Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 27, 1900, p. 7

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i put CHINA Oof Toronto lifter Ti- 0 I Chileans Summer Very interesting prices for purchasers Dinner Bets Toilet Beta Tea Bets Lemonade Bets Sand 10 Butter Crocks Fruit Jars We have a Big Stock Now the of Preserving and OUR STOCK OF cannot be excelled in quality We ask no fancy prices ami give you the best in quality The Leading Grocer Telephone Day parade and lion In city year promise to to more than usually attractive During the month of June no less than piece of baggage were handled at Union Station The Sharon Filling Club Pennsylvania are expected here today and will proceed to on Saturday for their annual outing A correspondent to Toronto World has to say- Judicial separation of the County from Toron to now a live topic and optimist predict Newmarket as the County Town should such a separation he brought alio tit The Tories finding they have failed to make any headway against the lib erals now controlling the Dominion and Provincial Parliaments are tak ing up the Independent and fostering a convention to lie held In this city on the of Sept to place candidates in field for the Dominion House Hut the guise too thin it aint all wool and wont wash This kind of a diversion was played some years ago with P P A hut the thing is old now Tho regular monthly meeting of the Sunday School Association was Friday J A Jackson A the new general secretary was present and met with a cordial reception Mr associate secretary was appointed to make a mission tour of two weeks in next month Ho will he accompanied by He v J A Don of and other local workers Prof I Jam will represent tho International Committee this year at the yearly convention of the asso ciation which will be held in villc on the and days of October Both in the city and surrounding country there has been increasing dif ficulty experienced in securing domes- lis servants for a length of time and people have wondered why it is The Immigration furnishes partial cause by tbe announcement that years ago from to sititlc women came out yearly from the British Isles to Ontario and chiefly employed as domestics Very few arc coining now and native young women are so fully employed in other industrial pursuits that IhoiC wanting domestic positions arc re markably limited The formal opening of the Industrial Inhibition here will take plate four weeks from Tuesday next A stormy scene took place in lie City Council on Monday between the Mayor and some of the A young man named Geo was sentenced to nine months in the Central by the police Magistrate for picking a ladys pocket on the street The tattoo under the auspices of the city regiments at the Island this week was a great success Rev Dr has returned to his duties at the Book Room after a very pleasant holiday in New foundland and the Atlantic coast Canadian sugar refiners this week announced a further advance in the price of grades of refined sugars of ten cents per hundred pounds controls The Toronto Plate Glass and Im porting Companys premises on Vic toria street were very badly damaged by fire Sunday morning During the conflagration an officer of the Fire Brigade was seriously injured and may die Loss estimated at A man named Fred Haddington is languishing in jail on a charge of bigamy According to a statement in Mondays Kmpiro he appears to have married three wives all living The chief complainant is a woman He was living with wife No when arrested but Haddington says there is no legal bond between him and woman No 3 and there may be difficulty in convicting him of big amy as wife No is alleged to have a married woman this would leave him as only legally married to the second woman Hon A Hardy gave a dinner at his residence in- St street last night that was unique in its way The guests were chiefly men who are keeping bachelors hall and the function was highly appreciated Dr Warden of the Central Prison is sufficiently recovered from his recent severe illness to he able to leave his room for a short period daily Mr P returned to hit vacation Phillip was Hondo in Union loot week and at pres ent has for and of Detroit An of modules has rondo its appearance our village Mrs Hughes in quite indis posed to around again roon Mr John Is Agent foe the Era at Sutton and is author ized to receive col loot accounts Orders for alt kinds of printing promptly attend to In last I promised to say a few words more on of It must at once bo ad mitted that thorp is in world no can deny it but in Christianity re sponsible for the evil that exists as some oven boldly allege J It is not Christianity hut abuse of it that cause to in wickedness lb in rather old Adam in man oppos ing itself to that which in honorable just and right A true christian life in a model and righteous highest of- which wo can form a con ception or is for man to at tain Now lot mo double with Socialists En to do this I must divide community into dunes 1st industrial and and 2nd and improvident former class obey gospel precept io contented cheerful and hap py making themselves useful and tho world better for having lived in it With the latter class it is different Everything with them is out of joint Work is a great and grievous burden to thom They have an or and yearn for earnings Good He Clipipiii X0 OX MtssloiaPles In are The following wm this morning received by Dr don from Dr from All missionaries safe Re- of within voir impossible Wire instructions July Herald a despatch from Hong Kong containing information Rev Mr and Mrs Leslie Canada Presbyterian wounded the seriously making their way to a place of safety along with their companions Twentythree missionaries of the syndicate and Canadian Presbyterian wore compelled to fljjht their way from on across Provinces of and to Hankow a distance of between and five hundred miles according to route taken POINT Opposition En furry tine is mak ing things lively at the Point has built quite an ad- defended itself until oclock on the second day of attack when Col re lieved tho city The next day rein forcements arrived and a fierce to his wharf at what was form- an artillery duel was kept up all day known as Point and The who previously number- placed a ferry known as Lady- between there and Kwart It carries passengers cheaper than formerly paid and Mr Mann intends making a wharf for it to call Bo far there is no reg ularity in her trips Since writing I learn that Mrs has engag ed for own private for next weeks Prom reports wo bear soma portions are guilty of offence bordering on highway robbery A foreigner board ing at hotel here was supposed to a considerable sure of mOUQV on his pcruon and when out gathering he wnn so frightened by the of four of whom demanded his money and the report of a revolver that fan took rofugo in a neighboring house and left Urn Point by the firt ferry Whether this is were Chinese After a short resistance he routed them and occupied tho town Reports received by the general staff state that troops despatched to assist the workmen and Chinese on the railway who are at fc vVR -y-r- HE f I- Automatic and Blue Flame Oil Stoves Simple to Operate Fully Guaranteed of industrious want to true or not such reports aio very Creatures Of Habit SHARON a Thousands of Business Men still spend ttme and money travelling when they might do their business quicker cheaper and just as satis factorily by Long Distance Mr and three children are hero from visiting Hit daughter can fairly piano talk Two fifth- finest plants north of onto are in Sharon Mis them They are both over J The hum the whs 1 in our this week Mrs Terry is visiting in Mw of Michigan is on vibit to her A Rose Mrs of Bond Head has been visiting sot Mr I Long for tho last month of Newmarket re a guest at hat brothers Mr Crake Miss returned to home in Port spending month Airs and MiM lire spending a few weeks with frieiidtf in Toronto a life of ease indolence and plesurc and share and share alike the hard earnings oE those who have gained it by tho sweat of their brow Christianity does not bring about this condition they away with In this matter I of what I know and testify of that which I have repeatedly aeon enacted Church of England Garden Party postponed on account of the death of Dr bo hold at Rectory on Thursday of this week Several Methodist Sunday School coining from Bradford and other places had their annual excursion to Jacksons Point last week Mr claims to own the fastest yacht on this ftido Mr James fireman on the Enterprise is obliged to up the work on account of the heat injuring his sight Rev A P Brace loft on Monday for Island Mis Brace has been there for a time Before ho returns he will have an in teresting ceremony to perform vir- of the marriage of llii wifes sis ter The Bond of Toronto are with their uncle and aunt Mr ami Mrs The Sunday School held their annual excursion to Jacksons Point last Wednesday Excursion from to the Point last Tuesday Mr A Hunter of is visiting with I that the names of passing Entrance Exams were ic corded in last weeks needless ho repeat Mr Wm Ramsay of Dig Bay In let formerly of Sutton is on a visit here at present He has been away for about years and is actively en gaged in trie building trade which he reports very lively New tinsmith at the hardware store Mies of Roachs is visiting John Tbe Misses Moore of Toronto were up here on a short visit Miss Hay of is here for a weeks visit The Manufacturing Co of Toronto held their annual excursion to Jacksons Point last Saturday Mr and aud aunt of latter all of Toronto who have been spending a few weeks here left for home hist Monday A watch was played be tween Sutton last Fri day at the latter place Sutton the victors Score- Sutton one innings two innings Mrs McDonald wife of Mr Don ald sr her rest last Thurs day morning Blessed the rite in the Lord The pub had first annual to Point last Tuesday match was to bo played between arid Sutton but the weather would not permit The team had an innings when rain further proceedings Scoru It is expected that Newmarket and Sutton I teams will here today Wednesday damaging to the Point as a summer place The Japanese told it himself but i was only a firecrAcker and nil a joke One week Mrs Tilled lifl to call at the St House and just slip in the back door However in she mistook on of doors and down the cellar stairs Fortunately she iaapyd with Out serious injury present cut off advancing success fully in all direction The weather is fine The waters of the and Bhilka rivers have risen consider- ably which favours the movements of the troops London Wednesday July A despatch to the Times from dated July says that Li-Hung- Chang is much He walks sup ported by retainers and appears to bo physically unfit to undertake the overland journey to In an in- he expressed the fullest confi dence in the safety of the foreigners in the capita and reiterated his state ment that if the party had been guilty of horrible treachery of their deaths he would absolutely refuse to attempt to negotiate with the powers He repeated the story of communication with the and added that the fighting Stoves operate similar to the well known dent Lamp Yvu light extinguish and adjust tho by simply raising and lowering the burner Screen Door Screen Windows IceCream Freezers Pure Parts Green Binder Twine Agents for fflassey Harris Repairs J A GO w Firemens I xo and Mrs Pox of Detroit are guests at his fathers Mr Fox Miss Graham of Toronto few days last week at Mr Seymours with Miss Aggie Mrs of Aurora spent a few days last week with Mrs Stephens Master Charlie Love who has staying with his uncle in Aurora las been detained there Urn past ow ing to his having fractured an arm Jumping oil and on a truck on the Metropolitan Mr Blackburn is recovering from a severely sprained ankle Master and bis cnuin Mas ter Marmalade of Toronto arc stay ing with Mr A Davis The sale of the Estate of the late Stephen Rogers took place on Tuesday last Bids were given on the farm at and the old home on at Neither we are were sold Mrs M Proctor and Miss merit drove to the berry patch the other morning got all ready to login plucking luscious fruit and found they had not brought anything to pick in We can imagine we cin see them sitting down and laughing over their forget fulness What about that new house that we hear of on the line Well endeavor to report from mm to week the success attending Samuel at the Ice Cream Parlor The past bad and that the foreign troops were holding a position south of the bridge while Gen Slangs troops wore to the north of the bridge desired an intimation from the commanderi at TienTain that an on was now as the would shortly bo leaving the capital He aid be intended to await further news of their movements he went north When goes to he will be escorted by troop who are now mustering in the prov ince Firemens Excursion be held on Newmarkets Civic Holiday Wednesday Aug Good for Two to Niagara Falls and Toronto Metropolitan Ritlway and Ckipptxra and the of the Brigade XO TENDERS to the under- and Tender Poet ic Oat will be received at 3rd of a building for Post O nee Customs and Inland Revenue offices at Plana and specification can be and form of tender aod all obtained at and at or Esq Persons tendering are notified tbat tenders will not bo units made on tbe furrn signed with actual signatures Each tender uet be by so ac cepted bunk cheque made payable to the the Minister of Special Cars been chartered to accommodate One wiehiog to go by the oclock Beat wiH leave at by will leave am For the convenience of Aurora Two Special will from there ihnB caving any crowding that might ReinrninK will be ready at North Toronto on arrival of the ChUora or Excursionists return on regular Boat or not later tban Thurs day I900 the Roctnd To Niagara Falls Adults 165 Children To Toronto Adults Children 40c stop st Hill Fare from Richmond Bill to Niagara Falls and Return year Eicorsion goes over the Famous From and from which as Scenery any in America- n be Tickets may be purchased from of tbe Committee or at A tons Store Partita desiring to go to can Tickets at Bridge lo fen per of Public of the will be If tbe party de cline Into when ii i If do fall work for the lender be Dot accepted the cheque will be The Department dots not bind iUitt to ac cept the or order JOS HOY A I Department Public VorJcs Ottawa nib July J Chief Of Fire J HUGHES Secretary of Committee i- En Bert J advertUetnent Week he IS holding OVn With the without the Department will boys and promises well The boys that attended the Garden party say they have not been able to eat anything ever since Mr Geo of is assisting his brother John putting in cisterns etc What about that broken out of that Keltleby on Sunday evening I guess some young man stepped on the spoke and it gave away Mr has leased Mr farm for a term of not be for It Do you think of If you do write THIS SUMMER years of Toronto TRENT CANAL TO tis Chinese Killed by the Russians St 20 The who the town of concentrated on the hank of ha were severely I at of which wan burned l the Iip1 Are of the The latter have at the on tin river Chines by ihe attack of the vhloh rfoa from both and front and killed 2000 of own toot to the Tender for Canal will bo Ted at this until V Pup noon l0 for to Was the guest Of MIS J I Cur- a ftw week and Lake which will a be divided tiro Plana the work and Of Contract can at the office or the Chief Engineer Department of railway and Ottawa or at the Superintend liHf where forma of can be obtained on aod Tues day July there be attached or name the the and place or d of each member or the nieaod furth er an accepted bank cheque for the sura of rauit the tender Tor each aciloa been over to the Minister of ana Canals and will he forfeit the part tea Into contract wort at ibeifif Tun accepted in be returned tender art not accented mint hind tender order K JONES J JyM Ls liIvtrt 1 S OH LIMBED NEWMARKET J And gel prices Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows LL THE Artistic in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory in Cor the PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc Iig for It Thb Wm Cane Sons Co i iT I iiirj ihity

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