Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 24, 1900, p. 5

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ONTARIO BANK BEST Prudent Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General BaoMng Business Allowed on Deposits CtTBRXST DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL sterling And American and old Termers Notes Discounted Collections attended to BOSS IN8URAK0E J Agent for fire and Life Assurance Money to Loan interest At current Bates a TTTTsaT Fire Insurance Aged Rates Firm Isolated Town Tin MARRIAGE Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Office Newmarket Paper issued At residence If J MARRIAGE LICENSES WEST MISCELLANEOUS Simpsoo Good of Voice Tuner of and all String Instruments NEWMARKET OF BUGGIES for all kinds of people Nice Bo far nice people dear for the rich cheap ones for the poor poor for mean ana easy ones for good people and Is very anxious to please them all Money to At percent on farm security alio loans effected on Life policies by Davidson afBdavltA J Heal A Kent for Ike following reliable Insurance Companies Union Standard Mutual Office Hopkins Block Mount Albert NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones ft Allan Money to Loan At per on Arm i tor taking following Of London v Montreal Gore District Mutual established a Also for the Life To ronto Office Corner of Main sod Lot lesson -OO- Prepared for the Bra by Aug 28 Jesus the Good Shepherd Golden Text The good Shepherd His life for the rJEART Verse Robbers may turn shepherd for sake of the hire He had no need of force because love in Him was omnipotent Baptist knew Him and opened the way There are calls forth and tings forth The sheep follow the shepherd anywhere Jakes pains to make truth very plain There rightful access to the fold but thru Christ regenerated soul is deaf to all voices ffJesixs comes to abide hut not to rest us in the same place to live but to live intensely is Christs for us Cods life is the giving of life and self for others Toe hireling is worse than the open enemy There are men who tend the sheep as an occupation Jesus today is calling out a well known people Jesus laid down His for the sheep not for doctrines compulsion to bring in the ones is Christlike PRACTICAL Verses 2 To be in service and to be a true servant not the same thing Christians are called out or thrust out ones Thru Jesus we come to a place of security and enjoyment The soul pasture longed for is found in Christ Jesus The sacrifice of Jesus was lovecompelled only care particularizes every seperate soul There may be many folds but the flock and shepherd are one ETERYDAT truths Verses 3 The voice of Jesus pulsates with the shepherds heart Jesus calls men from worldly cares to follow him Jesus invites men from pleasure and sin to obey him The soul that does obey proves that it is not His Verse The hand of Jesus out His own sometimes Sometimes he uses to separate to Him Sometimes He uses spirits constraint to bring us to Him Sometimes a direct tall will be used by Him Verse Jesus never separates men for His own company There are no untrodden paths the sheep do but folio 7 There are no personal perils the sheep are near the shepherd The true disciple commits all to Christ so submit ever Verses Love alone can lead a man voluntarily to die for another So Jesus eared for us with a love that recks not the cost life There is nothing of good that He can from us His grace is as as the fountains of his being Verses Christs knowledge of us is complete and particular There is a heart dialogue between the soul and Jesus The calls of the Saviour are unlike all other words He could as easily lose His throne as His sheep of Dates of Fan Canadas Great Exposition Industrial Fair Toronto Aug 27 to Sept Central Canada Exhibition Sept to The Great Northwestern Exhibition Sept 49 NORTH YORK COUNTY FAIR NEWMARKET SEPT 20 West Riding Exhibition Sept 26 North Exhibition Sept 25 26 Brock Fall Fair Sunderland Sept 28 Canadas Greatest County Fair Oct 5 Industrial Exhibition Oct King Fall Fair Oct Woodbrldge Fair Oct West Durham Sept Great Northern Exhibition Sept to West Riding Exhibition Sept 27 West Tp Bradford Oct 23 The flmepiean Moke a Chain of Sunday The California outlook is for the biggest fruit crop ever known and that means something immense there It is by far ho greatest fruit grow ing State of all Niagara county peaches of the early variety are selling at retail in the lo cal market for cents a basket The dealers say they do not expect the and other later will bring a much higher price because of the immense crop now ripening in this county Peach growers in Orleans county need help in gathering their crop growers in the Chautauqua county district are advertising for two thousand persons to assist in gather ing their product It is estimated they vill have four thousand carloads to of The quality has never been Star KNOWLES Two doors Main Hi A- Supply Hams Lard The on lodsy A trial will vlnoejocj Rolled Corn Meal Potatoes Wklts fisH Com IiriUA Pipy Vfentrt sod Offer fitiid on Aug J Basil and door factory was burned last night Loss covered by in surance dizzy Spells and Headache nd Down with Cut- Mrs Qua For year I been a with toy I would take and feeling would coma over me after I would my r would M It would bunt At ifetn to keep to my bed and my doctor attended ma spring raedlcin did not help I now taken five of Or ChaaVn Nerve lood and It A group of pleasant people at a homelike winter resort recently were discussing the Sunday opening of the Columbian Exposition The conversa tion began with those who were ac quaintances but the magnetism of the subject spread thru the morning room time and one and another courteously driving out all other thought for the expressed an opinion or nodded an as sent to the expression of others Standing with his back to the open fire vas a man with a benevolent- countenance who said Sunday has established a right of vay here in our United States of America that should not be interfered with by alien Influ ences inferior in spiritual power and intelligence nor by anyone for mer cenary considerations The wise and good men who advocate the opening of the Fair on Sundays are being led astray by a desire to avoid what is commonplace that makes the life of the republic as the commonplace sun rise is the pulse flowing thru the veins of the day The company broke up presently some going in one way and some an other in pursuit of pleasure but the benevolent faced man still held his position with an elbow resting on a corner of- the low mantel and said to the little group of ladles who remain ed occupied with dainty crotchet knitting or embroidery I fancy you all to be house mother- May I tell youa little story all means How delight This is just the time and place Thank you said the gentleman shifting his position a little so as to easily face them all and going on in a that suited itself to each of the characters represented I have asked leave to tell you this an Illustration of the readiness with which our people spring up to a holy observance of day A year ago Mrs Thompson a it beautiful woman in the churcji of iiy fui I press my for wonderful cure brought about by pale weak rnn women anil and happy form a box at nil over or rang change after change thru her ac tive What kind of a she asked herself and immediately an answer flashed itself with subtle harmony in to her mind Acceptance to the Lord of course The mysterious spiritual intelligence that shapes our lives will help each to make his own chain I will pro pound the subject to the family and see what the response will be The next morning as the different members of the household were ga thered about the breakfast table she told how the words had come to her and had with a sort of prophetic power shaped her thoughts and she added I am constrained to ask if from today we as a family cannot make a chain of Sunday I fear we have grown careless in our observance of the day Glancing around the circle of in terested faces she went on Grand ma dear what shall your chain be V A chain of prayers replied the sweet old saint Altho I am no longer able to attend church I can read my Bible and pray at home for all whom I love and for the church that it may desire a revival What good will the desire do grandma dear asked Helen a sweet girl of seventeen When the church desires she ob tains was the reply The Lord will be inquired of r Then will he in crease them with men like a flock Where in the Bible do we find those words grandma In I believe You never a loss to place a passage of scripture replied the young girl admiringly will make my Sunday chain of Bible study not slamming along as has been too much my habit but real hard study that I may have an intelligent knowledge of Gods word and that I may be helped to live rightly And yours husband V persisted Mrs Thompson raising her smiling eyes to the manly face opposite and he replied My first impulse was to say a chain of rest but I feel that the truest restis found in shutting out the week and in keeping our Godgiven day holy I will go to Gods house forget my business as far as possible and make my chain of meditation that I may be built in most holy faith Now Tom V said the mother and the tall handsome promising- looking young fellow said bravely but apparent effort For nearly a year now I have been making a chain of Sunday din ners with the boys and since the sub ject comes up in this way I am free to confess- that my conscience has been troubling me of late You have none of you scolded but I have seen that you did not approve and I have some o the young men into whose comoany I have been drawn hold very lax opinions of religion and for some I have been growing to feel that there was need of someone in our crowd upholding the faith We are drifting Into waters Should we make a chain of properly spent Sundays I am sure our lives would flow on in purer and sweeter channels Were I to urge the matter our fellows would all come to church with me and had they a teacher to their fancy no doubt they could be in duced to go to Sunday School Would you come into the school with them asked Jennie the oldest sister- I would If you would teach the class I repeated the woman astonishment when I have shirked my duty as a Sunday School teacher for years I am in earnest Torn m I would my liesl in a Sunday School with as my icachei The fellows I go with are most of litem strangers En the city has tome to be one of m to help the new men by our firm to yet acquainted and I am by no means satisfied with the way I urn the obligation You help me by taking that class and by inviting pupils here once In a white and it might transpire that some of us be found among the starn in your crown The earnestness in the young mans face belied his light tone and Jennie said with a little tremble in her voice J That shall be my chain Now for yours mamma said Helen and the reply came To pray for and to help- you all A week from that day Tom and his crowd were ail at church I saw them come in one after another eleven of them What a reinforce ment I I thought God help me to reach hearts Jennie saw them from her seat in the choir and after the benediction was at her brothers side before I was and I made what haste I could She them cordially and said She greet- you not all to Sunday School I was surprised at tho invitation com ing from her and astonished at what followed for- Tom replied quickly glancing at his friends If we a class by our selves with you ait teacher The boys all bowed an assent and the young woman replied quickly and cheerfully I will do my beat Come this way please They were all fairly caught and gave good to lesson a- -r-r- liiiiliiii OF BOOTS SHOES READY HATS It is Prices that Talk T0WEAR CLOTHING CAPS Look at a few of them Mens Fine Lace Boots for Mens Fine Dong Lace Boots for Mens Fine Box Call Lace Boots for Ladies Fine Dong Oxfords for o i it oo 95 6o Ladies Fine Dong Oxford Top Ladies Fine Dong Oxfords Mens Good Tweed Suits for Extra Good Tweed Suits or 5 Extra Fine Blk Worsted Suits Mens Mens 00 00 Hats and Cost Price TEACHERS DESKS RECITATION Accommodating sizes on Pupils- THE OFFICE Factory Newmarket Accommodating prices for the Trustees Write for estimates SPECIALTY MFG CO Limited Bay St Toronto Notre Dame St Montreal P them all to her home on Saturday evenings to study the lesson to re hearse the and to get acquaint ed This was striking at the root of their careless life for Jennie knew there was a meeting of their Pipe club on Saturday evening and that Tom was often late at breakfast on Sunday morning Jennie had a chain of diamonds today said Tom at dinner which he took at home the first time for months I believe there was not a dry eye in the class Those poor fel lows are little used to kindly atten tion or recognition even by ladies and I have cast in my lot with them until I was as much overcome as the at the invitation and glancing up at Sis I noticed a very perceptible moisture in her eyes When I saw how you took my invitation I realized my neglect of you said Jennie The first Sunday chain of service for Jesus sake has been a very blessed one Saturday evening proved to be a great success the whole family becoming very much interested in tiie development of Jennies class In a year there was an experience- meeting at the church for the idea of making a chain of Sunday had been told from one to another until it had grown into an enthusiasm and all agreed that it had been the means of great spiritual growth AH were en deavoring to make a chain acceptable to the Lord The church desired a revival and had it and Tom and sev eral of his friends were among the men who came in like a Hock I tell he story as often as I can said the benevolentfaced gentleman preparing to leave that other Chris tians may try the plan of making a chain of Sunday as one means of arousing public sentiment to the im portance of remembering the Sabbath day to keep it holy Miss Julia of Lindsay was drowned by the upsetting of a canoe Daniel Grant aged was drown ed In River opposite the wharf at on even ing It requires quite a considerable In genuity to get all the letters of the alphabet Into a short sentence Here is one Quick dogs jump over the lazy brown fox SHARON I FRUIT I ALL SIZES As we are overstocked we will sell them for a short time ATA SACRIFICE COME AT ONCE Farm for Sale west hair of lot concession ship or King consisting of IDG in an excellent of cultivation For further Information apply to any of undersigned JO A DAVIDSON Newmarket Wage per month JAS KAVANAQIK Industrial Three Years or Be Wtlt for and Howyonrawlndlcd roafth or model of your In yon Ire our opinion as to whether It It probably en prosecuted by iu conduct fully equipped office In and Washington prompt dispatch work and quickly aecurc as broad a the Invention Highest references- furnished procured through Marlon Ma rion notice fo over nevrajApcrn throughout the Specialty Patent r MARION MARION Patent Expirti 8olloltors found one Saturday evening in an old this sentiment or some of have confessed since tion Make a chain of Sunday to wondering how they could pet out fche lad heard the words she of It without corning again but Jen- could not remember hut having read captivated Uiem all by taking It in the of her room for granted that the class was a per- could not forget them and they manent and by inviting of of Success During the above period I Isold engines besides Sep- J Sufferer I had no or and disputes of any kind and far as know my well satisfied I several School it by Dr Chases Ointment In vain did Mrs Brown of Ottawa search for A cure for piles In Europe and America tried every remedy available but It remained tor Dr Ointment to effect a cure Mr Brown write I bare been a constat sufferer from nearly every form of pile for the twenty year and that time both here and In the Old Country have tried raott every remedy I am only Justice to Dr Ointment when that It to he the remedy ob tainable for bleeding and protruding piles I recommend Ointment to mothers or Indeed to any person suffering from that dread torment piles Physicians and druggists recommend Dr Chases Ointment an the one pre paration that will never fall to cure piles It Is guaranteed to positively cure piles whether Itching bleeding or protruding cents a box at all deafen or Sates and Co Toronto I Good SecondHand Portable Engines for Aboil White and I can a full refitted rig at giving No cheap rig sold where it will interfere with my regular Trial given and satisfied before asking for settlement Try the Era for months FROM JULY 3RD THE Centra Business College TORONTO Offers an opportunity and to enjoy a short term la iho ncss and Penmanship Departments J Members may enter at any sad spend two weeas as desired flpoolal terms particulars work continues right along Into the Pall Term which free SHAW principal Toronto Compare the Era with any weekly for home news

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