Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 17, 1900, p. 2

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J i Lv THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG Advertisements Hot Weather Roche Co High SchoolFourth Work Boarding SchoolSister Superior Farm for Farm for Sale Metropolitan By Co Toronto to lecumapket Each TIME TABLE North Toronto Leave Newmarket I SO We have received another letter from Kelllebv about the sup porting the ladles but as it was only told for a the matter had better drop w This is one result of Liberal rule in striking contrast to Conservative the Ottawa Government an nounces a surplus of One million is to l applied reducing the debt- The for July was and increase of Fast week Miss Tattersall and Miss Watson of are visiting at Mr Mrs Matthews of Toronto and two children were visiting at Mr Jesse Hugbes last week Lloyd is the accountant in the Ontario Bank and Mr Geo Simpson teller Joseph Bailey of California and his Miss Lukes of Bradford were visiting at Captain Allans Our Toronto 30 CO pm 0 pm SO am pm J pm Return Fare either way 130 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Br a to SB to a TO c to ff ft ex 3 Or to c over July last year m Up at the Pacific slope where Sir Charles Jr boasts of being a power In the realm of politics comes this in timation from a leading Vancouver journal If the Federal elections are brought on this fall the present tranquility of the political sea can hardly be expected to continue The outlook for those the Conservative ship is that all hands will have a pro tracted at the pumps If we may judge of the Sen ate by what Is stated in the report of the secretary of this dignified body respecting their public extravagance It is jogging along a dose second to the Senate of this Dominion The report for instance shows that a lo cal drug firm received in one year more than for medicines and toilet articles These were supplied to the Senators for their individual use and paid for out of the generous pocket of Uncle Sam A small item of this expenditure was doses of seltzer and caffeine Three doses of caffeine powders four cases of water two bottles- of and worth of tablets further contributed to keep the Senatorial system in good repair Twelve pounds of soda mint tablets were purchased for the alleviation of that dark brown taste and the ex travagant- sum of cents was ex changed for tablets for indigestion OarSoGietyGoIumn She op1 but WITH Printed oil FRIDAY AUG points PLEASANTLY The Misses were visiting in Aurora last week Mr A and wife spent over Sunday at Mr and Mrs are spend ing a month at Falls Mr Edward of Toronto is visiting his aunt Mrs Geo Wood J Y and Webb spent last Friday at the- Lake Miss OgUvie of Bradford is fpenJ- a couple of weeks with man I Mrs of Stayneris the guest EDITORIAL f Mr Albert has accepted a in Toronto and intends to move at once air Percy of Toronto has been visiting with Mr Frank Webb the past week- Dr Howe arrived in Town on Wednesday evening and is calling on old friends Dr Patterson of was in Town Monday renewing old ac quaintances Dr Arthur Bastedo of New York is home and is spending vacation at Mr Montgomerys two little girts from have been here for a couple of weeks and Mrs Montgom ery expected this week Mr John and his sister Miss of nephew and of Rev were vis itors at the parsonage last week Mr John H Wright son of Mr George Wright of panted by his wife are now on a trip to Southern California Rev A P Brace A called the Era office on his way to he will take the work on that circuit till the end of the month Mr Andy has been pro moted to the position of traveller for the Office Specialty and will remove to the city to be more convenient Jor reaching home A preached in Toronto last Sunday and will also supply there again next Sunday after which he will spend the remainder of his holidays in Western Ontario Miss Anna Armitage of Toronto accompanied by Mrs Harry Ingram and baby Miss Wilson and Miss Mag gie Stephens was visiting at her home in Newmarket over Sunday Harrison of Richmond Hill was here last week visiting her sister Miss Louie Harrison who re turned home with her and then went on to the for a couple of days Mr and wife of To ronto were at the Royal on Wednesday morning They proceeded to in the afternoon accom panied by Mrs David of The members and relatives of Hie Lehman family had ah enjoyable out ing last week at Over partook of the surrounding the Lake and a pleasant time was spent in bosun croquet and reunion of friends The gathering disperse having spent a most enjoyable day Mr Pollock formerly of but now of Rondo Mich was here a couple of weeks ago paying his mother and brothers a He has been During the heated term last week there have been deaths of the victims being children one year old The Toronto Elect tio Wght Com pany have put a permit for a brick on the near Scott street It will cost 910000 Wr Golden Smith is suffering from a broken wrist received by a fall at the Island where he was a guest at the Royal Canadian Yacht dubhouse Mr Smith was ascending the steps leading to the veranda when he slip ped and foil fracturing his right wrist Den Cross a boy em ployed by the Toronto Pharmacy Co Bay street fell a distance of feet down an elevator shaft Saturday morning The lad was taken to the Emergency Hospital where it was found that beyond a severe shaking up he was not seriously hurt- Friday afternoon in the absence of the family of Mr J Edgar corner avenue and Annette street thieves entered the house and ransack ed every drawer and cupboard from top to bottom They took two razors two revolvers some articles of cloth ing and some trinkets It is thought the thieves axe the same that ransack ed a house on Quebec avenue and ait- other on Pacific avenue last week Deputy Minister of Agriculture Mr James returned to his duties on Monday after his holiday outing Another ease of a woman with shoplifting at store was up in the police court neck f Dominion Cabinet Ministers were in the city this week anil all three with a couple of members of the Provincial Cabinet and members of parliament adjourned meeting of the Ontario li beral Association on Monday evening last Meyer Helper- are held by the Police Magistrates order for examination a charge of murdering Morris The new bridge over the Don at Queen now open for street cur traffic Here is Ian item from local column in the Olobe of Monday A body found in the Detroit River at Windsor and shipped to Trinity Medical College identified by Mrs McCarthy of Regent avenue as that of her husband and buried in St- James Cemetery A few days Tremendous Purchase of Mill Remnants Enormous Slaughter Sale ol Remnants When in Quebec a few days ago we picked up several cases of remnants We bought these goods at pur own price and make a quick clearance at about half regular prices LOT No 1 1200 yards of Extra Heavy Factory Cotton in lengths of from 11 to 10 yards well worth per yard pick any length you want at Lot No 1500 yards Fine Bleached ends from to 9 yards pick what you want at 62C No 3 1340 yards Flannelette extra patterns in light and dark I22C Any end you want per yard Cotton full yard wide in worth 9 and per yard wide heavy goods all shades reg price 10 to The Toronto Worlds daily articles and grain and live stock are accurate and are looked for by everyone interested in them The World la published every day in the year and its energy to getting out a firstclass morning The Star calls attention to a great scheme in Norway which it thinks might be worth trying in this country to encourage matrimony Married couples are allowed to travel Orchard Beach on the railways for a fare and a Miss Edna te spending a A few special inducements of few weeks in Tottenham and character might cause mean old bach- Mar Brampton elora to pop the questi J Miss Matty Watson of Toronto is It is Sir diaries to visit He has been sous linear years Mr McCarthy turned at his and had been here only a few daysj house and was Welcomed as when a telegram came stating that Ms he back the McCarthy wife was very low and to return vt once Since he returned we have heard that she is some better Mr Pollock is engaged in owns acres of timbered land principally hardwood Two of his sons are in partnership with hhu and are doing a good business in ihe manufacture of lumber elm and beech which at present has a market in Michigan Was Oat and Hon Hugh J Macdonld will shortly open the Conservative campaign and figure at political ga therings in different of the pro vince Referring to this fact the Hamilton Times asks this ques tion Where do Pilly Maclean Clarke Wallace and Doc Montague come in in this Tory picnic program The answer Is easy they dont come in It wilt take them all their time to attend to East and West York and Since the recent barbar ism and general uprising in Chita the question of employing Chinese and other foreign labor of various kinds in Canada has been considered far more seriously and from a different stand point than ever before We are Just beginning to realize the great number of foreigners we have in our midst We find them competing with our Can adian laboring men where competition is least needed and where scarcely liv ing wages are at present paid Of course we notice this and the cutting of wages contracts where large gangs are employed much more than In other places but they are in evidence on every hand and are a great Master is spending a few days at Mrs Mrs M Hughes is away for a couple of visiting friends at Fergus and Berlin Mrs Nurse and children of are visiting for a couple of weeks at Mr Lows Mrs Alph and Miss of Toronto are the guests of Mrs- Queen Street Postmaster and family are occupying one of Col Lloyds cot tages at Orchard Beach Mr Jacob Taylor has returned from Muskoka where he spent ten days looking for stock Mr Wiley of the Richmond Hill Liberal staff was a caller at the Era office on Tuesday- Mrs Little of Detroit and Miss of Chicago are spending a few days with Mrs J Mitchell Messrs Woodcock mid Kennedy are spending two or three days at the Lake this week Mr Coombs and family have re turned from Sandhill Peel Co where they have spending the holidays Mrs AH Manning and daughter of have been visiting relatives in TORONTO BY TAB The Howard referred to in a cable from Sir Alfred yester day as having been taken a prisoner of war Is not as was erroneously supposed at Ottawa Gat Howard of Catling gun fame but Lean Howard of the Northwest Mounted Police of OsgoodeHall and has been missing since July when the Strathcona took part in an engagement at to the prosperity of the country We are pleased to see however that Town and vicinity for a week or two nhe Laurier Government has adopted a Mr son of Mrs means of preventing this system which Street Is home from is driving our men out ol the country were given one for the building of the Post Office at and the other Texas after an absence of years Last week two Government contracts- Miss Mabel McCulloch of Daring- ton of Rev is spending a couple of weeks at the Par- I for a Drill Hall at Windsor The agreement made with Actors provides that nonresidents of Canada must net be employed and that the current wages for that class of work must in every case be paid This Im portant move In favor of the masses Is one that will receive favor as it is States If lie passes ho has a such a decided change from the work- j waiting for him In Michigan f of the late Government and as a Mrs of result of this and many other such mother of Smith Mrs he when of Richmond Hill their the ejections an- held it or Mrs lMkr of A- Lewis of Street his customary largehear telnet treated the stall to a of apples on Mr Frank Webb left yesterday to write on a exam in the sit will the trji were u fnr Visit Victoria Aug News has been brought from Australia by the steamer Aoraiigi of Hoods In New South Wales during July as the result of which some hundreds of peo ple were rendered homeless while the loss of property involved was People had to flea for their lives from floods while the result of years of toll was swept away in a few hours Hakesbury- and Val leys suffered most Appeals are being made for aid Australia Fighting in flshanti Aug A column of men under Col Burroughs has re turned from Kumsssi having reinforc ed and the foftfor two months The force attacked and de stroyed three old stockades a bayonet charge In which officer and native soldiers were wounded and killed On the night of August Col Bur roughs attacked an Aahanti war camp near surprising the camp and the enemy Great num bers were slain a gun being flrei A lieutenant was killed and two men wounded Other flying column are going out and it believed that the punishment will not soon he forgotten though several defeats needed to clear the country south of of the rebels Two wellknown farmers living in the district are having re course to legal proceedings to settle a dispute them The plain I in in Avery and he is suing a rauiLs for I htiltl for was surprised to hear that he Was considered dead and buried During his absence from- home be had been working at his trade as a machinist The question now arises Who was the man that was buried Ottawa Augi St- Denis a lineman who had been in the employ of Telegraph for years was this morning dashed to on the Richmond road He was working on a telegraph pole- which without any warning broke close to the ground New York Aug James 33 years old was found in the rear Rockwells coal yard yesterday roasted to death from the heat of the sun says a Bridgeport Conn special to The Press When taken to the morgue the flesh peeled off as the body had been in a furnace It Is supposed wandered into the coal yard while intoxicated and went to sleep i 1 No 900 yards Dark and Light Flannelettes good quality lengths from to yards Per About fifty Plain and Twill Cotton Sheets sizes two by two and a half yards wide hem well fin- ished heavy sheets worth reg each Special at The Red Ticket Clothing Sale continues this week and every department in the Store has something special to offer so that a look will do you good and a purchase will save you money v E The Kihbv At the of he parent on by John Mr Gardner bod of Mr Gamut and the Era staff to Klrby nil At D and by tame on the 1Mb Mr Fred Landing to of North THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House Has made a out In prices on Furniture for a few days before tak ing stock For Cash Diners per sett up Sideboard with Bevel Mirror up Extension Tables up Bedroom 8uika up Lounges 876 up Parlor up All other floods in proportion A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at Residence St John H Millard Telephone Winnipeg Aug has here from Ice land where he has been most success ful in Inducing emigration to Manito ba Since June of this year the of the Department of the In terior have been rewarded by securing about Icelandic immigrants who have made the most desirable class of settlors that can be brought into Man itoba These people have been made acquainted with the advantages the Northwest offered them In particular and they emigrated and settled with out any assistance whatsoever from the Government Scientists are practically agreed that animals other than men have certain reasoning powers and now they are trying to And why plants act in various strange ways Recently the daughter of a prominent Mexican planter tried the following experiment which show that plants certainly know a thing or two She drove a nail in a wall some distance from the tendril of a morning glory plant The tendril began at once to grow towards the nail The nail was shifted and the tendril shifted its course Finally a cord hung up to tempt the tendril and it shifted its course towards the cord and left the nail which iV had five times persisted In following School Stationery Tomb Pratt In Toronto Adelaide Pratt daughter of Mr Prank Pratt Age mo I Toronto th formerly of Lemon aged about W yra The remain were brought to Net market on Wednesday morning and Inter red to St John Cemetery At her lute 2nd Com of on Daniel Murphy a id St Johns Newmarket on largely f for the pencil Pens Ink and Pencil Erasers Rulers Crayons for paper onboard Compasses Pen cil Boxes Slate Pencils Pencil Sharpeners plain or bound Arrow Pen folders Pen and Pencil ail in one Blue and Red Chick ing Pencils best Black and Black all sizes graphed A variety and very attractive All sizes best quality paper ruled or plain attractive in every way Fancy Goods Newly Opened Ladies and Gentlemens Money Purses Pressing Combs and Brushes Clothes Brushes Circular Combs Nail Scrubs Match Safes Toy Pis- tola New Card Games Rag Cats and Kittens very realistic for September in ask for Fashion Sheet Crown Brand Fruit Jars Pints and Hal Gallons Dinner Tea Sets Toilet Sets Fruit Seta Bread and Cake Plates Fruit Plates Bowls Cups and Saucers white and colored Best Stone Battel all Sizes Starrs Grocery Fruit Store Oranges Lemons Bananas Thimble Berries Grapes Peaches Pears Plums Watermelons Cucumbers Cabbage Saturday AUG BUNCHES OF BANANAS AT lOo PER Thimble Berry Season is about over Do not delay your purchase any longer The local crop this year will be a failure entire ly Now is the time to secure the best value for Import TomatoesFine Smooth Fleshy Fruit basket J Choice Confectionery SS Caramels and Fruit Cordials The best in ihe land them Jersey leeCream every day Sugars and Spices for Preserving Another Supply this Week Main tit North Newmarket Telephone i WNSTARR AH will receive A L

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