Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , August 10, 1900, p. 3

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1 -j-tstot- iSr-7M- W r THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG imt Ifelft Iioeal Hems WHAT IK ABOUT Tall Conn Mr has corn garden the jo feet inches high highest wo have in On anybody tetit of which This is Ihb vicinity Bond Tiro audience which listened to concert given the Hand last Friday evening was very ap preciative judging from applause flc band played and it is safe to say that was never In shape than rat due In the untiring of Band master McDonald Among applications for of the Separate School the choice fell upon- Miss of Zephyr v Bonk Hie I moved into refitted next to the Era office afternoon and lite mana gers are certainly to he congratulated for fitting in such excellent style The elm trie Wiring is concealed and have tan added in keep ing with the surroundings A new awning ftl adorns the front Of the building i ta one of ho of the Town now dont forget it when entertaining visitors About oil Monday an accident occurred on Street for tunately did not prove very serious A man from Aurora was driving when the horse gave a sudden and he Tell out of the light wag on a wheel passing over his body The hurra stopped and Some person in the neighborhood went to the mans assistance lie was taken into Mr and after a wash he felt bet ter and proceeded home He was cut about the fare some and considerably hut fortunately no bones were Head Hurt- Jack Turand was diving down at dam last Monday and while go ing a log ho hit head or snagon the log quite a- of pain for a time One cannot bo too careful when diving under water where there are logs and the like under the sur face About people witnessed a match oh Tuesday evening between Specialty and Canes Factory innings played and the result was to In favor of the Specialty stomp it Out CigarcMouniokiiig in an evil as great intemperance and the ladles of have under taken a cruKde of a moat character in starting an agitation against It If the use of cigarettes Mr- Isaac Silver intends Mr liar try is improving premises on St by potting a new fljfingson his veranda and a coat of paint- Mr Isaac on Prospect Ave has had a new addition put to the back of bin house thereby making a decided improvement Two now are going up at the North end one for Mr Cook and one for Mr Mr Kirby Is building a new veranda to his Mr Hewitt is touching up the woodwork of Mr Roches Who fiaya isnt a pretty Clean beautiful jrcfa attractive lawn home like and hospitable people all place Wo like to have the- news find all there la going want it when not or four weeks after when it has started to decay The boy a take great pleasure- in at Lake warm There is one thing- we have to be thankful for if it is hot in the day time it is coot at nights and people get a good breathing spell There was no quorum at the Coun cil meeting last Monday evening Only cheese made at Newmarket Factory last Monday pry weather is Tf KS i has got his plans to erect on the vacant lot lie residence of Mr were confined to grown men the evil lb would not of great proportions but ready and habit takes possession of house this summer boys at an arc when aire unable to control their appetites and almost Prospect Ave before they know it they become slaves to the use of these coffin nails us they have been callcil moving The It were successful on Sat urday- in taking a view or what is known as a moving picture of Wharf showing the arrival of the detraining of the unloading of baggage and transferring to the steamers Al so a view of steamers on their depar ture up the lakes Another pic to re of a regatta scene at was on Monday These pictures will lie shown throughout Canada and he United States and at the Paris Fix- position The have mow seven of Park and Mr Cans have brightened by a new coat of Fancy French Muslins regular for Colored Pique at and Fancy Plaid teens regular for Specialty Ladies Blouse Stock Collar regular for Stripe Blouses regular for the supply of milk tll This is awful hot weather for Skirting moulders but between the Co and Toronto orders there is no let up at Gardners Foundry The of and their friends l 5c hold their annual picnic at Morton Park on Wednesday next Council Plaid Goods meets on Tuesday evening the Comment A contemporary says Newspaper men arc blamed for a lot or things tlcv cannot help such tilings as using partiality in mentioning visitors news folks and leaving out about simply print the news they can find An editor should not be expected to know the names and residences of your uncles aunts and cousins even if lie should sec them of on the train Tell him about it Its news that makes the newspaper and every man woman and child in the neighborhood could be associate editors if would Please hand in your personals and all other news items When to Stop you are convinced that a paper deceitful it that it is unclean lacks enterprise and news stop it paper that you dishonest and When convinced stop it When it fails to give you Kill dont stop a to be honest courageous enter prising and clean simply because its editor has written Ms own sincere views instead of yours or somebody elses for if you do you are putting a premium on insincere journalism and serving notice on an editor that the way to success is lo write what he thinks will best His readers in stead of what he honestly believe the truth Things Conversing with a monument dealer the other day he told us the ideas of people were changed very much A few years ago the man who in life would have purchased and had erected a monument in life lot in the during life time would have been looked upon a little oft mentally To day it Is no unusual thing to receive an order from the living to put in position a granite or marble slab and there arc instances where people have had prepared under their own inspec tion the vaults We think we can see no good rtttson for the placing of monuments In life by those who are able to do so Observation discloses the fact that when the matter of pro viding a slab is left to the heirs it very often is never done They may quarrel over the division of the estate hut often there is no monument erect ed over the grave of the one to whom they are indebted for the wealth and comforts money brings This may be but not always It is noticeable that the pure white monu ments once the only ones used now- share the honors with the blue and red granite and the contrasts give variety if not beauty to the cemeteries Firemens About took in the Firemens Ex cursion on Wednesday and it was evi dently enjoyed tho the day was a hot one Quite a number of people took ad vantage of the opportunity to leave Town the previous evening Four wellfilled cars left here at am and the evidently bad a good long day Three more loft at am Some or people were ready to on the oclock car lo spend the day city but nobody had ex cursion tickets to sell Those who went to the Falls report that they had a very pleasant day Some returned home about pm but those who waited for the last did not get home till oclock a The Metropolitan carried the people all right but there was some plaint about the way they were crowded in the front cars Some men say they had to stand all the way homo again which was anything but comfortable The Fire expect to clear over on the Excursion consequence Aunty Mil has our thanks for sample of her homegrown tomatoes measured inches around The Friends is to provide the program for the Gospel Temper ance meeting next Sunday For Days Only Teeth cheaper than ever at A I next the Post to clip the following particulars from the Independent of Midi as the parents of of the contracting partite are well known in and the bride is a of Mrs Fred of this Town A quiet marriage ceremony place at Sanilac Centre the contracting parlies being Miss Jessie of and Otto A of Way City The many friends of Mrs Thormann unite in wishing her a long and happy wed ded life in Much the Independent joins The newlywedded pair left on the evening train for their future home amid a shower of con gratulations and rice from a large number of friends of the bride who were present at the depot Mrs is the youngest daughter of Mr ami Mrs John Wilson of this place was a universal favorite with ail- Face Injured Mr Walter Thompson of Holt brother of Mr Jesse Thompson of met with a painful acci dent on Monday morning Ho had eiLHagcd with Mr to go with his outfit for the season and had only at work about ten min utes on the farm of Mr John Ro gers St feeding the machine when a bolt flew up from the cylinder and si ruck him in the cheek making a very ugly wound right to the bone lie was brought lo Newmarket for treatment but his face was swollen very badly for a couple of days and Dr a little afraid of blood poison however the wound is doing matter nicely now and Mr Thompson expects to he around in a few days It is supposed that the bolt had been picked with the grain and was thus fed into the machine On Wednesday morning Mr Thomp son got word that his youngest broth er was kicked by a horse the day previous and was so seriously- in jured that he was all night The family reside at Holt Sergeant Dixon with the 1st Con tingent of Canadians in South Africa continuing his story of the March of the Canadians under date of June writes to the Toronto News as fol lows We had muster parade this morning at am so that a list of all the men Who entered Pretoria could be accurately made up 0 Co had all been ordered to shave and have their hair and the Battalion were ordered to wash helmet covers put tees and trousers so that the Battal ion might look presentable when guards etc in the town We were all wrapped up in the conviction that Pretoria would be our home for a few weeks at least when as a bolt from the blue sky came the order to march at pm To say that we were disgusted would lie putting it- very Tor idea of putting foot on veldt again was loathe some and many men who were in no condition for work of any kind but had been forcing themselves on ward to Pretoria- as a haven of rest had to be left behind in rest camp When the Battalion was marching Mr Marshall was handed a letter from one of the men who had been left in Field Hospital at Florida and afterwards removed to the hospital in Johannesburg stating- that Pte Haines late member of the ft School in Toronto and one of No Section C Company had died in hospital at Johannesburg of fever His death was entirely unexpected and his loss deeply felt by a his com rades The long march to Florida within ten relies of Johannesburg had completely worn him out and though he had often been told he had better give it up and be sent back with a sick convoy he determined to go ahead and get to Pretoria There did not seem to be anything particular the with him be was just played out and was simply marching on his pluck and grit When we left him at Florida we thought all he needed was a week or two of rest but the fever caught him and he had not the to fight it A quiet fellow but always ready to do a comrade a good turn full of grit and determina tion and very popular with the com pany untimely end has filled us all with regret Panic The guests at Hal moral House Mor ton Park Lake for Sunday August and during the Civic Holi day were Mr and Mrs A Miss Olive Lee Miss Jessie Miss Lou Miss Miss Maude Staines Mr and Mrs and family Miss Sherds Mr and Mrs Jas Edwards Mrs It Mr and Mrs- Miss Mr Geo Miss MurroH Mr Hewitt Mrs Ronald Mr Ronald Miss Ronald Mr Geo Miss I Miss Eton Mrs Miss Mr Bert Brown Mr Mr and Mrs J Ste phenson Mr Anderson and family Miss Mr J French and Mr Mr Plow man all of Toronto Rev J Weeks and wife of Mr and Mrs J Hi of New York The Cottagers are all from Toronto Mr A Morrison and family Mr Ed wards and family Mr Geo Watts and family The Guests and Cottagers at Mor ton Park consider this an ideal Sum- Resort for tourists On the very betters of Condolence Besides many letters of sympathy from personal friends and very many who have called at the residence of Mr Haines to express their sorrow at the death of their son in South Af rica the following also re ceived Springs A- June Mrs Haines Newmarket Dear Madam Permit me to Offer you my deepest sympathy i- the loss of your son who was a member of my Company will Ik Ty ing to you as a mother to know he was in bis military career a of splendid qualities and a favor ite with his officers and comrades the former had abundant in him the latter loved and respected bint as only men who face death and danger daily together can love and rrvpeci We all admired his splendid iih- an J bravery He was present at engagement fought by his Regiment and always displayed courage So plucky was I that al though ill for two before death that he absolutely refused l go into hospital as his great ambi tion was to be present Willi the of the Company On ival at Pretoria I begged of nm hospital at Prospect but he refused but when we arrived he was so weak could not go further and in the Hos pital there he quietly pawl His comrades mourn with me the loss of so brave a comrade With you in the loss Special Importation just receive J A You never fail with Baking Powder The York County Departmental Store Now is the time to buy your Black Dress for fall for in spite of big advance in prices of goods we are still keeping to the old prices which of course means cheaper than one else in trade Departments THE CHEAP STORE va son Elegant Foulard for and qualities D We made a purchase last week of over yards this seasons importation of Beautiful Silk Finish ed Foulard Sateens The Goods have just been opened up They are fuil inches wide and come in a great- variety of dainty colorings and designs Dont miss this chance to buy at half price hottest days atmosphere The Dining there is a coolness in Room in the Balmoral House will accommodate Every seat is occupied fr Morton intends enlarging his ac comodations for his guests The Following are of the the results part I Junior leaving or Public school leaving examinations The symbol P indicates that the candidates referred to have passed in all five subjects of the examina tion while the symbol P implies the candidates referred to have passed in grammar arithmetic and history Certificates and statements will be forwarded to principals and no case to ten- days The results the other July exam inations will probably be issued to wards the end of next week P Wesley Williams Hodge Pearson Terry AURORA- Coltanan Cameron Carter Campbell Cutting Davis Hartman Johnston M Hill Baker Bond Johnston Knowles Kennedy Lloyd Norman Petch The public would take a good deal more interest in High School matters if they really understood what was meant by the several exams Things have changed so much since the men and women of today went to school that they have lost much of the for mer interest The old grading of Form I til etc was more gener ally understood and we would to see the adopt something simple ft Dentist be for ail more Yours very John Color GOV Newmarket Aug To Mr and Mrs Haines and Family Friends I have been in structed by Newmarket Council T of to express to you their sym pathy for you in the hour of your severe trial caused by the death of your dear son and brother who glad ly gave his life in far South Africa for his Queen and Country and our prayer is that God in his groat good ness may sustain you in your bereave ment and help you lo look to Him for grace and strength to bear every trial may come to you And may they be but helps on the way to draw you nearer to Him Concerning your dear departed loved one we are to know that you mourn not- ax those who have no hope but believe that you with us have the assurance he has gone to be with that Saviour who loved him and gave His him and today he is walking the streets of the new Jerusalem and singing praises to his dear Redeemer Just- gone before and waiting to greet you in that Land where there will no more parting and no sorrow Jesus Himself will wipe away tears from your Again assuring you of our sincere sympathy I am on behalf of Mr Council Your sincere frienl J Green R To Mr K Haines Your comrades of the Cane Sons Mfg Co employees desiring to share in the grief caused by the untimely death of your valiant son in South Africa take this means of expressing our deep sorrow and ex tending to you our sympathy in your sad bereavement Though we cannot but rejoice in the assurance that confidence we reposed in him to bring glory to his native town- was not mis placed but as a loyal soldier sacrificed bis life for the honor of our Queen and Empire and died as a hero with his face to the foe Yet with a feeling of brotherhood we would mingle our tears with yours for our hearts are also beside grave in the veldt where our brother soldier rests in eternal peace May the God who has sustained you and your family these years give you the consolation of His grace is our earnest prayer 1 Signed on behalf of he employees Tench pretty A Thompson Newmarket ii A Vest for Fancy Worsted double breasted Light Browns and Fawns with White and Cream Spots also Kahki Duck With Fancy Colored Spots both lines with Fancy Detachable Pearl Buttons Latest English and American Styles Boys Wash Suits Gents To fit Boys from 4 to years Blouse and Pants made of Gala tea regular Ladies amain hoe Hovels authors more choose from By the popular than to Publishers prices 25c our price cents Ladies Fine Kid Low Shoes in and Chocolate Broken lines that we not re buy Sizes Reg were and Ho your choice for Ladies Hose Cents at A great variety of patterns Guar- Pure Silk Regular prices to now yard at Ladies Fancy Thread Hose sizes 19c Stripe Lisle Full range of These goods were at one time from to each Lately soldby us at each To clear what we have left quickly we mark each Wash Fancy Muslins Ginghams Sateens Prints Zephers c Remnants and short ends Regular prices were from to yard 1 1

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