Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 17, 1900, p. 7

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J THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG CHINA HALL of Misses Childrens Summer Shoes China and Glassware Very prices for purchaser Dinner Sets Tei Sets Lemonade Sets and 10 lb Crocks Fruit Jars We have a Big Stock Weeks Hems GOING OX IK ABOUT TOWN The Union will hold their annual meeting on third Tuesday in Au gust at the residence of Mrs ley Queen A full attendance of the members is reached but there was no improvement In his condition though he did not seem to be suffering from any specific complaint and kept tag Oh HI be all right soon were sure to get a day or two of rest shortly and though we did get an odd days rest he did not appar ently benefit to any extent We crossed the Vaai river on the of May and were but miles from our goal but poor Wesley was exhausted and simply marching on his indomit able courage for in his heart he had Improvements determined to reach Pretoria and contract for the mason work in short of Pretoria would satisfy connection with the brick woodshed for jhim On the of May we Methodist church has been let to Mr Andrew Hunter he being the low est and he has commenced the job Very Pleasant Time The Friends Sunday School had a very enjoyable afternoon at Bonds Lake last Friday There was not a very attendance of visitors but sufficient to meet all Expenses Sad Mr Eli outage got a telegram on Wednesday from his son Joseph in California announcing that his house was burnt and his wife dead Further information is awaited with sorrowful expectation Enlarged for a Week 3 or witnesses went to the city on Monday to support the charge of the Talagoo Lacrosse Club against Richard Bond for aggravated assault on one of the players Larry Doyle while at the Junction at the last match The case was adjourned for a week Escape Mr Jesses Thompson had a narrow escape from being hurt on Tuesday He was driving Starrs delivery van down Main St when a bolt came out and let the shafts down As he held the lines he was drawn over the dash board but fortunately his weight checked the horse from running away Great fllarket the enemy in force at to the West of Johannesburg and in that action as in all others your son bore himself nobly caring nought for the bullets which whistled around him so incessantly whispering of death and mutilation But though he was brave almost to recklessness he escaped un hurt On the we marched into Flori da 13 miles East Of Johannesburg and there we rested for two days before moving forward but alas leaving a comrade behind the poor boy who had tried so nobly in spite of weakness and sickness to do his duty He could go on no further he said and so we left him one of his friends Geo Ellis taking his kit to hospital One by one we shook hands bidding him cheer up and in a few days he would be back with us again and God knows we little thought it was the last time we would ever see our friend and comrade on this for we felt sure that a quiet week with nothing to do and plenty of good food would soon set him up On leaving Pretoria however on the of June we were astounded with the awful news of his death on I think the of June A letter had reached one of our officers from a sick man in the same hospital in Johannesburg to which he bad been removed to an nouncing the end So unexpectedly was it that we could not give it full credit and inquiries were furthered which proved it but too true He died and we mourn him as those mourn who have lost a true friend and comrade of sterling worth one was ever foremost in danger in Since Saturday morning last Starrs- generous action who was grocery has got in baskets of to complain no matter tomatoes and they were nearly all sold yesterday besides what other dealers have sold Yesterday baskets of peaches arrived Davison Co re port that their fruit sales have largely increased over last year especially at the Lake Restaurant trie following is a copy of a just received from Milton Wright son of Mr John Wright formerly of which will be read with interest by his relatives and many friends of the family My Dear Mother and Father Springs June As it is some little time since I wrote to you and mail goes out today I take the opportunity of writing again First of all I am real well and getting along very nicely so I am not complaining We have not had any mail since April About ten days ago all of our mail was captured and burned so all my letters went up in snoke I was among the few that was allowed to go into Johannesburg our camp being about 3 miles from town Only S out of our Company were al lowed to go to town I was tire second Canadian in town We had a good time and a fine dinner and brought back to camp a sack full of eat ablesjam salmon sardines candy cake bread butter crackers and milk I always have lots of food of my own I think that is why I am so well today I have oatmeal with milk and sugar nearly every morning I have eggs whenever I can get them 1 make pancakes quite often for sup per They are perhaps a little heavy but with butter and syrup hey are bullet proof It costs me quite a little but if get through this thing all right I wont care I am having a fine time Remember me to all enquiring friends Write soon Yours affectionately Milton Ed Note In a former Idler Milton mentioned that he was in the en gagement when surrendered and that he thinks Lord Roberts a won der ROOKLYN Automatic and Wfckless Blue Flame Oil Stoves Cheeped Canadians In Streets London Aug One hundred Cana dians who had been invalided from South Africa and had been iufc at arrived in Loudon this morning and took train for know that some member of the verpool whence they will sail for The Great Bell of St Pauls j In the cathedral of St Paul in don is a great bell on which the hours are struck When the other bells- peal from the belfry it is silent and it never rings on festal occasions When it does ring it rings alone and family is dead unless the bell is tolling to announce the death of the Archbishop of Canterbury the Bishop of London or of a Lord Mayor of the city dying during his year of office With these three exceptions the They were greeted all along the route with ovations Thousands of Londons residents turned out to welcome them upon their arrival and gave them a tremendous sendon as they marched thru the city The de tachment belonged to a Canadian regi- Now is the beginning of the Preserving and Pickling Season Foot Hart Constable Savage is out of commis sion this week While assisting to re pair a platform on Tuesday his man turned a plank over on his foot There happened to be a rusty nail in the plank and it ran thru his boot in flicting a painful wound However it was not so sore yesterday morn ing Broken Between and oclock on Tuesday afternoon Mrs Patrick Guthrie of St was in the garden picking up apples when she slipped on an apple core and broke her right ankle bone She was all alone at the time but she managed to crawl into the house where she had to waft for about an hour and a half before Miss Guthrie came home when medical assistance was procured as soon as possible and she doing nicely OUR STOCK OF Sugars Spices cannot be excelled in quality We ask no fancy prices and give you the best in quality A SMITH The Leading Grocer Telephoned Brief lets A couple of female Italian fortune tellers were doing the Town last week The beds of stalks and balsams at the Cemetery are the admiration of all visitors Candidates for municipal and Co Council honors will soon be looming up One of the Specialty men moved in- family here from Toronto on Wednes day to the Ramsay cottage on Street The lockup had two occupants on Monday night The Town Band attended a garden party at on Wednesday night and report a splendid time If was well attended Conspicuous new sign at the South Knd Pump Works Mr Jos Wesley is just completing a Silo at his barn on Street how great the fatigue or severe the privation We have lost our comrade and we are sorrowful but you have lost your son and can know no comfort save that which Cometh from God who gave and hath taken it away Most sincerely yours Harold A Dixon No Sec C Co R is Money in Inventions William Anderson assigned to Teirill of Brooklyn a one- fourth interest in and to his applica tion for patent for car ventilator Consideration Allen assigned to A Price and Robert Athena Oregon the right to manufacture in Washing ton and Oregon washing machine cov ered by patent No for John Avery et al to the Avery Wall Paper Machine Manufacturing Co St Louis Mo an entire right to pat ent Consideration A Lyder and Turner as signed to the Ladder Co of Pennsylvania the entire right to patent No for folding lad ders Consideration The Omaha Pulverizing Machine Co on April assigned to the Pax ton Vierling Iron Works all their right title and interest in and to Pat ent No 500528 for ore or feed pul verizer Consideration Communication of Messrs Marion Marion Montreal a Uses of and Charcoal Council Men Are Creatures Of Habit Business Men still spend time and money travelling when they might do their business quicker cheaper and just as satis factorily by Long Distance TELEPHONE Another This week Mrs Haines received the following letter- from South Africa Springs A July 2nd My Dear Mrs Haines is most sorrowful re- get that I wrte to tell you the sad dest news that can ever reach a moth ers earsthe death of her son You have of course heard of the terrible event long ago but I feet sure that you will be glad to hear from his Sec tion a- few words about the latter weeks he was with us in the arduous march on Pretoria Your son bore the hard work up to the time we reached without in any way and In deed in the general advance on Pre toria he appeared to be In the best of health until after we left It was only then that the terrible fatigue the short rations and the night exposure to frost and damp commenced to tell on his health and he began to get thin and to lose weight but though weak and ill his brave heart ever spurred him on and he would not give up though often urged to put hi his name for return to hospital On the of May vye The heat and moisture of the sum mer months have a tendency to rust metals fabrics and cover all sorts of substances with mould writes Maria in the Ladies Home Journal Fermentation and putrefaction develop rapidly in vege table and animal substances if they are not carefully watched Lime and charcoal are two aids towards keeping the house sweet and dry and the housekeeper should if possible pro vide herself with both of these ma terials A barrel each of lime and charcoal In the cellar will tend to keep that of the house dry and sweet A bowl of lime in a damp closet will dry and sweeten it A dish of char coal in a closet or refrigerator will da much toward making these places sweet The power of charcoal to ab sorb odors is much greater directly after it has been burned than when it length of time Charcoal may bo has been exposed to the air for a purified and used again and again bV heating it to red heat The lime must be kept in a place where there is no chance of its getting wet and not ex posed to air The art of life is to know how to enjoy a little and much I A beautiful behavior is better than a beautiful form it is theflnest of fine arts Sorrows are often like clouds which tho black when they are pass ing over us when they are past be come as if they were garments of Cod thrown in purple and gold along the sky or is paid only to the lineal descend ants of an English sovereign or to the men of Horse consort Of a sovereign of an heir an- j The Canadians will sail on tho parent or of a prince or princess on steamer Lake Ontario which will the steps of the throne But it was Liverpool this afternoon bound tolled upon the death of President Gar- for Montreal field whoso long and brave fight for life had been witnessed in England with almost as much interest and sympathy as in his own country The sonorous booming of the great Special meeting last Monday even- bell was the first announcement to the Members all present people of the death of Prince Albert Following accounts passed which occurred at eleven oclock at Bacon on building at 00 night on December Ross do Whenever death comes to the Royal Morrison Co family the Home Secretary is at once lumber informed It is his duty to notify the Co supplies Lord Mayor and it then devolves up- p Anderson expenses re Denning on the Lord Mayor to send the news flre to the Dean of St Pauls with a re- rj Lepard cartage quest that the great bell be tolled Telephone Co 50 Telegraph Co It is the man who keeps his eye S J open to whom opportunity comes I 1 Wm Gray breaking stone 6 It is but the littleness of man that do sceth no greatness in trifles 1 25 King Victor Emmanuel III took J the oath of office at Rome on account 35 day amid enthusiastic plaudits of his subjects 15yearold daughter of Mr Packard Imyiiton Car coal Patrick near was Thos Hunter drawing coal 5 very seriously burned by her clothing Express catching fire 2 Property Com Miss Mary Belts of Kingston lost Pay Sheet No 11 her life on August thru fainting in Pay Sheet No do her bath She was drowned before Special Insurance at Power help arrived House 5 A3 A deductive hailstorm destroyed following bills referred to the crops in a district extending two t Com they Co by ten miles in Moose Mountain 5 Can Gen Electric Co The offer of Richmond Hill Council foe the services of their In spector as to putting down asphalt pavement was accepted The- requlslton of the Separate School Hoard for a levy of 241 was referred to the Finance Com The Fire Light Com reported against the petition of Win lClvidge and others for a light on St but suggested certain changes to improve the light at the place referred to The Com also recommended pay ment of bills of Can Gen El Co amounting to Report adopted A ByLaw to raise for elec tric light extension and waterworks improvements debentures passed two readings The Special Committee on Extension to Lighting Plant was empowered to prepare necessary affidavits to lay be fore the In Council with power to send a deputation if to interview proper authori ties Council adjourned W T on Thursday Kerr of Madoc and May- bee of Lindsay held for manslaughter iu connection with the railway acci dent at Junction will be tried at the Assizes at Belleville Aug On Saturday evening Matthew Adams a laborer of Thornton while attempting to board the Toronto mail train motion fell under the wheels which passed over his left side severing his left arm causing injuries from which he died hours later Deceased was about years old a widower with five small children The Skating Rink was burned Tuesday night Mr Abraham Creamer a Port Hope Carpenter fell on his head and was killed Goorge Kennedy aged fifteen years was killed by lightning at of Island caught a lunge with a small trolling lino in Cooks Bay near Do Point on Friday which measured inches Aug Last even ing the fitteenyearold daughter of Quinlan a farmer near town was seriously if not fatally burned while lighting the kitchen fire alone in the bouse rushed flaming to barn where her father and- mother were was horribly burned the father who was also sovorojy burned extin guished burning clothing Mean while house bad taken flro and with its contents was totally It wag very Sightly insured The was removed to St Joseph Hospital here and her recovery is doubtful Toronto IS lCO Red bushel a White Wheat per buihcl a per a Barley per 0U per Rye per I Butter per lb Potatoes per I Simple to Operate Fully Guaranteed These Stove operate similar to the well known Stu dent Lamp You light and adjust the by simply raising and lowering the burner Screen Doors Screen Windows Freezer Pure Paris Green Binder Twine J Agents for Harris Repairs J A ALLAN CO We Are Doing The Dress Goods Trade OF THE town RONTO JOBBING HOUSE M Prisoners Died Durban Aug The Company the British relief forces a a a a a a a 1 ft Royal Engineers have just reached j here after undergoing severe experi ences while prisoners with Wets army While busily engaged in repairing a bridge at which the Boers had burned down they were surround ed by of the enemy under Com mandant Wet They were subject ed to a terrible fire and the Engineers were possessed of only rounds of ammunition apiece they gal lantly returned the fire It was only when they had a single shot left that they surrendered to overwhelm ing numbers In all fiftynine Engin eers wero made prisoners besides de tails of troops Altho the cap tives were kept rapidly on the move they attempted to en Ape to at last some of the prisoners fell on the roadside owing to and the lack of provision while suc cumbed to their privations The men complain thac often oocU thru their boots owing the awful condition of feel list ordered them to be turned and they were sent over the into Natal During the dreadful march the un fortunate Engineers experienced great difficulty in getting fond At the houses on the roadside the Doer wo men charged them as much as four shillings for a of twenty- ftve shillings for a of tea fiftyfive shillings for a of to bacco Chlckcta per lb 1 a a to a a a en a o received a cablegram from England last week of fering Wm for the three head of thorobred cattle which he had on exhibition at Winnipeg Fair This is the highest price yet offered for stock in this country a SO a on OH Flour per barrel I CO par Buckwheat Barley per buabol 038 par to Bethel Butter roll per lb 017 a a a a a a a a a a a a Wool per Hay per ton CO a 1000 CO a lb a 0 pair a to prevent a fire Two or three other a Leonard of a boy years of age was accidentally shot thru the hand on Monday by a revolver with which he and some other small boys were playing Clayton Foster aged years arrested by County Constable Boyd and High Constable of Wellington county at on Mon day on a charge under the Charlton Act The warrant against Foster waa issued at last March Whitby Aug was arrested on Saturday by Chief who alleges re- for many fires that have tak en place in the township lately Dun the womans absence on Wednesday last her house took fire and on her return found her home in ashes She accused the neighbors of out and threatened vengeance That night a fine frame house owned by Mr Fred was and to tally destroyed A large pan of live coals waa the same night found in barn fortunately in time J ftp or pair Turkeys per lb greased a n fires have been started in the same all alleged to be the work of tho per too

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