it By energetic work it was soon overcome Sutton certainly some organization for protection against lire In this in stance the necessary alarm was not given No one called fire loudly oil the streets factory bell was not rung The only bell rung was the dinner bell at the Queens hotel which was rung in the ordinary vay and some not far off not it as a call to anything so serious as a fire A good many were in the crick et field and it was some time before the news reached them Sutton and Albert played a base ball match here on Friday last Score Sutton Albert Miss Furlong a former teacher here but now following the profession in Chicago is spending a week here She is the guest of Mrs E Miss Petigrew formerly milliner at Mr J but now of Portage la Prairie made a short call at Sutton last week It is very thai infidelity should be flaunted before the people from week to week as it ever had or ever will accomplish anything for the good of mankind We find those who follow of Voltaire Tom Paine et al among the most uneasy unsettled and unhappy j mortals you will find on this mun dane sphere I believe in privilege and wisdom A large excursion party- came in from on the including the Canoe Club and canoe races on the bay of a most exciting nature The lake Was calm and every thing- propitious Mr Nelson Bennett formerly of but now of Uncle Sams dominions came over last week with his wife and daughter for a short his mother Mr John Stephensons new thresher 16 doing splendid work At Mr Homers on Monday morning it turned but of fall wheat two hours and nobody was aware that the being timed or the men said they would have done it in less tinted We understand- that Miss Clarke returned to the city on Monday criticising whatever one conceives ing with her Miss be detrimental to the best interests Miss Mires of Permit me then to refer ft proceedings at a barn raising up in the County of Grey at which a good deal of meanness was displayed and Mr from here went on a wheeling trip thru Hiram says he never saw so many rocks be fore and at which Mr P Yorst proprietor BALDWIN Please Mr Editor give Elder Gros ser the cake for the tallest corn and let it be a Johnnie cake too conscience has very little elas ticity else he surely could have stretch that corn another inch and matte it even twelve feet Thos of our town has stalks of the giant sunflower measuring ten feet high If theyd hold up their heads like white folks stand feet The continuous wet weather is very dampening on the farmers spirits Grain is suffering Coon hunts will soon be on allied forces a dunce to peek in the Chinese aftei all The counsel given by Kasior to the German was good severe f Shoot to Mil Toe heathen dogs need a bitter lesson Who was that young man calling on my Miss Man on Sunday evening Echo asks There are reports of very large catches of bass at tho lake sca- son My friend Dr Pearson told of a bass seven lbs and 12 having been taken from Wilcox Lake Are there any there now Oak Ridge scribe Fair Charlotte the belle of Jcrisa took a flying trip across the lake last week to visit relatives Her gorgeous costume surpassing even that of Solomon and her pink slippers were the admiration of all spockleta- tors From the length of time required to bring the butter in that household on Sunday morning I very much suspect somebody had bewitched the cream I dont believe witch but ter is good for the health If subscribers would read the terms of subscription they would save them selves and the editor much unnecessary annoyance If your subscription ex pires send a promptly for a renewal otherwise its a and a quarter If vou wish to cease taking it notify tho Harvesting pretty well advanced in our Mr has finished harvest and all threshed out Charlie is ways to the front Mr got over his sickness and star led to work again T Our school has reopened with Miss y of 9 principal The school yard looks fine since adorns the front ROACHS POINT Miss Annie Mcintosh of Rochester paid a flying visit to the Point one day last week The steamer May hod bills oiit for a Moonlight Excursion to Big Bay Point last Tuesday night About time of starting a thunderstorm came with a terrific wind which caused the trip to be cancelled Mr Tanner of Shanty Bay spent over Sunday at his home Mr J as Woods of accompanied Woods returned home Saturday having spent two among friends here A private Moonlight was given on Friday night per steamer A most enjoyable trip is reported The welcome Miss is in our midst again after spending her vacation Principal exhibitor It was I- a former employee of six kegs ofl Curl village blacksmith hast rented a shop in Sutton and started business on his own hook Bob 9 was a general favorite here and we are sorry to lose him however we wish him much success KESWICK The Christian Church Peach Festival is on the Lawn of Mr Elijah near the Post Office on Wednesday evening of next week Refreshments will be served from six oclock and the ladies will spare no pains to make the spread as tempting as anything ever placed before the people of this community The menu will include peaches and cream bana nas- pies cakes tea coffee to be followed by a good musical and liter ary program No doubt there will be a good crowd and a very social time is Proceed to help the Ladies Aid pay off the Parsonage debt Rev Geo Webber jr a former pas tor and Rev Mr Crockett of Cooks- town who has preached so acceptably in the Methodist church the last two Sun days are calling on friends here this week Mrs of was a guest at hotel at the Point a few days last week She is a daughter of Mr Smith for merly of Newmarket Her is in charge of the this season HOLLAND LANDING Mrs Little has improved her by giving it a coat of paint The contract has been taken for the new pickle factory which will the station Mr Tom Webb of hu been home a few days nursing a lame knee Mrs baby is quite Dr thinks it mover Mrs is suffering from la grippe hut we hope to sec her out again ftoon be surprised boy to return Willi his bride someday soon Lane lias left the cucumber farm Some say he has leased It to Lambert Hamilton Mr II Proctor and wife of Au rora were calling on friends here or Sunday Mrs and daughter Master are spending a days Mr Mrs Lane was At Home a few friends Tuesday evening Mr George Morton of Bradford is spending holidays here at life fa thers The Church of England Sunday School on Thursday at I he park was well attended AURORA The Sunday held their annual excursion to Bonds Lake Saturday afternoon Shang before Judge at Hamilton to charges aal sentenced to five In penitent beer to debauch the men which he evi dently did as shown by their demand for more Considerate men do not furnish liquor at raisings neither do sensible men ask for or ex- pect it Mr and arc guests at Mr John After a visit of about three months with Airs John Boyd- Mr and Mrs Boyd left on last Monday for home in Philadelphia Mr Vale brotherinlaw of Mr Win Howard is at present the guest of Mr John Howard St Julians Mrs Kohl and Mrs J spent last- Saturday in ML Al bert The beautiful family seat of Dr The Briars is closed to the public this season owing to the sad death of his nephew Fleet Sur geon Thomas China He was with Admiral Sey mours force at the capture of Tien and the expedition which at tempted to reach He was on the Admirals staff aboard the flag- Centurion and was the first Ca nadian to give up his life for his coun try in the present struggle in China Excursion from Big Bay Pt and Sutton to on last Tuesday per Proceeds to be ap plied to Patriotic fund About took it in An excursion from here and other stations on the lino to Niagara Falls on Friday hist It Is considered a serious- breach of etiquette and good breeding to smoke in the presence of ladies What then constitutes the propriety or good sense of men indulging in that offensive and repulsive habit in their own presence on last Sunday morning a man a demijohn and a can left the village pointed toward Lake Do you want I o see a show Look around as you go You will sen saliva shoot From around a Briar Root As you go as you go Then look another way Aft you go as you go You will we a pipe of clay And a look of sad dismay It is a captive slave Thats fettered so Look hares a scene of war Very sad wry sad That kopjes sorely pressed And endures a perilous test By that grimy brown cigar AH they go as they go Now what is this so you to know With lips around it tight As they go ant fro This is a pet And they call It cigarette And Id have you touch It A you go Now watch this combination you go as you go Clouds of smoke with consternation And grimy teas of spit And a stench that stifles ladles As they go i ducats Mr Murdoch Chapman not your had a very successful barn raising on Wed nesday of last week Everything passed oft most pleasantly Crit- itenden and Dick were the captains Dick knowing well that the battle is not always to the strong nor the race to the swift chose the lighter and more athletic men conse quently his side were the winners of the day Mrs Chapman did her part nobly assisted by all the pretty girls in the settlement and the matrons as well She laid out a most tempting table of delicacies to which all did more than ample justice Moral If you want to see the prettiest girls and the sweetest matrons in all the country look around our settlement The sight is good for had eyesight Mr Chapman now has one of tin handsomest and best barns in North York Mr Stevenson of is the boss carpenter The holidays arc slipping by so still and swift Soon the exodus will he- gin Home sweet home will be the song of the campers I reckon therell be a big time in the household this week Wonder if Tommy and Mrs will forget their dignity When Hal comes marching home again hurrah Thats the bright side of his terrible war business In other- homes will be mother with tearstained cheeks look ing and longing for one who never conies The dark side of war Snoops art visiting our neighbors gardens I the melon patches arc I I A man has small respect for his wife when he leaves her sitting in a rig outside the hotel while he is tip pling inside I dont believe she re lishes it she does try to look dig nified The next thing on the program is the great Industrial at hog town and the County Fair at the hub Our folks are considering what entries to make Small potatoes are those chaps who make it a custom to go to barn raisings and bees and loaf around and do nothing and then eat three mens share of the goodies at supper The Owl PINS ORCHARD Miss Blanche Howard of Mo a of the late Geo of this been visiting with Mrs May Mrs Forfar and children of Toronto Junction are visiting with her uncle Mr Mr and Mrs also Mr and Mrs attended the funeral of their in on Tuesday last lies and daughter have returned to Toronto after a visit of several weeks here and in Uxbrittee Mrs Jane Wilson of Newmarket spent a few last week with her Mrs Johnson Messrs and A Oldham have had valuable sheep killed by dogs during the past week BRADFORD The Enterprise a large J party of excursionists from on Thursday During afternoon a baseball was played in which the home team defeated the visitors by to The editor of the Witness is ay on a holiday visit at Midland Miss Morris of Richmond Hill spent last week here the guest of Mrs James Rev George Webber of occupied the pulpit of Methodist Church on Sunday The work next Sunday bo taken by Rev Peter Addison of Toronto The last Tuesday to in aid of building fund of Trinity Church was well patronized and fund wilt bo increased over sixty dollars as result of it Wo understand a bell will bo put in tower by the South Con servative Association as a- to Col P who was a communicant or this church members of thecongregation also in tend putting in a organ A lacrosse match was played hero Monday between the small boys of Beaton and Bradford result ing in a victory for home team score to MOUNT ALBERT Mr of was guest of Mr Spalding Sunday Mr Geo Spalding has to Bradford to work Mrs and son from Good wood are visiting her father Mr Long Mr Koster visiting at Mr Our baseball team went to Sutton on Friday and lost match by to Mr Stafford McKennn and wife have returned from States and he start business here again Mr Stiver it able to attend to business again after being laid up for with a broken Wanted at Oaot and lift and NO a to Mrs FOR SALE A FIRSTCLASS FARM of Quality of laud near For apply to the proprietor P FOB SALS That lot Timothy Btreot known Old Church hot For further apply Carbon faint WHAT WE FOE IT i A Big Thing Look Into It HARDWARE PAINTS OILS ETC A NEWMARKET PICKLING SEASON You want Reliable Vinegars and Pure Spices cannot say too much for the reputation our Vinegars have before our trade The White Wine Vinegar cannot and our Cider Vinegar will keep alt kinds of Pickles and adds a pleasant flavor to all things preserved therein Pure are necessary for good results and a complete range of all spices will be found grocery- You have an idea what you want- is it here Built Eight Wear Right Our work Quality it doesnt show It the very we- can Jo each piece because we aim to make each separate piece Just right If you like style nicety of finish and wearable materials you want to leave your order with us Pure Saigon Cinnamon Stick Cinnamon Curry Powder Ground Mace Whole Mace Tumeric Powder Whole White Pepper Ground White Pepper Whole Black Shot Pepper Pure Cayenne Popper Keens Pure Mustard use no other Whole Root Ginger Ground Ginger Whole Allspice Ground Allspice Whole Chili Peppers Ground Cloves Whole Cloves i Whole Mustard Seed Busy Fruit Season As usual are handling choice fruits Plums are largo and arriving in good condition prices reasonable Peats only small quantities arriving Peaches plentiful at present Our prices will suit you Price likely to advance in ten days Tomatoes large and smooth stock Grapes in 10 lb banket or to sell in quantities DAVISON CO Main St Grocers Newmarket Score for the Becker Having decided to now Separator and several statement about Decker from those In opposition to It felt afraid to try It till the Decker agent allowed me to have on on trial the machine to speak If did not Ilk It belti than had ever seen or used I was not to keep it result Is after we I rled In various nays I have in it running one of grainsavers Canada In long rye or wet grain In fact taking everything Into ft Is far better than I ever ox- icotod to find I alio believe my old Peerless satill boat in country To Whom it may oonert We wero present at the Decker Separator to John BmlthbyOeoA Thompson and to put facta form after we believe tbe Deckel to bo beat Separator seen almost noiseless no Jar on floor J J COWIESON Is to certify that was present and saw the threshing and must say it worked la very respect r Farm lor Sale Lot la the rear Of tba 3rd of containing HO acre more or leas For further particulars apply to Newmarket PO MRS PRIVATE SCHOOL will on Tuesday Sept English French and Music Terms moderate PAID IN ADVANCE Everybody Talks About the excellent work of Central Business College Toronto and about the of Its students and graduates More than 300 people have from College into business within the past ten months a dozen Teacher Sixty flret- Typewriting machines splendid thruou and the best courses of training College does moat work Index hand Fall Terms opens Sept th Calendar for asking l Write SHAW Principal A Bta To RICHELIEU AT Opera House ON a Sept BY Edouard Late of Lyceum Co and a strong caste of people Rich Costumes Beautiful Scenery Plan open August at Leh mans Drug Store AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Farm OB ST if There will be sold by Public Auction at Hotel premises on Saturday Sept at the hour of oclock In forenoon following freehold property namely South half of lot No the ftrst on of the late Dawson larm containing about 107 acres more or less This farm la about from New market or a good soli on Ha brick house with frame barn i and outbuildings aUMv a good orchard and about good hardwood bush Terms per cent and balance In days farm will bo sold to a re serve bid For particulars of sale apply to C Solicitor for Vendoi Newmarket

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