Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 17, 1900, p. 8

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v THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY One Telia the head acbea end you fee and out of tan soar and do appetite last bay a package of Hoods Palis And take a dose from to You ffiUbe surprised at how easily work rare headache and rouse the sad happy cent Sold by all medicine dealers CUHUL PUIS WITH Pain- Killer A Variola Cfaast la Safe a a Car for CRAMPS DIARRHOEA COLDS RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA and SO Bottles OF IMITATIONS ONLY TffE OENUME1 PERRY DAVIS PATENTS GUARANTEED Our returned if Anyone sending ketch description of Any invention vili promptly receive our free he patentability of same How to Obtain a upon request Patents scared through Advertised for sale at our expense Patents out us receive special without charge In The Patent Illustrated and widely circulated Journal limited by end for sample copy FREE Address VICTOR J EVANS CO WASHINGTON TT Bab COR 7 Oaf Top onto The citizens f delighted to lliat Jr Mu- establish street fti re- of parwis aid iwsifciiere A of Sharon spent Sunday The contract for the- tows has visiting at Breuls let and the Department and Millers here to have them as ra- special services in the Methodist as supply is church at have been From the Thunder with much spiritual power Algoma some varieii of grasses about forty persons signifying their the majority of which are nutritious intention to lead a new life in Christ w form a portion of the exhibit Jesus from that section at the Industrial Mrs and family of New- this year The Directors of market who have been visiting at her York should make an effort to secure mothers Mrs drove home on the Manitoba exhibit as a special traction If well would draw visitors The heat of week was iwK- thing fearful were will commence at Mus- eaths Lake in connection with the dozens of prostrations The Methodist church on Sun- nearly laf a day Aug Services will be held The city council is bee mine noted at am pm and pm as Torontos official At any Rev of Toronto and rate it has ceased to be a Mr Bates evangelist of the Bay body as compared to the days of of Quiute Conference are expected decade and more ago be present The meetings will con- J An independent political convention about days A cordial in- is to be held in this city on the29ih v NERVOUS WEAK DISEASED MEN NO CURE- NO PAY THE NEW METHOD TKEATMEKT with K K will curt form of Blood or It la of 30 Sean treatment of seas WE CURE SYPHILIS vUation is extended to all who can find it convenient to attend any or all of these services This beautiful little sheet of water nestled among the bills a cool and pleasant retreat which many are taking advantage of during this very warm weather and to many of those going there divine ser vices will no doubt be much appreciat ed flllnx out or tore hare of this Blood We and the world for a cm for treatment hud cannot By our toe ulcere heal the hair rows dipwar lha become healthy and possible and rale CURES GUARANTEED toko middle- men have their or and tapped by early abate worry etc matter the Treatment And all part to normal 1 Ambition life and are Dewed and a man men- treated hence our wonder ful No matter what ail We can bask CURED treat aid VARICOCBLgT SYPHILIS GLEET DRAINS UNNATURAL US KIDNEY and BLADDER CONSULTATION BOOKS FREE If to call write for Kennedys Kergan jfai and Shelby St MICH The Indian excursion is postponed for a short time owing to the serious illness of th Chiefs daughter David and Frank Vansycle alias Frank who were arrested last week on Georgina Island for sup plying liquor to Indians were tinea- 10 and costs Mrs Lake of Jacksons Point and Rev Millar of Chicago were up set yesterday afternoon from a boat in the lake After clinging to the bottom of the boat for three hours they were rescued from their position On Sunday evening a tent on Jack sons Point occupied by a party of pleasure seekers from Bradford Pa caught fire from an acetylene gas lamp A considerable quantity of camp supplies clothing etc was con- but fortunately no lives were lost Herald of next month The death of Mr P G Close s the result of a mosquito bite followed by bloodpoisoning which took place on the should have chronicled last week He was one of the vicepresidents of the Exhibition and as- taken an active part on the board ever since its incep tion some yoirs he occupied a seat at the City Council Board A In dear old country Before J Went home very sweet- intt saintly Did the Sabbath morning come footsteps and Whatever might Mow Id hear father singing As he walked to and fro- X The fragment of a hymntune In tender lifting air Would early at- the floating up the- stair martial and triumphant Now soft and sighing low But Id it vas fathci singing As he walked 10 and And in the darkened parlor Where he had knelt to pray And craving for us a blessing At the very break of day Id hear his dear old voice lifted From his pure heart aglow And it hallowed Sabbath morning As he walked to and Long years have passed since Sang in those quiet hours Hes found the happy And the fields of But still on Sabbath I wake and and low can hear As he walks o it J Original of Plot to Capture Rofaetrts Spa v nsRi ngb n Curbs and All Forms of SPAVIN CURE Mr A Attridge is improving appearance of his premises by erect ing a new fence along the fioitil Mr J J had the misfor tune of being ttirdwn out of Ins bug gy Friday evening by turning the horse too shortly An open field fight between two took place In lUC mill grounds Saturday evening We are -in- the affair was over a young lady The numerous frteids fellow business men of will regret to learn of the departure of one of our best and highly ijtizensin the of Dr Oiereton of Dr J Dr morn ing last for lie following Ills in future He won for t that may- well be by Ins -Aji- tors In and work tmwi There is still interest in the dedica tion of the Memorial the wonderful rock at England which was undoubtedly the inspiration of the im mortal hymn A photograph of this rock was presented to Mr Gladstone much to his delight on his birthday by the late wife of Sir H Wills of Bristol is a deep in the grim and frowning hill known as Black Down which rises to the height of feet and is the high est summit of the beautiful Range It is within an easy walk of Church of which Augustus was for some time curate in sole charge The whole scene is most picturesque and At one point is a grand crag of mountain limestone eighty feet in- height Right down the centre of this mass of stone is a deep fissuro wherein grow like little children playing in the anus of men in armor soft and delicate ferns and wild flowers was one day overtaken by a tremendous thunderstorm from which he sought refuge in this glen between two massive piers of the lime stone rock While the storm raged it inspired in his soul the idea of his hymn Rock of which he wrote at once on the spot Years afterwards he died in full confidence in the everlasting shelter of which he had thus sung Christian Budget London Aug am The Daily News has the following de spatch from Pretoria dated Aug 9 A plot to the British of ficers and to make Lord Roberts a has been opportunely discov ered of ihe ringleaders were ar rested and are jail Probably the plot was part of a conspiracy of which the attempted rising at Johannesburg was the first indication Pretoria Aug The plot to make a prisoner of Lord Roberta and shoot all the British officers discover ed yesterday included a number of townspeople who were in communica tion with the enemy It was arrang ed that the capture and killing should take place on the evening of Tuesday last Intense indignation prevails thruout the British army and the general opinion is that British invited such a conspiracy It is considered that no measure for re pression if such plots can be too strong CAPT GAT HOWARD CAPTURED Ottawa Aug Alfred cabled Lord today from Town that Captain Howard is a soner war at Nooingedacht He is in good health Capt Howard had charge of the Maxim gun with the Canadian Mount ed Rifles and is known thruout Can ada by- reason of his services in the Northwest Rebellion Wot at by bondmen as tor famJtj It DO A jrfr iro a IaU I to VtUrUrj Ear L o my I to a uEifbbor Awt VM aboj lb I wind Mart it ititrtcUr rvlboant i wreath bottle jaflHtlJ cart I cftlK I r with Brit an bottle abont tor care without cxaalBtf bd lbs hone on to I to If It Urt4 bone Una be aj a mitt rxv3toan iUe lk the book ret Or arta Old Song Version Sing a song of sixpence Of dimes and dollars too Raining in your cashbox All the long day through- When till Is opened There your eyes Find the maxim proven Pays to advertise olti4 A JO to the LEMONVILLE Some has beon done in locality and the yieldhas been good Workmen are now building Mr An residence which when finish ed will add much to the appear nice of this rface Young Esq J P an old resi dent of this locality who recently moved to Toronto lying at point of death In that city from heart disease The quarterly business meeting of the Methodist church was held Satur day The several apjjoinl- were wolf- represented and the work on the circuit found to he satisfactory The Ministers was raised from four bundled and l sue hundred dollars Samuel McKeoun who lives miles west of had his and contents destroyed by on Sunday night The cause of the is not known Mr hud been away from home during the day and did not return until night noticed no thing wrong It was only partly cov ered by insurance Children Cry for CASTOR I A Occupation best defence against hot weather The busy individual no time to glance at the yiermometer and doesnt suffer as much as he whose time Is en tirely devoted to hunting a cool place Children cry for CASTOR I A If her does her own vork r the girl guest who in thoughtful may properly give a helping hand in wash ing the or the parlor but help offered and not intrusively arc to I J thin blood weak lungs and paleness You have them In hot weather as well as in cold SCOTTS EMULSION cures them In summer as In It Is creamy looking and pleas ant tasting If f a Aug For some weeks past letters addressed to the Bank of Toronto branch at failed to reach bank The missing letters could always be traced as far as the drawer In the post- office from which they then disap peared Various plans for the detec tion of the thief failed to reveal his identity until at last that of tying a string to a bell Inside the office was tried One lino morning last week the bell went off and the thief was caught in the act The key of an other drawer the postrorTice had fit- ted the hanks drawer and a Juvenile clerks sent for mail to the former drawer had been In the habit of mak ing too free with the key The post- office inspector came to town last Fri day to Investigate the case and matter Is now under examination by the authorities CASTORIA icmes did me more ever before These are the words pt -P- Union den Co Pa fe further About years ago pit of Which was TtdWiil I coast lltd and be told I had a form me months but then tried another end be told me liver was out of order and that bad Indigestion he didnt cure toe then tried another one said I had chronic IndigcsUou- of the lining of the stomach torpid llrcr and kidney affection Ha treated me for more than a I then took several widely patent jncdlclncs but received no more than temporary re lief while using I ben tried Doctor Fierce his Goldea Medical and the Pleasant Pellets and In two months time I was feeling better than had for years before The Golden Medical Discovery the most effective Wood purifier and germicide that modem medical science has produced It at once neutralizes the poisonous fer mented matter in the stomach liver and bowels and as soon as this is removed by the action of the Pellet it soothes the In flammed membranes of these organs putting them into healthy condition to absorbthe elements of the food It aids and stimulates the action of the digestive fluids of the body and is absorbed into the blood along with the food It en riches the bipod filling- with vitalizing strength -giving- properties It produces aound healthy flesh muscle you can work with it a safe medicine It contains whisky alcohol or syrup It does not create a craving for liquor J Customs Throwing old shoes after a bridal couple dates back to the very ancient time when the delivery a used as a testimony in transferring possession of property When giving up a daughter in marriage handed the bridegroom shoe in token that the parents all fur- thor right to the girl The throwing of rice an Hin doo custom In India rice is a important staple the use of it ceremonies was emblematic of life and It therefore as a very appropriate symbol for the veyance of good wishes on the the of the of a Among our primitive ancestors it was customary for a roan to purchase his wife from her parents Both be and the members of his family offered gifts to the girl and her parents as a preliminary step towards winning her This is the origin of wedding presents Sometimes however the lover was unable to with the par ents for the of his sweet heart In this event if be loved her very much he did not hesitate to tare her anyhow and consequent availed himself of the first to steal her Stealing a was not always a safe undertaking how ever and it frequently became neces sary for the young man to engage the services of a trusted friend who could help him in ease of emergency As soon as the girl was In his possession he hurried oft with her and remained hidden until the anger of the parents had abated Here we see of the best mairWthe trusted friend and of the wedding Journey the hurry ing away after the ceremony The ring was originally a badge of servitude and was on the mans finger to indicate that sho to her lord or master Ladles Home Journal Mr Peter of Markliam township threshed J bushels of Clover oft acres If you do write THIS SUMMER Ml Wii LIMITED NEWMARKET And gat of Vaneere Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows Artistic Effect s in Inside Woodwork in Canada for the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Go tlHITBD ARKRT ONT I 4 Most 9 Tasteful if AS so For Infante and Children tffiitf in Every man who embarks in busi ness has a choice between two des- or publicity If he refuse to advertise few persons him few will buy of and his business will sink Into desuetude On the other hand he shall advertise persistently and in good taste ho vSH become widely known and the number of his customers will constantly increase The wiser choice is obvious Children for They were sitting back in a quiet corner while the others were dancing quadrille Mr didnt care for dances and Miss said she detested them Im sorry Mr Wimpley said have to be robbed of the pleasure of waltzing a step or two with you but I know that I shall profit by a little chat with you here under balcony He had just been introduced to her by friend Miss who had father has loads of money In addition to her rich father Miss Wadleigh was pretty and Uie young man felt he must make conversation in some way It is very nice of you to say that she said in reply to Mr re marks I like to sit and watch the old folks dance dont you They seem to enjoy it so much Its a pity they- dont learn the new dances he replied its as good as a sometimes to see the capers they By the way look at MerryiAndrew there in that set at the left end Did you over see such awkwardness In your life He thinks hes funny too Yon sue the one I mean you I think I do Thats my George Mr was dumb for a mo ment but he pulled himself together and Bald I guess you arc looking at the wrong one You thought I meant the man with the chin whiskers didnt Yes she answered he said as tenderly as he could I meant the funny old jay opposite htm Ohy yes she exclaimed Isnt he funny Thats my father Mr then asked her to ex- and went out to the water cooler where he bathed his temples Aug Mrs Stevens who lives to street was burned to anon an that her life Is despaired of and Is now In St Lukes Hospital She was engaged in curljng her when the lamp upset and in her nitdress she was enveloped In flames prospect of a large Canadian butter trade for the next three months with the English market is assured as the Australian season is over and Canadian butter Is now the only Co lonial make that on the mar ket and it brings good prices Not socalled High Art wonders with listed rules inane but symmetrical wenbalanced typogra phical work carrying an artistic air even press- work that will win the good opinion of every man who views it We do anything from a business card to a poster 001 SEE OUR SffmtoBS i And you will get your Printing done at Era Subscribe for the Era and get all the Home News E Three Years that you cannot possibly happy or successful unless you sleep soundly eat heartily and digest what you cat that if your nervous system needs toning you will be miser able yourself and those you come in contact with mis erable that Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills you have a remedy that has never yet tailed to any disease caused fey as Pale V Greenish Sallow Complexion Nervous Prostration Weakness Appetite Stomach Head- ache Depression of Spirits lack of Energy and the ycs In tixe and liver Disorders and Catarrh MftHttttffrfcaxMfifffl Sola J tt Kewmarxt of Success During the above period I have sold engines besides several Sep arators have had no lawsuits or disputes of any kind and bo far as I know my customers are well satisfied I have several I Portable Engines for including the Cornell Abel White and I can supply a full refitted rig at giving years time No rig sold whore it will interfere with my regular Trial given and tors satisfied tefore- asking for settlement fc J- recently of Shorthorns Scotland which landed Satur day and are now In quarantine at Quebec They aro In health and He has already had an oiler Of ft for Of ffSS j to public that ho moved to House on Water MS and that he It at Celebrated Co Loom with the late to dato and that he I do Beat Work Id Carpet weaving Call and see Send your rasa In i SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE HOLIDAYS Photos finished in all the Latest Styles and at the Lowest Prices- Finely Finished Cabinets at 2 dozen most artistic at dozen Crayon and Water Colors Portraits Pictures and frames of all binds made to order A SPECIALTY On f5SftiSS ftfttdVftadalf aUo rtjaojaifct lo food rtU

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