Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 24, 1900, p. 2

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A i fed THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG Advertisements of Wash Goods Roche Pickling Season Davison Co Fruits W Starr Score for tie Thompson Everybody Talks Shaw for Sale P Girls Jhc Ova LPT8 OP WITH each FRIDAY AUG not pretending to inspiration some of our cotemporaries seem to infer because Hod Postmaster General happens to be the representa tive of Old North York we are inclin ed to the conviction tbat the next Do minion election will be held before the coming winter mouths arrive At least present indications lead to that conclusion Hence under the circum stances we consider it fee wise and prudent for the Executive Com mittees of both North York and West Ontario Reform Associations to ar range at an early date for catling Nominating Conventions so that candi date mar be chosen and then be Id position to avail themselves of oppor- which fall fairs and other pub lic and social gatherings afford at this season of the year for coming in con tact with large numbers of the dec- and also of exchanging views relating to the political issues before the people- So far as the Dominion at large is concerned the outlook for the Govern ment is very cheering indeed notwith standing the sensational twaddle which certain Opposition journals in dulge in by way of whistling to keep up the courage of the rank and file of their party following The country continues to give unmistakable evi dence of its appreciation of the rief Administration Indeed the ab sence of any popular revulsion of sentiment against them is no table thruout the Dominion On the contrary there appears to be a con census of opinion that tie abiding con fidence which the Government has in spired among all classes of the people has been so firmly established as to ensure a triumphant victory in preaching appeal to the country Sir Tupper of course indulges in his to boast but he did the same thing previous to the last when he enjoyed toe prestige of con trolling the of the coun try and then failed He has not said or done anything since to warrant any of attitude towards him or toV the men whom he would likely call to be his advisers in case of suc cess The fact is Sir Charles Tup- pets day of grace is about over the country notwithstanding its recogni tion of much ability and Large apprec iation of past services begins to re gard him as a back number The The nomination of Mr Lennox by the Conservative convention of South as the party candidate to suc ceed the late Cot is any thing but satisfactory to the rank and file Old line say that not vote toe Lennox ticket and matters are far from being comfort able for the machine which placet him in the field Replying to a paper the World Out Society Column points takes occasion to say We believe Mrs is visiting Miss Rosa of Detroit is siting Howard Cane is spends his holidays at Mr Walter F Toronto was home over Sunday The Misses are visiting Mrs- Thompson at Shanty Miss Constance Greenwood is visit her aunt in Toroio Miss Stephens Toronto is the guest of Miss rMrs from Mark- ham is visiting Miss of is visit Miss Elsie Ross Mrs Janes Stiver has returned from a to friends in Miss left on Tues day to Iter brother in Blooming- split Mr Lennox has in Government by party but have no use for hidebound on either side In our opinion there are many men in this constituency more liberal- minded politically than Mr Lennox and who would better represent the minority as well as the majority if elected to Parliament and that is one of reasons why we are opposing Mr Lennox Our friend of the En terprise will discover before the elec tion is over that there is much dissat isfaction with he choice of Mr Len nox and that ho will be kept very busy coaxing to his aid strong Conser vatives who have declared that they will not vote for him We did not create this created it his overanxiety to get into Parliament in China Minister Congers latest message from says the situation is des perate as the Legations are under by the Imperial soldiers The Viceroys of China have asked the United States to use its good of fices in preventing the landing of for eign troops at Shanghai The general commanding reports that the British troops carried the drst line of the Chinese defence at un der a hot rifle and shell fire Russia will ill with troops and is credited wish the inten tion of not letting go of that province when the present trouble is over The Russian War expects to hare 142000 men guns in Si beria by the end of September There are troops of the allied forces in the province of at present ALLIES TUB SACRED CITY The following despatch has been ceived at the Russian War Office in St Petersburg from Jen Port Arthur Jen Fleis cher with a force of all 11 cap tured Cheng Aug 1 after days fighting The Chinese loss was men and four guns Chinese re treated with eight guns London Aug The Admiralty this evening issued the following Mis Amy Robertson has accepted a portion as Teacher in Elm vale Bastedo has returned to To- after a few weeks visit at heme Miss Merle Crone of Toronto is the guest of her Aunt- Mrs George Wood Mr J of Is spending a couple of weeks with Mr Garnet randy leaves for To ronto next week to take a term at Business College Miss and lady visitors were calling on friends in Aurora on Wed nesday afternoon Miss Millard of Toronto was visiting her cousins at The Avon- more over Sunday Miss Murray cashier at Roches has gone to Toronto to spend her va cation of ten days Mrsl and daughter Mrs- Spears of Montreal are visiting Al derman Roadhouse Mr Pearson of Brampton has returned home after spending his at Mr Geo Mr Herb Wilson is spending a week at the Lake with Mr Walter Jackson and at his grandfathers Mrs Cyrus Park Ave is in very poor health She has been confined to her bed for over a week Both Mr and Mrs Hughes Niagara St are confined to bed thru illness Mr Hughes Is failing spatch from RearAdmiral Bruce Chef Aug pm I am Mr P Caldwell of Rochester spent Saturday with his brother and informed on the authority of the Mrs that street fighting continues in Ave part of which is on Are Gen Yung prevented the Empress from leaving A last stand is now being made in the inner city which is sur rounded by the allies and being bom barded St Petersburg Aug General has telegraphed the follow ing to the Minister of War Charvarovok Aug sends the following from pass under date of Aug 16 This pass has been- carried after bloody battle The enemy heavy reverse owing to my turning his flanks and rear by a night turning movement We captured four Miss Leila Ross matriculated at Trinity University Toronto She is party he claims represent is look- j guns Details later I for younger and more advanced leaders in regard to matters political The Liberals of East York will meet in convention at East Toronto on the of next mouth when a candidate chosen to contest the Riding Mr Maclean at the approaching elections It is announced that the Liberals of South Oxford will meet in convention at Norwich on Thursday Aug to select a party candidate to contest the Riding at the approaching Domin ion election No doubt the nomina tion will be unanimously tendered the present representative Sir Richard Oxford County papers state that there no sign of opposi tion The Kens of Wednesday has the following It was stated this morn ing from a reliable source that John Rose Robertson P for Kast To ronto will not again stand for reelec tion In reply to a direct question as to whether lie would run Mr Roberta son is reported to have said that he would not In the event of Mr Rob ertsons retirement the Conservative candidate in East Toronto will in all probability be Mr A Kemp Have you read The Redemption of David Corson It is one of the latest publications by the Briggs Co of Toronto and is having an enor mous sale The book Is well written author Mr concluding each chapter with a brief paragraph summing up the moral of the incidents which It relates The tale is carried further then In the ordinary novel and Is helpful to any reader in its religious influence Quaker friends would specially enjoy the read ing of It am proceeding with cavalry in pur suit Aug via Aug The American and Russian flags wore planted on the east wall of at oclock this morning The Indian troops entered the British Legation at 1 and the Americans at There was a joyful reception from the wall The emaciated tenants could have lasted but a little longer They had only three days rations The Chinese had been attacking furiously for two days Four shells foil in the Lega tion during the were killed and wounded The Japanese be gan the battle before daylight and they are still fighting about the north wall where a part of the Chinese are defending the Imperial city The Jap anese casualties have not yet been as certained The Russians had 5 killed and 12 wounded The Americans and British had a few wounded Tien Aug About Chinese troops which are reported to have been at Sung Liu Ching left to day for Pel Tsang 2000 more Chin ese troops have towards Tung Chow Brown Sons flfiui ad in was destroyed fire on Sunday A boy walking up the drive of the Mineral Springs residence at ThornhlH stepped with one foot thru what was at first supposed be an old disused well but cm closer examination and assisted by the memories of old resi dents it proved to be none other than a hiding place used by the rebels In the Mackenzie Rebellion The well is about feet in depth and circular with a of about three feet It Is bricked and converges at the top to a hole only sufficiently large to al low of the entrance of a mans body A boy Was lowered into the on Saturday and an old blunderbuss was found at the bottom but with a fur ther search is expected that other relics will be unearthed The Langs tan family have been residence on the property for a great one of Mrs pupils and de serves praise Mrs Rogers and daughter of Kei- and Miss Lillian Butler of To ronto spent over Sunday with Mrs- George Mr Geo of son of a former proprietor of the Roy al Hotel here was visiting friends in Town for a few days Miss Alice Knight of Toronto spent over Sunday with her sister Mrs of Queen St returning to the city on Monday Mrs Stuart and Mr and Ms Ceo of III are spending a few days in Town calling on old friends Rev J Bell is supplying the pulpit of St Andrews Lindsay dur ing the absence of the Rev J on vacation Mr Lewis of the Cleveland Fire accompanied by his wife spent a few days In Town and vicinity with friends He Is a relative of Mr man The contract for the im provements at the Union Station To ronto has been let to Mr John Han- of that city and a former rest- dent of Newmarket Mr and Mrs John Stephenson and also Mr and Mrs Geo Stephenson of were the guests of Mr last week as well as visit ors from Illinois U Mr and Mrs Webb of Toronto guests of Mr were calling on friends in Town this week on their way to Mrs Webb is a sister of Mr David Miss Ada Kirby of Toronto who has been spending a couple of weeks In Newmarket and who came home to attend the wedding of her sister re turns to the city this week Rev J Simpson and wife of Islington spent Tuesday with their old friend Mr Canton who was very glad to see them Mr has been quite poorly again lately Mr Frank of Gait is In Town for a few days We are pleas ed to note that he has about recovered from the effects of the accident and that he did- not lose the sight of one eye as reported Miss Birdie of Kewanee III granddaughter of the late Calvin of East spent four or five days at Mr She was accompanied by her friend Miss Kurtz Another batch of papers frSm Dawson City reminds us that Post master formerly of Aurora has a thought for old North Yorkers even amidst vast riches of the Yukon gold fields Mr McDonald of Toronto Police Force iAlderman took a bus Iptd to the Lake yesterday to spend day Miss of cousin of Miss is spending three weeks with her Mr John Graham and Mrs Terry of Albert spent yesterday with Mrs Fred Sexton Miss Eva enne of Toronto is vis iting friends in Town Miss Hunter of Toronto daughter of Mr J P Hunter is vis iting at her uncles Mr J Mrs Jennison of Toronto Is visit ing her sister Miss Starr of Pine Or chard also her many friends in Town -On- Saturday Mrs left for Georgetown having received word that one of Mrs Bradys twins was dead The other twin died on Tues day The children were about seven months old Dr Patrick and Mrs Bell of New York City also Mr Henderson of To ronto paid a flying visit to Newmar ket last Tuesday and were the guests of Mrs and her brother Mr A Caldwell After an absence of over years Mr David Stephens of HI is calling on friends in Town and around Sharon where he formerly re sided He looks as Uncle Sam had dealt very kindly with him Geo Davison and Geo Smith spent Sunday at Jacksons and Monday at Orchard Mr Smith secured a number of handsome views on the Lake Shore and among the campers before returning home Mrs Thos Little and her sister Miss Hat-tie- Mitchell of Detroit ac companied by their cousin Miss of Chicago returned on Monday from a delightful trip down the St Lawrence and leave for home today Mrs of Little Britain and Mrs James of Lindsay of Miss Ann are here making her a vis it Mrs James will probably stay for three or four weeks Mr of is also spending a few days at Mr Miss Minnie and Miss Clara Ford of Toronto spent Sunday among friends in and around New market young ladies were on their way home looking much better for their ten days outing at Mr Boyds boarding house Lake Miss Irene of Weston has een visiting the past two weeks at County Councillor Miss has been successful in ob taining her 1st Class Certificate at the recent High School Exams We add our congratulations to the many she has received We clip the following from the Port Hope Guide I D who has resigned his position as assistant teacher in our High School here we are glad to learn has receiv ed the appointment of Headmaster Sydenham High School where he was formerly an assistant teacher He wtitmtbX Tremendous Purchase of Mill Remnants Enormous Slaughter Sale ot Remnants When in Quebec a lew days ago we picked up several cases of remnants We bought these goods at our own price and will make a quick clearance at about half regular prices LOT No 1200 yards of Extra Heavy Factory Cotton in lengths of from 11 to 10 yards well worth 8c per yard pick any length you want at Lot No 1500 yards Fine Bleached ends from 11 to 9 yards pick what you want at 62C Cotton full yard wide in worth and 10c per yard Lot No 3 1340 yards Flannelette extra patterns in light and dark wide heavy goods all shades reg price 10 to many years and were entirely J ant of the location of the well Force spent Wednesday in Town Mrs- Montrose cot Aug Forest only a cover of a inches of earth McDonald who been here for two have been destroyed l we burning fiercely in all concealed presence crumbling j weeks returned with him but she left the bricks covering the top allowed the with its grandmother Mrs- it to cave In with the slight pressure I quit act for a few days leaves for sometime next week the family following shortly He returning as Principal to the school where he first commenced High School work This speaks much for his success and ability a9 a teacher Mr Bruels is a son of the late Julius of Ringwood and friends in this vicinity will be pleased to learn of his advancement Toronto 12ilc Any end you want per yard Lot No yards Dark and Light Flannelettes good quality lengths from to 10 yards Per yard Cotton Sheets About fifty Plain and Twill Unbleached Cotton Sheets sizes two by two and a half yards wide hem well fin ished heavy sheets worth reg each Special at The Red Ticket Clothing Sale continues this week and every department in the Store has something special to offer so that a look will do you good and a purchase will save you money H Red Wheat per bushel While Wheat per per bushel- Ota bushel per bushel Paso per bushel per bushel Eggs per do Apple per Sheepskins Wool per lb Hay per ton flcef hi rid pair on 1 as too 10 1W0 a a 160 ft0 a a a a a a a A a a a The Alt flouens it by Rev JJ Frank Irwin proprietor of World to Isabel Elvira of Dr of Maples Cooks town THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House out in prices on Furniture days tak ing For Cash High Diners per sett up Sideboard with Bevel Mirror up Extension up Bedroom up Lounges up Parlor Suites pieces up All other goods in proportion j A SPECIALTY calls attended to at Residence 126 John Millard The barn of near Mount Pleasant was destroyed by Are on Saturday last Aug butcher of Arnprior has what he is the biggest pig in Canada or at least the biggest be has ever seen It is fully eight feet long and weighs over eight hundred pounds At the races last week Prince Vale the speedy son ofBour- succeeded in winning the co mmute and classes and took a mark of Sale is also a eon of Bolton Aug- Bros of Macvillc last week disposed of a Shorthorn heifer months old to Mr Kelly of Yellow Springs Ohio for the exceptionally large sum of This is the highest price over paid for a Canadianbred heifer calf of the age Port Hope Aug Abraham carpenter while working on tho roof of Alex residence yesterday was seized with caused by the heat and fell headfore most ofl the roof striking on a stump and fracturing his skull from the ef fects of which he dies last night Aug The small steamer Mayflower was burned to waters edge about oclock this morning Her owners were on board and had to Jump on the dock without saving any clothes but the ones they had on cause of the fire was from wood being left near the boiler too long and it dry Tomb Linton At Toronto on An nie Linton eldest Linton Aurora ged to the Slaters BC on August 15th Ethel Mr Earle at too aged years and months In on m Kennedy year and A J I U Main Newmarket win receive Cartful mad Newmarket News Depot School Stationery Pencil Erasers Rulers Crayons for paper or board Compasses Pen cil Boxes Pencils Pencil Sharpeners Slates plain or bound Arrow Pen Pen and Pencil all in one Blue and Red Chick ing Pencils beat Black and Blue Black Inks all sues Beautifully mho- graphed A force variety and very attractive All sizes best quality paper ruled or plain attractive in every way Fancy Goods Newly Opened Ladies and Gentlemens Money Purses Dressing Combs and Brushes Clothes Brushes Circular Combs Nail Scrubs Match Safes Toy Pis tols Now Cart Games Hag Cats and Kittens very realistic Delineator for September in ask for Fashion Sheet Crown Brand Fruit Jars Quarts Pints and Hal Gallons Best Stone Butter all Sizes Starrs Grocery Fruit Store Now is the time buy Plums Peaches Pears Oranges Lemons and Bananas Grapes small basket or by Tomatoes Cabbage Cauliflower and Red Peppers Choice Confectionery I Caramels and Fruit Cordials The in the land Try them Jersey leeCream every day Sugars and Spices for Preserving Another Supply this Week Central Telephone W STARR

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