Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , July 27, 1900, p. 6

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i v w S3 SMr THE NEWMARKET ERA 1900 widrtvaxk am Mr and of were Mi camp over Sunday- Mr and Mrs of Newmarket arid two cousdii were gueMs of Col for a days Mr Herbert burner felt of Toronto spent a week at Zephyr Villa were 20 for dinner at Warms Boarding on Sunday besides own family- Miss Millard of Jackson at for ft week Miss Cane and brother Sunday at camp Mr has consented to load the Bible Class Inglewood next Sunday evening Mr Plum- contributed two cornet at meeting Mr Rout and wife also Miss Ansel Hell were the guests of Alderman Trivet I at collage last Sunday A bus load from spent Sunday at Morton Quite a party enjoyed a fine free trip on one afternoon last week Mr Smith of Smith Bros Newmarket will Ik at Or chard Beach and Point every Monday during July and August wjH receive prompt attention Miss Kilty of Brooklyn who has ken visiting with Mrs for three weeks left yes terday She expects to spend a week Willi Airs J A Bell nee Miss Jackson at on her way iiome A vow boat vfrUed tin river last Friday and brought In J Water lilies and A Mr Byron Oliver is here from Woo- Ohio for vacation A parly of college teachers And are com over from Ohio to spend two months at Mr Olivers camp Mr J Dickson arrived from Or- on Tuesday and is preparing camp for his family ALLEGE CORiNERS The rains of recent date were glori ous teats A clicking of he binder is a gentle reminder that the execution of the harvest has just Miss Grant daughter of Mr Ezra Grant of Hurts Falls formerly of is a few weeks visiting relatives and friends A lively rivalry to exist the dairy and butler buyers on the markets White the fac tories do all the work ami pay their patrons to IP cents per pound for butter the market buyers are templ ing their patrons to do all the work for or 17 cents per pound Which is most profitable this hoi weather The majority say send your milk to the factories Messrs J Smith and Will Miller have each purchased a wagon Mr John McNeil is I he first to haul grain into the burn He also mak ing preparations to his Good work On Monday at noon last week Mr Joe instead started and cut of wheal notwith standing the rain thai prevailed it was an excellent crop Me Arthur struck il rich when he took an agency for the Peter Ham ilton Co at selling the Bonnie hinder and other imple ments Mr Albert jmrcbased one and as the head agent and Mr did not appear and the wheat was ripe we went to work and put together oursleves We were she first persons in years to put thai kind of binder together and il was miming like a charm when the agents came They gave us great praise and it has not a sheaf which all hinders are prone to do when a straw gets the bill book Mr Edgar and Miss Ida Minor of our community were success ful in he recent Exams Not ninth travel was on the road last week as most farmers were quar antined with the harvest The creeks that were dried upfor a lmiK timewere overflowing The berry pickers art numerous It looks like old times to a fon the patch I wasnt aware that the Owl wore No shoes No doubt one would feel the in leather very abundantly The corn in this vicinity is doing remarkably weil the rain Ive heard no tall reports yet Mr Win Grants hinder got- a cari ous notion in head Its gave out a trip to New market ibty started it aain went wrong with the then they had- to go lo the earn wheel on then prodding to work else went wrong which took another trip to Newmarket for a spring to keep the do in its place Its not very encouraging when one is with a lot of ripe grain Last Sunday was Court day The recently seen at garden parties making good progress Hon or the Joker presiding Dr Forest and daughter of Mount Albert paid Mr Rose a visit last veek Mr- Nelson had two bindery down his wheat last week Owing to IhlsJncrcAfiOd force ho had about of hay In all that rain which- generally roakw the amount of work that to Queen in tin busiest we know of campers arc daily moving lo the lake Everyone bravery but many a burly man is afraid of a wo man who trembles at the eight of a mouse- A goodly have cut their thought It no good for hay Those that did not will reap bene fit of the prices that arc being of fered In many places The person that down and waiUs to be appreciated will And himself among the uncalled for baggage- after limited express has by so says The Joker Baldwin Too congregation at Gum are a time next Bab- bath The early bird gets the seat Standing room lor late arrivala vices at 10 am and pm recent have mado a marked in crop under charge of Mr Holt working at the Egypt Blue by band coin ing into this section The Chug Co bought Crittenden J Kester JIB about us and many smaller sell hot Has Phillips who was badly crippled last a train is still obliged to depend on the friend aid of as a of loco motion If the Itll- Co wero we hope Ran will bis suit for damages against them There are some wild girls down at Theyd better treat Sammy the re or hell have them advertised in the Ho aint taking no stock in lightning rods or Long Jimmies Kheppard teacher daughter of Ellis is home from Manitoba for her after an absence of three years It to me that of those I on in far oil west urn missing tun of that dont ftrnap a treasure as Kiiza Shes us as a cricket out in his gar- den week by Ihe river when he saw what he thought was a snake with two hind legs el- He stunned it with his cane and it lo call hire to see it When he returned it wsi Now Tommy is a truth ful old man given to visionary yams and from what he tells of it I inclined to believe it may have a young alligator Two bottles accompanied by an Grandma and returned from visit oer the Ioicol didnt long an they got fidgets Theyre Irish you know and seem second to an- probably duo to A Garden Party under of the Presbyterian Church of Egypt will be held on the grounds of Mr You ate cordially invited four Misses will make you feet at homo It recorded in book of Holy Writ dovit entered a of and all violently down a hill into and were drowned A somewhat similar occurrence took place on Sunday morning with old sow fihewas in mischief in a neighbors field shorty was sicked on and the old rip down hill into tho river and I believe 1 was in her Youd say so it yon caw the damage she did to the grain fields Sunday visitors At Ben Mr and Mis Mann Keswick and lb Mioses Anderson of Vachell at Geo Mr and Rose Cam eron of con If every body the above young ibru my glasses would and best the land they certainly possess all graces bat combine to make lovely woman hood Geo Monro took a contract of for and raising road in the hollow west of the village well ho did his work he put about worth of labor on it This bathe tho wrong tree in the rig did not to bo imposed upon and lolvo the ho no doubt would done had not others interfered Wo would our young people to go quietly ho church and mind own business gsiy MM ia I J The beginning to move Owing to recent showors tho for a Rood crop is Mrs Detroit is visiting at fathers Mr Mrs and son Archie of Omaha ore visitins at Royal John who ill wo are pleasod to say is some bettor Mlas and Mrs Hani- ton of Toronto have been visiting at Mr John tho past Missoa homo sporfding vacation Miss Morton returned to city tost Monday Mrs J Wise formerly of this place was colling on fiends on Monday SPSrtLOKT Business is business We never interfere with peoples business but attend strictly to our own We have no hesitation in saying that we have the Best Machine on the Market and those who have given the a fair trial are unanimous in pronouncing it the Best Machine they have ever used The following testimonials speak for themselves Nbwmarkbt July I Stanhope Toronto Sin We have Binder returned by Alex Shields snd started it in very heavy fall wheat with two The wheat was tangled and down We cut all around the field and took up down grain no matter which way it whs lying No could do better work than it did did shocking and the shelves have square butts which the sheaves from never had Rookies J o- ffOB rice I Ml lot on Timothy Street fctlown fin Old neat ID the Town For imrUtihira to July P Stanhope Toronto I driven the McCdrmick Hinder bought by Mr John Romero Street and I find it a light runner There is no weight or Side draft on the horses It wo a very hot day and did not sweat any It is also very easy to handle I and cut and handle anything that grows no matter how- tangled or flat it is on the ground and not leave any thing in of grain The sheaf carrier is very easy to handle It is worth to any person of apology or a were parading one day week By and by they struck in the country the man wilh them Finally they ffelt weakkneed and sleepy so Jay down the road to rest still holding tight to the man They were discovered thus with the dark mantle of over them I should think somebody would the fear of the law before them end not sell a man to bottles I want you to under- though Im no whiskey inform r wo see A Terry driving through burg en route for Sutton From practical experience we can say that has a remarkably manner when extracting that even the most stubborn molar cannot resist The three IDSs have heaps todo on their bimonthly visits to Sutton The Chinee seems very one According to my it would require a million initsionaVfvS to convert one Chinee instead one missionary lo a million Chinamen Its a big problem Li Hung Chang Now if somebody would hang Li that would sove the problem The Belle Jerusalem does get up and regardless of time seasons or The other evening she was gailavanting round town with a winter jacket on storm collar turned up her snide diamond bejewelled ears The evening was warm The beauty looked worm al so Our good friend Smith of Jer soy on us last week prior to taking residence in the me and Johnnie have been faer friends for many a day Mis and Mrs Browne of Toronto have return ed home after visiting their brother and sister Jacob Smith and Mrs Jno Hamilton A very rare occurrence Four trains the pay car excursion train campers train and the ex press and mail train up on One of the worst possible combina tions is a whiskey flask and a red nosed man Shun them One of our has a wigwam in the bush to ho retires to sober after a lon blow out but as he takes of bottles labelled Old Rye and be comes out looking very seedy The annual and of Tent No 190 of Knight of the announc ed to take place on Thursday Aug 2nd and will no one of the mi of the season The steamer is engaged to take the party to Big Bay Point and and the faro is only for children half price A Hand will also accom pany the and add to the the day A great con venience has also boon secured for for Keswick people The steamer ie to come down to new wharf for at catling at Roachs Point at Mor ton ami JncksonH Point 10 am leave Ha trie at pm and arrive homo early in evening Now that the weather is settled a most delightful trip antici pated and the public are invited to join the Maccabees in enjoying the outing Rev Dr Warden of Toronto Treas urer of tho Presbyterian Mission Hoard has kindly consented to preach in the Methodist- Church next Sunday at 1030 service We hope the Dr will greeted with a full house Last Sunday morning Turk and Kirbv contributed two beautiful duetts which wero very appropriate to the service Jlr and Mrs spent three weeks with Mr and Mrs Ernes Miss is visiting at Mrs Mr Dick in putting a stone foundation under his house A young from Parry Sound bought a lot here and intends building next spring and also a few more houses are going up Mrs Jewell has returned home Mr John is getting a new from Mr limes There is a bit of trail down lovers lane on Sunday evenings to our ihoSIil did l In ihU power in help us during of very for Hie of have AuniR Farm for ale ilio of lot CO own- ftiiipoi or lu an excellent atuteof cultivation of the UTlilL-ikfgnvl- A Nkwmaukkt July I Stanhope Toronto Sir I have had the Binder re turned by Alex Shields We took it on trial and it worked as well as any machine could work in as heavy piece of tangled grain as is grown in the Township of King or any other place It had lumbWd down bo it headed out and grew up again and the second time the opposite way from whioh it did the first time tried the Harris Hinder in the piece of grain and it could not handle it The Harris machine never did give me satisfaction John Newmarket Holland July Stanhope Toronto J am sorry I returned tho McCorrnick Binder as I believe it is doing good work since it adjusted by Mr Manning on the of John Hog but the gent It Smith of New market me take a be fore the agent could get lib expert here to fix the one I had from you as I your his Alex Alt Witness mark J Wesley Agent Newmarket North York License District la a liccn to Hie Hoard love el roru Ike Tavern of of of North Toronto AJ HUGHE Jngpeclur We have placed in slock a Urge assortment latest and most fashionably mounts manufactured in Germany which we invite you to in spect Ask to see our SPECIAL IVY CARD winner Out door viewing a- grouping prompt and cartful attention A call I market Roachs Ft Lake Open for all Campers and Parties Newly furnished for the season Prepared lor public comfort in times of extreme heat Ice Cream etc Built Right Wear Eight MOONLIGHT A Refreshing Cup The cup to truly cheer must be of the best quality properly cured and dried We supply your demand in this Cm Our work Us it Show It ho each wc jracc pi tec If you Jlke fatyle nicety of finish fine wtjrablQ you want to leivc your order us my Tailor Main St Grocers Newmarket J There is every that the Excursion will as it was last year one of the moat popular of ifiiAQD it will be at a popular time for just between fall wheat and the other spring rain We look for a crowd Miss Earl of Sutton an ex- school teacher is visiting friends this week heavy rain on Tuesday was a disappointment to farmers as fall wheat and clover was just ready to draw in Mrs Conceit still continues very ill There was a grand turnout at the Meeting last Sunday evening Mr Toronto who is sum mering on the shore to take the subject next Sunday evening On Saturday Mr John a barn on the Dr near Roachs Point This is the ninth barn this season He has more yet to raise Mr Roy Morton ran into a rig one week taking a spin on bis wheel and bad a narrow escape of being severely injured if not killed as the abaft came near striking him Fortunately he escaped with very little His wheel was smashed up pretty On Sunday evening young man driving his best girl homo from another young man in comp any with other young people tried to bo by ihe by the and Promenade Concert TO onds Lake Wednesday August 1st PARES From Toronto to Bond From From aurora From BRITISH CANADIAN BANS Boats Steam launch at disposal hose Ail good pi- Toronto market at AdinUftfonto 10 iCf liotdlns Tickets We Are FCR THE HOLIDAYS- iiAj VjT finished in all the Latent and at tin Prices Finely Finished Cabinets at dozen roost artistic at dozen and Water Colors Portrait Pictures and frames of all kinds iml to A SPECIALTY SEALED to the aud AUtratlonsof to Elevator Toronto will uniUTutidftJ Hie thirty July I fltid a of and all Information obtained at doparlmcotflnd at Curry that ttudora will not be on tbe printed form lgned with their actual Bach tender be by fin made payable the the of Publlo TO JOBBING HOUSE Work cent of tender it par up bo or if he fall to the work which will bo forfeited if bo party to Into a contract when ton to Relit- Apply to Main St Home- Teacher Wanted ifale teacher for School Section Duties alter fiu tamer vftcatloa- Apply fctalfoj- and to authority from will bridle ano stopping him hut he for If be wot the will bo lisctr to e- cept the lo vest or under By order it of Public Works of CauadA 1 authority It PIRSTOLASS Engine and Threshing Machine Outfit A KcUlebyPO- For or apply to box aft 4w2T WANTED At once a gtntrl servant of property ree ipTrosblDi or do mouth Apply promptly to Under One Management from to CHICAGO and The Peoples Popular Route Great Tourist Line To NIAGARA FALLS NEW YOB K PHILADELPHIA WASH INGTON ted all Principal in nd Points in the Western Tickets to all Fore fir For Tahiti fill from Grand A Air em Toronto rfrJ otw

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