Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 17, 1900, p. 4

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I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG 44 Wilful Waste Woeful Want as not securs tuff Andthfgfd Ait as is io vri Is A possession You stare it And fat He SssspAnA the blood cures And ih systtm W troubled with And blood And was Advised to try Hoods I followed this benefit I receive was so ihst I took a second bottle And wa cured Petit Lyons Q JACKSON PROF Best Advertising Medium In York County Transient advertise- cents per for flrtt 3centsperUoeforeachBUtfieiuent Advertisements with writ ten instructions until forbid and charged changed once each month if For oner month the competition must be for at regular for contract advertisements must be Id the office bj- coon on Wednesdays Low Rate for Notices Farms to Rent Article Lost and Found etc A reading nonce will be Inserted free for anr Church where posters ate fur fee Or collection It fifty cents will be charged for a notice- No to rule Legal Thos J Public Main Street to Loan on good Farm security Solicitor Notary Public etc Money to Loan Division Court Building- Newmar ket Ontario Barristers Conveyancers doom South of Pes Of- flee Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will also be at Newmarket on Saturday and Court J Banker and Ontario Bank Aurora Funds at p S Barrister afoncv to loan Omen Bartons took Main St Barrister Reformer Block Money to Loan promptly and in J I am also associated FirstClass Car- Mage Painter and Writer Hardware Store or at the residence of Mr J Green bead of West Bolton Practical Painter and Corner Church Street and It is announced that Hon Ross Premier of Ontario is rusticat ing up in the Parry Sound district He expected lo return before tbo dose of next week Three Cabinet Ministers and also the Leader of the Opposition in the Canadian Parliament are all expected to be home from across the briny deep this week The event has an inspiration to political prophets who are now forecasting a Dominion election before the close of October The heated term thank goodness will be- over by that time It is at Ottawa that Mr Phillips Thompson a wellknown newspaper man and labor advocate of Toronto has been appointed by Hon Mr to be correspondent for the Toronto district for the new La bor Gazette We hope the appointee will not attempt to present certain views bordering on socialism which some labor advocates have given ex pression to as those which the Gov ernment are willing to endorse and foster Dyspepsia and An Lady ells of Hex Core the Use of Dr Pink Pills After a Score of Other fiemedies Had Failed The Conservative press appears to have reached the conclusion that the Government has not been able during its tenancy of office thus far to remove the Senatorial obstruc tion yet it seems to have so ad ministered the countrys affairs as to enable the people to wipe out mort gages to an enormous extent Only grinding moneylenders and will kick at this result mean while when opportunity oners the country will do homage to the men who have contributed in bringing about this state of things In pursuance to the intimation given to the Legislature last session the On tario is fitting up and im proving the old Victoria College build ing at to adapt it as an as ylum for senile patients is in progress the London Asylum an inlinnar building for which an appropriation of was made by the Legislature- is in course of erection Dormitories at the Brock Asylum are being fit ted up and the grounds surrounding the Normal School at London are be ing laid out and completed All these works arc being carried out by the de partment under the direction of the staff lb is announced that Mr Arch Blue chief of tee Ontario Bureau of Mines has been appointed Census for the taking of the census of He will leave for Ottawa im mediately to make preparations for numbering the people In this con nection we understand from a report ed interview with the Commissioner of Crown Lands Blues place in the service of the Ontario Government will be filled by promotion and a re arrangement of the work so no new appointment will be required The Liberal organ at Toronto says that work of taking the census will require at least three years and it is understood that Mr Blue will re main permanently in the service of the Dominion Government Dyspepsia causes more genuine dis tress than most diseases that afflict mankind In this country from one cause or another its victims are by the hundreds of thousands and those always feci tired worn out and miserable and are sub ject to fits of melancholy or ill tem per without apparent cause It is obvious that the human body in order to perform its functions must be pro perly nourished and this cannot be done when the food is improperly di gested Those who suffer from indi gestion should exercise care as to diet and only easily digested foods should be taken But more than this is re quired the blood needs order that the stomach may be strengthened and the secretion of the gastric juices properly carried on There is no other medicine offered the public that will act so promptly and effectively as Dr Williams Pink Pills Proof of this is given in the case of Mrs Doddridge St Que In conversation with a report er Mrs Doddridge said For quite a number of years I have been a ter rible suffer from dyspepsia accom panied by the sick that al most invariably come with this trou ble I suffered from terrible pains in the stomach bloating and belching wind All food to disagree with me and as a result of the trouble I was very much run down and at times I was uiiable to do even light housework I am sure I tried of different medicines but without success and as I am sixty years of age had come to believe that it was hopeless to expect a cure A friend who had Used Dr Williams Pink Pills with good results urged me to try this medicine and my husband brought home a couple of boxes Before they were finished I felt much better and we then got another half dozen boxes and these have completely restored my health and I not only feel better than have done for years but actually feel younger very cheerfully re commend Dr Williams Pink Pills to similar sufferers If your dealer does not keep these pills they will be sent postpaid at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr- Williams Medi cine Co of Armenians Constantinople Aug Advices re ceived from Asiatic Turkey say that men women and children have been massacred in the village of in the district of by troops and Kurds under AH Pasha the commandant of He is also said to have ordered the village to be burned i Slept on Fife i Chicago Aug All past records for long continued hot weather in Chicago have been equalled during the present week and when todays tem have been taken it is more than probable that a new record will have been For five days the mercury has made regular jaunts well above the mark and with no relief in sight the weather official predicts that it will again soar above that figure today Yesterday there ware nine deaths and thirty prostrations Trie poor people in the tenement districts suffer ed terribly and in these congested sec tions whole families secured their nights rest- on fire escapes steps porches and sidewalks More horses were killed by heat than during any other day this summer The of ficers of the Humane Society estimat ed the prostrations at AUCTIONEERS Uoenaod Auctioneer for Co of York A old on Term ble Sale Attended to Bate attended I Street Newmarket ft I I DENTAL V A monster turtle weighing one thousand pounds of the variety called rubberneck by fishermen was tured off the coast of Long Island the other day It measured about feet from the tip of its now to the end of its tail It had no shell and its skin looked like rubber Sixteen man had a fierce with the turtle before they succeeded in getting it into the boat during which one of the men had his leg broken Another man was severely bitten on the hip A I i if Satisfaction Guaranteed p will be at office of Porter Brad ford Monday I kind of Pump kept on hand for well Contract made well Ac tanks supplied and work done on abort notice new work warrant Land Plaster Salt SEED CORN Bed Cob P Sweet Improved Learning Early Wisconsin Yellow Dint Longfellow and varieties Mangel Turnip Sugar Beet and Car rot Seed J Cor Main Huron Hydrant naif price Enquire at Office The Game Warden Mr so it is is issuing notices for the information of the public contain ing an abstract of the Ontario game laws For the first time for many moose reindeer and caribou may be kilted between the 1st and of November both days inclusive An- opportunity to hunt these state ly animals will not be given sports men until as the open season is restricted lo a period of days every third year Only one of each variety may be taken by any one per son in one season and no cow moose or either of these animals under the age of one year can be killed Part ridge quail woodcock and snipe may not be bought and sold before English of Mongolian pheaskhts fowl wild turkey beaver and ot ter may not be killed before to Beat You are In the last stages of Con sumption and cannot live more than a month Were tie words of doom beard by Rosa of Laurel Springs from her dob tors But she began to use Dr Kings New DiscOYeryjwritesR of that place was wholly cured She Is now- the cure for desperate of throat and lungs infallible for Coughs Bronchitis Asthma Croup Whopping Cough Guaranteed bottles andl Trial bottles free at Lehmans drug store By the collapse of a steamboat wharf at Isle Bols Que a crowd of were thrown into the river Only a few were in jured v V SHEPfiERD Victoria Street Toronto member Medical Colleges Scotland Ontario Nova Scotia Quebec Ann Arbor ML adcJphla will be at the Royal Hotel Newmarket every Saturday Dr Shepherd a specialist and give free and to all parties who meet him at Newmarket V Dr Shepherd has of private funds and will advance money to farmer at per cent yearly No valuations agents fees or commis sions charged V For Medical or Financial assistance call on Dr Shepherd at Royal Hotel Newmarket on Saturdays R We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr English Pills if after ueing of contents of bottle do not relieve We al so warrant that lour bottles will per manently cure most obstinate cast- Constipation or no when Wills English Pills an- Druggist Newmarket Ont Y Broughton fi DruggiatNewrnargot Maiq mwrnkrkefcODt An omnibus containing people was struck by a train at Wenningers Crossing Pa Eleven of the occu pants were killed and all the others probably fatally injured Messenger Lane of the Ad ams Express Co was found dead In car at Columbus Ohio having been killed in a battle with train who looted the- safe- A em ployee of the company hamrR Jf crime without a You can find the kidneys are clogged deranged and diseased Have you or a weak- back Do you pain ating or a too frequent desire to ate Are there deposits like brick dust in the urine after It has hours If you have any of these symptoms not a should be lost In Dr Chases Kldineft Liver Pills cure One pill a cents box A mysterious fire did about damage to the Hamilton building all You Glue greets you in your cradle and bids you adieu in your coffin re marked a dealer on the article dont suppose a tenth of the people stop to think how variously glue serves them Its in their hats and shoes their carpets and furniture their pencils paper pastry confec tionery and medicine on their walls the stiffening of their apparel and in or on some dozen or more articles with which they have daily dealings Sixty million pounds of it are used a year the cheapest at cents and the dearest which is used in pharmacy and the confectionery trade about In the industries it is used universally Alcohol iiid coal oil barrels to be it and wooden boxes for merchandise made of small pieces are joined with it while of course it is used the furniture trade- Only newspaper printing paper is made without some glue and any piper that is to bs it- ten on with ink or present a smooth finish has to be treated with it some stage New Orleans of a King Rome Aug At an early hour this morning ten of ficers of Cuirassiers carrion the casket containing the remains of the late King Humbert from the funeral train to the large hall of the railroad sta tion which had been transferred into a chape hung with sable draperies with gold The first chaplain of the Court assisted by a number of priests pronounced the ab solution and the cortege stated for the Pantheon where rest the remains of King Victor Emmanuel The immense space surrounding the rail road station was entirely filled with people and as the casket was borne into the open air all uncovered and re mained bareheaded while the proces sion was in view After the casket had been placed on a guncarriage King Victor III took his place at the head of the princes and diplomats who followed the remains Preceding the cortege which was most imposing in its magnificence was a battery of artillery a band of mu sic and then a battalion from each division of the Italian array and mar ine corps Just ahead of the casket were about priests and friars including the court chaplains The guncarriage bearing the was drawn by six horses and was sur rounded by officers and functionaries of the civil and military houses of the royal princes and of the late King and was immediately preceded by the late Kings first general ai dehecamp on horseback bearing the sword of the late King As the body of the dead monarch was Dprhe along towards the on tears were streaming down the faces of many of the spectators Be hind the casket was the late King yurhberVs beautiful bay war horse covered with long black draping the head of the procession reached Pantheon an enormous crowd occupied every foot space All the adjacent streets and the windows balconies and terraces the vicinity were filled with spectators but not a word interrupted the of the scene During the march flowers were the windows on the pass ing King Victor Emmanuel who was on foot tore himself with dignity and carried His head high At some points attempts were made to acclaim the hew King but the exclamatlbns were repressed The solemn more the feelings of the grieving people THE MESSAGE OF There no bring to a true woman that assurance that Utile one la- to life call Vloth But to all her 16- rag for ex pected guest mother Jfeple tp forget that her own health and physical condition the most important provision which possibly be made for the babys happiness If the prospective mother weak nervous and- bound the constitution No of rpbe will compensatft for the loss of the natural healthy vigor which a mother ahould bestow upon her baby As early a possible daring gestation the mother should re- her power with the sustaining bringing influence of Dr Pierces Favorite It gives natural vigor and tic endurance to the con cerned in motherhood It roakea the coming of baby perfectly aafe and almost painless It to the mother and vita hardihood to the child It the only medicine devised by an educated physician specially to overcome all and diseases of the organs Its sale is greater than the combined sales of all other medicines for women This fact shows the unbounded confidence which women place in Dr Pierce He has been for nearly thirty years chief consulting physician of the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo During this time he has achieved a worldwide reputation for hi successful treatment of the moat obsti nate ailment peculiar to women I nave taken three bottle of Favorite yrescription write Mrs Laura of Co Mo Two be fore and one after I feel the medicine was all that saved ray life I faking Refuse Valuable A large manufacturing establishment will soon probably be erected in Otta wa for the rnknufacture of ejecrlc plants to treat garbage and sawdust so as to get all the commercial pro- ducta from them Prof V son whose experimental plant for the treatment of sawdust erected at tawa some time ago was such a boo- cess is now arranging for the facture of the machines in the United States and in Canada on a large scale A feature of the work done Mr Emersons machine is to take dust and garbage dry it in a machine then have it treated so as to extract the heavy oils and alcohol etc and continue the process until the purest results are obtained Mr Emerson has constructed at Ottawa a large working model of the plant capable of handling several tons a day Al ready a number of teats have been made at Ottawa Ordinary city gar bage it is stated can be treated so as to secure products and per ton of garbage o Canadas Caps George Johnson the Dominion statistical lias compiled some interest ing figures about the electric railways of Canada During the year ending December the miles of track were so used that the total num ber of mi las run by cars was The number of passengers carried was over hundred and four millions namely This is equal to carrying every man woman and child in the Dominion twenty times The mileage run and the passengers carried show that for each mile run the electrics carried passengers Compared with the previous year the number of passengers carried increased nearly millions and the number of run by over a million The pas sengers carried per mile run increased from to The number Of trans- A SUMMER TONIC tofefet form Hake folks welt keep well from tick THCA1ONZ0 ft tri stsrirt i up part of the day when I began to take it I as a only tateri a dosos I to lid ten poliad Got ia a and with but very little Buffering weeks iid feel stouter and better thin I have in four years heartily recommend Dr icrip tloo to all women La such cases l I can recommend your valu able medicine favorite Prescription to females writes Mr Division Street Mount Vernon Ohio About four year aTJ health to fait I went to best doctor and said had ulcera tion of uterus He gave me treat- fnt for months I got but not- welt said a sobtt aS I toptcd and dot able to do fU Had down pain My back ached so bad I could hardly ait up or lie down So I wrote to you and taking Dr Pierces Favorite In time I began to improve and I kept ft with People com menced to make remarks about bow muck looked I told everybody what I taking I bad gained twelve wis net able doiny rfork could only sit given in Toronto was over 10J in When you hire a wheel from the Bicycle Livery look at the tires If they are Tires then you can rest assured the wheel has a good pedi gree in its every part DunlopTiresonallgood wheels only by the time kad taken the econd bottle of favorite Prescription took five bottles and then I felt as well ai I ever AM in my life Quit a number of my friend are taking your medicine told a lady a mouth ago about the Favorite took and ahe aid she had any to do her so much good In life She wrote to her slater and told her to ret and take It aar enough to tout med icine and I both thank yoa for what it bis done for we had about for rfiftdlciai and local od your has above all women needs taedical book Pirrce Sent Medical Adviser fill this It contains over Several apt era are devoted to tbt the dlstUctty onecent stamps to coyer cost of toatis to the Worlds kledical Association Buffalo Wr for copy If cloth Is stamps or old Carry a bottle of in It cures cute and with Avoid substitutes dot one aid Wo I tense a- Should at Home At home a woman should be guided in bur manner of dressing by an even greater desire to please than else where Her husband may be the most unobservant men but be will know she neat and attractive with her hair newly dressed and some pretty arrangement about the bodice of her gown The practice of wear ing soiled at home cannot be too strongly deprecated Ladies Home Journal Blown Atoms The old idea that the body some times needs a powerful drastic purga tive pill has been exploded for Dr Kings New Life Pills which are per fectly harmless gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter cleanse the system and absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache On ly at Lehmans drug store John Andrews of Town- died of sunstroke were lost by the sinking of the torpedoboat destroyer during the manoeuvres of the fleet- Brighton Aug Macklam clerk of the Division Court died yes terday from injuries received from a twoyearold bull which knocked him down and gored him He leaves a wife and six children millions These are not included in the total of passengers earned The amount of paidup capital in vested in electric railways is The steam railways in 1811 carried passengers miming a train milage of thus making an average of and onehalf per mile The electric cars travelled over four and onethird million more miles than the passenger and mixed trains of the steam railways Together the steam and electric railways carried over passengers and the proportion was about by steam lo by elec tricity A gentleman who has tried two of soldier life writes home to tell How he misses the society of wo men Two months ago I left Tam pa for this blasted land which we are trying to liberate fortyfive days I never saw a woman Fellow citizens if you want to appreciate a woman get away from her You dont know what the Creator when He performed the first surgical opera tion on Adam did in mapping out glorious woman If you want to know what a glorious and sugarcoated thing a woman is just join the army as I did See nothing but men from morning till night Join the army and loaf with men talk with men help men carry men walk over men men men and nothing but men Live in a perpetual atmos phere of suppressed profanity boot smell and at the end of three weeks you would bo passionately enamored with the mummy of an Egyptian ser vant girl and give her an electrical kiss that would burn three thousand years of dried hide into and velvety animation Stray Cattle Came upon lot In the of about of July Head of Yearling Cattle to thuiu a way J We Want Your Trade DO YOU FEAR HEART FAILURE No death comes so suddenly ami un expectedly as that caused by heart failure but the trouble had its begin ning months or perhaps years before when the blood became thin and wa tery and the nerves exhausted Gra dually the waste has become more ra pid than the process of repair the tissues of the heart have become dis eased and finally some oyer exertion or nervous shock has caused the to cease and life depart Br Chases Nerve Food prevents heart failure and all similar diseases by creating new rich blood and nerve force and up the system London Aug A despatch from Rome says that riot and panic marked the funeral of the late King Humbert It was believed an attempt would be made to assassinate King Em manuel III The excitement was in ner Friar Large sores covered head and face of our child writes of that no treat ment helped till we used Ar nica Salve which quickly cured her Infallible in Eruptions Bruises Acci dents and Piles Cute guaranteed Only at Lehmans drug store A beet sugar factory will shortly be erected at Over acres the district are now planted with sugar beets New York Aug Nine persons who hurriedly sought shelter under some trees and bushes in the woods in the Bronx section during the storm of this afternoon were struck by a flash of lightning All the injured persons taken to We Cant Do It what some do your work Bat Do Better work is more Import ant to you as the lite of your Shirts Collars Guffs are lengthened by our lauudrylnf them MOTTO If our work pleases you toll your if Dot fell HAND LAMM p DAY SCHOOL Work alto CUSSES From to 9 for boys young men Now is time to Improve your education Terms s pollock CO EXPERIENCE Mark la lbs A J ft tlftttn i I toot HUNGER IS THE BEST SAUCE Yofe some people are never hungry Whatever they eat has to be forced down There is of something wrong with these people By taking Hoods a shorVtime they are given an appetite and then they enjoy eating and food nourishes them If you find your appetite failing just try a bottle of Hoods It is a true stomach tonic and every dose does good The best family cathartic is Hoods Pills Town Carting of Teaming on Short Notice and Reasonable Terms Cor OLD NBWSPAPEES at the Office pet ih lbs

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