Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 10, 1900, p. 6

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if f 1 I i H WW THE i j Jl Jdf around lie fctfAT WKAWAKI5 AMI Church lias to hold a Peach Festival and I awn at- Orchard on lie town of Mr Turk oh Thursday of next week- Tills Has talked of for number of years enter- will by the on The proceeds arc to a Wired to a few needed repairs and paying off a debt en church We look for c crowd i also Harvest is rushing Farmers report good crops corn iia completed and running again new promises to give good satisfaction Berries have been plentiful hut are nearly over to the joy of the tired and Threshing season is commend ii and are ready for It Pearl Morris- spent Sunday in Newmarket Humor says our lias now au- to Issue Postal Notes reported here is to 1e a store started in litis vicinity Dr Livings tub preaches at lope next o- Delightfully hot Mrs Lour arid Mrs J Hughe spent Sunday at Mist -Georgia- apimf part of last week at Orchard Mr is his own these days Mrs it of Toronto Is visiting friends hero at present Mr and Mrs Thomas spent Sunday in Mr of Toronto Sunday here with Ids aunt Mrs Mrs of iJiornlilll in her slater Misri of is visiting her sister Mrs T has returned to her home In Toronto after a two weeks Mrs Mr and Mrs arc spend ing their holidays visiting at Newcastle Mrs of Toronto a few day test week visiting iter brother Mr It Mr Crake and a of gentlemen Sunday at the Lake What I wrote concerning terry- pickers was a The told mo And I can by alt con tradictions QLFMWlhUK On Wcdneaday evening of next week Aug a grand garden party will be held on church grounds in this place under the auspices of the church program con sisting of short addresses vocal and instrumental music will be provided has been secured for the and every effort will be put forth to make it a success A cordial invitation is extended to all o IHCLHAYN The reopening services of the Chris tian church on Sunday were attended with much success A large and at tentive audience greeted Win in the morning Hev Levi Hairier and Krai of were also present and look part in the service in the evening the house would not accommodate all who came to to Sargent The choir of Scott Christian church took charge of the singing at both nerviccs and rendered beautiful anthems which deserve special mention The collec tions morning and evening amounted to over This amount will Ikj added to the Ladies lid Fund The neat tea in connection with the Ladies Aid will he held on Aug WU at theiiomeof Mrs Albert J Rose Tea will be served on the after which a short program given welcome o q Vltl 10 A young Dutchman has come to slay At Mr Ed- well pleased Messrs arid Wright were in Toronto oil Satur day Mr and Mrs Embury return ed on Saturday after a two weeks visit at Messrs Fred and Frank Pearson were home from Toronto on Sunday and Monday Mr and Mrs Thomas were visiting at Mr Fred on Sunday Miss Link has returned from a three weeks visit in Toronto Mr and Mrs Lloyd of Newmar ket were visiting at Dr Pearsons on Sunday Misses of are visiting at J J Terrys driving the sulky rake on Mon day last Mr Geo Wight had the to injure his foot Some part of the rake gave away and al lowed a lever to fly up and hit Mr Wights foot bruising it badly For tunately bones were and the injured member is doing nicely We had some extremely Jot easier on Sunday and Monday last- est it has been for quite a white Mr and Mrs A a three weeks visit in Niagara ROACHS POINT The traffic between and Point was so great on Satur day that the ferry Agnes was obliged to make double trips Miss Mann and Miss of Toronto are the guests of Miss Fer ris The ice cream parlor and lunch room of Miss Ferris is well patronized this summer Miss Ironside and two other ladies are visiting with Mrs Tillett this week- Rev J A conducted the ser vices at Mr Hastings last Sunday afternoon a good pre sent Mr Young and Mr June of Toronto spent over Sunday at Mr Youngs One last week the Sir Lady- smith had an accident which caused her a trip to to lie repaired- The christening Mrs- J Boyds baby took place in Christ church last Sunday The many friends of Mr Lyman Crittenden will to hear he is very ill and little hope his recov ery A very large number of strangers spent Saturday and Sunday in our midst A number however went to Morton Park and found that there was little room there also The Point year is drawing large crowds Mr Win Young of Toronto spent Sunday and at his home here Mr and Miss fleW of Toronto are spending a few days with Misses Ferris Mr Geo Hubbard and Mr J Ferris fipeut a few days here lost week Certain ones in intoxicat ing beverages say I have no business to meddle hut when individuals in dulge in it to such excess as to more than- brute leasts and a public nuisance I feel bound to Hold them up as a warning to the rising genera tion I hale the stuff the devil a roost potent ally Oh I loathe it for the evils it has wrought other wise good friends and But candor obliges me to admit thai its taste is most alluring A very argument A devotee to the uses this argument in sup port pi his use of the stuff God made all things and pronounced them good therefore tobacco is good So are stramonium aconite and other poisonous weeds good but not to be used grandpa Lady occasionally accom panies Aaron to our market Rickety bang rickety hang aw old buggy went full sail thru Owl town one day last week tires felloes and spokes and the old sorrel horse livened up its gait off came the tires and felloes and spokes tore up a horrible dust The old man had been to town for sonic medicine for he missis and was also feeling pretty good himself as he had stopped at our local drug store and got some medicine also The best of friends must part Two good friends met and filled up with Then says one Are you a letter man than me Oh I dont know says the little chap If you think you are climb oh says the big chap So the little chap peeled his coat they fit and fit till the big chap got he reckoned on so he laid whip to his boss and ran off They dont speak as they pass by now so says an eye witness bills were as plentiful in this section as some other varieties of Bills a fellow could afford to have a big blow out occasionally There are somewhere about twenty odd Bills so I believe Rev Percy sold a number of hand some volumtt throughout this section last week A lamentable but true fact that in this section of country there are about individuals living with he wives and husbands of other persons Its disgraceful A Mr Pollard tenant of Robert little farm is a model gardner He takes his produce to Jacksons Point and as he has what the campers want garden truck and the campers have wants they have no difficulty in making a deal He takes seven or eight per The congregation of the Free Metho dist church hero are proud to think their church was dedicated free of any incumbrance and took up a large collection for current expenses A church mortgage is not a very desir able plaster Black and were some of the choice epithets used by an Owl- town dame towards some respectable neighbors Sorry to have it to re cord John Miller has an immense crop of sugar boots Thos Yates has the boss mangolds Theyre big but I say how big See em for ye self is painting the base line school house A dandy bath tub Geo Tom I son made an immense lank for Dan Cam- eighteen feet long three feet wide and two and a half uwk In a pinch it would do for a family bath tub primary design is for a wa tering tank Mrs las Miller Is of on a short visiting lour A soft answer away wrath Solomon says in Proverbs with a woman Mr Sollermaii a soft an swer only waken her more angry Paddy evidently knew as he told his lordship concerning his wife Sure shes worse than the 1 honor Oh no says the Judge says Paddy for dont the say resist the I and hell flee horn you an if ye resist her shell fly right at ye Miss is very affectionate just now The young minx is- very bold in her advance to boys watches them when they go in bath ing and then makes love to them How deeply I regret the death of young Haines in Africa The Owl Whew It a been hot all the go Farmers on gt The summer vacations have brought numerous visitors to vicinity Among them we see What of Mrs Livingston of Toron to Miss Mary if and Mr Brougham bit ing Davidsons at the High lands Mitts of Bloom Is the guest of Miss Mrs T Bcunic of Toronto is the guest of Miss Alice Winch Rev J McKay wife family are visiting at Miss Maude Mortons Miss of Toronto is the guest of Mrs Mr and Mra Frank of To ronto are visiting friends in the neigh borhood Miss Irving of Toronto sjwnt Sun- da with her friend Miss pard Mrs of Toronto is at Mrs Winchs Mr Holmes Davidson of Brock Co spent Sunday under the parental roof The P was led by Mrs A Winch on Sunday evening The topic will he introduced by Mr Henry president next Sunday even ing A new jeweller arrived in town on Saturday last Our popular Postmaster General looks quite charming and cool in bis new white suit Rao is Agent for the Krft at Button and Is lied to subscriptions col loct for all of printing promptly attend Mr arraigned before of last viz Colo and at the resi dence of Mr YatC3 Indian Agent Charged selling liquor- an In dian denied and the case trouble is caused by the debasing traffic Seven flve Cent of the crime committed due to it and the heavy burden plac ed upon the community the endea vor to punish the perpetrators of it whito the misery and wretchedness caused by it Is beyond the power of language to adequately describe Ye we pa a professedly christian feu by perverted of reason sustain it Shame Mr Geo A left this week for Saul Marie He will be with engaged geo logical work WHAT i A Mm l A Jin -o- Mr Bert Cane and hi occupied Portsmouth on Sunday Mi and Mrs A It spout over Sunday with tlio campers ringing on the out from Orchard Beach last Sunday evening was beautiful The Americans at Mr Olivera camp were Mm Hawkins of Toronto in spending a couple of at Zephyr Villa and May Lloyd from Buffalo daughter of Mr Lloyd Town Clerk w spending her vacation at Col Lloyds camp Mr J Dickson has consented to take the Lesson at next Sunday evening There were boarders at Manns over Sunday and at Fern wood There must be about people summering between Echo Hollow and the south end of Orchard Beach Mr drove a bus load up hero on Sunday o OAK How doth the busy little Boer Hide in rocky kopje Until the British charge once more And then makes them We to see that Mr Morgan genial chief at the Met ropolian power house who was in- disposed for a few days has fully re- covered The of the pavilion at Bonds Park last Wednesday night by the British Canadian Band forth a crowd of upwards of three thousand people and in every way a success The com pany have omitted nothing in the way of accommodation and have no doubt Bonds Lake will ere long bo a very popular resort Born To Mr and Mrs Ball a Mr Gregory who at ono taught the Public School hero was taken suddenly ill JaaiThursday after noon and the doctor pronounces it a paralytic stroke At last reports his condition was unchanged Miss Lucy Norman a former resi dent of this place leaves to join her brother the Rev Norman missionary in faroff Japan May she have a pleasant voyage Master Gerald of Pitts burg Pa who is visiting at Captain Eustace Smiths Lake Wilcox is ser iously ill with diphtheria but fa favorably under skilful treatment of Dr Hillary editor or the Richmond Hill Liberal Bays it is easy to fool the Toronto World We lontj been of tho same opinion as to news of York County which can too often be called a mix up misleading statements to It pays to in the Era Mr Alex of fort IVrry High School spent a few days with here lie to Wood Ik thence to during ihe holidays lie v Morrison of Bristol sottinlaw of Mrs Kenneth Cameron with his wife are spcmlii a few holidays with friends here A cricket match between Sutton and Roachs Point was played on the at Ihe Briars last Thursday week Score Roachs Ft Sutton 7 winning by 15 runs with eight to fall The have returned home after an extended visit friends draper of British Columbia formerly known here as Kerr the popular milliner at Mr J I is calling on former friends She is the guest of Mrs Cuttle Miss Flofa is spend big her holidays pleasantly among friends here Sutton Civic Holiday will be held on Monday The Sutton Baseball Club will on that day an excursion per Enterprise to Big Bay Point and where a baseball match will fie played be tween and Barrio teams This a holiday at Barrie and and Big Bay Point is to he the central place of meeting A good time expected Mrs of Toronto came up on Saturday to see friends and returned borne on Monday Miss Brace of sister of Rev A Brace is visiting at the parsonage here Mrs of Toronto is visiting at John her brother-in-law- Mist MabelS of Kingston daughter of Mr A a former merchant of Sutton is the guest of her untie and aunt Mr and Mrs Silver Brae Miss Minnie Roadway and of Sutton are visiting friends at Spruce Mrs Hales of Toronto eldest of Mr and Mrs Hill who has been visiting with her parents sev eral weeks returned home on Tuesday last week Mr A Crosier barrister c went- to the city last Wednesday on busi ness The Rev A If Brace of the Rev A P Braces father will preach in the Methodist church here next Sunday evening Mr of Sutton has a contract at Island with his yacht at per day and expenses Has WOT on stop Aim LAST A LIFE J HARDWARE PAINT QA I ETC 9 J NWS NEWMARKET AjA gi fAiAiA a A JOTTINGS- if you or Callow Hondo Feat Logo of of you do use Dr Warda Blood and Pills to counter- net these Why Be cause they contain all the natural elements necessary to build up the human system The way to a cure lies the road from the stomach to the blood nerves All food is Acted by the stomach pre pared for absorption into the system m Pills help to tired and a glow tiuwgh the frame Ml jfouficH getting well you Bft and Mmd Oat Mr Manning of Newmarket was calling on friends on this townlinc on Sunday Mr Hamilton and sister spent Sunday with friends at Miss Addle of Toronto who has been visiting her sister Mrs Corn- with the past three weeks returned to the city on Wednesday Miss is home on a visit The cute arc turning out well in these parts pecks to the bushel The grain in this section is going to be good Oat crops will bo very heavy Mr Rowland sold Mr Elliott a blood on Monday last Threshing is the order of the day and the toot toot and the of the machine can be heard in all direc tions HOLLAND Whew Aint it been hot the last few days Monday was a Mr George West had a valuable horse that was overcome with the heat on Wednesday- It laid down and turned up its toes A very interesting game of cricket between the employees of the Ontario Pump Co and the home team was played at the Park on Monday The heat was so intense that they quit after playing one innings each and scored as follows Toronto Land ing J The following spent Civic Holiday here Mr Murphy and wife Miss Ellorby Mr Murphy A and Chapman Chap man John Chapman Joshua and Chapman Thome I Barker and wife Richard Manly and several others from the city Mrs Johnston and daughter Mrs of Toronto spent Friday and Saturday last visiting friends here Miss Young and Miss K Murphy of Toronto are home on vacation Mr and wife are visiting at Mr Miss of spent Sun day at home Miss Grantham Miss Kvans and Chapman took in the excur sion to the Falls on Wednesday Messrs K Greenwood Taylor Geo and Taylor all of Sutton spent Civic Holiday here A Boyd of Michigan is the guest of Mrs Lane The English Church Garden Party which was held on the 1st a financial success they having cleared in the neighborhood of Are you going to take in the Excur sion to Big Bay Point and on Tuesday next Every one should take advantage of the cheap trip and enjoy a days sail on the Lake A child of Mr J Fennel Norwood fell into a pail of milk and was drowned Hie Most Tasteful Printing AS EVERYDAY ACHIEVEMENT Not socalied High Ait wonders with twisted rules and inane ornaments but wellbalanced typogra phical work carrying an artistic air clean even that will win the good opinion of every man who views it We from a card to a GET OUR ESTimATES SEE OUR And you will get your Printing clone at Job mm Farm to Rent North half lot con Old Survey Kldif Township This as the TUG ore clay fair and ra Io Apply t once W FOB That lot Timothy Street know as Old Church Lot the beat building sit in he To wo to For particular apply ss Eight Wear Eight On I to return our tor tho uni- sympathy ill n learning or toy ton who waa 1 In Africa We appreciate It and are to that he to Stray Came upon lot the of rabury about the of July Sh Country post to Almost Good and water two other For further apply Voters 1900 Our work Us quality It the wear It is the very we cad fetich pwe because WO rtgbt- like finish line you leave your order with my ten of of York Hold by J fi Head of Yearling Cattle Owner la refloated o property pa lake them away Notice that I have ialtt4 or delivered to the mentioned in and of Ontario Voter at Act the required by to bo the to act persona by revised ai3eoient roll of ajd be- to vote lathe a election a too aumbry and at municipal and that the aid tilt up at my on the day or called upon to examine raldUfitaad If or any other round therein to take corrected according o DAVID Clerk Newmarket Dated tola day of Under One Management from the to CHICAGO and MILWAUKEE The Peoples Popular Route Great Tourist Line To NIAGARA FALLS BUFFALO YORK PHILADELPHIA WASH INGTON and all Principal l lb South and bvlte reaches- alt Points in the Western States- and tuciiSq all Foreign Guides Time apply Jlli iS3A a r

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